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Unearthed Aryan cities rewrite history
The Australian ^ | 04 Oct 2010 | The Sunday Times

Posted on 10/04/2010 12:15:28 AM PDT by Palter

BRONZE Age cities archaeologists say could be the precursor of Western civilisation is being uncovered in excavations on the Russian steppe.

Twenty of the spiral-shaped settlements, believed to be the original home of the Aryan people, have been identified, and there are about 50 more suspected sites. They all lie buried in a region more than 640km long near Russia's border with Kazakhstan.

The cities are thought to have been built 3500-4000 years ago, soon after the Great Pyramid in Egypt. They are about the same size as several of the city states of ancient Greece, which started to come into being in Crete at about the same time.

If archeologists confirm the cities as Aryan, they could be the remnants of a civilisation that spread through Europe and much of Asia. Their language has been identified as the precursor of modern Indo-European tongues, including English. Words such as brother, guest and oxen have been traced back to this prototype.

"Potentially, this could rival ancient Greece in the age of the heroes," said British historian Bettany Hughes, who spent much of the northern summer exploring the region for a BBC radio program, Tracking the Aryans.

"We are all told that there is this kind of mother tongue, proto-Indo-European, from which all the languages we know emerge.

"I was very excited to hear on the archeological grapevine that in exactly the period I am an expert in, this whole new Bronze Age civilisation had been discovered on the steppe of southern Siberia."

She described driving for seven hours into the steppe grasslands with chief archeologist Gennady Zdanovich. "He took me to this expanse of grass; you couldn't tell there was anything special. Then, as he pointed to the ground, suddenly I realised I was walking across a buried city," she said.

"Every now and again you suddenly notice these ghostly shapes of fortresses and cattle sheds and homes and religious sites. I would not have known these had he not shown them to me."

The shape of each of the cities, which are mainly in the Chelyabinsk district, resembles an ammonite fossil, divided into segments with a spiral street plan. The settlements, which would each have housed about 2000 people -- the same as an ancient Greek city such as Mycenae -- are all surrounded by a ditch and have a square in the middle.

The first city, known as Arkaim, was discovered in 1989, soon after the soviet authorities allowed non-military aerial photography for the first time.

The full extent of the remains is only now becoming apparent. Items that have so far been dug up include many pieces of pottery covered in swastikas, which were widely used ancient symbols of the sun and eternal life. The Nazis appropriated the Aryans and the swastika as symbols of their so-called master race. Ms Hughes believes that some of the strongest evidence that the cities could be the home of the Aryans comes from a series of horse burials.

Several ancient Indian texts believed to have been written by Aryans recount similar rituals. "These ancient Indian texts and hymns describe sacrifices of horses and burials and the way the meat is cut off and the way the horse is buried with its master," she said. "If you match this with the way the skeletons and the graves are being dug up in Russia, they are a millimetre-perfect match."

TOPICS: History
KEYWORDS: archaeology; aryan; aryaninvasion; aryans; bronzeage; epigraphyandlanguage; godsgravesglyphs; indusvalley; indusvalleyscript; russia; victorsariyiannidis; viktorsarianidi; viktorsarigiannidis
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To: swarthyguy; James C. Bennett

The crazy pakis also forget that their land was as you point out, once Greco-Bactrian, Indo-Greek and mostly Buddhist before the Moselm slime came and forcibly converted or killed many.

41 posted on 10/05/2010 12:29:33 AM PDT by Cronos (This Church is holy, the one Church, the true Church, the Catholic Church-St.Augustine)
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To: Spike Knotts
Anthropological science/studies today exists primarily to find any theory to discredit whites and western civilization from any claim of being first or best etc except at crimes of humanity and racism...we are of course masters of that while everyone else was living bucolic green lives in Eden

the only whites who get a pass on this are oddly...the Indians...curry, not Creek

i watched that rehashed who came to America first on NatGeo and they were about ready to do a circle jerk over Polynesians in Chile or even Baja or all those hilarious claims about Chinese junks from some 1700s map that was “copied”....they swear

and it made them cry to even admit the only proved (so far) pre Columbus was Erikson....sort of a footnote

i actually went on some sites about that topic...being curious by nature...sites all teeming with anti-white bigotry....they dismissed Clovis-Solutrean theories as white supremacy yet were ready to endorse Polynesian chicken bones and sweet taters as gospel..yo

i know some of yall here are really all over this stuff...blam, civ, cronos(still here?) but do ya weed thru all the crap

i’ll stick with my 1958 Britannica for now thanks..

