“Salon.com is happy to see David Letterman go.”
Funny, you’d think they’d be measuring him for a statue. He’s been a dutiful leftist freak hack since at least Election 2000.
I am not a marketing person but my guess is that only about 2% of the 18% black population would even consider watching an old dried up white guy who is not funny. Why ask them on the show?
I thought Letterman was dead.
I’m glad Letterman is gone because (IMHO) he stopped being funny a long time ago. He became kinda cranky and abrasive in the last 10 years or so.
Yes, I know people get older and change. But I’ll always remember Letterman in the early years when it was funnier than hell.
One of my favorites was when Charlie Daniels appeared on the show. He was chewing tobacco on air and he gave some for Letterman and the band to try. Several guys in the band looked like they were gonna barf.
White is the new “Colored”.
Aside from the overall lunacy of the article, in the effort to be “inclusive”, the libs fail to realize “African-American” is a divisive term.
Damn whities.....
Do all these guys have “H8YT” tattooed on their foreheads or something?
“You’d never know” that American culture has a large minority presence...”
Well! Isn’t that a remarkable statement. I guess 17% is considered a large figure but maybe she was referring to over 75% of all crimes being committed by the 17%.
I’m confused???????
Scott Timberg is, of course, even whiter than Letterman.
You would think they’d gripe about only having BET and OWN as a black venue when there are probably 20 or so latin channels on the teebee. There is an africanAmerican on pretty well every show along with the obligatory flamer prancing thru scenes now. The only TV worth watching are the channels showing the older series and movies to get away from the colorization (not colorized) of todays pablum.
Of course it was all white. Bitter liberals can only tolerate people like themselves.
Jews have had a historically bigger presence in comedy than blacks do. Considering it was basically a comedy show, maybe he needed more Jews? /sarc to Salon
Salon is unbearably queer.
The best part about the show was that it was the FINAL one.
Besides the War on Women (which is really what Hillary has waged on those who could cause trouble for her rapist husband) and the War on Terror (but we must not say Muslim) is another one which I will finally name and to which I will give initials - WOWE. Yep, pronounced “wowwy” -— the War on White Europeans.
Our strength is our diversity is a total load of crap. Our strength is Christianity, the Constitution, individual freedom, and individual initiative. Today’s OTWs (other than Whites) do not care about joining our culture and being part of the melting pot. They want to destroy it.
If I want to watch a truly funny show I watch Gilligan’s Island reruns. Talk about white!
Maybe Dave was worried ,That a Riot might Break Out.
I wouldn’t know I see people as people and not just the color of their skin.
Also, there is no chance I would watch that philandering, talent-less, communist.