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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...


The election is over. Jeff Sessions is "fired". Things are heating up, and THE PLAN continues apace.

After the Democrats "took" the House, and the Donald fired Sessions, Q researchers were disheartened. After months of defending "Trust Sessions" and "Mid-terms are safe", we were left wondering.

That lasted about as long as it took Q to post and Trump to make counter moves.

As it stands now, morale is high and WINNING is back on track. As the know-nothing trolls gloat in their ignorance, those of us who get it, understand. And in that undertanding, realize that for every derp move, there is a counter-move, and that contingencies are built into the plan.

The Donald's gung fu is strong. He's not the dunce that the Q deniers would have us believe, stumbling and bumbling until he FINALLY does the right thing.

How otherwise semi-intelligent FReepers can't understand the big picture boggles the mind. But there you have it.

Now, let's see what stories the Oracle is following.

  • As has been noted, the Democrats "took the House", gaining a majority of 225 to 197 (give or take). That's the bad news. The good news, and the more important news as Q will explain, is that the Senate DEFIED HISTORY in PICKING UP SEATS for the incumbent Republican President. The Senate now stands at 54 to 46 Republican. Provided that the derps don't steal a seat in Arizona (possibility) and the R (leading) wins a runoff in Mississippie (likely).


    As this Oracle is being constructed, the attempted election stealing in Florida and Arizona has ignited dissension in the ranks of Q-dom. Our own people panic, and doubts about Q are even bubbling up. Here is a VERY EXCELLENT response to this syndrome that I urge all FReeQs to read.

    Disestablishmentarian-Hold on, O My Brothers.

    Here are several links to articles and posts that FReeQs provided on the election and THE PLAN. After a thorough reading, and discussion of Q's upcoming posts, most will recognize that this isn't the disaster that it may appear to be or a refutation of anything Q has posted.

    I won't provide excerpts for brevities sake.

    A good take on the election from an 8chan nerd;

    The Toddler-8chan Take/Elections.

    EMI GuySome Thoughts on Election.

    generally-Thoughts on Election.

    Here are the number of House seats lost by the party of President historically a mid-term election. This year is tied with Reagan for the lowest number since 1946.

    The rumors of a BLUE WAVE have been greatly exaggerated. And that's not even taking into consideration that the Senate PICKED up seats.

    aMorePerfectUnion-House Seats Lost/Mid-Terms History.

    An article on the ramifications of the election on Trump 2020.

    saleman-Results may have just assured Trump's re-election

    Commentary on the current state of THE PLAN, post-election.

    RitaOk-How's the Plan?

    A timeline of THE PLAN, by an 8chan nerd.

    KitJ-Plan Timeline Thoughts.

    Q will discuss further in his upcoming posts. Suffice to say, sportsfans, all is well and full steam ahead.

  • The President asked for and received Attorney Jeff Sessions resignation. This, after almost two years of his being recused from the fake Russia collusion/Mueller investigation and turning over the supervision of it to Rod Rosenstein aka [RR].

    Q had advised to TRUST SESSIONS and most took that to mean that Sessions was working with the President, despite his recusal. Others, mainly among the Q denier population, thought Sessions was either totally incompetent, or working actively against the President and/or was a derp state mole.

    And the battle raged for months. So, when Sessions was essentially fired, it took the wind out of the sails of many FReeQs. But, as you recall, Q also said that Rosenstein [RR] would eventually "recuse, resign, or be removed".

    The same day that Sessions was fired, the President appointed Matt Whitaker as acting Attorney General and authority over Mueller and his fake investigation passed from [RR] to him. This was not taken well by the derps, who IMMEDIATELY called for the recusal of the acting AG. They want desperately to keep [RR] in place.

    The Oracle's takeaway from this Sessions drama is that, though we may have misinterpreted the meaning of TRUST SESSIONS, the Plan is basically going down on the timeline that appears to be correct. [RR] is rendered moot and the DOJ appears to be cleansed at the top levels, clearing the way for DECLAS and PAIN.

    Here is excellent commentary on the Sessions firing.

    little jeremiah-@Drawandstrike/Sessions.

    Here are two excerpts from it, which I think may be representative of most FReeQs thoughts on the matter. Mine, anyway.

