Quick! Tax every country with a volcano to stop this insidious global warming!
Evil CO2 Keeps us from freezing to death Ping!..............
Global warming was started by the Flintstones’ SUV.
So, without CO2, the earth will be uninhabitable.
Ever since they introduced "ice core CO2 data" I knew the scientific method would collapse in my lifetime.
*Let’s start decomposing silicate rock in massive scale to cool off the planet!
Computer model tuned and adjusted to produce a predetermined result?
That’s pretty interesting, because if we were not adding to atmospheric CO2, where would we be? Chicago under a mile of ice — again?
And then another question is, what brought Earth back out of being a snowball? Somehow I don’t think it was 5 billion guys on snowmobiles.
The rest of the Snowball Earth keyword, sorted:
Conclusions and Recommendations?
MORE, much more ‘study’ is needed as well as a perpetual funding mechanism to finance it.
This article says that anything below 200 PPM co2 results in all multicellular life being destroyed. Snow ball earth was low CO2. Obviously, we are up around 380PPM now, but the climate people say that it’s way up from the 270 pre-industrial era. So, they want co2 lower (I hope they aren’t shooting for less than 200).
This article gives the last 800k years of data via glacial ice cores. You might notice that over the course of modern humanity 12-15k years, we have been very close to the bottom 200ppm co2, or almost wiped out from another snowball earth.
If I were looking for a stable environment, with less risk to all multicellular organisms, I would think about 420-480 ppm would be the goal.