Note, this article had the title,'Paris riots: Islamic terror unmasked' originally, but was later modified to 'Paris riots: Islamic militants unmasked'
The original title is still available at this link (at the time of posting this):
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To: CarrotAndStick
"...disaffected technophile youths looking to have a "punch up" with police."
They wouldn't be looking for "punch up" with the police if the police would put them down hard.
2 posted on
11/07/2005 3:25:56 AM PST by
To: CarrotAndStick
The French authorities on said that the rioting, inexorably spreading across the country, seemed increasingly well-organised and appeared to be coordinated on the Internet by bands of disaffected technophile youths looking to have a "punch up" with police."
Well ... there you have it folks.
Let's see ... Without the internet there would be no coordinated insurrection.
Obvious solution? Ban the internet, or at least allow the UN to take it over.
Yeah ... that's the ticket.
3 posted on
11/07/2005 3:27:53 AM PST by
(The greatest enemy of these United States is the Democrat Party)
To: CarrotAndStick
The French still don't get it. The Islamist militants want to destroy all non-Islamist.
5 posted on
11/07/2005 3:37:13 AM PST by
( ("We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." - H. Clinton))
To: CarrotAndStick
I certainly hope police don't begin to target young Muslim males in the effort to crack down. I would hate to see them stoop to racial profiling. Go raid a few retirement homes instead...
To: CarrotAndStick; All
Is Paris Burning? ( Religion of Peace® Alert )
Click the picture:
Islam, The Alleged Religion of Peace® ( TARP )? Click this picture:
No, I am not exaggerating. Click the pic, go to "last," and read backwards.
If you are not informed about this stuff, you will be made sick. If you are informed, you will be made mad, all over again.
Kindly note tagline...
7 posted on
11/07/2005 3:47:32 AM PST by
(Anyone recall "A Clockwork Orange?")
To: CarrotAndStick
Note to French: If you insist on sleeping with rat infested dogs - you will eventually catch rat infested dog disease (RIDD)-
9 posted on
11/07/2005 3:54:42 AM PST by
To: CarrotAndStick
Coming soon to an American city near you.
12 posted on
11/07/2005 4:53:42 AM PST by
(Legality does not dictate morality... Lavin)
To: CarrotAndStick
Three little words that the real Mayor Daley said to his PD during the MLK riots would stop this PDQ, "Shoot to kill".
14 posted on
11/07/2005 4:54:55 AM PST by
(Leftists are moral and intellectual parasites - Standing Wolf)
To: CarrotAndStick
Sikh community leaders, who make up a small but newly-vocal and highly-visible religious minority in France, told TOI they had so far stayed away from the ongoing troubles. But they admitted the authorities' red alert on potentially troublesome immigrant youths might bring the focus closer to South Asian communities as well.
It really tough for the Hindus and Sikhs in Europe. First you are likely to be targeted by the Muslims for being infidels. Second you will be targeted by the racists whites to whome you skin colour makes you an enemy. Third you will be targeted by the police who are likely to "mistake" you to be a Muslim and even otherwise you will be treated with disdain and suspicion for being dark skinned "South Asians".
A time may come when things will go so bad that India will have to consider evacuating the Hindu and Sikh population from places like UK, France and Holland, like how we did in Afghanistan after the take over of Taliban.
To: CarrotAndStick
A time may come when things will go so bad that India will have to consider evacuating the Hindu and Sikh population from places like UK, France and Holland, like how we did in Afghanistan after the take over of Taliban.......
.....I would prefer we drop a bomb or two before we leave.
To: CarrotAndStick
Sounds like they are testing a new method of terrorism.
It is cheap. It is disruptive.
17 posted on
11/07/2005 5:04:34 AM PST by
To: CarrotAndStick
The French have simply become too sophisticated to competently defend themselves.
18 posted on
11/07/2005 5:08:12 AM PST by
To: CarrotAndStick
Perhaps that unfortunate incident where that Saout American man was shot by the British police while fleeing in the Tubes will help prevent this sort of thing in London. The way the Brits reacted to 7/7 shows that they would not tolerate it.
20 posted on
11/07/2005 5:27:01 AM PST by
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: CarrotAndStick
The left bank begins to look more and more like the West Bank every day.
I say we get the U.N. Security Council to pass a resolution condemning the riots and imposing econominc sanctions on the rioters. Then we can send in teams of inspectors to find out whether or not there really are any Muslims in the affected regions. Meanwhile, the U.N. can pass more and more resolutions demanding the rioters stop what they're doing and play nice-nice. The rioters call sell French wine under a U.N. sponsored Wine-For-Food program.
It should only take about ten years or so, but it will work, trust me. France can prove to the world their Iraq strategy was correct fromt he beginning.
24 posted on
11/07/2005 6:49:58 AM PST by
(Demolib Playbook Rule #2: If you can't beat 'em, filibuster. If that doesn't work, go to court.)
To: CarrotAndStick
Now that the car-burning has spread from France to other countries, we have International Mooliganism.
29 posted on
11/07/2005 7:48:01 AM PST by
(Bowling for Columbine's youthful angst + Fahrenheit 9/11's political passion = MOOLIGANism)
To: CarrotAndStick
...litres of fuel and hoods for hiding rioters faces...
I like the hoods part. This makes the job so much easier. You wear a hood, you're a target. You find a bullet ridden body wearing a hood, no sympathy...
31 posted on
11/07/2005 8:27:17 AM PST by
To: CarrotAndStick
Masked terrorists throwing molotov cocktails from motor scooters..... thousands of cars torched....... police should be authorized to shoot such scumbags on sight........ but that would get a lot of Euro-panties all twisted up.
33 posted on
11/07/2005 9:07:01 AM PST by
(Joe Wilson: "I don't know anything about uranium, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night!")
To: CarrotAndStick
"The continued rioting saw violence erupt around one of the grandest symbolic, touristy images of France in central Paris, the Arc de Triomphe..."
This is the first I've read of this. Does anyone have more information? Yikes!
So if this is all being driven by poverty, exactly where are these "youths" getting the money for internet/text messaging services, motor scooters, gasoline for the bombs, etc.???
38 posted on
11/07/2005 9:48:00 AM PST by
(The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. - Edmund Burke)
To: CarrotAndStick
A carpet warehouse in Paris (Aulnay-sous-Bois) is burned by Muslim rioters, plus another warehouse is also set on fire in Le Blanc Mesnil area.
41 posted on
11/07/2005 6:25:48 PM PST by
M. Espinola
(Freedom is never free)
To: CarrotAndStick
No, no, no. ABC Radio news at 6PM this evening reported that the riots had nothing to do with jihad. Why, they even had an expert claiming that it couldn't possibly have anything to do with radical Islam because all the Imams had called for an end to the riots.
I kid you not. They actually reported this.
The MSM knows that when America understands the true threat, Democrats lose.
42 posted on
11/07/2005 6:29:48 PM PST by
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