Posted on 11/28/2024 10:29:19 AM PST by MAGA2017
Dr. Mark Hyman speaks with Tucker Carlson. Big companies are poisoning Americans. Dr. Hyman has been saying that for thirty years. He’s finally been vindicated.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Processed foods, especially ultra-processed foods, can have significant negative health impacts:
To reduce processed food intake, focus on whole, minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. When buying packaged foods, read labels carefully and choose options with fewer additives and lower amounts of added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats.
I’m sure a lot of this is true and it would behoove folks to take notice and act accordingly. What I DON’T want to see is an agency imposing even more regulations mandating what Americans can and can’t consume. Lay the facts out there and let people make their decisions in that light. But if I want to risk consuming the ingredients of Stove Top stuffing mix, that is my choice and I have to live with that choice. Still, I remain hopeful for better information and fewer mandates.
Profits for Ag Business and Pharma in this story.
All of us who invest in Wall Street also get something out of this.
All of us sinners what confirmation of the Gospel.
the American public has been dicked with, by the Soviets, by the Chinese, and by the CIA since the ‘50’s.
It’s no secret about our food and our water.
It’s our resilience that baffles and ticks them off.
Eating stove top stuffing once a per year, or any of the junk foods occasionally is not going to hurt you.
No it won’t but too many people eat that stuff all the time. I’m not a vegan or anything like that. I eat processed foods but I’ve cut down on them in recent years. Watching this video makes me regret all the crap I ate when I was younger.
Me too!
“To reduce processed food intake, focus on whole, minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole , and lean proteins. When buying packaged foods, read labels carefully and choose options with fewer additives and lower amounts of added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats.”
My wife was the head RN for a busy family practice group.
After about a year+, she and her doctor noticed that the Mediterranean stock patients lived longer and healthier life styles.
After a few years they had determined that these patients didn’t fall for the high carb diet. I had, and I gained about 25-30 pounds, and some cardiac issues.
So I went to their Italian diets and lost weight maintained weight loss. I did need a cardiac stent a few years ago.
My wife retired as an RN and became an unpaid pusher for the Med Diet.
60 to 80% of our weekly grocery shopping comes from the produce section. We buy meat/seafood from the butcher section.
Our dessert most of the time is a piece or two of good chocolate. She makes our soups from scratch. I maintain
my weight, and she has to eat more to maintain her weight.
I’ve watched Dr. Hyman over the years and mostly find him to be on target. But the vax and yearly flu shots are where he loses me.
I follow the way I grew up. Junk food was a treat. We had cake on birthdays, some candy on Halloween and Christmas- and hurricanes! That’s how I do it still. I drink about 4 cokes a year and really enjoy them. Same with cookies and cake or chips. Somehow thinking of them as treats has made it easy. I eat fresh, some frozen veggies. I don’t eat prepared stuff- I cook.
Whew! :-)
That’s good to know!
I live about an hour and a half from the nearest Trader Joe’s.
But a month ago I was nearby and so I went in to look around. I was surprised to see the quality and quantity of organic foods. And at good prices.
The problem I have and lots of others have, is eating out. I don’t eat fast food, but even normal restaurant food is loaded with calories.
**Profits for Ag Business and Pharma in this story.**
I farmed until 2000. Grain and livestock in NW IL. Three years ago I began helping a south central TN farmer part time. I had been away from applying ag chemicals for almost 20 years.
The usage of ag chemicals, per acre, has easily doubled. Some of that is because farmers don’t plow the trash (crop residue and weeds) under at least 5-6 inches of soil like they did ever since the plow was invented. And the cultivating of the crops to battle the weeds is almost non-existant as well.
I Confess.
I’m Guilty.
Repeat after me . . .
Taco Bell Burritos are not Health Food.
Taco Bell Burritos are not Health Food.
Taco Bell Burritos are not Health Food.
Between Covid B$ and restaurant prices and the calories, I don’t eat out.
One of our sons was a chef and knows some good places, and he will order a lunch for my wife/me, him and pick it up, about once a month. We eat it at home on our kitchen table.
Two sandwiches cost about $35 to $40’S. A tip gets us into $50. We get the tip.
I’m guilty of eating too much mac and cheese, the kind with the powdered “cheese”.
Was invited to dinner by a friend of mine, a friend who had eaten at my home literally hundreds of times. I acquiesced and hoped for the best. The food was almost inedible. I wondered how the family of five survived on that “food.” When the mother asked me if I wanted desert, I politely said no. I was never invited again.
At home my mother never opened a can in her life, save for olives to put on homemade pizza. She even baked our own bread and we never had desert. Everything was cooked fresh with a salad everyday and plenty of veggies and fruits. I know why my fried adored my mom’s cooking.
But in some ways, that kind of price/supply operation was good for overall dietary health, staying away from luxuries. Not many alive have had to pay "luxury tax" that the government used to impose on everyone.
Regarding foods, "eating out" made you use extra rationing points, so that was discouraged. Everybody ate more vegetables and baked their own bread. At school we were made to regard the nature of our diet items and balance in them.
Hoarding of scarce items could get you in trouble with the law, especially tires and gasoline (which was not scarce, but was limited to civilians to conserve the rubber which was scarce and needed for military vehicle operations). Anyone remember the age when local Goodyear or B. F. Goodrich "recapped" tires? I don't know, maybe that is still being done for the big truck tires, but what a mess when they come apart on the highway!
My Dad, a professional but raised on the dairy farm, gardened so that we had a lot of fresh or home-canned non-rationed vegetables. Dad went back to the farm any free time he could to help his dad and brother, so while there, we had the good foods that was not rationed there either; and brought some of it home, especially beef from non-productive cows and ham from pigs raised for it; and chickens, too.
In the fifties and sixties I gardened and helped my wife in the canning, so out of it our children had lots of good food, though we were quite poor. I made sure that our kids were never shy of milk and butter, nor deficient in anything nutritious needed for their development.
I'm afraid that those days are pretty much gone for today's youth. So sad.
Thanks for posting.
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