    Trump waited until the midterms to begin the ‘Go!’ phase of the #SpyGate takedown.

    This is not what I expected, as you all know. But I’m fine with it. Trump still wins in the end.

    But read the whole post to get the gist.

    And just watch the derps squeal to understand the importance of this long planned move by the President and his team.

  • Speaking of squealing derps, remember the "red-line" that the Soros groups threatened to take to the streets if it were crossed? Firing [RR] or Mueller, or even Sessions was supposed to be a red line for them.

    Well, Sessions has been fired and [RR] effectively taken out of the COUP equation. The derps and their tools are now protesting in the streets to "PROTECT MUELLER" from the bad orange man.

    Check out these derp state reactions to President Trump's actions.

    A major media outlet foments insurrection against a duly elected sitting President of the United States.

    Riots planned FOR TODAY in cities across America. Advertised and promoted by the lesbian America hater, Rachel Maddow.

    KitJ-Psycho Rachel Maddow

    And here is the derp state internet coordination for the "insurrection" that MSNBC is promoting. With list of the cities it's supposed to go down in.

    bitt-Mueller Protection Rapid Response

    And more info on the Soros backed insurrection.

    little jeremiah-Nobody Is Above the Law/Soros.

    Q will post the President's counter move to this reaction. Stay tuned.

  • Something of note to keep an eye on, considering Q's "mid-terms are safe" and "watch CA". A Los Angeles City Councilman (Hispanical) had his offices raided by the FBI. No details were released, but it smells like election tampering or fraud to this publication. And that's a total guess, at this point in time. But it bears some follow-up reportage.

    little jeremiah-FBI Executes Search Warrants at Office, Home of L.A. City Councilman

  • And in other good news, Pain in the ass CNN fake news "reporter" Jim Acosta had his White House press pass suspended over an incident of tom-foolery and woman bashing at the President's press conference. Here is some video of the incident.

    Acosta spanked and Assaults Female

    Conservative Treehouse on the incident and the removal of Acosta's White House access.

    mairdie-Conservative Treehouse/Acosta.

  • And in more potential good news, derp Supreme Court Justice and waste of a good black robe, Ruth Bader Ginsburg allegedly fell down and couldn't get up while pretending to work at the Supreme Court. It has been reported that she broke three ribs and was taken to the hospital.

    How long will this joke be allowed to continue. Not long, it appears, and poor Ruthie might be headed for a dirt nap very soon. That will allow the Donald to appoint ANOTHER Supreme, making the score 6-3 in favor of America. Stay tuned, sportfans. Ginsburg is on tick tock status. Advise Hannity. Maybe CNN can do a countdown?

    And now, let's allow Q to make all this make sense.


We Got What We Needed (Senate)
We got what we needed.
Thank you, Patriots!
Senate means everything.
Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.
DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.
POTUS has ultimate authority.
Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).
Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.
Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.
Military planned.
No impact re: ongoing investigations
Team is stronger [PRO].
Q 1st link is to a Trump tweet calling the election a success. then Q goes on to explain why that's true.

He explains that the Senate was the true target and emphasis of the plan and Trump's efforts, as was seen in by his choice of rallies.

He explains that the DECLAS will negate the House's "blockade" efforts and that, after the House committees have ben the focus of derp investigations, they will move over to the now more securely held Senate and they will act as the "closer" for investigations.

2nd link describes the jurisdiction of the Senate Judiciary Committee.


In addition to its critical role in providing oversight of the Department of Justice and the agencies under the Department's jurisdiction, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security, the Judiciary Committee plays an important role in the consideration of nominations and pending legislation.


Gowdy/Goodlatte Completed House Investigations, Focus Now Shifts to Senate Investigations

Do you believe in coincidences?
Which (2) House members ran the investigations re: DOJ/FBI etc.?


Gowdy resignation.
What role did he play re: House investigations?
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Goodlatte resignation.
What role did he play re: House investigations?
House Judiciary Chairman
House >>> Senate
House >>> Senate
House >>> Senate
Senate Judiciary Chairman
[House of Cards]
Military planning at its finest.

The first link is to an April article describing how Gowdy and Goodlette made an agreement with the DOJ on procuring documents for their Congressional committee's investigations.

