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FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST PFIZER (VACCINE CAUSES CANCER) FULL TRANSCRIPT and link to 20 minute video ^ | January 30, 2022 | The Iron Will Show; Dr. Daniel Nagase

Posted on 01/30/2022 12:57:12 PM PST by ransomnote

ransomnote: Please take a moment to pray before reading the transcript or watching the video. Yes, the content is very painful to read/hear, but God has been, and always will be, the One to stand with us in all that we face.
Nothing is ‘too much’ for God to handle, and we can just absorb His strength and lean on Him through it all. He loves us, and has a plan for us, even through sometimes we may not understand it. And, He uses us to help each other. Prayers up.

Freedom Of Information Request Pfizer (vaccine causes cancer) (

Begin Transcript:

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): “And you’ve been able to go through them. Would you please tell us what you’ve found?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Sure. I have to give all the credit for the Freedom Of Information Request and the procurement of these documents to the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency Organization.
And this organization, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, they did an excellent job in forcing these documents to be released to the public.

So what’s really significant, is that these are the adverse events reported to Pfizer, between December 1 (2020) and Feb 28 (2021) of this year. And these results in this report were approved for distribution to regulatory authorities and government on April 30, 2021. So this is old news. This news is months old. It came from before the summer.

Can you see that article that I pulled up? So this is the cumulative analysis of post authorization adverse events reports received through the end of February of this year (2021). If we look at the sidebar here, it was approved for release on April 30, 2021. So this report was released to the appropriate authorities and government on April the 30th.

So let’s go down this report here, and start looking at some of the numbers.

So this is page 6. “It is estimated that approximately,” and they redacted the number of doses it is….. an unknown number of doses of BNT162B2 were shipped world-wide. And first temporary authorization for emergency supply was on December 1st. And the results in this report are going from December 1st through February 28th.

Now the important thing to realize is just because the doses were delivered on December the 1st, not everyone got their dose on December the 1st. So these adverse events that are being reported, they can be in people who had the vaccine either on December the 21st and had adverse events all the way through the 28th (February), so over a period of 3 months, or it can be as short as an adverse event reported in one day. That is they could have received the shot on February 27th and reported an adverse event on February the 28th.  But for all intents and purposes, I’m going to go with a rough temporal average saying that the people that we’re discussing with these adverse events on average had this injection inside them for about 2 months or just under 2 months. So let’s get into some of the results.

Here in Table 1 (ransomnote: the bitchute video displays this table at the 2:54 time mark, but it is too blurry for me to read). So the relevant cases - 42,086 people.

“People who had not recovered from their adverse event”  - 11, 361.

11, 361 had not recovered.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): That’s 30%.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: It was about 20%.

“Recovered with sequelae” - so they recovered from their adverse event, but then they had a permanent or lingering disability, 520.

“Fatal”, 1223.

So if you add up those three numbers, the 520 who had an adverse event but some permanent disability after, so “recovered with sequelae”, the 11,000 who had not recovered from their adverse event at the time of this report, and the fatal reactions – the total of those three is over about 30%. It’s about 31% of people have some time adverse reaction with no recovery, and then ‘unknown’ is 9,400, so that’s about 25, or just under 25%.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Dr. Nagase, as shocking as those numbers are, would you take one moment to please explain what sequelae is.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: So sequelae is some type of problem that lingers, even though you recovered. So let’s say you had extremely high fever with seizures, then the sequelae is that, you know, the seizures never actually went away, that you keep getting occasional seizures every now and then. Or, you have paralysis of an arm or a leg after the seizure and that just doesn’t go away.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): So, I want to make sure I’m understanding this, this document from Pfizer, from their own study, shows that over 30% of the people that they injected this into have had an adverse reaction to it, and over 1200 of them died.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: That’s right.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Has there ever been a point in history where that would have been acceptable for a vaccine?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Absolutely not. That wouldn’t be acceptable for any medication. When any  new medication is brought to market, this magnitude of side-effects, 31% either died, had permanent disability, or were not recovered, that’s absolutely – it’s insane that at the time of this report where it was sent to government to government authorities, which was April 30th, that this drug, this injection wasn’t pulled off the market immediately.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Now you just said something very significant, because I hadn’t connected the dots here, this was released to our government health authorities in April of this year (2021).