42 posted on 10/05/2010 12:43:56 AM PDT by wardaddy (the redress over anything minority is a cancer in our country...stage 4)
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To: Cronos

nice...someone who actually reads and left bias at the thread door

43 posted on 10/05/2010 12:46:52 AM PDT by wardaddy (the redress over anything minority is a cancer in our country...stage 4)
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To: wardaddy; Spike Knotts
well, firstly, to claim any "race" as best or worst is stupid in my opinion. Genes take you so far, but individuals count -- the Battle of Isandlwana when the Zulus armed with spears defeated the Brits armed with rifles is a case of sub-saharan africans having superior tactics for example.

Anyway, there is no "white" civilisation or "white" race -- there is the race of Caucasians and the sub-grouping of Indo-Europeans/Aryans. There is no over-arching "white" civilisation -- the Italics, Celts, Iranis, Slavs, Indics, Germanics, etc. have been separate civilisations for millenia.

It's a fact that the Sumerians were trading with Egyptians, Bahrianis and Indus valley civilisations. The Sumerians were God-knows which race, though I'm inclined to believe blam's link about them being related to Dravidians as were the people in the Indus valley (a Caucasian civilisation). The Egyptians in the Old Kingdom were definitely a mixture of Berber with Ethiopic-Semitic blood, later kingdoms having Sudanese blood. The Chinese of course, had their own race. The sub-saharan africans -- the ground was too inappropriate for civilisation to spring up, ditto for Amazonia.
44 posted on 10/05/2010 1:55:36 AM PDT by Cronos (This Church is holy, the one Church, the true Church, the Catholic Church-St.Augustine)
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To: wardaddy; Spike Knotts

The Clovis-Solutrean hypothesis could have happened — but then again, those peoples were not Indo-Europeans but the predecessor (or “original” Europeans). I don’t agree with anyone dismissing it off-hand

45 posted on 10/05/2010 1:57:14 AM PDT by Cronos (This Church is holy, the one Church, the true Church, the Catholic Church-St.Augustine)
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To: Cronos
first you say this:

well, firstly, to claim any "race" as best or worst is stupid in my opinion

then you say this:

The Chinese of course, had their own race

so Cronos, are u stupid ...your own words...

you just exemplified on this very thread why I take any modern anthropology talk with a grain of salt.

First you dismiss the concept of race.

The you proceed to explain how Caucasians were a myriad spanning from Celts to the Sub-Continent and so forth as though that is news and that Egyptians were sorta negroid...that is disputed except in the brief Nubian rule.

And then you claim the Chinese are their own race and explain away SubSaharan negroid race's poor civilizations development as just so much convenient...ditto tropical Amerinidians.

You have an agenda here and it ain't objective science. Your explanations are for one thing just as I claimed in my first post which you dismissed.

There is no doubt in my mind as exemplified by your post that many in this field whether as scientists or observers are in it to prove precisely what I stated in my first post. Dilute Caucasian history and promote alternatives to pump up other accomplishments to civilization or to excuse why some lagged.

This sort of redress basically permeates everything in the culture and is just as dishonest as some old whites are superior thinking textbook would have been.

Those who say race does not matter or is nonexistent are being dishonest with matters very much to them and your post to the contrary of your purported intent does just that.

There are plenty of reasons some races have a higher mean civilizational development than others and it's instructive to study that....I wish folks actually did that.

I will give you last word since this argument can be an easy Never Ending Story and unprovable

46 posted on 10/05/2010 8:51:00 AM PDT by wardaddy (the redress over anything minority is a cancer in our country...stage 4)
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To: TexasRepublic

Sure, but it is ironic and quite the coincidence that on two continents, thousands of miles apart, the same symbol, albeit simple, as you say sprang up.

But simplicity works, witness the cross in Christianity.

And in Islam, the sword!

47 posted on 10/05/2010 11:45:40 AM PDT by swarthyguy (KIDS! Deficit, Debt,Taxes!Pfft Lookit the bright side of our legacy -Ummrika is almost SmokFrei!)
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To: wardaddy
well, yes, I am stupid :)

however, not for the reason that you put forth --> well, firstly, to claim any "race" as best or worst is stupid in my opinion and The Chinese of course, had their own race are non-sequitors. I point out that the Chinese are part of the Mongoloid Race, distinct from the Caucasian cultures of the Sumerians (most likely), Harappans, Hittites, Minoans and Egyptians (with Ethiopic elements). At no point do I state that Chinese/Mongoloids are best or worst, neither do I do that for the Caucasians

I dismiss the concept of "white race" because there is no such thing --> the Caucasians include Nordics as well as swarthy Italians and darker Iranis, indians and Semites.

Races like ARyanic etc are a fact, but race based on color is false.

