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DUmmie FUnnies 09-14-09 (DUmmies & KOmmies Frustrated By 9/12 DC Time Lapse Video)
DUmmie FUnnies ^ | September 14, 2009 | DUmmies, KOmmies, and PJ-Comix

Posted on 09/14/2009 7:12:59 AM PDT by PJ-Comix


Yes, that is the sound of the DUmmies and KOmmies shriveling in pain in the face of the time lapse VIDEO that clearly shows that the 9/12 Tea Party in Washington, D.C. numbered in the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS at the very least and more likely well over a million. The Daily Mail put the number at two million and the the time lapse video certainly shows it could well have hit that figure. And this is why the DUmmies and KOmmies are acting towards that time lapse video like vampires confronted by a cross. So what to do? What to do? Well, what they do is come up with a plethora of highly laughable conspiracy theories regarding that time lapse video which you can see in this DUmmie THREAD, "ABC News Was Misquoted on (9/12 Protest) Crowd Size," and this KOmmie THREAD, "Is Malkin Selling Phony March Numbers?" So let us now watch the DUmmies and KOmmies engage in time lapse video reality denial in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting that the MSM is currently pretending that nothing much happened in D.C. on Saturday, is in the [brackets}:

ABC News Was Misquoted on (9/12 Protest) Crowd Size

[But the Daily Mail which put the crowd size at 2 MILLION was accurately quoted.]

At no time did ABC News, or its affiliates, report a number anywhere near as large. reported an approximate figure of 60,000 to 70,000 protesters, attributed to the Washington, D.C., fire department.

[One look at the time lapse video tells us that there were easily ten times those numbers at the very least. And now to see the rest of the DUmmies engage in a reality denial routine...]

They are all liars. The truth means nothing to them. They will continue to insist there was a million and a half people there today.

[Don't believe your lyin' eyes of what the time lapse video clearly tells you.]

By calculation crowd extent, and making a few educated guesses on density, I have a number of 20K. 60K would be near impossible (that would require a density of 1 person per every 5 sq ft. and by looking at closeups, there was plenty of room for lawn chairs and blankets and such.)

[Please don't view the time lapse video without incredibly dark lenses that won't allow the light in. The harsh image of reality could blind you on the spot.]

I estimated an upper bound of 30K for yesterday's event. Probably more like 20K or 25K. UNfortunately, I have yet to see a definitive overhead shot when they rallied at the capitol steps, but there was some "overlooking" video, and you can see the trees and other landmarks where the crowd peters out.

[You mean the "overlooking" video where the crowd fills the wide street all the way into the far distance?]

Time lapse video shows the numbers... And they were large.

[AIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!! NO! NO! The truth hurts!!! OH MY EYES!!!]

It's kinda hard to count them in the video. It is moving too fast............

[Which makes the estimate even larger. The crowd is moving fast yet they keep filling Pennsylvania Ave. waaaaaaay into the distance.]

Pennsylvania Ave is about 180 ft across (including sidewalks) and 6000 ft long from the point where the pictures were taken (easily confirmed with google maps). If the spacing was on average 4 ft between people, then the length of Pennsylvania avenue holds 67,500. And it is clear that the video shows the crowd moving down the street, filling it, and keeping it filled for some time. Without a time stamp it would be hard to judge, but the crowd was much more than 50-70K - probably 3-4 times that.

[Please stop! I beg you please stop with the truth! It hurts too much. Please, no more truth...]

I don't know what time increment was used for this, or if the increment was changed at the end, but at 0:16, the crowd takes a huge leap, from massing a half block from the closest intersection, to all the way down the street to the Capital.. Scrubbing through it, I would think it would be a more gradual progression than that.

[Let the Time Lapse Video Conspiracy Theories Begin!!!]

It is not clear what the time lapse sequence is, but the video itself seems to be genuine, and a rough estimate shows that the crowd was huge.

[Stop with the truth already!!!]