Dr. Daniel Nagase: In April.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): So they’ve known about this now, for what, 8 – 9 months?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Exactly.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Wow.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: This should have been taken off the market on April the 30th, immediately. A 30% side-effect rate is unheard of, for any medication, for any vaccine.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Unbelievable. Dr. Nagase, would you please continue with your analysis of this document?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: So, you know, I want to focus on two specific populations, pregnant women and children. So let’s start with children first.

‘Pediatric cases’ – okay, they’re going through here, there were 34 instances where children under the age of 12 were given this injection, between December 1st and April 28th.  Of those 34 children, 24 had serious side effects - 24.

And, of those 24 kids who had a serious case after getting this injection, 16 had not resolved at the time of this report, which was Feb 28th

Oh, sorry, 13 had not resolved. 16 were resolved or resolving. 13 had not resolved and 5 were unknown.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): So now we’re talking 40%.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Right, so 13 out of 34 people having a non-resolving side-effect? That’s 40%. That’s nearly 40% of the population. So right in Pfizer’s report is the absolute reason this should not be given to children.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Well, there’s an absolute reason they shouldn’t be given to anyone, especially children.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Especially children.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): So our health authorities know about this. They know that they’re gonna get a 40% adverse reaction rate in kids, and they’re pushing it on people anyway.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: The politicians, the government officials, the health authorities, the health ministers that are involved in approving, and then pushing this injection on children, are absolutely criminal.

And this, like I said, this information has been known since April the 30th. There is absolutely no reason why this injection should have even been considered in children.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Alright. Please continue, Dr. Nagase.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: So, the next specific population I want to look at is pregnancy.

So, out of 274 pregnancy cases, where pregnant women (video time mark is 9:00 minutes) receive this injection, there were 75 serious reported clinical events. So 75 divided by 274; so let me just work out the percentage there. That’s 27%.  A 27% serious clinical event instance out of the 274 pregnant women who received this.  Any pregnant woman who received this injection after April 30, 2021 should be suing their obstetrician for malpractice.This is absolutely unheard of.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): With this 27%, that we’re not even talking yet about what might have happened to their babies.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Exactly. We’re not event talking about the genetic damage. This is just the damage they discovered during the first 3 months, between December the 1st and February the 28th. A pregnancy is 9 full months. We don’t know how many of the other cases that were non-serious in the first 2 months might turn into serious events: miscarriages, still births, birth defects, deformities, developmental delay – which is where a child doesn’t develop the ability to walk, talk or think at a normal rate. In previous years it was called mental retardation. We have no idea what the long-term effects are.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): So we’re looking at something that can make Thalidomide look like a joke.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Absolutely.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Absolutely shocking.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Right? And even before this was released for trials on humans, the genetic effects just from a pure cell biology, a theoretical standpoint, is extremely dangerous.

Even before this experimental medication was released upon people, human beings, the theoretical dangers of inserting mRNA into cells were well-known.

The dangers of inserting mRNA into cells have been known since the 90’s. They’ve done cell culture experiments. They’ve done all sorts of experiments to find out what kind of effects happen when you introduce something that a cell normally keeps out of it.

For example, a normal cell has a cell membrane, and the whole job of the cell membrane is to keep unwanted substances out of the cell. So a normally behaving cell – it has a cell membrane. If there’s a piece of DNA or RNA floating in the fluid that the cell’s exposed to, it’s not going to let that in. It doesn’t want to. Why would a cell want to let some unknown substance into it? It might kill it. Right?

So all the cells in the body have all these evolved mechanisms to prevent them from absorbing abnormal substances. And one of those abnormal substances is mRNA, and segments of DNA.

So what they had to do in the construction of this injection is to fool the cell into accepting these mRNA segments. And how they did that was they used a lipid nanoparticle – so they coated the mRNA segment in a coating of oil, of lipid. And the coating of lipid was designed in such a way that it would merge with the cell membrane and then release the contents of that lipid nanoparticle into the cell, which was mRNA.

