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Taglinus FreeRepublicus - 35th Edition
FreeRepublic ^ | March 15-28, 2004, A.D. | Numerous Freepers

Posted on 03/28/2004 6:29:47 PM PST by jigsaw

Taglinus FreeRepublicus (35th Edition)

(Now in Our 8th Canine Year!)

Recent taglines exhibiting Freeper wit, compassion, curiosity, brilliance, etc.

I think, therefore I love America.   ~LurkedLongEnough

Much of your pain is self-chosen. ~Kahlil Gibran.     Pan_Yans Wife, 03/15

All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you.     CholeraJoe, 03/15

Kerry needs a good ole fashioned Bush-wacking!     PeteFromMontana, 03/15

VetsCor!! Because an Oath is forever.     CholeraJoe, 03/15

Kerry/Clinton 2004 - Help make Hillary the first female Vice President since Gore.     SAMWolf, 03/15

Jonathansmommie's daughter was born 3-11-04, God Bless her!     netmilsmom, 03/15

He's my mentor..he taught me how to truly love a woman..from across the street..through a telescope.     TomServo, 03/15

The kinder, gentler spodefly.     spodefly, 03/15

Beware: My posts bite back.     WinOne4TheGipper, 03/15

If YOU were rude during a job interview, you'd be turned down. [Take a hint, Kerry]     WinOne4TheGipper, 03/15

Your Choice America: Stand Tall With Bush or Bend Over With Kerry.     jigsaw, 03/15

john F'n kerry reminds me of a horse, I'm just not sure which end.     Not now, Not ever!, 03/15

Let us paws to consider how we are feline fine today!     squarebarb, 03/15

If ya gonna be a hound dog, beware the chinese restaurants.     herewego, 03/15

An appeal is when you ask one court to show its contempt for another court. ~Finley Peter Dunne     Colonel_Flagg, 03/15

Let us alone. What pleasure can we have to war with evil? ~Tennyson; The Lotus Eaters.     squarebarb, 03/15

Know something about our repeat trolls? Anything preying on their minds would starve to death.     petuniasevan, 03/15

An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens. ~Jefferson     Baynative, 03/16

We should forgive our enemies, but only after they've been taken out and shot.     LindaSOG, 03/16

Proud to be among the most hated Freepers at DU. Boo Troll !     Conspiracy Guy, 03/16

I didn't say foreign taxes, I said more taxes! ~J. F'in. K.     NewLand, 03/16

Carpe Taglinus.     magslinger, 03/16

The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.     eyespysomething, 03/16

I got scared when I saw the message "OOOOO" in my Alpha-Bits today. I forgot I was eating Cheerios.     TheBigB, 03/16

What happened to the American dream? You're looking at it.     Norman Conquest, 03/16

Keep On Freepin' On!!!     Captainpaintball, 03/16

The First Amendment is the FIRST refuge of a scoundrel!!!     Captainpaintball, 03/16

1 democrat + 1 democrat = 5 opinions, 6 tax increases, 2 more welfare programs & 0 solutions.     Semper Vigilantis, 03/16

Mexican Elite say: EXPORT Poverty Let the American Taxpayer foot the bill !     chicagolady, 03/16

Can't Blame Bush for Negative Ad's, When There's Nothing Positive To Say About John Kerry.     MJY1288, 03/16

Guys like John Kerry spit on guys like me…I've been waiting 33 years to spit back.     Jaxter, 03/16

Boycott all Hollywood movies besides the Passion during Lent.     johnb838, 03/16

Indulgences: 2 for a buck.     Landru, 03/16

How to turn a 'Basher into a 'Bot: LET THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN SUNSET!!!!     Lazamataz, 03/16

Ministrix of Venery [recess appointment] TTGC Ladies' Auxiliary.     AnAmericanMother, 03/16

At least the Spanish socialist party call themselves socialists.     blanknoone, 03/16

Vote Democrat! ~Osama bin Laden.     Savage Beast, 03/16

Ultra Secret News: ADL to pay $12M for defaming Colorado couple.     per loin, 03/16