Can the source of that video be verified? I don't see any time/date stamp, and we've already seen some cases od RWers trying to pass off photos of old events (see elsewhere in this thread) as depicting Saturday's tea-bagger event.

[The source of the video was Lucy Ramirez who posted the video to YouTube from a Kinko's in Amarillo TX.]

Problem with that is, when I got to the site yesterday that the cam does the live feed, the flag was at full staff ... now, it may be later afternoon, but when is a "govt worker" doing work on a Saturday, raising the flag from half-staff to full staff after a march? So the evidence is in question ...

[Posted a DUmmie with his brain at permanent half-staff.]

Time stamp. Does that say 12:56 p.m. PT (Pacific Time)? So that makes it, what, 9:56 a.m. Eastern Time, right?

[Right. According to DUmmie time zone calculations, the East Coast is always 3 hours earlier than the West Coast.]

I was lone progressive with the "Tax The Rich" sign. I received a lot of ridicule and scorned looks. There were definitely not 1.5 million people there. Best I can figure is it was closer to 1 million. However, I tell you this sincerely because I don't want my bretheren to underestimate the growing threat.

[The lone DUmmie there reluctantly admits to 1 million at the DC Tea Party. An inconvenient truth for his comrades.]

I was on the Mall yesterday and at the Inauguration in January. I'd say no less than half a million yesterday. It was a little scary, to be honest. I had no idea emotions were running that deep.

[No LESS than a half million and most likely 3 to 4 times that number. OUCH! The truth hurts! And now to the reality denying KOmmies...]

Is Malkin Selling Phony March Numbers?

[Stand by for yet more Time Lapse Video Conspiracy theories.]

This is the lead photo on Malkin's site, where she claims tha the march numbered two million. It's bein widely reproduced all over the Right-Wing blogosphere. There's a problem, though: the livecam from which this shot was taken shows a flag flying at full mast, not half-mast.

[And a KOmmie revealing a half-mast mind.]

A second problem: this webcam is looking at the traffic on 14th Street. The Teabaggers gathered at Freedom Plaza and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue, not 14th St.

[Was Lucy Ramirez working the camera?]

Where and when was this shot taken? What rally was this? Was this actually the Teabaggers March today? Or is Malkin trying to deceive her followers (it wouldn't be the first time, certainly.)

[The video shot was taken on May 12, 2006, just 24 business hours ago.]

Because if Malkin is cheating, she deserves to get a big "FAIL."

[Yes, Michelle used movie maker software to add in a CGI crowd.]

Perhaps the first photo was taken while the flag was being raised. I don't know. Did the marchers proceed down 14th St? I don't know. While I certainly acknowledge that there were thousands of people there, there is a magnitude of difference between "tens of thousands" and "millions. How many people were there? I don't know.

[Key phrase: "I don't know."]

Can any of the DC Kossacks on the spot answer these questions?

[Translation: "Help me out with my reality denial."]

UPDATE @ - A few Kossacks who were actually around at the time that this screenshot was grabbed state that it is authentic. There is no time/date stamp on it, so it is unknown when it was actually photographed. Malkin herself is using this photo to claim that 2 million people attended today, and that therefore the Tea Party movement is not "fringe." The screenshot is her #1 piece of evidence for her claim.

[SOB! I placed my faith in your bizarre conspiracy theories and now you tell me the screenshot is authentic. But...but that means there must have been HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people there, maybe even...MILLIONS!!!]

I believe that Malkin has vastly overestimated the attendance numbers and is using a particularly dense segment of the marching crowd to give the impression of a vastly more populated march. This, to me, still constitutes "cheating with photos," in the sense that you are misinterpreting the photographic visuals in order to persuade the easily deceived. Colin Powell did much the same thing, philosophically, when he presented the satellite photographs of Iraqi "biochemical weapons facilities" to the UN.

[Yeah, a dense segment that kept on going and going and going...all the way into the far far distance.]