Now the problem with cells in development is that there’s a certain thing that cells have that we don’t actually know the full function of yet. It’s called Reverse Transcriptase (RT), and for some reason, cells, especially cells that are developing, such as in embryos, and cells that are developing in children, because children aren’t adults yet. There’re called children for a reason; they are still growing; they are still changing.

In cells that are undergoing change, they have higher levels of Reverse Transcriptase activity than adult cells that are basically static; they’re not changing; they’ve completed their development; they’re just doing their business until the end of their life-span.

Cells that are in development – they transcribe segments called Retrotransposons, and Retrotransposons are genes that we don’t understand the full function of yet, but it does seem like the Retrotransposons all seem to transcribe Reverse Transcriptase, and this Reverse Transcriptase takes anything that’s mRNA and it reverse transcribes it to DNA. Once something has been transcribed to DNA, it can get integrated into the nucleus of the cell where the cell’s natural DNA lives. So it can permanently change that cell’s DNA, which changes that cell for the life of that cell.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Alright. So, Dr. Nagase, I just want to clarify a couple of points by asking a couple of questions.

So this greater preponderance of Reverse Transcriptase within children would be the explanation for why we’re seeing a higher percentage of adverse reactions in them. Is that correct?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Absolutely. Absolutely.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): So now, I want to get a little bit technical folks, but stick with us because we’re going to turn it into plain English.

Dr. Nagase, I did some homework before this interview, and I looked up Reverse Transcriptase. So I’m going to read to you what I found and I’m going to do my best to turn that into plain English. Please let me know if I’ve got this right.

These activities enable the enzyme to convert single stranded RNA into double-stranded cDNA. In this case the ‘c’ stands for ‘complementary’– it doesn’t make any difference; it’s still DNA. And then this DNA can then integrate into the host genome from which new RNA copies can be made via host cell transcription.

So in plain English, what this means is that mRNA is getting into the cell, it’s hi-jacking this Reverse Transcriptase, that already exits in a high preponderance in children, to turn that RNA into DNA, which will then make more RNA.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Exactly. So a cell has been turned into a forever spike protein factory, for the life of that cell.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Alright. So here’s my important question now, because our health authorities, and I’m using that term with a great deal of cynicism, are trying to reassure the public that it’s safe to inject into their children because it’s only a third of the quantity that they’re injecting into adults. 10 milligrams versus 30 milligrams.

But if this is going to go into the cells, and it’s going to make more of itself, does the dosage make any difference?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: No. As long as there’s enough of a dose, even if it’s a one-third, one-quarter, one-tenth of a dose, it only changes the amount of time it takes to produce so many copies of itself. It will just take a little bit longer at one tenth of the dose than at the full adult dose.

There is no safe dose for this injection.

ransomnote: The transcript continues below but I want to give you a break for a moment, because this is difficult content.

I am grateful that GOD WINS, because the New World Order's assaults on our DNA will likely cause us significant challenge. But He did not create in us a spirit of fear, amIright?

Time for 1 minute of Theology 101 Class:

Class, did God give us the spirit of fear?
Which of the following versions of Timothy 1:7 answers the question?
A. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
B. For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, and of love, and of wise discretion.
C. For God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.
D. All of the above.
Grade yourself, and be honest. 
The answer is D.
So according to His will, God will defeat the weapons formed against us (Covid-19 virus and vaccine RNA), as we have prayed, if the MIT/Harvard scendario proves to be as serious as it seems the Deep State intended. Or He will  use our challenges to show us and the world who He is.

So it is an outstanding game-changer for us, that God has given us His promise that He will never leave us, never forsake us. PRAISE GOD!

End of Theology 101 Class~~~~~~~~

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): And just to clarify, you stated that this is making genetic changes within the body that, as far as we know, are permanent, they are life-long.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Exactly. Permanent changes.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): I’ve talked to other epidemiologists and virologists about this and what I’ve heard from them is, that as far as we know right now, there’s no way to undo this.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: One something is in the DNA, the only thing that will get rid of it is the death of that cell.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer):  Wow. I’m sorry. I need a moment here.