DU trolls outsourced for free!!     international american, 03/16

3/11/04 saw the launching of the Moorish reconquest of Spain.     Professional Engineer, 03/16

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target.     eyespysomething, 03/16

John F. Kerry = oxyMORON.     bearkat, 03/16

Must cut military spending? Better to spend $ cleaning up after next 20 terrorist attacks on USA?     buffyt, 03/16

There are more nuns in whorehouses than reporters with military experience.     Clodia Pulcher, 03/16

The madridification of our election is now officially underway.     Robert_Paulson2, 03/16

Kerry has imaginary friends. Carter was attacked by a killer rabbit. Dems can be fun to watch.     TomGuy, 03/16

I'll take a Harvard MBA and Jet Pilot over bs and a swift boat anyday.     Helms, 03/16

Eat Meat, Wear Fur, Own Guns, FReep Leftists, Drive an SUV, Drill A.N.W.R., Drill the Gulf, Vote.     Trteamer, 03/16

Fortune for the day: Cats have no sense of humor and will never understand handshake buzzers.     Darksheare, 03/17

Why won't Kerry tell us who supports him? Is it because they're all enemies of the US?     steveegg, 03/17

Free the Miranda Memos!     diotima, 03/16

The word "gay" means to be happy not abnormal!     garylmoore, 03/17

Candy-gram for Osama bin Mongo, candy-gram for Osama bin Mongo!     Boot Hill, 03/17

John Kerry: Future Leader Of The Traffic Citation On Terror.     an amused spectator, 03/17

Paradise is not lost ! You'll find it May 22 aboard "FReeps Ahoy 3". Register now for our cruise.     MinuteGal, 03/17

Heinz site.     Charles Henrickson, 03/17

OUR sins put Him on that cross - HIS love for us kept Him there. I approve this message.     4ConservativeJustices, 03/17

I before E except in Budweiser.     Fierce Allegiance, 03/17

God, help me rid myself of this continuing bitterness and hate for revisioinists.     mel, 03/17

Thicker than Heinz ketchup. [In anwser to question: How thck is that make-up? -- referring to JFKerry]     Charles Henrickson, 03/17

Lend a moment of silence, for those who starved in Iraq, due to corrupt UN OIL FOR FOOD program.     syriacus, 03/17

Fight election fraud! Volunteer as a local poll watcher, challenger or district official.     JimRed, 03/17

Advice is seldom welcome, and those who need it the most, like it the least.     geedee, 03/17

Judge Roy Moore is our Ralph Nader. If you want to live under Sharia Law, support Roy Moore in 2004.     bondjamesbond, 03/17

It really sucks when your 15 minutes of fame comes AFTER you're gone...     Born Conservative, 03/17

Bush has claimed two things which Democrats believe they own by right: the presidency & the future.     Howlin, 03/17

©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©     Constitution Day, 03/17

European men have to pee sitting down until they vote out the socialists.     Bogey78O, 03/17

Now that same sex marriage is legal, who will John Kerry marry next? Bill Gates? Warren Buffet?     mlmr, 03/17

I am going to need to be sedated before this election is over.     Samwise, 03/18

SPIT ON A NAM VET AGAIN, VOTE KERRY!     Bringbackthedraft, 03/17

Bush kills terrorists. Clinton pardons them. John Al-Qerry will apologize to them.     Fresh Wind, 03/18

The UN- serving the needs of Dictators for decades...     backhoe, 03/18

A year from now, it will be hard to believe that anyone thought Kerry had any chance of being President.     LongsforReagan, 03/18

I am not completely worthless; I can always serve as a "bad example".     Lawgvr1955, 03/18

A poverty-stricken middle class must be a disarmed middle class.     Euro-American Scum, 03/18

Give me immortality, or give me death.     Nick Danger, 03/18

The Passion: Where were all the palestinians?     SJackson, 03/18

Flunk history, and you have to go through the whole mess again.     Savage Beast, 03/18

