Posted on 08/12/2024 11:15:04 AM PDT by John Semmens
In an effort to reduce the amount of plastic waste, California banned single-use plastic grocery bags in 2016. The thicker reusable totes that replaced these bags aren't, in fact, reused as often as had been hoped. Health concerns about reusing contaminated cloth bags led to stores offering customers sturdier reusable plastic bags for a small fee--typically ten cents per bag. However, most customers threw these bags out after a single use. The result is that the amount of plastic the state dumped into the Pacific Ocean soared from 157,385 tons in 2014 to 231,072 tons in 2022.
The editors of the Los Angeles Times are calling for "a do over. What we need is a nationwide war on plastic containers of all types. No place of business should be permitted to hand out or sell any bags, boxes, or containers made of plastic that aren't 100% recyclable. California's Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act of 2022 set 2032 as the date when this goal has to be achieved, but this only deals with California and is too far into the future."
Luckily, the Biden Administration has just announced a plan to phase out the procurement of single-use plastics from food service operations, events and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035. This includes plastic and polystyrene food and beverage containers, bottles, straws, cups, cutlery and disposable plastic bags. Michael Regan, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, said "glass bottles, paper cups & straws, and metal cutlery were good enough for our grandparents. We are wealthy enough to bear the added costs and strong enough to endure the lesser convenience of these alternate materials. There's no excuse for us not to do this."
Sen. James Lankford (R-Ok) observed that "higher costs and inconvenience was what motivated the shift away from the methods utilized by our grandparents. Perhaps we shouldn't be in such a rush to reverse course in a time when so many families are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living."
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I thought we stopped using paper products and went to plastic to ‘save the planet’.
There was a plastic bag ban in my county for about 10 minutes. Now all stores are back to giving out plastic bags. I guess someone got the message.
Democrats is just another fancy word for baboons.
90% of the plastic waste in the oceans originates from 2 countries: China and India.
Both are “exempt” from climate change treaties.
So F.O. with your plastic bag bans and paper straw bull crap. Most Americans are very fastidious [”pack in, pack out”, “leave it better than you found it”, “the only thing we leave behind are footprints” are common among MY people]. Illegals, though.......
A while back I ate at a local Mexican restaurant. By policy they had no straws or lids for your drink. I don’t want bugs or the elements/rain going into my open cup while I’m walking around if I’ve just re-filled it before leaving the restaurant. I also don’t want it spilling all over my car if I have to make a sudden stop. I won’t go back. Do they even consider how much business they might be losing with their fadish crusades? A few years back at Sunday Mass a great young priest said: You can tell a society has really lost its mind when it cares more about plastic in the ocean than the child in the womb.
My milk and juices are packaged in plastic, my vegetables are in plastic, my cheese and meats are in plastic, my condiments are in plastic - what gives??????
I reuse all my plastic bags for cat litter; and paper grocery bags are very inconvenient and hard to carry. But I preferred paper plates, cups, etc. to plastic - I’ve received fast-food orders that have melted into the plastic container...
I think the paper and plastic industries are waging a war in state legislatures and in the media. Each is trying to paint the other as the more polluting.
Big Band Bwana, by Henry Mancini.
From the movie Hatari, released in 1962.
Inside every 'progressive' is a totalitarian screaming to get out.
There’s more to it than that.
The younger people today are so unread, spiritually uncultivated, and brainwashed instead of educated, that they have no inner life to speak of. Jumping on bandwagons like this gives them some sense of ‘worth’, purpose and meaning. As pitiful as it is to base those things on something as empty as ‘virtue signalling’, it’s all they have to really believe in and try to make themselves feel less empty.
People just buy new reusable bags when they shop I hear them say it to the cashiers all the time ,LOL
Mr. Feldman contributed to most of the songs on that album.
and going back paper uses 4 times more energy and pollutes 50 times more water that making plastic ,LOL
People were just too happy using plastic bags and then reusing them for other things so that had to stop,LOL
90% of the plastic waste in the oceans originates from 2 countries: China and India.
Places we send out fake recycled plastic to ?
The typical “T shirt” bag weighs 0.1 ounces. It is super strong PE resin and can hold 30 pounds of goods. It also has multiple uses after coming home with the groceries. Dog walkers love them and we line our trash cans with them. When buried in a modern landfill they will stay there forever and contaminate nothing; all the while trapping 93% of their weight as carbon. What better way to use our natural gas by turning it it into a multi-use product that captures carbon?
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