So everything that you’ve just told us, Dr. Nagase, from what it does in the cell, to what they had to do with this lipid coating to make it enter the cell – is there any way that we could term this as anything other than a bioweapon?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: It would be – it would qualify as a bioweapon. It’s designed to cause permanent changes to the cell, to trick the cell into producing a non-human protein that has no benefit to that cell’s health. The spike protein itself is toxic. The spike protein itself is mutagenic – because it causes mutation by inhibiting DNA repair.

So if you are injecting something into people that causes their body to produce a mutagen, a toxin that prevents DNA repair, that is by definition causing harm to people, and injecting people with something that causes harm to them, through a biologic mechanism – well, that’s pretty much the definition of a bioweapon.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Right. And just once again I want to reiterate this because it’s so important, our supposed health authorities have known this since April.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Known since April.

Scientists would have known that this type of an injection would cause DNA damage since the 1990’s.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): Alright, Dr. Nagase, I want to move on to a statement that you made, and you’ve publicly stated, that you will provide a medical exemption to anyone with a family history of cancer, because in your opinion, these injections also pose a special risk to cancer patients.

Now the first question I would have, because I know our viewers are gonna want to know, are you still providing those exemptions?

Dr. Daniel Nagase: Unfortunately I can no longer continue to accept exemption requests. It’s because of last night I was 3200 exemptions behind. So that’s enough – those are exemptions that will keep me busy till, right through to the middle of next year.

The Iron Will Show (interviewer): That’s perfectly understandable.

Dr. Daniel Nagase: And there’s so many people who are desperate, with heart-breaking stories, cancer survivors, people who had cancer themselves, not just people who lost their brother or sister to cancer. We’re talking about people who are in desperate positions, who’ve had terrible medical illness throughout their life, and now they’re being forced to take an injection despite having beat cancer, they’re being forced to take a cancerous injection, even though they’ve already overcome cancer.

These are such heart-breaking stories and I just don’t have enough of me; I don’t have enough doctors in the world who are waking up and saying, “You know what? I should do something good for my patient. I should give them an exemption for an experimental injection. I should be trying to help my patient.”

And I’ve been extremely disappointed by my own profession, and I’m trying to write as many exemptions as I can, but at the end of the day, I think the only way through this is if we as people can get together and say, “No! We are not going to create this society, we are not going to contribute to a society where people have to beg their doctor for an exemption from a toxic substance.

We have to change in government. The public health departments need to be dissolved and rebuilt with new people who follow science, who follow truth, and who follow most importantly, the principles of basic Human Rights, where nobody can force upon your body something you don’t want.”


ransomnote: The Deep State cannot defeat God. We are seeing events unfolding now that were written in the Bible thousands of years ago. This is all a surprise to us, but they have not surprised God. 

Holding the line.

Buckling up.

Praying up!

GOD WINS, let our enemies tremble in horror as God knows what our enemies are trying to do and what their evil plans are for the littlest among us. They are the ones who need to crouch in fear, not us.

The world around us is not suddenly different; this  fight between Good and evil has been going since Eden, and our current enemies have been attacking us our entire lives. All that is happening is that the masks are coming off. 

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Psalm 139:16

Thank you Heavenly Father, for Your unmatched sacrifice of Yourself on the cross, so that if we ask you to be our Lord and Savior, and accept your sacrifice for the foregiveness of our sins,  then at the close of our lives, we will call Heaven "home" and experience Your love forever. 

ransomnote: Prayers up! Let’s join the truckers around the world as they stop abusive governments from running the country and her people into the ground. Let's refuse to move, refuse to comply, until our abusers realize they can't win.

A simplified version of the discussion of the Reverse Transcriptase is in a prior post on FR here:

TOPICS: Cheese, Moose, Sister; Conspiracy; Dimensional Doorway; Miscellaneous; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: 0000threadstalkers; antivaxxcoven; antivaxxcult; believeanything; believeanythingcrowd; braineatingqvirus; clckbait4qtards; conspiracynonsense; covaxtruth; covid; covid19; covidobsession; dumbingdownfr; fakenews; flunkedmath; freepathonkiller; fuzzymath; gethelp; gulliblefreepers; hahahaha; humblestalker; ifitsontheinternet; isawitontheinternet; itmustbetrue; letsgohumble; letsgoransom; letsgovaxtards; mathishard; pleasegethelp; qtardsallthewaydown; randomnut; seekhelpnow; spamsomnote; stopspammingfr; tinfoiltime; whatajoke
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To: ransomnote


41 posted on 01/30/2022 7:14:58 PM PST by dadfly
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To: brookwood; ransomnote
But Steve Kirsch and Ransomnote will be back tomorrow with 19 more ridiculous posts.

