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DUmmie FUnnies 03-02-06 ("I just got home from Iraq....")
DUmmie FUnnies ^ | March 2, 2006 | Truthful Marine, DUmmies, and PJ-Comix

Posted on 03/02/2006 5:29:11 PM PST by PJ-Comix

It was a grand scene in DUmmieland. A Marine veteran of Iraq returned home and began posting his observations for the DUmmies. Surely this vet would VALIDATE the leftwing worldview of the DUmmies, right? Well, things didn't quite work out as the DUmmies expected as you can see in this THREAD titled, "I just got home from Iraq...." So let us now watch this drama unfold in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, watching the DUmmie expectations being shattered yet again against the rocks of reality, is in the [brackets]:

I just got home from Iraq....

[As The Sad Little Pony Marine is about to give the DUmmies a Sad Little Story...]

As some may recall, I was mobilized and sent to Iraq (Fallujah and West Anbar) for the past 8 months. It was interesting, to say the least.

I served as an advisor to an Iraqi Army Battlaion, as both the infantry advisor and an intelligence advisor.

Does anyone have any questions about my tour/what it's like/etc.?

I just got home on Friday. (saw my 7 month old son for the first time).

[Uh-Oh. Somehow I don't think the DUmmies are going to like the answers this Marine is going to give them.]

First of all thank you for going over there. Second, do you know if it's true that now there are none Iraq troops ready? I heard this on Stephanie Miller's show earlier. Did you find out any of the other troopers, Iraqi or American, feelings about everything going on now?

[Please, please affirm our leftwing viewpoint!]

It's not true.

[Now that you quickly slapped down that DUmmie misconception about the readiness of the Iraqi troops, please continue trying to enlighten the DUmmies...]

I'd say that about half of the Iraqi Battalions are ready to operate independently. Our Battalion (as did many other) had its own battlespace in Fallujah. They were very successful. With less support and assets, they managed to capture more "bad guys" than any of the Marine units of equal size (Companies). They lack competent logistical support from higher, though. Much of that is due to corruption in the higher ranks of the Iraqi Army/MOD. The attitude of the Iraqi army towards the current clashes, is pretty much "it's about time". They've sat back and absorbed so much Sunni perpetrated violence, that they are now just hitting back. Most of the so called "sectarian violence" has been one sided; coming from the Sunnis.

[GASP! mean the Iraqi army is actually gung-ho about carrying out its mission? This just does NOT fit in with our misconceptions!]

A new Zogby International poll has 72% of the troops wanting out by year's end. 29% want immediate withdrawal. In your time there, did you get a sense as to whether or not these numbers are accurate?

[That was Pied Piper Pitt relying on another phony poll. Oh, and 72% of all Newton schoolgirls want an immediate withdrawal of lecherous substitute teachers from their private space.]

I just wanted to say that my husband tells me many of the same things. He has met a lot of Iraqis while he has been in Fallujah and he says they are all pretty supportive of our guys who are there. I don't know if he has had a lot of contact with Iraqi military forces though, I think he meets mostly civilians. I still don't approve of the war, and the death that it has caused, but sometimes I do believe that the press overblows the negatives. I don't know how I feel about that--part of me doesn't care because I want the war to end and whatever turns public opinion is okay, but mostly I'm just sick of the press sucking at its job. When the war started, they covered it through rose-colored lenses, and now that some aspects are a little better, they're saying that it is worse... I don't know...

[A DUmmie who is edging ever so closely to a Tombstoning.]

What unit were you with? How do you know the disposition of the Iraqi Army? Do you speak arabic?

[A DUmmie attempting to give the Marine a skeptical third degree routine.]

I was with one of the Marine MiTT units. (under RCT8) Iraqi, I was with the 2nd Bn, 2nd Bde of the 1st Iraqi IIF division.

[Specific answer there. However, the DUmmies seem upset by your answers.]