Both of them were vital in that effort, though not always successful. Their efforts will now be transferred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, who has jurisdiction as described in the previous post. Q says again we can TRUST GRASSLEY who chairs that committee for now.

Q calls all this "military planning" so we can assume this was the plan all along.


The Senate Was the Target
The Senate was the target.
Corker + Flake removed.
How do you catch a FISH?
Mission forward.
These people are stupid.

Link to a Trump tweet;

“There’s only been 5 times in the last 105 years that an incumbent President has won seats in the Senate in the off year election. Mr. Trump has magic about him. This guy has magic coming out of his ears. He is an astonishing vote getter & campaigner. The Republicans are.........

Q says the Senate was the target, and for reasons listed in his last post. There was some discussion on the meaning of FISH, due to it's capitalization. It may have dual meanings, but in this context at least, it appears to refer to the Senate as the FISH. It was captured and two derps were removed in the process, making it more firmly in control of Americans.

While the derps conventrated on the House, Trump concentrated on the Senate, the true prize (FISH), and in historically atypical fashion, landed it.


POTUS References Senate Investigations (Q Proof)

Future proves past.

And for a nifty little Q proof, right after Q posts about investigations being transferred to the Senate, the President tweets about Senate investigations.

And for bonus points, take note of the phrase "and much else" in the President's tweet.


Trust the Plan: Detailed Explanation on Midterm Election Success

We are at war.
Think logically.
Why was winning the House majority the primary goal for them?
To this point, what chamber is currently directing the DOJ/FBI investigations?
To this point, what chamber do they feel most threatened by?
While the focus was on the House for them (due to above), our underlying focus was adding PRO_POTUS members to the Senate and safely securing a PRO_MAJORITY.
While we had a senate majority on paper, in reality, we never did, nor could we count on bringing investigations to that body until it was safely in our full control.
Moves & countermoves.
We defied history by picking up Senate seats.
Patriots delivered.
Disinfo is necessary.
Enemy at the front door.
Our attempt at reassurance re: last drops re: House >>> Senate backed by POTUS tweet directly thereafter stating the same thing should have put this to bed.
How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?
Do you think the current 'shill' attack is organic?
Buckle up.

And here, Q explains in great detail the purpose and results of the election. We have to look at this through the lens of "war" footing and understand the moves and counter moves of our side and the derp side.

The House was investigating the derps, so the derps NEEDED to take the House to shut down that line of attack. While they concentrated on taking the House, Trump, Q, and the boys were working on the Senate. Getting rid of Derps (Corker/Flake) and rabidly campaigning for Senate candidates.

They were successful, and now the inveistigation moves tothe Senate, which is also the more powerful body and is now firmly in control

Military planning. War footing. Not business as usual. Sacrfice a knight to take a rook. That sort of thing.

Q admits that he is trying to reassure us (the people) with his last posts on the matter, and says that the Q proof on the Senate investigations from both himself and the President should have done that. This post should as well.

He ends by explaining that the "current shill attack" is another counter move by the derps. And also explains why the derp troll Okeydoker and a few other minions are so hard at work on the thread today.



POTUS Uses Frequent Q Saying "These People are Sick!" (Q Proof)

An anon writes;

POTUS just said “these people are sick”

Q says back;

We are with you, Anons

The Oracle has seen no reportage on WHERE the Donald said, "These people are sick", but that's a common Q term.

Minorus Q prooficus.


A Beautiful Brave New World Lies Ahead

We are going to show you a new world.
Those who are blind will soon see the light.
A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.
We take this journey together.
One step at a time.

Stay the course patriots. Take note of the line, "Those who are blind will soon see the light".


Thank You Trey Gowdy and Bob Goodlatte!

A repost;

And then President Trump's message (signed Q+)

Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Trey Gowdy!
Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Bob Goodlatte!
Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.

And now that Gowdy and Goodlatte are passing the baton off to the Senate Judiciary committee, President Trump thanks them for their service, as he does to all patriots who serve their country.

Take note of the term, "Your sacrafices will never be forgotten".


Thank You Jeff Sessions!

Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions!
Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.

The patriot Q posts for President Trump this message to Sessions. This puts the kibosh on any the theory that President Trump harbors any ill-will toward Sessions and bolsters the theory that Sessions was playing a role all along, as some have said.

