Posted on 06/23/2008 6:58:27 AM PDT by PJ-Comix
This hasn't exactly been a good week for the Left. Apparently their own savior, the Obamassiah has betrayed them. No, not on his broken promise about accepting public financing of his campaign. Most (but not all) of them are fine with that because it means more money (they think) with which to destroy the EVIL Republicans. No, they feel betrayed over Obama NOT filibustering the FISA bill as urged by MoveOn. This KOmmie THREAD, "Take One Last Look," posted by KOmmie One Pissed Off Liberal is a reflection of that sense of betrayal. Although the betrayal by their beloved Barack Obama on the FISA bill is not specifically cited as their reason for their gloom, it is that plus the general sense that the Obamassiah is a flawed candidated who might not (GASP!) win in November. The solution? According to One Pissed Off Liberal it would be some sort of Bolshevik Revolution to purge our EVIL capitalist system of its many faults. So let us now watch the KOmmies engage in doom and gloom in Bolshevik Red while the the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting how quickly the sense of betrayal has set in among the Obama acolytes, is in the [barackets]:
Take One Last Look
[We are the dead.]
Some of you who were around when I first started posting at DailyKos a little over two years ago may remember the OPOL flame wars as kos himself put it. Many of my ideas provoked great animosity in the dkos community. I was called every name under the sun, was threatened with banishment, and was the object of great wailing and gnashing of teeth. I was bitterly and enthusiastically criticized for saying things like:
[The saga of the Martyrdom of One Pissed Off Liberal as presented by One Pissed Off Liberal.]
The 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen.
The war on terrorism is a bogus invention meant to justify war profiteering.
The rise of the neocons amounted to a fascist coup.
The democrats enabled the neocons and in some cases were complicit in their crimes.
Our political system is broken and corrupt to the bone.
Bush and Cheney should be impeached.
The Bush administration committed war crimes.
Our government is enslaved to the evil of the Military Industrial Complex.
The American dream is just another lie.
Our government has no intentions of ever leaving Iraq.
We are running out of time to save the humans.
[One Pissed Off Liberal presents his/her impeccable moonbat credentials.]
After all that has transpired over the past two years, these ideas seem much less inflammatory today. A casual reading of DailyKos these days suggests that most kossacks now agree with many if not all of these statements. The hideous nature of our present reality can no longer be denied by thinking people. The horror we face has begun to sink in.
[It can no longer denied by thinking people that the rest of Kommieland is now as looney as you.]
The propaganda machine we are subjected to from cradle to grave in this country is a powerful force. We are taught that this is the greatest country in the world, though we are not told why. American exceptionalism is drilled into us incessantly until it becomes one of those core beliefs not subject to deep questioning. It is hard for us to face that we are NOT the good guys, NOT the land of the free and the home of the brave, not really even a democracy, just a pretend one. The real power in America is not the vote - its the buck.
[Good news! You can bypass that propaganda machine by merely going to NPR, PBS, the major networks, and most newspapers. Oh, and also almost all classrooms where liberal teachers and professors overwhelmingly prevail.]
In my view the time for action is nearly past. If we dont act decisively and soon, all will be lost. More and better Democrats is not the answer, and the reason is because the system is so corrupt that it taints anyone who gets near it. What we so desperately need (IMHO) is radical reform of our government and political system. A good start would be mandated public financing, outlawing all but the most benign lobbying, and to make lying in the course of ones official duties as an elected or appointed official, a major crime with severe penalties.
[At least our beloved Obama is accepting public financing as he promised. Right? He wouldn't lie to us because of both his sterling character and the fact that it would be a major crime with severe penalties in the Bolshevik utopia you envision.]
If we fail to do those things at a minimum, we will all die in due course of planetary neglect. The only question that remains, it seems to me, is do we give up or fight back?
[The not so subtle call for Bolshevik Revolution.]
As for me, Id rather die fighting back than live under tyranny and just watch passively as life on earth is extinguished by a bunch of venal idiots.
[Posted One Pissed Off Liberal from behind a barricade of empty pizza cartons in Mommy's basement. And now for more gloom and doom from other KOmmies...]
Tips for the Resistance?
[Use reinforced cardboard in those pizza carton barricades.]
I think maybe the best hope is a major pestilence.
[That only wipes out the EVIL Republicans.]
I've always thought religion to be the ultimate statement on the worthlessness of this life.
[Posted the KOmmie theologian.]
Short term greed will not help us to survive. Indeed just the opposite. We are like fetuses trying to kill our mother.
[KOmmies only approve the latter if it is the other way around.]
We'll be gone, but the cockroaches will still be here. Damn that is just so sad, why can't we see what we're doing?
[Gimme a can of Raid! I don't want those cockroaches to get off the hook.]
We can change it... but we must absolutely elect Obama, whether or not we love everything he does. I disagree totally on FISA, but if people think they can trust Grandpa McCain, then they are wrong.