Humanity i love you because when you're hard up you pawn your Intelligence to buy a drink.     R. Scott, 03/18

John Kerry is a world class NUMB NUTS. His facial wrinkles are NUMB and all his ideas are NUTS!     WV Mountain Mama, 03/18

I actually did vote for the $87 Billion dollars, before I voted against it.     petercooper, 03/18

I AIN'T GOT TIME FO' YOUR JIBBA-JABBA, FOOL!!! ~Mr. T.     Owl_Eagle, 03/18

Kerry: The only person who could make Bill Clinton look like a moderate.     cwb, 03/18

Let's kill all the lawyers -- except mine.     martin_fierro, 03/18

Donate to FRIENDS OF SCOUTING and ruin a liberal's day!     Tax-chick, 03/18

The left is turning antisemitism into the new homophobia.     presidio9, 03/18

Marsa Stert is a britch and and I sit on the exhange.     Xenalyte, 03/18

I feed the sheep the coyotes eat.     blackdog, 03/18

Don't abandon our military - Re-elect President Bush!     Flyer, 03/18

The Militant EnvironMental Movement has changed America to a Multi-Level Marketing Government!!!     SierraWasp, 03/18

If Bill Shakespeare lived today, would he have written a sequel call "Egglet"?     dts32041, 03/18

I may sound insane,truth is im just fed up there is a difference.     MetalHeadConservative35, 03/19

LANTIRN - Designed to kill, maim, and destroy ....America's enemies...     Getsmart64, 03/19

Kerry is Unfit for Commander In Chief.     Enduring Freedom, 03/18

Guess who admitted she was happy at hearing the news of JFK's assassination?     Rebelbase, 03/19

The Culture Warriors can go after South Park now, why not mess with the anti-liberal coalition more?     E Rocc, 03/19

ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,Ooooooo.....I think I over-medicated,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø     Bloody Sam Roberts, 03/19

I'm voting for John Kerry by casting my vote against him. He's much too busy.     Conspiracy Guy, 03/19

If your beer tastes heavy, your tongue needs excercise. ~Newcastle Brown.     SquirrelKing, 03/19

Law of Survival: 1. Find out who Big Brother is 2. Find out what Big Brother wants 3. Knuckle under.     T'wit, 03/19

LWS - Legislating While Stupid. Someone should make this illegal.     Jeff Gordon, 03/19

Cannot rate this Reserve Freepers fitness: Not observed on this thread.     Tallguy, 03/19

You'll never get the pass code Eric!     Types_with_Fist, 03/19

It's not an argument, it's a contradiction!     socal_parrot, 03/19

Hire paranoids, they may have a high false alarm rate, but they discover all the plots. ~Rumsfeld.     WestCoastGal, 03/19

Kerry, Zapatero, Chirac and Schroeder support granting Al Qaeda a seat on the UN Security Council.     Guillermo, 03/19

We lead; others follow.     oyez, 03/19

FReepers make algore regret inventing the Internet.     BykrBayb, 03/19

One Caucasian-American Minority.     StrikeBack, 03/19

Given Kerry's positions, he should always be on both sides of any split-screen.     JerseyHighlander, 03/19

It ain't the whistle that pulls the train.     wordsofearnest, 03/19

Warning: some parts of this post may be plagiarized - some parts may be sarcasm - no parts edible.     Jim Robinson, 03/19

Refrigerator: A place where you store leftover food before you throw it away.     petuniasevan, 03/20

Eldest Boy's Funny T-Shirt Site [in college] --     BushCountry, 03/20

New name for Kerry - JANE KERRY.     Humidston, 03/20

Massachusetts: the land of the pathetic..namely Kerry and Kennedy!     Mich0127, 03/20

John Kerry's mother always told him that if you can't say anything nice, run for president.     Aeronaut, 03/21

Kerry I'm for the death penalty for terrorist, but I'll declare a moratorium on the death penalty.     GailA, 03/21

