Since Feb 7, 1999

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Committed Christian, Husband, Father, American, Capitalist, Conservative. That's me. In that order.


Atlanta Tea Party "Wakes Up the World" here for link to You Tube multi-media show

On April 15th 2009, approx 20,000+ citizens gathered in downtown Atlanta to express serious dissatisfaction with our Congress and President. This "Tea Party" was just one of hundreds across our nation that brought hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens into activism. The sleeping giant has been awoken! Free Republic leads the way in protecting our freedoms, defending our Constitution, and defeating socialism!



“NewLand” on Rush!

Can you believe it! I was the leadoff caller on the open line Friday show of August 26, 2005, identified myself as a "long time FReeper, screen name NewLand"... and the rest is history!

Click on the link just above...and a big FRiendly thank you to Clint N. Suhks for honoring me with that thread.

There are also a lot of great comments on the Rush Live Thread August 26,2005 from that day!

Thanks to all my fellow FReepers for your kind words and support...but mostly, thanks to Jim Robinson for creating Free Republic and allowing me the honor to call myself "FReeper"!!!

Here is how it went:


"Let's go to the phones...Mark from Roswell,'re up first, make it count!"


"Hi Rush, thank you for taking my call, it's an honor to be on your show and to serve on the front lines with you in the fight against liberalism!

This is my first call in 15 years of listening, I'm so excited. I also wanted to identify myself as a long time FReeper with the screen name of NewLand.

My call fits in perfectly with the poll results you just announced and keeps the issue front and center and validates everything you've said.

So, I wanted to tee one up for you today and help everybody get focused on how to be on the offensive against liberals. And we should all be on the offensive. We've won 7 of the last 10 presidential elections, the US Senate, the US Congress, the majority of Governorships, of State Senates and State Houses. There's never been a better time to be on the offensive than RIGHT NOW!

So conservatives out there need to stop defending their beliefs and start questioning every single premise, every single belief, every single lie, every single talking point that the left puts forth as gospel, even the sacred cows like 'pro-choice' and 'social security' and the New York Times, and even the "No WMD" drum beat.

These are questions that the MSM liberal shills will NEVER ask.

Thank you Rush and I give you the honors. Swing away".


My thoughts about The War Against Radical Islam:

Today the world faces a threat like never before. A global network of well financed Islamic radicals who publicly state their desire to destroy America and our way of life. They will stop at nothing, repeat nothing, to achieve that goal. That includes the use of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons against civilians here in the USA. Against your families and mine.

Our choice is simple; we either hunt down these killers in all corners of the world and destroy them NOW, or they will continue to gather strength and money and weapons and continue to bring the horrors of their war to all the innocent civilians of the USA right here at home.

We need our very best men and women for this task. We need the will to achieve victory. It's a matter of life or death for our nation.

Thank you to all who serve and sacrifice so bravely on behalf of this great nation.


Scary, but true...if we are not vigilent.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

-- Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU.