[It's going to be FUn to watch KOmmie victoria2dc on Election Day, November 5.]
The only bright light I see is all of the harm done by buch/cheney. Maybe they have created such a mess that we will have to revamp the entire system just to stay alive.
[Translation: Forget Democracy. We need Bolshevik Revolution.]
Sometimes, I wish I could disown America. That's my harsh but honest feeling. Activism has been reduced to blind faith in a political party and particular politician. We need a big change, not a wimpy incremental one.
[Not wimpy incremental changes like elections. We need Bolshevik Revolution NOW!!!]
Despite all signs to the contrary, I will hold fast to my belief in the possibility of enlightenment and progress. What else could I do?
[Blindly trust our beloved Obamassiah.]
The only circumstance under which I would support "Mandated Public Financing" is the regulation of RightWing Talk Radio.
[Ban the First Amendment!!!]
Better to invest my energy in helping to midwife a new democracy than holding vigil over a dying one.
[Democratic People's Republic of Amerika.]
It is my view that we do not have sufficient evidence that George W. Bush won Ohio, and therefore the presidency due to too many odd incidences that happened there.
[Bev Harris is just $10 away from making John Kerry president.]
I still have very deep doubts that 200, 000 employees of Blackwater are enough logistically to stage a coup of a country the size of the US. Cause mischief, yes, be successful, no. Not that I am not concerned about the trend, but the vast majority of them are also tied up in Iraq. And it only takes one battalion commander remembering his oath to the Constitution of 82 Airborne Infantry or Old Guard in DC to mess their day up pretty badly.
[Too bad it's June now so you already missed out on your Seven Days In May scenario.]
Capitalism is the weak link in democracy.
[Time to replace it with "Socialism" (Communism).]
Only seven months before they're gone from office, Democrats voluntarily brought the FISA monster back from the dead and gave away more of our Fourth Amendment right to privacy... and increased the dictatorial power of the two most despised "leaders" this country has ever known. Don't know about you, but I feel betrayed on every level.
[You're going to feel even worse on Election Day, the Fifth of November.]
We have too much geography and too many people now for a tipping point to generate even passive resistance or organized passive action. So here we are, venting, learning, and racking our brains for a way to take our country back, or at least its heart and soul. I hope somebody has some good ideas.
[Don't forget those empty pizza carton barricades with the reinforced cardboard.]
To be fair to Obama, I'm sure he'll win the election. He'll be the first black president, and that's awesome. It's too bad that he falls short on his principles, in my opinion at least.
[See you on Election Day, the Fifth of November.]
Obama is willing to defend himself and his ideas. Kerry let himself be swiftboated. Obama will not.
[Obama just swiftboats himself in the foot.]
I fear we may be too save the planet OR change anyone's opinion about what the priorities are.
[Hello Mr. Upbeat!]
The fascists want our money and we keep giving it to them. Can't we get creative about this?
[Not One Damn Dime Day.]
A lot of people love your diaries. I get that. That's OK. Frankly, they leave me flat. They're just a lot of emotional hemophelia. The tourniquet is action, and as far as I can tell, you haven't used that tourniquet yet.
[Use the tourniquet to stem the flow of the pizza sauce.]
As for me, Id rather die fighting back than live under tyranny and just watch passively as life on earth is extinguished by a bunch of venal idiots.
[Don't let that pizza carton barricade in Mommy's basement collapse on top of you.]
How did you find a post on DU without the F word
Top Ten
I think it’s a KOmmie thread.
Did they really thing a talking head for the inheritors of Frank Nitti’s Chicago political machine would ever stray from the aims and agenda of said machine on any issue?
This is a good look into what happens to a mind that has rejected the Truth.
Humans are shells for eternal souls, and those souls are the image of and creation of a far greater Eternal Being.
The earth was Created and resources put here for our use.
“emotional hemophilia.” I LIKE that! That’s a great description of liberals! Emotional hemophiliacs!
Well, you'd better get fighting. Pres. Bush has been in office for 7 and a half years. Yawn.
Arming the Left: Is the time now?
Post from: Lori Price CLG (1000+ posts) Sun Feb-22-2004 11:17 PM
Response to Reply #10
16. Yes, spread the word, even if you *didn't* read it, that there *will* be riots! Yes! Riots, and a whole lot more!..."
Democratic Underground blogger ("happyslug": 1000+ posts) responds...
"if it is decided to fight, be prepared to fight, bring a backpack, entrenching tool, tent, and other equipment of an Infantrymen. You will need it for Bush and his supporters decides it is better to fight than to accept the will of the people, the fight to overthrow them will be a long fight."
" takes three things to overthrow a tyrant;...