For every journey, there is a higher path.     pop-aye, 03/21

Is it vietnam yet ?     stylin19a, 03/21

The terrorist wraps himself in the world's grievances to cloak his true motives. ~S. Rushdie.     TomB, 03/21 - Disturb, manipulate, demonstrate for the right thing.     WOSG, 03/21

A Ph.D in Education is about equivalent to Middle School graduation. Without honours.     Criminal Number 18F, 03/21

Support our troops!! Send Kerry back to Boston!!!!     international american, 03/21

Extra registration ballots available at:     MetroSpy, 03/21

Vietnam veteran against John Kerry, proud to be a "crook" and a "liar."     clintonh8r, 03/21

USN Intel guy 1967 - 1970.     Chu Gary, 03/21

One sword, at least, thy right shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee!     Jagdgewehr, 03/22

Life is too short to drink cheap beer!     sauropod, 03/22

Kerry: Wrong on Defense, Wrong on Taxes. Repeat as necessary.     johnb838, 03/22

The last person to die for a mistake in Vietnam, should have been Ho Chi Minh.     U S Army EOD, 03/22

The Bush Campaign has their high value target surrounded.     NewLand, 03/22

NOT Fonda Kerry and his 9.10 Democrat Party mentality.     Gracey, 03/22

Such an enemy cannot be deterred, detained, appeased, or negotiated with. It can only be destroyed     evad, 03/22

End no-fault divorce laws return DUE PROCESS & EQUAL PROTECTION to ALL citizens.     texgal, 03/22

The two keys to character: 1- Learn how to keep a secret. 2- ...     Glenn, 03/22

If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.     capt. norm, 03/22

Liberals.... as a group they are the unfaithful wife.     There's millions of'em, 03/22

The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.     Baynative, 03/22

God bless the 969th in Iraq and their Captain, my brother...God bless them all!     StarCMC, 03/22

The truth hurts, so bury it! [Liberal tagline]     SZonian, 03/22

Doesn't matter if your head is in the sand or up your a**, the view is the same.     wtc911, 03/22

Carter's idiocy is surpassed only by his uselessness.     Molly Pitcher, 03/22

2 FReep is 2B --- 2B is 2 FReep.     Drango, 03/22

What is the sound of one butt clapping?     Chad Fairbanks, 03/22

Free traders know it isn't, they just believe cheap popcorn makers raises their living standards.     lewislynn, 03/22

Happiness is a full VM-II and a DEAD AND BURIED AWB!     dd5339, 03/22

Normal people scare me.     barker, 03/22

If there were not groups like the VVAW in the US... we would have lost the war. ~Gen Giap memoirs.     SJackson, 03/22

If liberals are not totalitarian in nature, why do they need deception to get their points across?     judicial meanz, 03/23

Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.     aardvark1, 03/23

Guess How We Ended Japanese Kamikaze Attacks?     Enduring Freedom, 03/23

The Canteen? Yeah, it is for the Troops. Do you got a problem with that?     Radix, 03/23

[Referring to RIchard Clark] I may be a Rich, but I'm not a Dick.     RichInOC, 03/23

2001: The Daschle-Schumer Gang stonewalled Bush's attempts to organize his administration pre-9/11.     syriacus, 03/23

In the battle between Good and Evil, Evil often wins unless Good is very, very careful. ~Spock.     Samwise, 03/23

The cornrows are gone, so now they call me "Slim Fadey" †     rdb3, 03/23

I am all flamed out.     Texasforever, 03/23

Show them no mercy, for none shall be shown to you.     Betaille, 03/23     NewRomeTacitus, 03/23

Shall a living man complain? Oh how much fewer are my sufferings than my sins.     chance33_98, 03/23

We are being incrementally criminalized by a government that does not trust us with firearms.     IGOTMINE, 03/23

Putting "butter on the message bread" since 1998.     soozla, 03/23

Ever notice that we say "Judeo-Christian...." and never "Judeo-Christian-Islamic...?"     Ax, 03/23