As far as the foolishness of a person who asks skeptical questions about facts averred on slim or contradictory evidence, all I can say is I would rather ask those "foolish" questions to similar skeptics than let potential deceptions pass unchallenged. Thank you to all who answered my questions with generosity and good will.

[And thank you for all the great DUFU comedy material. Now on to the other KOmmies...]

Maybe it was the inauguration?

[Yeah, maybe the camera captured the segment of the crowd that dressed incredibly lightly for the sub-freezing temperatures that day.]

The flag was at half staff for Kennedy, he was buried last week, it goes back to full staff TODAY. Quit with this conspiracy nonsense. It makes us look ridiculous.

[Shhhh!!! Don't discourage them. Ridiculous is also FUnnie and we need the DUFU comedy material.]

The webcam grab May be legit.

[Dude, where's my bizarre conspiracy theory?]

This shot looks to me to be approximately 100-feet by a half-mile or so. 250,000 sq. ft., or 6 acres, to slide rule pre-calculation guesstimation. 120,000 to 150,000 people. Right in front of the camera. Then you add the participants who were not in this image.

[Then you are talking well over a million.]

There is no legitimate reason for a Flag to have been at half-staff this morning, and in the vast majority of cases the flage would have been raised shortly after sunrise. It is, however you slice it, highly suspicious for that flag to be flying at half-staff.

[Since the webcam proves the crowd was at least HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS let us go back to square one and claim the half staff conspiracy theories again.]

In the first photo you can see someone at the base of the flag pole... In the second photo the individual is gone.

[A KOmmie trying to wrap his tiny mind around the concept of time LAPSE photography.]

This is going to bite us in the ass!!

[Yup! And present us with some incredible DUFU comedy material.]

They raise the flag at dawn.

[A KOmmie experiences a tremendous revelation.]

Yep, it's half mast in the photo. But it's FULL MAST live. Right now, if you look at the feed. SHE'S LYING!

[CASE CLOSED! Audience rolling in the aisles laughing!]

gotta say, they're a clean bunch. No trash left behind, spotless streets. Of course, that could be the result of UNION streetcleaners too.

[Um, no. That is the result of tea party demonstrators cleaning up after themselves unlike leftwing slobs who leave a mess behind when they get together.]

Let's not jump to conclusions here people. We don't want to get caught making false accusations.

[Go ahead and accuse away. The comedy nuggets provided are priceless.]

Where's that tiny white and red thing I think it looks like a flag that's in the Malkin photo but gone in the live shot.

[Aha! Karl Rove must have stolen that tiny white and red thing.]

I thought this was the reality based community...

[Too bad you are wrong.]

Send this to Keith Olbermann!

[So he can make a fool of himself yet again.]

They managed to get many, many thousands of people there today. What is the matter with you, putting forth these hysterical bogus charges? It makes you look like a crybaby. Stop it.

[Don't stop it. You want to kill the KOmmie KOmedy act?]

But the flag is half-mast...

[Please allow me to indulge in my bizarre conspiracy theory.]

The flag is probably illuminated at night and was being flown at half staff since yesterday. They were probably a little late taking it down (if the order is for 24 hours) or the order contained a noon lowering time. Or something. I'm saying that the picture is real, I know it personally. AND I AM NOT THE ENEMY HERE. I'm trying to make sure we don't make asses of ourselves about this.

[You certainly failed in that attempt.]

Why was the flag at half-mast this morning? Flags were ordered to half-mast for Kennedy on Aug. 30 for 5 days. It's well beyond that.

[Yet another KOmmie making an ass out of himself for our comedic entertainment.]

Maybe it was supposed to be lowered again at noon

[Maybe you're trying to think too much. The strain is causing too much pain.]

Obviously this is not Memorial Day. So either an exception has been made and the flag was flown at half mast for half a day for some strange reason, just today or there is indeed something fishy going on with Malkin's photo.

[Really! I could have sworn it was Memorial Day.]

