Posted on 07/16/2011 3:54:59 PM PDT by leapfrog0202
Attended the Ahwatukee, AZ showing of "The Undefeated" at 11:30 this morning and it was awesome!
The theater was packed, approximately 90% or more full. In fact when I left, there was a line for the next showing yet NO LINE for Harry Potter!
The Mayor of Quartzsite was in attendance and said a few words about what is going on in his town. There was going to be a meeting afterward at Mimi's Cafe, but I couldn't stay for that.
Many Tea Party folks in attendance wearing full regalia who also planned to attend the meeting at Mimi's afterward.
Anna Brennan, running for Mayor of Phoenix was there with her van, her yard signs and her very firm handshake and great personality meeting as many people as possible. Her website is here:
I don't know much about her, but I was impressed. She said she's not taking donations from large corporations etc and is raising money as she needs it. Seems like an underdog and I wish her luck. I enjoyed chatting with her.
The movie was fantastic! After Part 3 I started hearing clapping, cheers and comments spoken loudly especially in reaction to parts of Sarah's speeches. I was saying Whooohooo and Yeah! through even the early parts which really only resulted in snickers but people caught the fever as the movie went on.
I just hope there were some 'undecided' or Palin hating folks there because I'm sure this movie will change their minds!
Tried to get a photo of the Quartzsite mayor and a few other folks, but they didn't turn out due to lighting, sorry.
Don't know many AZ FReepers but if you know any, ping them and tell them this movie is well worth the drive from wherever!
Sarah Palin movie ping for AZ freepers and anyone else who might be interested.
You’re welcome! It’s not where I live in NM either although I thought it might have come to Albuquerque. I do hope the great response will put it into more markets - people need to see this. It might change some minds.
Thanks for posting that. We live in Phoenix, and my conservative lady friend and I almost went on opening night Friday, but just couldn’t quite get there. Now we will both be out of town separately, and won’t be able to go for at least a week, so it is really good to hear that it is drawing such a crowd on a Saturday morning!
We’re definitely going in about a week!
Saw it today in Missouri. 4:30 showing. Not many there. Great movie. Came away confirming what I always knew. Libs are the most ignorant people on the planet.
NM list PING! Click on the flag to go to the Free Republic New Mexico message page.
(The NM list is available on my FR homepage for anyone to use. Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)
My wife and I and a friend attended the 7:15 showing last night in Highlands Ranch, CO. That showing was sold out (I had purchased tickets the day they went on sale). Lots of points during the show that got applause.
Thanks for the AZ post....Sarah is a breath of fresh air...AZ has many far left progressives working her streets, the same ones who for years have tried unsuccessfully to unseat one of Americas greatest Sheriff’s, Joe Arpaio, a true American who by following the LAW he is constantly being hammered by Lawyers for the illegal immigrants who have broken the law by being here and the Obama administration, especially law breaker Erick Holder. All Maracopa residents, read about Anna Brennan, she is a far cry from the 100% political mayor Gordan; she is truly sound.
The hate mongers are out at the Internet Movie Data base and more likely than not have been stuffing the ballot box with bad reviews. I bet only a handful of those who give it a single star even saw the movie. If you want to counter the usual lies click here.(You will have to register an email address but if you want to stay anonymous you can always create a Hushmail account first).
Thanks Nateman - I did put a review on IMDB after another FReeper asked me to. I agree with you about people reviewing it without seeing it and I put that in my review so it may not even make it up there!
Yeah Nancy Pelosi sure got her share of boos and hisses. I was surprised that Dumb0 didn’t get any too. I booed him but I think I might have been the only one. I was the loud one about 2/3 of the way to the top on the far right (where there are just 2 seats and then the aisle).
Totally agree with your post Yoe, both about Sheriff Joe and checking out Anna Brennan.
The thing that struck me when I went to was that there was NO DONATE button! She truly is trying to do this differently. Good for her! She is also the child of immigrant parents that came here from Italy and knows what assimilating into a new country is like.
Just read about Quartzsite a few days ago here on FR. IMO, what's going on in Quartzsite should be shouted from the rooftops. I listened on talk radio to an interview with the director of Undefeated, Stephen Bannon, and he said that the movie would be made available to anyone that wants it in case they can't make it to a theater. Either by streaming video or DVD. I'll take whichever is available to me first.
Just read about Quartzsite a few days ago here on FR. IMO, what’s going on in Quartzsite should be shouted from the rooftops. I listened on talk radio to an interview with the director of Undefeated, Stephen Bannon, and he said that the movie would be made available to anyone that wants it in case they can’t make it to a theater. Either by streaming video or DVD. I’ll take whichever is available to me first.
I agree about the Quartzsite situation. To me it sounds as if there’s a criminal act there by the sheriff. He can’t just take over a town like that and throw the mayor out of office.
As for DVD or video, that’s cool! I did read somewhere tonight that it’s going to be put on more screens very shortly, but I can’t remember where I read it. So hopefully it will be showing near you shortly!
I went searching to see where it was showing, and I found this link to vote to have it shown in your area. I voted to have it shown in my town. It will send me updates on where it will be playing.
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