Communism has bowed the knee to Jesus. --- Allah is next.     ovrtaxt, 03/23

Bipartisanship and Equal Time only exist when liberals are out of power...     petuniasevan, 03/24

I'm voting for John Kerry until I vote against him in November.     SamAdams76, 03/24

Do Ted Kennedy and O.J. Simpson feel a special bond, like Bill Clinton and Gary Condit?     Baynative, 03/24

Astonishingly Crapulous United Nations.     dasboot, 03/24

Proof once and post twice, or is it proof twice and post once?     anonymous_user, 03/24

We the Polish people love peace, but we do not know the concept of peace at all cost.     Matthew Paul, 03/24

Libs, want answers on 911? Ask Clinton why he met with Monica more than with his CIA director.     MamaLucci, 03/24

Hey you!! Off my planet.     bearkat, 03/25

Pessimism never won any battle. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower.     redlipstick, 03/25

In memory of James Edward Peck, my grandfather, who passed on 3/23/04.     Xenalyte, 03/25

If you favor surrender to terrorism, vote Democrat.     Argus, 03/25

John F'n Kerry: "He's a real nowhere man.."     Ole Okie, 03/25

We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police.     JackRyanCIA, 03/25

Liberals are the real Mind-Numbed Robots - No Brains, No Guts, No Character.     el_texicano, 03/25

BIBLE = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.     jtill, 03/25

Wonder if Clarke will make enough on his book to pay for his legal fees for perjury?     hoosiermama, 03/25

France has elevated their threat level from "run" to "hide".     BJClinton, 03/25

Kerry went to Vietnam...yadda yadda yadda...he should be President...     Petronski, 03/25

NJ Needs Auto Insurance reform!!!!!     Heff, 03/25

It takes more than just a bit of double-secret probation to keep a good website down.     steveegg, 03/26

Crime would drop like a sprung trap-door if we brought back good old-fashioned hangings.     Vigilanteman, 03/26

The 9-11 commission demonstrated it can give Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey a run at the box office.     prairiebreeze, 03/26

We can depend on Scary Kerry's imaginary foreign leaders to protect us from terrorists.     bayourod, 03/26

Our economy, our investments, and our jobs DEPEND on powerful national security.     tkathy, 03/26

FReeps Ahoy 3 - May 22. Register now for our cruise.     MinuteGal, 03/26

Sure they want to tone down the rhetoric. We are winning.     OpusatFR, 03/26

America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins. ~President Bush 3-20-04.     nuconvert, 03/26

Over 141000 FReepers, and just about all of us will be going pro in something other than politics...     Constitution Day, 03/26

Does anyone really want a president who keeps a cosmetic surgeon on retainer?     WV Mountain Mama, 03/26

Cranky R.A.M. Stormtrooper.     AngryJawa, 03/26

21 Bump salute for Harpseal.     VRW Conspirator, 03/26

Full of power I'm spreading my wings. I have started my journey, I'm drifting away with the wind,     knighthawk, 03/26

John Kerry, the mother of all flip floppers.     U S Army EOD, 03/26

The right to own weapons IS the right to be free.     LibKill, 03/26

Bush '04 --- in a F'n landslide.     LurkedLongEnough, 03/26

Rocking like Janet Reno.     Dr Snide, 03/26

Weakness Invites War. Peace through Strength. ~Margaret Thatcher.     ladyinred, 03/26

Islamic terrorists are like cancer... can you negotiate with Cancer?     battousai, 03/26

Patent Law...not a single Supreme Court Justice is qualified to take the PTO Bar Exam!     Lael, 03/26

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Thunderbirds are go!     bootyist-monk, 03/26

Men of intemperate minds can not be free. Their passions forge their fetters.     little jeremiah, 03/26

Strength Through Zealotry!     olde north church, 03/27

The Internet - it's a jungle out there... *brushes vines away from screen*     KangarooJacqui, 03/27