The bottom line remains, that no matter what Sessions was, did, or did not do, he was no tool of the derp state or working against the President. This message from the President confirms that.

And now his watch is done.



Q reposts the Q+ posts thanking Gowdy, Goodlatte, and Sessions for their service, and then this;

While we cannot telegraph everything, for reasons all can understand, we do try in our own way to inform loyal Anons & Patriots.
What are the odds "thank you for your service" was posted less than 1 hour prior to POTUS re: Sessions "thank you for your service?"
Do you believe in coincidences?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
Enjoy the show!

The link is to a Trump tweet;

...We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date.

See? Told you to take note of "thank you for your service".

Now, as Q says, "How many coincidences before mathematically impossible"? Seriously. How many?

I still run across people who think Q is a Larp or in some way not what we know it to be. The sheer volume of these type of strange "coincidences" tells a story that is undeniable. And yet they deny.

It boggles.

Q posts a phrase that less than an hour later the President posts to the very same person Q posted to? What?????

The Q deniers may pick apart Q proofs individually, but taken collectively, that weak science falls apart. And they talk about Occams Razor (looking at you Pokeydoker)? Balderdash and poppycock, I say.

Maybe, as Q JUST said, "Those who are blind will soon see the light".


8ch Board Under Attack

Pottymouthanon writes;


Q respondsl

Board under attack.
Do you understand why?

The 8chan board is under attack because Q and PANIC IN DC. This is a major push by the derps after they failed to take the Senate and Sessions was fired and replaced by an unencumbered patriot who is on record as knowing what the right thing to do is. Justice for derps.

The 8chan board is a major front in this war. It is a conduit that President Trump uses to communicate with the people. It is hurting the derps very badly and they desperately need to shut it down.

We on this thread, are a smaller version and less visible than 8chan, but today we are also under heavy fire. The amount of concern trollery and active hostility is higher than is normal. Their activities have already served to create dissension and ship abandonment.

This is not an overreaction. This is real. There is a real effort to shut down the Q movement. Because the Q movement is effective. It poses a real danger to the entrenched derp state. And it is real. We know it. The derps know it. I would theorize that derp state employees like Jokeysmoker know it as well.

What else explains their obsessive, angry, anti-Q rants. Nobody should care that much. And yet....


Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker Will Not Recuse Himself

An anon posts;


And Q responds with;

There will be no recusal.

The derps ARE in a panic. This is the real reason for the "No one is above the law" bogus riots, the "red line" smack talk, the increased attacks on 8chan and even our board (looking at you Okeydoker), the "Protect Mueller" protests, and even the blatant election stealing in Florida and Arizona.

PANIC IN DC. The derps cannot afford to lose [RR] as their firewall. They know what is coming. Move, countermove. Remember to think of it that way, and not in the convential "political" way.

Just on a related comic side note, word around the campfire is that demoderps in Congress are "pleading" with Republicans to force acting AG Whitaker to recuse himself, so they can keep [RR] in place, thereby bottling up the release of the derp dirt that will destroy them. As if.

Derps are funny when they're desperate.

There will be no recusal.

Here are some thoughts on Whitacker submitted by FReeQs.

TxBubba-Whitaker on Hillary's Scumbaggery.

Stormflag-Top Dems Demand Whitaker Recusal.

ransomnote-Schiff/Protect Mueller.

missthethunder-[RR] No Longer to Supervise Mueller.

piasa/bitt/wildhighlander57-More on Whitaker

And, word around the campfire is that Whitaker is a masculine male, which makes him a member of a tiny minority in Washington DC, the beta male capital of the world. Well, after France.

Matt Whitaker - The Bringer of Pain.


Re-drop: Ezra Cohen-Watnick

Q reposts just the name. Again. Just as The Bringer of Pain takes over the DOJ.

Who is Cohen-Watnik? grey whiskers gives us the short answer.

Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick is the national security adviser to United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions and a former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs for the United States National Security Council.

For more, consult Swordmaker's LexiQon. I can't do all the work.

Interesting, right? Why does Q keep mysteriously mentioning this name. Could Watnik, with his intel background, know where all the derps are buried? Stay tuned. This name may surface again.


Fun Fact: Today Is the Anniversary of Red October in 1917! (Q Proof)

Okay, this one baffles me and I've seen no reportage on it. Why isRed October in November?