I don't state that Egyptians were sorta Negroid, but tht they were Ethiopic -- quite different. The "Africans" are at least 3 different races: Bantu, Pygmies, Bushmen and Ethiopics. The latter have always been in touch with W. Asia and Europe (to a lesser extent). Old Kingdom Egyptians were definitely Berber partly and yet browner, hence an Ethiopic admixture as is apparent in their depictions of themselves. They were not Bantu (west AFrican or as you say Negroid).

Race does not matter in judging individuals -- in judging where a culture goes it does not matter either --> case in point Germanics were barbarians to Italics but look at them now (of course you can say that they are both the same race).

What do you mean by There are plenty of reasons some races have a higher mean civilizational development than others and it's instructive to study that....I wish folks actually did that. --> which are the "races" you define? Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid, Ethiopic, Bushmen. And, please could you define to a better extent that statement?
48 posted on 10/05/2010 2:52:42 PM PDT by Cronos (This Church is holy, the one Church, the true Church, the Catholic Church-St.Augustine)
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To: SunkenCiv

Cool thread bump.

49 posted on 10/05/2010 4:23:32 PM PDT by ForGod'sSake (You have just two choices: SUBMIT or RESIST with everything you've got!)
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To: SunkenCiv
So they are about or so really old languages /branches. Amazing stuff

50 posted on 10/06/2010 12:04:29 PM PDT by mainsail that ('Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes')
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To: James C. Bennett

>> Someone re-made the original with an error. The older one has (SLAVIC) there, instead of ‘Islamic’: <<

And unless my vision is faulty, they’ve omitted Albanian — maybe because most Albanians are Muslim?

51 posted on 11/27/2010 6:44:16 AM PST by Hawthorn
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To: James C. Bennett
Semitic and Indo-European languages have a predecessor. Many of what had been thought to be loaner words simply have a common ancestor in that predecessor.

The thought is these languages were spoken by people around the Black Lake. When it turned into the Black Sea, and the water rose, they moved out of the area.

None of either group have a clear connection to Sa'ami, Finnish, Hungaria, etc. or the Dravidian languages.

52 posted on 02/08/2011 6:30:35 PM PST by muawiyah
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To: TheThinker

‘Back in the days of these Arayans, the swastika meant something entirely different and I’m sure much more benign.’

Considering that the period discussed is thousands of years before the birth of Moses, they were obviously not anti-Semitic.

53 posted on 02/08/2011 6:38:16 PM PST by Lucius Cornelius Sulla ('“Our own government has become our enemy' - Sheriff Paul Babeu)
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To: Spike Knotts
The DNA research into India has found that EVERYBODY has marker genes from the original folks (sort of like the Andaman Islanders) and the Persians.

More like an invasion and go to bed thing really.

Much of the variation you see in present day Indian populations AROSE AFTER the merger of the two populations ~ which took place over several thousand years.

What I don't think archaeologists support any more is the idea that a bunch of warlike Aryans rode in and conquered everybody ~ there's as much evidence that they rode in and found themselves incorporated as the lowest caste in many places.

Remember, until modern times India was not populated byond its carrying capacity. You could ride in build a town, and maybe never see another stranger in your life.

Medieval Europe was like that.

The greater part of human history involved small populations of desperate people barely able to support themselves.

54 posted on 02/08/2011 6:39:56 PM PST by muawiyah
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To: Cronos
Pakistanis are mixed raced people just like everybody else. There's plenty of historic evidence that millions of Paks are, in fact, of substantial Arabic ancestry ~ there are family journals begun by men who came on invasions to spread Islam and steal stuff.

Because the big transfer of people called The Partition you find everybody you find in India in Pakistan, and everybody you find in Pakistan in India.

More anciently they were all pretty much the same thing.

55 posted on 02/08/2011 6:56:00 PM PST by muawiyah
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To: Cronos
Before the Moslems came into Greater India the Hindus had just wrapped up their Hindu Revolution which drove Buddhism to the outer limits of the Indian cultural zone ~ Nepal, Tibet, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Burma ~

There were few Buddhists for the Moslems to beat up on, so they didn't.

56 posted on 02/08/2011 7:12:37 PM PST by muawiyah
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To: Palter

Historian Bettany Hughes is rather cute, wouldn’t mind going on an expedition with her.

57 posted on 02/08/2011 8:32:56 PM PST by Lucius Cornelius Sulla ('“Our own government has become our enemy' - Sheriff Paul Babeu)
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To: Palter

Historian Bettany Hughes is rather cute, wouldn’t mind going on an expedition with her.

58 posted on 02/08/2011 8:32:58 PM PST by Lucius Cornelius Sulla ('“Our own government has become our enemy' - Sheriff Paul Babeu)
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black pagans hindu kush
black pagans hindu kush

59 posted on 06/24/2012 5:29:19 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (
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