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War between Christian Nations and Muslim Nations
Last Days Watchman ^
| Julio Severo
Posted on 03/09/2015 10:16:06 AM PDT by juliosevero
War between Christian Nations and Muslim Nations: A Table Talk between an American Economist and Young Muslims in Indonesia
By Julio Severo
In the early 1970s, economist John Perkins was in Indonesia and had an interesting table talk with some young Muslims, reported in his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man [Berrett-Koehler Publishers: 2004], pp. 45-46.
Their talk:
Muslim young woman: Back in the fifties he [Arnold Toynbee] predicted that the real war in the next century would not be between Communists and capitalists, but between Christians and Muslims.
Perkins: Arnold Toynbee said that? I was stunned.
Muslim young woman: Yes. Read Civilization on Trial and The World and the West.
Perkins: But why should there be such animosity between Muslims and Christians? I asked.
Looks were exchanged around the table. They appeared to find it hard to believe that I could ask such a foolish question.
Muslim young woman: Because, she said slowly, as though addressing someone slow-witted or hard of hearing, the Westespecially its leader, the U.S. is determined to take control of all the world, to become the greatest empire in history. It has already gotten very close to succeeding. The Soviet Union currently stands in its way, but the Soviets will not endure. Toynbee could see that. They have no religion, no faith, no substance behind their ideology. History demonstrates that faithsoul, a belief in higher powersis essential. We Muslims have it. We have it more than anyone else in the world, even more than the Christians. So we wait. We grow strong.
Muslim young man: We will take our time, one of the men chimed in, and then like a snake we will strike.
These young Muslims could see, and Toynbee could see too, according to them, the fall of the Soviet Union. They could see far beyond too: a future battle between the Islamic world and the Christian world.
John Perkins was, according to his own book, in Indonesia in a special operation. He had been hired as an EHM (Economic Hit Man), to persuade countries to take out loans worth billions of dollars, often to pay for infrastructure projects that the EHMs themselves recommend, making these countries to incur debts they would never be able to pay off.
Yet, the biggest ever special operation, which Perkins could not envision, was Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama also lived in Indonesia, in the late 1960s, because his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, after divorcing Barack Obama Sr. (a Marxist Muslim), moved to Indonesia after marrying another Muslim: Indonesian Lolo Soetoro.
According to Wayne Madsen, not only Dunham worked to CIA, including in a cover operation in Indonesia, but her son, todays President Obama, was a CIA creation.
If this is so, the real war predicted by Toynbee to happen in our century between Christian nations and Muslim nations will never happen.
With Obama as U.S. president, the U.S. government and military power have been surrendering themselves more and more to Muslim interests. Yet, this selling-out did not begin today. Perkins exposes not only that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have had massive financial connections since the 1970s, but also that Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of terrorist financing. This is, the most important Muslim ally of America is the most important financing source of Islamic terrorism around the world.
How did Christian America and Europe come to succumb to Islamic petrodollars?
Because of massive Saudi and other Muslim financial investments in Europe, especially from Islamic dictatorships, Europeans have been surrendering themselves to a relentless Islamic invasion, disguised as immigration.
Islamic invasion is winning: at the White House, in Europe, etc.
By the way, no war between Christian nations and Muslim nations will be necessary, because the Christian world has been religiously weak and the Muslim world has been religiously strong. Obama Hussein Obama at the White House is evidence of a debilitated Christianity and strengthened Islam.
The Islamic world, especially Saudi Arabia, would never accept a pro-Christian president with a Christian name. But America, and the Western world, has welcomed a pro-Islam president with a Muslim name. Who is losing? Who is winning?
All of them (Perkins and the young Muslims) would have been utterly stunned if told of a 21-century Western world, especially the U.S., leading an aggressive international propaganda campaign presenting Islam the greatest murder machine in history as a religion of peace.
A peace bought by petrodollars. Its real cost is the slow death of the Christian culture in the U.S. and Europe.
There is a real ongoing war against the Christian civilization and Christian populations, including through Islamic terrorism, but there have been no fighting back from nations with a Christian past, especially America (the largest Protestant nation in the world) and Brazil (the largest Catholic nation in the world).