Anyway, if anybody gets this one, please post to the thread for all to know.




Okay. I'll take Q's word for it that this is the anniversary of Red October, even though it's November.

Today (yesterday) was the day that Sessions was fired and [RR] was rendered moot, crossing the Soros "red line".

That is kind of an interesting coincidence that the a Soros communist revolution was initiated on the anniversary of another one. Right?


Acting AG Whitaker to Release All "Blocked" Documents Requested by House?
Imagine if the new acting AG now releases all previously 'blocked' doc requests by the House (including the [RR] secondary CLAS scope doc).
Stealth Bombers fly undetected.
The 'Red Line' months old 4am narrative should be updated.
Pain coming.

Yea. Just imagine. Q doesn't muse often. He is taunting the derps here. Telling them that the PAIN is coming, and not only the FISA redactions that will topple [RR], but ALL docs the House has requested going back who knows how long. He also confirms Whitaker as the stealth bomber.

Then he mocks their "red line" 4am narrative and taunts them to update it, and he also is sending a message to the criminal ex AG, Eric Holder. Here is Holder's 4am narrative "red line" tweet;

Anyone who attempts to interfere with or obstruct the Mueller inquiry must be held accountable. This is a red line. We are a nation of laws and norms not subject to the self interested actions of one man.

I would hazard to guess that Holder might have a few DOJ documents he doesn't want released. Just taking a wild stab here.

On a side-note, the Oracle has been conditioned to not put too much truck in any "red lines" issued by member of the Obama administration. We at the Oracle aren't too worried about Eric "No Chin" Holder's vague threats.

And his talking about "laws and norms" is frikkin hilarious. These derps crack me up.

And here is a great Sara Carter article with more on the matter.

little jeremiah-Trump “Seriously” Considering Declassifying


Martial Law and Posse Comitatus Act

"..or in response to chaos associated with protests and mob action,"
Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

In response to all the "red line" Soros, revolutionary talk, threats of insurrection, and whatnot, Trump lets the derps know that he won't be letting that happen.

It seems that the military can be deployed on American soil under certain circumstances. Circumstances exactly what Soros is instigating, MSNBC is promoting, and Holder and other derp politicians are insinuating.

This may also be considered to be a message about the rapidly approaching foriegn invastion of the border with Mexico. The invasion that Fake News Jim Acosta was so adamant to stop Trump from calling an invasion just before he savagely beat a young woman on t.v. :) (see what I did there)?

See you in the funny papers.

Okay, that was a job of work. Huge goings on in Q land. We have a troll invasion taking place, just as the derps go all out and 8chan is under attack. We will not be defeated , for our cause is righteous.

We understand there will be setbacks and battles lost in this war. People are, after all, dying. This is not a game. Trolls are bugs, nothing more. Toil on, O my brothers. Dark to light, and all that jazz.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.


601 posted on 11/08/2018 10:01:30 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster; ransomnote; mairdie; Swordmaker; bitt
Re #2444:

We Got What We Needed (Senate)

We got what we needed.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

You know how Q always says, "You have more than you know" ?

Well, what's the opening / closing music at all those Trump rallies?

You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes you find

You get what you need

608 posted on 11/08/2018 10:10:05 PM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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To: bagster

Great one, as usual. Thanks.

614 posted on 11/08/2018 10:22:01 PM PST by JockoManning ( for hats T's e.g. STAY CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING)
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To: bagster

RE: #2457 and the Red October in November:

Russia will mark 100 years since its 1917 October Revolution on Tuesday—which, confusingly, is November 7.

It goes without saying that a great deal changed when Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks in their overthrow of the Russian state on 25 October, 1917, not least the fact that from then on the anniversary of ‘Red October’ would be marked in November.

That is because prior to 1917, the Russian Empire and its Tsars followed Eastern Orthodox Christianity in contrast to Western Christian nations, which retained an allegiance to Rome. The primary reason for this split, bizarrely, was due to calendars.

Orthodox nations—many among the first to adopt Christianity—had been marking their calendar with the help of a system that dated back to 45 AD. Called the Julian Calendar, it remained in force across much of Eastern Europe, including Russia.