1. Popular support, you must have the majority of the people on your side (i.e. Democracy, even the Communists and Islamics both try to show they have the Support of the Majority of the People),
2. Organization to perform the overthrow (This is why Madison wrote the First like he did, these are HOW you organize an opposition. Without the First it is hard to organize an opposition and any resistence organized in absence of the rights stated in the First tend to be as tyrannical as what you are opposing)
3. Weapons to push the issue if the leadership that is being overthrown tries to use force to stay in power. You have to be willing to answer force with force. Weapons do not overthrow a tyrant, weapons just protect the people who are overthrowing a tyrant."
"Now, you may say "Hay, you are talking about Islamic and/or Communists groups not 'Western Liberal resistence groups'". And you would be correct. As I said in the beginning the first step in a guerilla war against a tyrant is to first organize. The Islamic and Communists Groups were the best at organizing people. "Western Liberal Resistence Groups" were less effective in organizing resistence groups (And less liked by the CIA and KGB who tended to fund these groups, remember any war is expensive, money talks).
Furthermore since most Islamic and Communist groups tend to be the first groups outlawed they tend to go underground first. Once underground they start to organize and as other groups are outlawed those groups tend to join the opposition which tends to be either Islamic or Communistic. Once outlawed these groups also tend to be controlled by the most fanatic opponents of the Tyrants and these tend to be either Islamic or Communistic. Thus to oppose the Tyrants you have to support a side with enough discipline to get the job done and that tend to be Communist or Islamic."
"...Any weapons we resort to must be "real" weapons not pistols. i.e. Rifles and shotguns. Due to concerns of re-supply (you have to plan for a long battle) such weapons should be limited to very small number of different rounds. Generally restrict yourself to the following rounds:
5.56x 45 (.223 Remington) 7.62x 63 (30-06) 7.62x 51 (.308 Winchester or 7.62 NATO) 7.62 x 39 (7.62mm Russian 7.62 AK Round) 12 Gauge Shotgun. 30-30 Winchester."
"You have more weapons in the above calibers than any other calibers thus should be your first choice in weapons. Saying this I must point out I like the 7x57 and 7.92x57 Mauser rounds and the M1898 Mauser Bolt action Rifle, but the 7.92 (sometime called 8mm Mauser) but these rounds are less common than the above and thus harder to obtain when re-supply is needed (and re-supply will be needed if the struggle lasts for any length of time).
Re-supply of Ammunition has always been the bane of any military operations. Without ammunition you can not fight. To get you ammunition, it is easier if we can keep the number of different rounds to a minimum (i.e. 5.56x45 and 7.62x51). I list the 30-06 and 30-30 winchester rounds for these are two VERY popular rounds and ammunition for both are easy to obtain (the same with the 12 Gauge shotgun). I list the 7.62 AK round do to the huge number of SKSs and AKs imported since the fall of the Soviet Union. I list it for while there are probably more 30-30s and 30-06 rifles out they than 7.62 Aks and SKSs, the Aks and SKSs may very while outnumber the rifles in 5.56x45 and 7.62 NATO.
Also, if it is decided to fight, be prepared to fight, bring a backpack, entrenching tool, tent, and other equipment of an Infantrymen. You will need it for Bush and his supporters decides it is better to fight than to accept the will of the people, the fight to overthrow them will be a long fight."
[end of excerpts...but many other just as crazy thoughts found at the following link. This thread continued for THREE entire weeks before the moderator finally stepped in. But as of today, Monday, June 23, 2008, the thread is still up on the Democratic Underground website.-ETL]
Democratic Underground Discussion Board
Topic: "Arming the Left: Is the time now?":
"Lori Price CLG (1000+ posts) Sun Feb-22-04 11:17 PM Response to Reply #10
16. Yes, spread the word, even if you *didn't* read it, that there *will* be riots! Yes! Riots, and a whole lot more!..."
CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.
CLG General Manager is Lori Price.
News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG)
Ready for Revolution? Join CLG's Revolution Tactics Group and Get Ready to Overthrow the Establishment.
Time for those brains to take a hike!
LOL, unlike your commie fantasylands, you are free to leave at any time. Renounce your citizenship, too, so you will no longer have the stain of the USA on your soul.
I’m reading Founding Faith. Better than I expected given that it was two liberals who recommended it to me.
“It is in vain, sir, to extentuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
We need a photo of a tinfoil had KOmmie/DUmmie holding up a pizza box with the caption “From my cold dead hands!”.
LOL, unlike your commie fantasylands, you are free to leave at any time. Renounce your citizenship, too, so you will no longer have the stain of the USA on your soul.
Yep. It wouldn't take much. Of course, depending on where one lives it would take some effort to get to either the Canadian or Mexican border. Some cash, also. That may mean a loan from mom. But once there, all it would take would be a stroll across the border, then efforts toward naturalization in their chosen country.
What's the holdup?
“had” = “hat”.
Well among all that crap, this guy got one thing right. We are not a democracy. We are a Representative Republic.
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