Posted on 01/29/2009 6:58:27 AM PST by Newster
This is about renting a house in Finland and using legal and correct forms to prevent problems. Article is in Finnish.
Alla ovat Ympäristöministeriön viimeisimmät viralliset vuokrasopimus mallit. Tiedostot ovat PDF muodossa, joten ne ovat helppo tulostaa taikka tallentaa koneelle. Erittäin hyödyllisiä etenkin tehdessä vuokrasopimusta yksityiseltä yksityiselle.
Kiinteistönvälitys toimistoilla, jotka tarjoavat vuokra-asuntoja on yleensä kattavat sopimus pohjat valmiina. Mutta toki niihinkin kannattaa tutustua tarkasti ja kysyä kiinteistönvälittäjältä mikäli jokin asia askarruttaa.
VINKKI! Tallenna sopimuksen pohja tietokoneelle painamalla oikeaa hiiren nappia ja valitsemalla Tallenna Kohde nimellä.
( Sopimusmallit perustuvat ympäristöministeriön asetuksiin asuinhuoneiston vuokrasopimuksen kaavasta (537/2004) ja alivuokra-asunnon vuokrasopimuksen kaavasta (538/2004). )
Vuokra-asunto voi sitten alkaa metsästämään vaikkapa näistä lähteistä: Helsingin vuokra-asunnot, Turun vuokra-asunnot, Tampereen vuokra-asunnot, Oulun vuokra-asunnot, Joensuun vuokra-asunnot, Kuopion vuokra-asunnot sekä PK-Asunnot josta löytyy vuokra-asunto välittäjiä pääkaupunkiseudulta ja luultavasti Suomen suurin asunnon haku portaali, Etuovi com.
Internetin kautta siis löytyy vuokra-asuntoja todella hyvin ja kiinteistönvälitys yritysten suuntaus kohdentaa markkinointia Internetiin näyttää olevan entistä enemmän, mikä taas tarkoittaa kuluttajalle mukavaa tapaa selailla asuntoja kotitietokoneelta käsin.
ACH! You decided to join us! ;o)
It was really hard to get out of bed.
Besides: I didn’t know you were apart!
I'll put that comment down to lack of caffiene. LOL!
I’m having my chocolate as we speak!
60 and occasional rain here. Basement Cat wants me to go back to bed.
I spoke too soon. The wind is up. At least it’s not as bad as it was yesterday. We had some sustained winds at 49 mph for a while yesterday.
The valley was filled with dust.
It sounds like Mongolia!
Very good!
I'm going to be in Maryland in 6 weeks. As long as it isn't hot & humid I'll be happy.
We don't get the really severely hot and humid weather is around mid June through about September.
My committee has been meeting there April or May for some years now, and generally it has been nice.
It coulda been, 100 years ago. Now it’s the new construction that makes it so dusty.
Which I thought was absurd since I saw a blurb on a British website about the Actor retiring this year. BTW, Who ever started that rumor played a very cruel and nasty joke on Sir Sean Connery's fans.
I'm glad fanfan posted to me and told me she did not see anything about Sean being dead on Drudge or any other newssite. So I say he's still with us.
Maybe it was an honest error. If Sean Connery had died at any point, it would have been all over the “real” news!
I think it was. Because he’s too big a celebrity to let his passing go passed unnoticed.
One good point of the 24/7 news barrage is that one does learn right away when someone of *any* note has died.
I won’t believe he’s dead until I see the Pipers!
He has a son named James who looks like him. Almost as sexy, just as pouty, but blond.
Yeah mom.
Remember, I am NOT beloved by the powers what are.
I usually am highly and painfully aware of the presence of ultraviolet light but never can put my finger on ‘why’.
It’s not like there’s anything to see except for a strangely dark appearing ‘something’ coming from the bulb.
Not very useful for anything except to be able to say, “Hey, shut that blcklight off!”
Funny part of color: what we see as color is merely what an object reflects back at us, not its actual color.
A green appearing object merely absorbs all other colors to reflect back green wavelengths at us.
I can see a red light due to it emitting red rather than reflecing it.
A stop sign relying on reflecting light gets fouled up by my crappy red sensitivity.
(Red/green threshold instead of true ‘blindness’? I require a higher reflectivity to be able to see it? That would be bizarre.)
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