Posted on 03/09/2017 6:33:20 AM PST by Red Badger
Reduced brain activity, post-mortem ?
Democrat votes !
They can probably detect more brainwave activity in a dead person than in Nancy Pelosi.
A greater mystery is the total lack of brain activity for those living that vote democrat.
Yup, that's much like Pelosi's brain alright!
I recall an account of a young nobleman scientist during the French Revolution that decided to do an experiment at his upcoming execution by guillotine, he declared to his friend that he would blink his eyes after the decapitation for as long as he could- the friend documented 13 deliberate blinks of both eyes before the end....
Anyone who thinks death is immediate- meaning the extinguishing of the soul and departure of the life from a person has been watching too much TV. The hard facts is that life is stubborn- and only after the organism is incapable of sustaining life does the soul depart....
It only takes a single instance to learn at the abattoir that even animal life lasts so time after the body is “dead”.
Easy for me to explain. It’s called God. Numerous near-death cases claim an out-of-body “floating” experience before being revived and one neurosurgeon also showed his own charts that showed brain activity while he was otherwise completely dead.
I think God or his angels are having a final conversation with the patient before he/she heads for the light or heads away from the light into eternal darkness.
Of course, scientists aren’t free to conclude that. It becomes a spiritual issue, not a scientific one. But like the Resurrection itself, science can only display the data and let the spiritual form its own conclusions.
“1907,when a Massachusetts doctor named Duncan MacDougall devised experiments that he expected would actually measure the soul. Using six terminally ill patients on a specially-constructed scale bed, he measured their weight before, during, and after death. His results were mixed, but he concluded that there was indeed a very slight loss of weight, 21 grams on average.”
Some say the test group wasn’t large enough or that he used crude instruments. Still, there appears to have been a weight loss. It would be interesting to see a study done today.
If decapitation shortens this brain activity from ten minutes to one then obviously decapitation is what they should do.
Zombie apocalypse
Well said
Thanks.. Will Read Later....
post-mortem delta waves could be a result of chemical breakdown energy...........................
The arrogance of people who think they can declare the moment of death. “Clinical death” is the best guess.
This does not mean the rat they killed is still alive. It means there is a recorded current.
Fact is they don’t know and I wish they’d stop putting rats on the guillotine.
“REAL” Dead = BRAIN dead. ZERO brain activity. If you have ZERO brain activity, your heart is not beating, you are not breathing.
Doctors “PROCLAIM” people brain dead, when they are NOT DEAD. They look at “higher” brain functions, not all brain functions.
Doctors “PROCLAIM” people dead because of lack of heartbeat or respiration, when they are NOT DEAD. (dead people wake up in the MORGUE).
Physical death is so FINAL, can’t we be CERTAIN before proclaiming people dead? (Terri Schiavo)
No pulse, no respiration = dying, not dead. Just wait a few more minutes and they will be “brain dead” also.
If these people were having “brain activity” they weren’t dead, YET.
Doctors God complex, proclaiming death.
Wait for it...... MONEY!!!! Yes it’s all about the money.
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