Most Of Us Are Wasting Rights Other Men Fought and Died For!     B4Ranch, 03/27

A Colt in hand beats a cop on the phone.     oyez, 03/27

Everyone feels benevolent if nothing happens to be annoying him at the moment. ~C.S. Lewis.     grimalkin, 03/27

Liberals are always wrong, even when they come down on both sides of the issue.     T'wit, 03/27

JIm Angle rocks!!!!     ken5050, 03/27

Fear not, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. ~2nd Kings 6:16-17     Tax-chick, 03/27

I’m on George Bush’s side because he’s on the side of the American people. ~Zell Miller [D].     FairOpinion, 03/27

In the dark? Follow the Son.     Owl_Eagle, 03/27

Clintonites have such good hind-sight because they had their heads up their hind-ends 8 years.     TomGuy, 03/27

Wimpy tag line? Try Vi-tag-ra!     talleyman, 03/27

John Kerry is.....The Boston Strangler.     Dan from Michigan, 03/27

Kerry's rich but don't knock it - he could balance the budget with change in his sugar Mama's pocket.     F.J. Mitchell, 03/27

Only one life to live and soon tis past, and only what was done for Jesus Christ will last.     Geist Krieger, 03/27

Bear one another's burdens.     GrandmaC, 03/27

Life is cheap. It's the accessories that kill you.     petuniasevan, 03/28

Never feel sorry for a man who owns his own plane.     baltodog, 03/28

2 million defensive gun uses a year. Tell that to the Gun Fairy who'd rather leave you toothless.     WhiteyAppleseed, 03/28

The meek shall inherit the earth... But usually in plots 6' x 3' x 6' deep...     MarkL, 03/28

Michael Medved has the Greatest radio show on GOD's Green Earth.     beaversmom, 03/28

Happy 10th Birthday to Troubull [my cat] 3/25/04     E Rocc, 03/28


General - Alien Army of the Right [AAOTR.]     Mike Darancette, 03/28

Troll on a stick.     cyborg, 03/28

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.     Pablo64, 03/28

Bill and Hillary, the Bonnie and Clyde of the 90's.     John Lenin, 03/28

Capitalism presumes we possess a traditional endowment of morals. ~F. A. Hayek.     AZLiberty, 03/28

Families, moments and memories - treasures to be defended and savored.     Baynative, 03/28

TOPICS: Humor; Miscellaneous; Reference; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: freerepublicus; tagline; taglinus
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To: jigsaw
Dedicated To All Our Troops, Whom We Sincerely Thank!

You Are In Our Prayers Every Day. God Bless You All!

And Thankyou, Jigsaw

21 posted on 03/28/2004 7:24:32 PM PST by PeteFromMontana (Kerry needs a good ole fashioned Bush-wacking!)
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To: jigsaw
Double thanks jigsaw for the double honor!

As always, this calls for an updated taglinus ammendus...modified from a comment by Tijeras Slim!

22 posted on 03/28/2004 7:41:32 PM PST by NewLand (The Liberal Agenda can only be maintained by common denial or absoute force.)
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To: jigsaw
Thanks for taking the trouble to assemble this. There are a lot of great ones!

Another favorite I use occasionally:

"America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country." --- G. W. Bush

Then there is the obvious one:

"If you are not voting for Bush, you are voting for the terrorists"
23 posted on 03/28/2004 7:47:41 PM PST by FairOpinion (Zell Miller (D):"I’m on George Bush’s side because he’s on the side of the American people.")
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To: jigsaw
I am humbled again to be amongst such honored and imaginative Tagliners.

5 for 5!

24 posted on 03/28/2004 8:10:57 PM PST by Bloody Sam Roberts (ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,Election '04...It's going to be a bumpy ride,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø)
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To: jigsaw
Thanks! I'm FAMOUS!!!!!