Recommended Reading:
TOPICS: Miscellaneous; Politics; Reference; Religion
KEYWORDS: christendom; clashofcivilizations; muslim; muslimworld; saudiarabia
To: juliosevero
What nations would you identify as Christian?
posted on
03/09/2015 10:18:15 AM PDT
(St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle ....)
To: juliosevero
posted on
03/09/2015 10:22:35 AM PDT
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: jtal
Nowadays, this is a hard issue. But based on their Christian past, I would submit the U.S., Brazil, U.K., etc.
To: juliosevero
What war? Christian nations are allowing themselves to be over-run by people who don’t now and never will accept Christian values. Egypt is one of the few nations fighting for Christians. The other thing that isn’t being fought for is to preserve antiquities. Doesn’t the UN have an arm that should be in there protecting the ancient sites in Iraq?
posted on
03/09/2015 10:28:34 AM PDT
To: jtal
The important thing is the muhammadans see the west as Christian, regardless of the reality that the west is not Christian, nor has it been for a long time now.
posted on
03/09/2015 10:32:58 AM PDT
(Children do not divide your love, they multiply it)
To: juliosevero
This is a very interesting post that might help explain what is really happening in the world, and here in America in particular.
One thing it does, is show those willing to pay attention and use their God given intellect, is that Obama is not an agent of socialism or communism, but is working for Islamism.
Communism is doomed by its lack of faith in a higher power, as Perkins pointed out, and the Christian world is not far behind due in large part by its lack of zeal for its faith. As an example, where are the great christian evangelists of the last decades?
On the other hand, most Muslims are their own evangelists. Unlike Jehovah Witnesses, they don't go door-to-door trying to convince other Christians to their version, but instead seek and more often than not, undercut the ties that many Christians have in their own beliefs.
posted on
03/09/2015 10:52:04 AM PDT
fantail 1952
(Common sense policy: Help your friends. Whip your enemies. Sort out the rest later.)
To: fantail 1952
Please note my tagline. Dying on one’s feet beats a nursing home anytime. I will trust in my God.
posted on
03/09/2015 10:55:32 AM PDT
("I am a radicalized infidel. My bullets are dipped in pig grease.")
To: grania
“Doesnt the UN have an arm that should be in there protecting the ancient sites in Iraq?”
Sure, they have an arm, they just don’t have an army.
posted on
03/09/2015 11:03:26 AM PDT
To: fantail 1952
> “John Perkins was, according to his own book, in Indonesia in a special operation. He had been hired as an EHM (Economic Hit Man), to persuade countries to take out loans worth billions of dollars, often to pay for infrastructure projects that the EHMs themselves recommend, making these countries to incur debts they would never be able to pay off.”
Sounds familiar. Very familiar. Where have I seen this recently?...oh yeah...
To: juliosevero
So Muslims will declare war on China, Gulf States, and Western African nations this century?
To: juliosevero
Here’s the probable article of Toynbee they’re referring to. Not by any means entirely complimentary.
Keep in mind that Toynbee was pretty much a nut. If you can read the article you can see he draws precise parallels between the Jewish Zealots of Jesus’ day and the Islamists of today, and between the Herodians and the Turks under Kemal Ataturk.
While there are certainly valid comparisons and analogies, Toynbee’s whole schtick is that he carries them waaayyy beyond the point where a reasonable person would give it up as no longer applicable.
Toynbee’s writing is brilliant, and for a while some decades back I was kind of a fanboy. But when he got into areas where I was more familiar with the history, it became obvious to me that he was picking elements of the history that supported his great scheme of history, and ignoring those that didn’t.
Very interesting guy to read, if you filter out the BS.
To: juliosevero
The US from its founding is clearly, well used to be, a Christian nation. A Christian nation with a muslim in the WH obviously is not boding well for the US and other Christian nations who once depended on the US to protect them from Christian genocide.
To: jtal
posted on
03/09/2015 12:29:52 PM PDT
To: Sherman Logan
I really do not know what Toynbee said or not. I am just giving my view on the impressions by a group of Muslim youth to what they thought about his writing, as reported by Perkins. At any rate, it is an interesting reading
To: juliosevero
BTW, I think Toynbee and this youth group have a point.
Modern secular nihilism is simply not sustainable.
We WILL have some sort of spiritual revival. I would personally prefer it to be Christian rather than Muslim.
In a religious war, your most important weapon is faith.
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