How were you able to know the "attitude" of the Iraqi army? If you don't speak arabic. Also, how were you aware of any corruption? Did you witness this corruption? Or did you "hear" about it in briefings and intelligence reports? In the form of what? Theft? Did you witness any atrocities perpetrated by U.S. contractors like MPRI, Dyncorp or Blackwater?

[Back to DUmmie Dogma which believes that the U.S. personnel commits atrocities.]

I speak enough. Plus I had 'terps. You try going on a couple hundred combat patrols with the Iraqis. You learn their attitude pretty fast. The corruption is apparent in that there are "no show jobs". Ghost Iraqis. Their pay arrives in a giant sack. They have no electronic banking. If this was so in the US, it would occur there, too. As far as "atrocities" committed by the contractors, no. Those guys are glorified security guards with very little contact with the populace. If they were to try to detain someone, they'd be hammered for it. They didn't have the ass to come into our AO. -too dangerous.

[Thanx for shooting down the DUmmie myth about mercenary contractors committing "atrocities."]

So things are going swimmingly in Iraq? And you have seen no evidence of an impending civil war? Just curious... why are you propagandizing this information on DU? To the conservative f*ck wads that are lurking here. First off let me say you are all cowards. Michelle Malkin is a racist bitch. Rush is a coward who did not serve in the military neither did that limp-dicked Sean Hannity. You people are the most pathetic excuses for human beings and you will have your day to answer for the atrocities and lies that you have perpetrated. You are all cowards. The entire planet despises your disgusting ilk and you will pay. I understand that as most of your parents were indeed siblings your inability to be decent human beings who contribute to society rests in your defective genes. Now you may return to your hate and racism. I once had a "Bad Cat" who would not behave. I put him down because he was diseased and I didn't give it a second thought. You inbred sacks of shit, return to your basements or holes or wherever you crawled from.

[You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Since the Marine has failed to affirm the standard DUmmie myths we now go into the crazed confrontation faze.]

Because He's Still in the Military He can't talk until he's out, at which point maybe he'll talk about torture, civilian killing, chemical weapons use, looting, corruption, imperialism, bigotry, abuse, intimidation, snipers, urban warfare, propaganda, etc... It ain't going to happen now, he'd be court-martialed. My only question is why'd he join in the 1st place? Was he aware of the illegitamacy of this fake war when he joined? Of course, that can't be answered either.

[Since the DUmmies can't handle the TRUTH, they now fall back on accusing the Marine of lying for fear of court martial.]

People are actually paying bribes to get in the army.

[No, NO! This isn't what we want to hear!!!]

Welcome back, but forgive me if I don't take your experience as definitive.

[Better to rely upon your vast experience of sitting in front of the glowing 'puter screen deep in your parents' basement.]

I would consider all of the violence our troops have inflicted on the Iraqis as provocation enough, especially when coupled with the military support and assistance we are giving the new authority's regime. How do you, as an American, judge and distinguish between the warring groups? Do you support the the new regime because there have been elections, or is there something fundamentally correct about them that they deserve your support? Is any resistance to the new authority justified? Why do you feel Americans should be the ones to sort all of that out, fighting, killing, and dying for the ruling authority, one 'sect' of a disparate population of sects and factions?

[Let loose with the wacko confrontational DUmmie talking points!]

So how are the troops general moral? and a recent poll taken of the troops suggested that a majority feel they should get out of Iraq in a year or less- Do you find this poll has credence?

[It has as much credence as that poll stating that 72% of the Newton school girls want loathsome substitute teachers out of their private lives.]

Moral is high. At least amongst those of us who were out there in the midst of things.


I only have one question about Iraq should would we stay or should we go?

[Murtha says go but what does an actual VET of that conflict think?]

Stay for now. -my humble opinion. Leave when the Brigades can operate on their own. If we leave now, there will be a bloodbath. NOT a "civil war". But a brutal attempt to destroy the insurgency.

[HURRY! HURRY! Tombstone this nasty Marine who refuses to validate our beliefs!]

Next question are Brigades fighting for there democracy or just picking up a pay check. I guess what I am saying is training them a waste of time and money. Do you know what the real count of Iraqis trained.