But most of Catholic and Protestant Europe had broken with the Orthodox world over the calendar. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII recommended an update of the Christian calendar which would fix a small miscalculation of the Julian calendar, by which it was out of step with each solar year by 11 minutes.

This “new style” became the standard in much of Europe, adopting the Pope’s so-called Gregorian calendar. But kingdoms in the east disliked the revision and overruled the pope’s orders. Russia, still ruled by a religiously conservative monarch, Nicholas II, kept the “old style” into the 1900s, at which point the two calendars were off kilter from one another by full days.

When Vladimir Lenin and his atheist Bolsheviks fully seized power from the royal family in 1917, the time for change came.

Lenin vowed to do away with the philosophy of the former regime and as part of many breakneck changes to make the empire an international, Marxist state, announced that the Soviet Union’s calendar would change to the Gregorian one.

By the end of January 1918, the Soviet Union only marked events in the “new style” and the revolution that set the state up to begin with, in October last year, had now been uprooted to November.

But since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, the anniversary of the October Revolution being held in November is the least of its troubles—indeed, the issue has been a reluctance on the part of Moscow to celebrate the at at all.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, reluctant to either promote Lenin’s message—in particular his leading of a government-toppling revolutions—has introduced cooked up ‘Unity Day,’ to be marked each year on November 4. The date marks a pre-Soviet victory over Polish forces and now is meant to embody a collective spirit of Russia’s people, without encouraging revolutionaries.

On the date of Lenin’s final triumph—November 7—Putin has also booked the venue where the Red Army would once march and salute the Soviet Union’s founding leader. Today, forces dressed in historic uniforms will still gather in front of the walls of the Kremlin, but will instead re-enact a World War II parade.

622 posted on 11/08/2018 10:30:46 PM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: bagster

Red October is in November because in 1917, Russia (thanks to the Russian Orthodox Church) still used the Julian Calendar, which was 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar used by the rest of us. Hence, what we call November 7 was actually October 25 (if I have my arithmetic right) for them.

631 posted on 11/08/2018 10:45:29 PM PST by AZLiberty (218 House seats or bust! Bust. But still winning!)
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To: bagster

Re #2457 and Red October in November. It’s because the West changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar long ago (1582 for Catholic countries, 1752 in England), but not in Russia until *after* the Bolshevik Revolution, introducing a discrepancy in dates...offset of 13 days and growing (different length of a year, believe it or not). Orthodox churches use the Julian Calendar for the dates of Easter & Christmas.

670 posted on 11/09/2018 3:14:57 AM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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To: bagster
Wonderful Oracle on many counts, Bagster!
690 posted on 11/09/2018 4:48:36 AM PST by Melian (Patriots fight!)
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To: bagster

:: There is a real effort to shut down the Q movement. ::

Explains the CTH position? Sundance gets $$ from a fully functional website. Follow the money.

694 posted on 11/09/2018 5:09:05 AM PST by Cletus.D.Yokel (Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
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To: bagster

:: Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick ::

Has EAC-W ever been confirmed by the Senate (Advise and consent)? Either in his current position or another?

Vacancies Act.

696 posted on 11/09/2018 5:12:41 AM PST by Cletus.D.Yokel (Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
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To: bagster

Outstanding Oracle, bags.

Nicely done.

819 posted on 11/09/2018 9:13:58 AM PST by MileHi (Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks.)
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To: ransomnote; Steven W.; greeneyes; TEXOKIE; txhurl; saywhatagain; Swordmaker; MNDude; ptsal; ...

1. Thanks for the Oracle. Much appreciated, as always.

2. DECLAS. Gak. This is getting so old. Tease, tease, tease. If that’s the effect it’s having on me, I can only imagine the panic it’s inducing in those who are guilty. So as aggravating as it is to me, probably a very effective strategy.

3. Brave New World. Q #2450. If I’m being honest, I have to say that I find this disturbing. In case you haven’t read “Brave New World” :

911 posted on 11/09/2018 1:08:44 PM PST by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)
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To: bagster

Great Oracle, oh, Baggedy One!

And I loved “F WORDERY”.

1,100 posted on 11/09/2018 7:27:02 PM PST by Bigg Red (The USA news industry, the MSM-13, takes a machete to the truth. {h/t TigersEye})
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