Knowingly so.

Intentionally trying to mislead FReepers.


42 posted on 01/30/2022 7:21:21 PM PST by semimojo
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To: semimojo
Knowingly so. Intentionally trying to mislead FReepers. Shameful.

Says the guy who intentionally tries to mislead (lie to) Freepers on the daily, beginning with the fact that he's a banned liberal troll formerly known as Mojo and CONSTANTLY shills for the deep state on this site. And whose latest project is trying to make people believe this derp state bio-weapon (covid/vax) is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, while ignoring the cornucopia of hard and observable evidence to the contrary and acting like it doesn't exist.

I'd call it shameful, but you have none. It's completely disgusting and Un-American and you need to get out and leave real Americans alone.

43 posted on 01/30/2022 8:02:58 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: ransomnote

I was absolutely riveted to this article. Thanks for posting.

44 posted on 01/30/2022 8:30:45 PM PST by jersey117
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To: brookwood

If you are using any stats coming from DC or Atlanta, you might want to doubt them:

Especially likely BS since Fauci et. al. area constantly redefining what it even means to be “vaccinated.”

45 posted on 01/30/2022 8:42:33 PM PST by Freedom56v2 (It's not the job of the unvaxxed to protect the vaxxed. That's the job of the "vaccine.")
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To: humblegunner

I think this should be reposted EVERY DAY!

It is Pfizer’s own reports showing just how DEADLY their vaxxines are.

Like the good dr. said, any other vaccine or ANY DRUG for that matter, with these disastrously negative results would immediately be pulled from the market.

Denying this report is only possible by brainwashed morons or Pfizer stockholders.

Which one are you? BOTH?

46 posted on 01/30/2022 11:32:41 PM PST by faucetman (Just the facts, ma'am, Just the facts )
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To: ransomnote

Am I missing something? There is no total vaccinated. The article begins with total of people with a bad reaction after the vaccine. And the 30% who either died or had sequelae is 30% OF THE PEOPLE REPORTING BAD REACTIONS.

Yet both parties are acting as if 30% of the vaccinated had permanent problems or deaths.

I not going to read the whole thing if their math is that unclear.

47 posted on 01/31/2022 12:27:00 AM PST by Yaelle
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To: brookwood

48 posted on 01/31/2022 3:44:54 AM PST by David Chase
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To: faucetman
Denying this report is only possible by brainwashed morons or Pfizer stockholders.

If you can show where I denied anything I'll give you a share of my Pfizer stock.

49 posted on 01/31/2022 5:00:26 AM PST by humblegunner (Ain't drownin', Just wavin'...)
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To: David Chase

ROFL! I love it! Thanks for the laugh!

Awhile back, I saw this pop up in comment mode:

Seems they fancy themselves haruspices* over there on the Special Q thread. Apparently, A dead bunny rabbit = “black hat comms”. You can’t make this stuff up! The jokes write themselves.

Poor little bun. A sign from Q? Do they think Q is a bunny boiler?

Did they ever manage to decipher the bunny entrails? Tinfoil-encased enquiring minds want to know. Perhaps we’ll never find out, but they sure are proud of their “bunny musings”:


50 posted on 01/31/2022 8:14:50 AM PST by CatHerd (Whoever said "All's fair in love and war" probably never participated in either.)
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To: CatHerd

51 posted on 01/31/2022 10:38:24 AM PST by David Chase
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To: David Chase

Could that be ... is it? Yes, it is! Bunny poop!

I am laughing so hard my eyes are watering. Gotta go find some Kleenex.

52 posted on 01/31/2022 11:17:40 AM PST by CatHerd (Whoever said "All's fair in love and war" probably never participated in either.)
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To: David Chase

I see you have a copious supply of earth pearls with which to play.

53 posted on 02/05/2022 11:25:10 AM PST by rx (Truth will out!)
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