[DUmmies think ANY effort in Iraq is a waste of time.]

Everyone serves for a reason... some the cash, some the ideal.

[Thanx for an answer that won't satisfy the DUmmies.]

The ideal? What I would like to know is will the ideal protect the rights of Assyrian and other Christians (and Jews) that they had under Saddam Hussein? Will the ideal protect the Kurds right to self-determination? Will the ideal prohibit torture and the death penalty, or will the Brigades stand by while the insurgency is "brutally crushed" when we are gone? Will the Shiites refrain from attacking the US if we decide to stay once the insurgeny has been brutally crushed by a victorious, Iran-aligned, right wing Shiite regime? That guy in the seersucker suit who ran against Jaafari, described as the "Secularist" leader of Al-Hakim's Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq -- is he (the slimy looking three-piece-suit "secularist" who ran against Jaafari) as "CIA" as he looks to my non-discerning eyes? Don't worry if you can't answer some of these questions to my satisfaction.

[Don't worry. He WON'T be able to answer those questions to your satisfaction since you are already so deluded as to believe that Saddam Hussein was some sort of civil libertarian.]

Also, how close is Iraq to an all out civil war? Does anyone over there like Bush? What is the average US sentiment about Bush? OMG, there's so much more but that will do for now to give us a beginning picture of what the real situation is.

[Please, please gratuitously BASH Bush!]

you have been deceived

[Since the Marine isn't giving us the anwers we require, he must be brainwashed.]

And you know this...because you have been let in the the secret? You must feel very special.

[Good answer, Marine. DUmmies do feel special and entitled.]

you are making yourself look stupid - learn the truth of DU poisoning

[Since your answers are NOT politically correct, you must be stupid.]

Either someone is lying to you, or you aren't getting the whole story..

[DUmmie anger in motion.]

No one's lying to me. No one has mentioned it at all. We check the box if we've been exposed, no, if we have not. Period. Grunts don't encounter it, because we don't use it. There haven't been many Anti Tank rounds fired since the push.

[Thanx for shooting down yet more DUmmie Depleted Uranium myths and making them look like Depleted DUmmies.]

No Questions You Could Answer without getting into a whole shtload of trouble here in this "free country". When you are out of the military, come back and talk then.

[Condescension from the DUmmies on embarrassing display.]

I can answer all questions. I just might not give you the answers you are looking for. My view over there was pretty mypoic. I was in Fallujah, and elsewhere in Anbar. I found Fallujah to be a very interesting city. Now that I'm home, I'm going to study the ancient history. It did not "suck beyond belief". It was dangerous. I saw unpleasant things. But I also saw inspiring acts. Lives saved. The little girls are the cutest, brightest things on this planet. Their future in that Wahabi Town is not promising, though.

[You can answer all questions...just NOT to the satisfaction of the DUmmies, my soon-to-be-tombstoned Marine.]

Are 85% of the troops in Iraq either that stupid or brainwashed?

[85% of the troops in Iraq KNOW that the DUmmies are stupid.]

Le Moyne College/Zogby Poll shows just one in five troops want to heed Bush call to stay “as long as they are needed” While 58% say mission is clear, 42% say U.S. role is hazy Plurality believes Iraqi insurgents are mostly homegrown. Almost 90% think war is retaliation for Saddam’s role in 9/11, most don’t blame Iraqi public for insurgent attacks Majority of troops oppose use of harsh prisoner interrogation. Plurality of troops pleased with their armor and equipment. An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and nearly one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows.

[And Zogby sent pollsters over to Iraq to interview the troops? Did they also make a Pitt Stop in Newton to interview the school girls?]

Did you see burned civilians? From the white phosphorus that was used? IIRC, some Italians did a documentary on this a few months ago and it was horrible.

[Another atrocity myth question...]

No. Not in Fallujah. I've never heard of WP being used too extensively, except to mark targets.

[...which gets shot down by the Marine.]

Why is your profile disabled? I don't know why but I'm a bit suspicious about all this.