This morning live shot was a narrow street and I saw it too. This is not the same street.

[DING! DING! DINGBAT! We now have a NEW conspiracy theory!]

There's a guy standing at the pole...... I'll bet he's altering the flag level to invalidate the photo evidence.

[Speaking of poles, do you prefer a butterfly net pole or a pogo stick pole?]

HERE IS THE LIVE CAM SHOT 3:41 A.M. I don't see the 2 Million People, do you?

[You're absolutely right. I don't see 2 million people on the D.C. streets at 3:41 A.M. either. Case closed!]

were people this nuts in the beginning?

[Yup! From the very beginning when KOmmieland first went online.]

Since yesterday was 9/11. wouldn't it have then come down at noon, yesterday? Perhaps someone screwed up and was supposed to take it down yesterday and didn't; I don't know. But either there was a half-mast flag screw up or Malkin's photo was a tad doctored up.

[Since we can't face the brutal reality of what the time lapse video showed, we need to continue presenting laughable conspiracy theories to explain it away.]

I will bet my house that there were nowhere near 2m in dc today.

[Welcome to homelessness. There were more than 2m in just the first block of that MASSIVE crowd stretching waaaaay into the distance on that video you don't believe in because a flag was at half-staff.]

The crowd was there, I watched on this same traffic cam live feed earlier this morning.

[Please! STOP with the reality check!!!]

hey the flag on the first photo is @ half mast.

[That means only a hundred people showed up in DC, right?]

Pennsylvania Ave. is especially wide, because of the Inaugural festivities that use it every four years, even the sidewalks are really wide (with trees, as you can see).

[And since the crowd completely fills it waaaaay into the distance that would mean...OOOPS!]

Note the wind changed direction, too. It happens, of course, but very curious.

[A flag flap conspiracy theory?]

KEYWORDS: 912; dummies; kommies; teaparty
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To: hoosier hick
DUmmies assumed the flag was half staff for Kennedy (or for no legitimate reason).

Same thing.

21 posted on 09/14/2009 7:41:17 AM PDT by nina0113
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To: PJ-Comix

There are trolls all over FR screaming that the crowd was nowhere near a million. Too bad for them that it was more than that. LOL

22 posted on 09/14/2009 7:41:53 AM PDT by DJ MacWoW (Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you. Ben Franklin)
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To: PJ-Comix

Someone needs to tell them it is half-STAFF, not half-MAST.

MASTS are only on ships.

23 posted on 09/14/2009 7:42:00 AM PDT by freedumb2003 (Communism comes to America: 1/20/2009. Keep your powder dry, folks. Sic semper tyrannis)
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To: PJ-Comix
gotta say, they're a clean bunch. No trash left behind, spotless streets. Of course, that could be the result of UNION streetcleaners too.

Yeah, right. UNION streetcleaners working on a Sunday. The KOSmonuts couldn't even believe a government worker would change the flag on a Sunday.

24 posted on 09/14/2009 7:43:45 AM PDT by VeniVidiVici (Hey Obama. Where is Osama Bin Laden?)
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To: cripplecreek

Not sure what our number was in FL at my location, but we were just about shoulder to shoulder on one side of a bridge that spans 1 mile and people were starting to go to the other side, though very thinly lined up at its peak. I would guess around 3000 folks, in a very blue county. Even so, while I was there only 3 times did we get the finger, one person had an obama sign out their window, and one seemingly drunk scary looking woman slurred pay your taxes while driving by. That one at least evoked hysterical laughter from the crowd, and I yelled, WHY? SO YOU CAN SIT HOME AND KEEP COLLECTING THEM??? One motorist giving us the finger and not paying attention ran his rice burner into the back of a hummer as well. We all cheered LOL.

25 posted on 09/14/2009 7:44:10 AM PDT by wombtotomb (Equal opportunity does not mean equal OUTCOME!!)
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To: wombtotomb

Not one person showed up to protest us in Jackson Mi.

