Posted on 12/09/2019 7:21:52 AM PST by C19fan
This might be a new one. A recent armed Toronto carjacking went wrong because the two young attempted thieves didn't know how to drive stick. The car in question was not an automatic drive, so they were left with no choice but to abandon ship.
Toronto Police's news release says the incident occurred last month at York University. The armed assailants were actually both minors.
They failed to steal the car itself because, well, they didn't know how. A 15-year-old and 17-year old boy are each facing multiple charges.
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Drive a stick shift, and always write in cursive.....
My Subaru STI is safe!
I’ve long told my wife I want to get a car so ugly & hard to drive she won’t ever want to use it.
Currently teetering on the edge of getting either a poor-condition old Jeep Wrangler or bizarrely-futuristic Tesla Cybertruck. (Latter isn’t stick, but should still be odd enough to confuse unapproved drivers.)
Definitely not a new one, we have seen numerous stories like this before where failed carjackers had to abandon the vehicle because they couldn’t drive a manual.
LOL, happened to a friend of my Dad’s many yrs ago. He had a rusted out Plymouth Valiant with a 3 on the tree he was fixing to get of, the only thing worth salvaging on it was that virtually indestructible Slant 6. He parked it at the Green Acres Plaza on Long Island, at the time considered the car theft capital of the world. Someone broken in and hot wired it then realized he had no clue how to drive a stick. As he kept stalling it out one of Nassau County’s finest happaned to be patrolling the parking lot. BUSTED!!
Trudeau’s Somalias didn’t get free driving lessons ?
“””””””He had a rusted out Plymouth Valiant with a 3 on the tree”””””””””
There are not a lot of us old geezers left who ever had a vehicle with three on the tree. I had it on my 72 Chevy pickup. Good times.
I learned to drive with three on the tree.
Cars are so much better now. They have been constantly improving for over a hundred years.
After 24 years, I took my 78 GMC long bed to the auction
Reason: The forks that operate the three on the column wore out. There were none to be had any where. I replaced with a hole in the floor and a direct connection to the transmission but It was awkward
“...virtually indestructible Slant 6...”
Greatest engine ever made... next to the Ford 289.
That’s a nice ride.
Agree. I could leave my keys in my old unlocked Subarau. It wasn’t going anywhere.
I wonder what percentage of Americans can drive stick shift?
The knock-off wire wheels and side-draft carbs. Sigh.
For an STI, they will bring a flatbed.
Ah the joy of coasting to the side of the road and beating on the linkage when it would jam between 2nd and 3rd.
‘72 AMC Hornet.
Dad’s 1960 Peugeot 403 had four on the stick. Which I learned to drive using cupped palm technique for fast smooth shifting. Slick...
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