[Because the Marine was too truthful, thus the Tombstoning.]

What are the troops feelings about President Bush? Sorry to break up this lovefest. What are your feelings about Bush? Have you witnessed any atrocities perpetrated by American soldiers? Are there any atrocities being perpetrated by American soldiers?

[Atrocities perpetrated by American soldiers! Atrocities perpetrated by American soldiers! --- Sorry, the Marine can't respond to your diatribe due to being Tombstoned for being a truthteller in DUmmieland.]

Locking. This member is no longer able to respond to replies.

[Locking. This Marine is no longer able to respond to DUmmie diatribes due to being Tombstoned for telling the TRUTH.]

KEYWORDS: antiamericanism; antimilitary; buahhaters; despotism; dummies; iraq; iraqwar; oif; oifveterans; personalaccount; saddamites; tombstoning; ucanthandlethetruth; unamerica
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To: lowbridge

Illbedamn, boy! Welcome Home! I didn't see your 'secret identity' until I got downthread.

I'm still here in Ramadi for a few - Howdy, "neighbor!"

101 posted on 03/02/2006 10:32:16 PM PST by Old Sarge (Fobbit = REMF ... how do you like me now?)
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To: lowbridge
Impersonating a Marine is forgivable...Impersonating a DUer is a mortal sin punishable with 5000 Stations of the Cross and 5000 Rosary's.
102 posted on 03/02/2006 10:32:45 PM PST by skimask (Ezekiel: 25/17)
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To: lowbridge

Ah, color me guilty of reading your post wrong, as well...

103 posted on 03/02/2006 10:34:55 PM PST by Old Sarge (Fobbit = REMF ... how do you like me now?)
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To: Mr. Silverback
Way too many folks (and virtually all liberals) think the military is full of idiots. That prejudice is applied double against the Marine Corps.

Those people in DU are not fit for SLP to wipe his boots on.

104 posted on 03/02/2006 10:52:43 PM PST by beckysueb (Smoke 'em if you got ,em!)
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To: Old Sarge

How in the world could you be a REMF if you're taking rockets, Sarge?

105 posted on 03/02/2006 10:56:52 PM PST by Mr. Silverback (GOP Blend Coffee--"Coffee for Conservative Taste!" Go to
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To: All

these people are sick. they need to be institutionalized for their own protection and the protection of the world at large.

106 posted on 03/02/2006 10:57:39 PM PST by Big Guy and Rusty 99 (Liberals are the feces that is produced when shame eats too much stupidity!)
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To: beckysueb
Those people in DU are not fit for SLP to wipe his boots on.

Dang straight.

107 posted on 03/02/2006 10:57:52 PM PST by Mr. Silverback (GOP Blend Coffee--"Coffee for Conservative Taste!" Go to
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To: lowbridge

Welcome back! I'm glad you came home safe and sound.

I'd wondered where you were since I hadn't seen any threads about ongoing commumications with your friends in Nigeria. I've missed your posts.

I saw the thread over at CU and at the time they were speculating whether you were a mole or not. Did you post over at CU to let them know it was you?

Again, welcome back and thank you for your service.

108 posted on 03/02/2006 10:58:14 PM PST by Sally'sConcerns (Native Texan now in SW Ok.)
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To: Mr. Silverback

The answer is this:

Most people think that "REAL soldiers" are only the trigger pullers and door-kickers, and SOF/Ranger/Delta/Marines. And that any other guy in uniform is wasting oxygen.

But the Fobbits? We just sit here behind the wire. We have showers and A/C. We have food in a mess hall. We do shift work, then we retire to our bunks. We even have Internet. We're not real soldiers.

But the rockets and mortars reach everywhere. There's no place to hide. And behind the wire, it's a bullseye for Them. We have nowhere to run. And we don't have the firepower to shoot back.

So we sit here and take it. From Them, and from our own. The miitary eats its young.

