I usually am highly and painfully aware of the presence of ultraviolet light but never can put my finger on ‘why’.
It’s not like there’s anything to see except for a strangely dark appearing ‘something’ coming from the bulb.
Not very useful for anything except to be able to say, “Hey, shut that blcklight off!”
Funny part of color: what we see as color is merely what an object reflects back at us, not its actual color.
A green appearing object merely absorbs all other colors to reflect back green wavelengths at us.
I can see a red light due to it emitting red rather than reflecing it.
A stop sign relying on reflecting light gets fouled up by my crappy red sensitivity.
(Red/green threshold instead of true ‘blindness’? I require a higher reflectivity to be able to see it? That would be bizarre.)
Without light, there is no color. Everything is black and shades of gray.