26 posted on 09/14/2009 7:46:38 AM PDT by cripplecreek (Seniors, the new shovel ready project under socialized medicine.)
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To: PJ-Comix
Note the wind changed direction...

Can we blame this on Karl Rove?? He must have set the hurricane generator on "breeze"

27 posted on 09/14/2009 7:47:05 AM PDT by Moorings
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To: wombtotomb

That’s pretty funny L0L

28 posted on 09/14/2009 7:47:09 AM PDT by mylife (The roar of the masses could be farts)
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To: PJ-Comix
Wow, I have never seen a bunch of folks so intellectually challenged as not to understand time-lapse photography.
29 posted on 09/14/2009 7:50:16 AM PDT by Army Air Corps (Four fried chickens and a coke)
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To: PJ-Comix

Conservatives are starting to pick up on the Rules for Radicals used by liberals for the last several decades but more needs to be done. If this had been a left wing protest they would have planned ahead. Somebody would have been interviewed on CNN early in the morning with a crowd estimate. And that person would have said something like, “three billion people are protesting in Washington today!” The entire left wing media would have reported that early estimate for the rest of the day without question.

30 posted on 09/14/2009 7:51:16 AM PDT by faq
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To: rockrr

If I recall correctly the Parks Service stopped keeping crowd numbers after the so-called million “man” march. There was disagreement with the thugs over the numbers, and Farrah-con’s gangsters beat up the Parks Service with threats and political correctness. So, now we have no official source for this data.

31 posted on 09/14/2009 7:51:43 AM PDT by clintonh8r (Love my country. Hate my government./Barack Obama: An authentic "African American.")
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To: PJ-Comix

Wasn’t the Mall, along with Penn. Ave., both covered in people? Why aren’t people showing the Mall and the Ave. in consecutive photographs?

32 posted on 09/14/2009 7:53:53 AM PDT by ConservativeMind (Liberals have an inability to value good character or to desire it for themselves.)
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To: PJ-Comix


33 posted on 09/14/2009 8:00:10 AM PDT by chesley ("Hate" -- You wouldn't understand; it's a leftist thing)
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To: chesley

Boy did I miscount!!!!

34 posted on 09/14/2009 8:01:02 AM PDT by chesley ("Hate" -- You wouldn't understand; it's a leftist thing)
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To: PJ-Comix

They’re all a’twitter.

35 posted on 09/14/2009 8:02:51 AM PDT by Liberty Valance (Keep a simple manner for a happy life :o)
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To: PJ-Comix

>>>>>Does that say 12:56 p.m. PT (Pacific Time)? So that makes it, what, 9:56 a.m. Eastern Time, right?<<<<<

This further confirms my suspicions that the average age of posters on DU is 13 years old.

36 posted on 09/14/2009 8:11:22 AM PDT by envisio (Foxtrot Yankee Bravo Oscar)
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To: PJ-Comix
Note the wind changed direction, too.
No doubt the same wind that blows into your left ear and comes out the right ear - unobstructed.
37 posted on 09/14/2009 8:24:20 AM PDT by oh8eleven (RVN '67-'68)
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To: clintonh8r

That is what I read as well, although I did read that they made an exception for the Anointed “0”ne’s inauguration...

38 posted on 09/14/2009 8:27:07 AM PDT by rockrr (Everything is different now...)
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To: PJ-Comix

Once it finally dawns on them that there really WERE that many people there, watch for the DUmmies to lament that the people in this country care more to demonstrate about something like this, than they do to attend an anti-war/anti-Bush demonstration.

39 posted on 09/14/2009 8:33:14 AM PDT by Purrcival (Proud to share my birthday with President Reagan)
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To: envisio

“This further confirms my suspicions that the average age of posters on DU is 13 years old.”

Average age OR average IQ?

40 posted on 09/14/2009 8:35:23 AM PDT by EggsAckley (There's an Ethiopian in the fuel supply. W.C. Fields)
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