109 posted on 03/02/2006 11:15:09 PM PST by Old Sarge (Fobbit = REMF ... how do you like me now?)
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To: lowbridge
Whoa. Just to clarify something...I, lowbridge, am NOT "Sad Little Pony". In post 57 I am quoting "Sad Little Pony"'s post from conservativeunderground.

Oops! Sorry for the misunderstanding even though I do miss your posts about your Nigerian friends.

110 posted on 03/02/2006 11:37:53 PM PST by Sally'sConcerns (Native Texan now in SW Ok.)
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To: PJ-Comix

Ouch! OUCH! The truth HURTS!!!!

111 posted on 03/02/2006 11:52:55 PM PST by zeaal (SPREAD TRUTH!)
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To: lowbridge

Heh, not a Navy Seal but a DUer, eh? Lol.

112 posted on 03/03/2006 1:20:57 AM PST by Justa (Politically Correct is morally wrong.)
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To: All
What amazes me is that DU posters derive their opinions from information gained from TV, webnews and printed media. So they're getting their information 2nd, 3rd hand (possibly even more diluted).

Yet when someone comes back from actually being there, on the ground experiencing sites sounds smells, social interactions... THEY accuse HIM of being decieved.

My brother is very liberal/left/secular/progressive. It used to blow my mind when he would make clear cut, definitive statements about events occuring overseas that he derived from the media. And he'd make these statements to me (phone) while I'm actually there! With the exception of a 2 week trip to Europe, he's spent his entire life in the U.S.

DU posters have already made up their minds and only look for information to support thier opinions... truth be damned. To be fair, I've seen conservatives do the same, but it appears to me to be much more prevalent among DU.

113 posted on 03/03/2006 2:25:10 AM PST by Toadman
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To: PJ-Comix
I noticed that Pied Piper Pitt performed a hit and run in this thread. He made one post and when things didn't go according to DUmmie expectations, he split.

DUmmies and terrorist have one thing in common: Both are COWARDS! No brains, and less "cajones"....

114 posted on 03/03/2006 2:52:38 AM PST by dirtbiker (I've tried to see the liberal point of view, but I couldn't get my head that far up my a$$....)
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To: rikkir
That fine, brave Marine was just speaking from his experience, and bang, he's gone. If they had been sitting in the same room with him, I swear, I think they would have killed him to shut him up.

They may try, but my money is on the Marine. They may take him down, but he won't go down easy, and he damned sure won't go down alone....

115 posted on 03/03/2006 2:59:21 AM PST by dirtbiker (I've tried to see the liberal point of view, but I couldn't get my head that far up my a$$....)
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To: lowbridge
Thank you for your service to our country, lowbridge.

Amazingly shallow people at the DUmmie ant farm.

116 posted on 03/03/2006 3:31:49 AM PST by Budge (<>< Sit Nomen Domini benedictum. <><)
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To: PJ-Comix


This is the undisputed best DU funnies EVER. I don't think we've had one anywhere CLOSE to this good before.

It's not just funny, but tragic, and very informative.

117 posted on 03/03/2006 3:39:00 AM PST by zbigreddogz
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To: PJ-Comix

This is the best one yet. A bunch of Dummie couch commandos who are convinced they know more abut the situation on the ground in Iraq than a Marine who served over there with actual Iraqi troops. Priceless. If only those dipwads knew how utterly stupid they look to anyone outside their little leftist echo chamber.

118 posted on 03/03/2006 4:04:16 AM PST by RogueIsland (.)
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To: PJ-Comix
The little girls are the cutest, brightest things on this planet.

And for a brief moment, PPP was actually considering enlisting because of this...

119 posted on 03/03/2006 4:49:56 AM PST by kevkrom (" one has ever successfully waged a war against stupidity" - Orson Scott Card)
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To: Budge
Post 96: Whoa. Just to clarify something...I, lowbridge, am NOT "Sad Little Pony". In post 57 I am quoting "Sad Little Pony"'s post from conservativeunderground.
120 posted on 03/03/2006 4:54:47 AM PST by lowbridge (I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming, like his passengers.)
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