25 posted on 03/28/2004 8:26:13 PM PST by MarkL (The meek shall inherit the earth... But usually in plots 6' x 3' x 6' deep...)
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To: jigsaw
Kerry I'm for the death penalty for terrorist, but I'll declare a moratorium on the death penalty
26 posted on 03/28/2004 8:34:37 PM PST by GailA (Kerry I'm for the death penalty for terrorist, but I'll declare a moratorium on the death penalty)
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To: jigsaw
Woo-hoo! How many of my 15 minutes of fame am I using up here?? LOL!
27 posted on 03/28/2004 8:43:36 PM PST by StarCMC (God bless the 969th in Iraq and their Captain, my brother...God bless them all!)
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To: StarCMC
How many of my 15 minutes of fame am I using up here?? LOL!

Better now than later! (see my tagline for an explanation)

28 posted on 03/28/2004 8:51:50 PM PST by Born Conservative (It really sucks when your 15 minutes of fame comes AFTER you're gone...)
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To: jigsaw
Thanks, and God Bless the Troops!!!
29 posted on 03/28/2004 9:02:42 PM PST by Captainpaintball ( If DICK Clark was soooooo sorry about failing to prevent 9/11, did he also apologize in his book?)
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To: Born Conservative
30 posted on 03/28/2004 9:08:04 PM PST by StarCMC (God bless the 969th in Iraq and their Captain, my brother...God bless them all!)
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To: jigsaw
Wow, how did you ever do that?

Pretty cool seeing all of the tag lines here, there are so classics!
31 posted on 03/28/2004 9:30:41 PM PST by ladyinred (Weakness Invites War. Peace through Strength (Margaret Thatcher))
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To: jigsaw
Gee, jigsaw. Everytime you do this, I figure it's time ta whip out a new one!
32 posted on 03/28/2004 9:43:38 PM PST by SierraWasp (Does CA really need a huge "Sierra-Nevada Conservancy?" Can it afford it? Tell Arnold to stuff it!)
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To: jigsaw

Now I've decided to change it again! See what you started?

33 posted on 03/28/2004 9:59:55 PM PST by SierraWasp (Coastal CA seems hell-bent on becoming America's version of France!!!)
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To: jigsaw
Wonderful taglines. Thanks for the ping, and for including me. I'm truly honored.

Hmm... Now I need a new tagline.
34 posted on 03/28/2004 10:02:05 PM PST by BykrBayb (I'm going to steal my next tagline from someone's post.)
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To: jigsaw
Many, many thanks, jigsaw!
35 posted on 03/28/2004 10:12:51 PM PST by Pan_Yans Wife (Much of your pain is self-chosen. --- Kahlil Gibran)
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To: jigsaw
Thanks for correcting me (.com to .net). You do an awful lot of work on this and I appreciate it.

Anyone not aware of it, a new animated show called "This Just In" airs Sunday nights on the SpikeTV network. Centered around a conservative journalist living in San Diego, it's rife with great lines, liberal barbs and actual insights of a man forced to live in an insanely liberal world. The creator and main writer, Steve Marmel, is frequenting FR for ideas and feedback, so don't be surprised if your tags get "tagged". Compliments, contributions or criticism currently going here:
36 posted on 03/29/2004 2:55:00 AM PST by NewRomeTacitus (Each service person is worth more than 4.5 Berkley creeps or any 5 Ithica traitors.)
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To: jigsaw
Thanks once again for digging out the best of FR and including my latest meager efforts.
37 posted on 03/29/2004 4:14:30 AM PST by steveegg (It takes more than just a bit of double-secret probation to keep a good website down)
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To: jigsaw
Saw your tagline- Prophet of Doom is the coolest free e-book on the 'net!
38 posted on 03/29/2004 4:17:46 AM PST by ovrtaxt (Proud member of the Offensive Banned Tagline club.)
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To: jigsaw
Always great fun -- thanks!
39 posted on 03/29/2004 4:57:16 AM PST by T'wit ("I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president!" -- Hillary)
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To: jigsaw
Thanks for the ping. I've been on vacation and I'm not back up to speed with my FReeping. I might have missed this wonderful collection.
40 posted on 03/29/2004 5:41:48 AM PST by Pablo64 ("Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.")
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