Posted on 12/08/2024 2:48:27 PM PST by Libloather
GEORGETOWN, Guyana — Guyana is revisiting a dark history nearly half a century after US Rev. Jim Jones and more than 900 of his followers died in the rural interior of the South American country.
It was the largest suicide-murder in recent history, and a government-backed tour operator wants to open the former commune now shrouded by lush vegetation to visitors, a proposal that is reopening old wounds, with critics saying it would disrespect victims and dig up a sordid past.
Jordan Vilchez, who grew up in California and was moved into the Peoples Temple commune at age 14, told The Associated Press in a phone interview from the US that she has mixed feelings about the tour.
She was in Guyana’s capital the day Jones ordered hundreds of his followers to drink a poisoned grape-flavored drink that was given to children first. Her two sisters and two nephews were among the victims.
“I just missed dying by one day,” she recalled.
Vilchez, 67, said Guyana has every right to profit from any plans related to Jonestown.
“Then on the other hand, I just feel like any situation where people were manipulated into their deaths should be treated with respect,” she said.
Vilchez added that she hopes the tour operator would provide context and explain why so many people went to Guyana trusting they would find a better life.
The tour would ferry visitors to the far-flung village of Port Kaituma nestled in the lush jungles of northern Guyana. It’s a trip available only by boat, helicopter or plane; rivers instead of roads connect Guyana’s interior. Once there, it’s another six miles via a rough and overgrown dirt trail to the abandoned commune and former agricultural settlement.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Anything for a buck.
Sounds good as Jim Jones was a Raving Lunatic Leftist from California... Maybe name it how to screw people and then kill them?
I understood that it was cherry Flavor-Aid, not grape.
Warm climate. Better take plenty to drink.
I can’t see it being that big of a money maker. It was a terrible time, but it’s not well remembered as other events.
I hate to admit that I would go see it if I happened to be in Guyana, which is highly unlikely
There’s a new documentary every few years, it still has plenty of interest. Might as well. No like Guyana has many other ways to make money.
It will be a bargain. YOu only need a one-way ticket.
20 years ago that area was controlled by the Rastafarians. Nobody that wasn’t Rasta went in there but if they did, they didn’t come out. If Guyana succeeds in producing oil that could make a serious dent in the dependence on money laundering. If that’s still going on.
Any difference really than touring Auschwitz? Both the aftermath of madmen it would seem.
It will be a bargain. You only need a one-way ticket.
I have been there and lived in Georgetown for two years. This is a site to avoid. First off Georgetown Guyana is probably the most dangerous city in the world; you are safer in a war zone. Second the distance from Georgetown or the time is too much in a dangerous part of the world. The area is overgrown and the highlight of the trip is an old tractor with a tree growing thru it....
In Georgetown they will rob you for a plastic watch in broad daylight.
The only pro’s to a Georgetown visit is that there are two Rum makers there, and one is responsible for the famed British Naval Rum sold by Lloyds of London; Pineapple comes from Guyana, they still hand cut sugar and the shrimp is fantastic.
Avoid Guyana. It might cost you your life. Other than in the presence of the local SF team prowling around, and the US Embassy, there is no safe place. The people there are black and India Indians. People known to have a job have their homes robbed and family members raped or murdered. The two newspapers in two are in broken English. There are more Guyanese living abroad than in Guyana itself for a reason.
Massacre means someone killed these people.
They killed themselves. This was mass suicide. Except for the children, obviously.
Great point. Jones was directly involved with the California Democrat party.
WOW, what a wonderful family vacation destination!
There should be amusement park 🎢 🎢 🎢 rides and clowns 🤡🤡🤡🤡
kool aid could be their signature drink...
I love that the J. Peterman actor voiced the cult leader in this episode.
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