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Is this really it? (re: possible Obama's Kenyan B.C. - Attny Taitz) Click on the link ^
| 8/2/2009
| rxsid
Posted on 08/02/2009 1:35:53 AM PDT by rxsid
Edited on 08/06/2009 12:10:02 AM PDT by John Robinson.
Attorney Taitz filed a NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Expedite authentication, MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory for authenticity of Kenyan birth certificate filed by Plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD.
Barry's Kenyan B.C.??
Special Motion for leave (site has been the target of hackers, proceed with caution — John)
TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: armedcitizen; article2section1; awgeez; banglist; barackhusseinobama; barackobama; barackobamasr; bc; believeanything; betrayed; bfrcolbtwawlol; bho; bho44; birthcertificate; birther; birthers; birthplace; ccw; certifigate; changeamerica; citizenship; colb; commonlaw; conman; constitution; democratssuck; devilspawn; donofrio; dreams; dreamscopyright; dreamsfrommyfather; emerdevattel; emerichdevattel; englishcommonlaw; enoughofthiscrap; fakenews; fauxbama; founders; framers; fraud; georgewashington; gottrolls; greatpretender; hailtothekenyan; hawaii; headinthesand; hermaphrodite; hoax; honolulu; honoluluflimflam; hopespringseternal; hussein; imom; indonesia; johnjay; kenya; kenyabelieveit; kenyaman; kenyan; keyes; leodonofrio; lgfequalsdailykos; lgfhateschristians; lgfracist; lorettafuddy; lucyhazfootball; m0mbasa; marxistusurper; mas; mikeshusband; muslim; naturalborn; naturallaw; nbc; nothingburger; obama; obamabio; obamanoncitizenissue; obroma; ods; openyoureyes; orly; orlytaitz; orlytaitzpatriot; philberg; polarik; potusbogus; prezzot; qanoncrowd; repository1; rkba; rosemarysbaby; stalinistusurper; suckers; taitz; texasdarlin; thekenyan; thistimeforsure; tinfoilhat; trump; ukc; unpresident; usurper; vattel; vips; wakeup; washington; zulu666
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To: Barney59
Odd you should mention it—On Friday (IIRC), Rush said more about the BC issue than I’ve ever heard him say.
To: rxsid
I can’t read fast enough to ensure no one else posted this:
Per wnd:
“WND was able to obtain other birth certificates from Kenya for purposes of comparison, and the form of the documents appear to be identical.”
“Taitz told WND that the document came from an anonymous source who doesn’t want his name known because “he’s afraid for his life.””
“Taitz told WND she plans to file additional paperwork with the Florida court tomorrow, adding the alleged Kenyan birth certificate to Maj. Cook’s case.”
posted on
08/02/2009 11:48:06 AM PDT
(He who pays the piper . . .)
To: 4FreeSpeach
I think that Obama was born in Hawaii but there must be something awfully embarrassing on his real birth certificate
That's what I think too. He was born in Hawaii, he's hiding something other than his place of birth.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:48:21 AM PDT
Mount Athos
(A Giant luxury mega-mansion for Gore, a Government Green EcoShack made of poo for you)
To: BP2
To: Shaniqua
It’s from 1964.
But thank you for your gracious advocacy of the virtues of intelligence on behalf of the thread.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:48:39 AM PDT
(Liberals have neither the creativity nor the confidence to understand the truth of conservatism)
To: palmer
FActcheck initially posted the exact same forgery that Obama’s campaign posted at fightthesmears. That forgery was pulled by Factcheck when the candidate supposedly allowed then to hanldea nd photograph a phyiscal document.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:48:39 AM PDT
(Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
To: rolling_stone
I want to see a lot of his paper history.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:48:46 AM PDT
(Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you. Ben Franklin)
To: cynwoody
see post just above yours...
Kenya became an independent country (Republic of Kenya) on Dec. 12, 1963.
To: Shaniqua
This thread is an insult to my intelligence. The Republic of Kenya did not exist in February of 1961, let alone August of 1961. Read up about the Colony of Kenya and the Dominion of Kenya. Welcome to Free Republic, Shaniqua. In you're first and only post here so far, you are apparently upset about dates that weren't on in the document we're discussing. I'm sorry you feel your intelligence is being insulted but please have your dates in order before posting something so ludicrous as to be laughable. Have fun on FR!
posted on
08/02/2009 11:49:06 AM PDT
(2009 - Conservative Revolution Reborn (Go Palin!))
To: Mount Athos
He was born in Hawaii, he's hiding something other than his place of birth. Frank Marshall Davis.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:49:25 AM PDT
(Bob Taft has soiled the family name for the next century. I AM JIM THOMPSON!)
To: ofwaihhbtn
Thanks. I was just trying to clarify that point.
To: DJ MacWoW
I don't make claims that cannot be backed by proof. Without authentication, Obamas Chicago machine will eat this alive. I am sure you are a very nice and conscientious person, and when the rest of the world asks you for your opinion, after all of the screaming has stopped and the facts are clear, then your opinion on this will not matter because it will be months to late to mean anything.
I just don't get your point. I wish I could.
Yes, it needs to be authenticated. And. once it is authenticated, all hell may break loose, but frankly, I don't care if it is authenticated or not! I don't. My world doesn't rest on this. My demand personally that that the President release his identity records and college records and citizenship records as he should have in 2008 when we needed this information will stay if this piece of paper is suitable for the dust bin.
It is news but frankly, the scandal is that we have to prove beyond a shadow of doubt this person is lying, rather then them having to prove that they meet the standard of qualification when it becomes a legitimate point of controversy. John McCain didn't let the day end before authorizing the release of his B.C.
This whole thing is insane because anyone else would have been pummelled by the press a year ago into doing the right thing.
Now is the time for President Obama to come clean and let the cards fall where they may. Not wait for the Military to march into his office and call him a potential Usurper which would inevitably have to occur the second this authentication is done.
Too much is at risk, to wait after the point where this is stone obvious, the questions are already significant and disruptive.
To: fireman15
You got me fireman15, I am a troll therefore you should be rewarded for exposing me (extreme sarcasm). Kenya became independent on December 12 1963 but not declared a Republic until December 12 1964. This document is as fake as CBS documents about President Bush national guard service. It is ironic that Free Republic discovered the CBS fake documents but now we have freepers posting a fake document and trying to tell us that it is authentic.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:49:56 AM PDT
(God Bless our brave troops)
To: cynwoody
Turns out that's the right question to ask. It's been pointed out that the Republic of Kenya came into existence on 12 December 1964. However, it issued this certification on 17 February 1964. Oops.Oops, indeed. Kenya became independent on Dec. 12, 1963.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:50:00 AM PDT
Fresh Wind
(Too bad presidents don't come with certificates of authenticity.)
To: Scanian
I couldn’t care less what they think. What I want is verified proof that can’t be dismissed.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:50:05 AM PDT
(Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you. Ben Franklin)
Comment #2,256 Removed by Moderator
To: Guenevere
Shaniqua is just a racist troll, looking for a welfare handout from Obama as “reparations” for the grief and anguish that Whitey has caused her.
To: Mount Athos
Why do you think he was born in Hawaii?
To: rolling_stone
They seem to be late risers, those trolls, but I knew they’d show up sooner or later. Had to sleep it off, perhaps.
To: Mount Athos
I don’t care if he was born in the center of Kansas, he is a poor excuse for a president.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:50:23 AM PDT
Big Horn
(Rebuild the GOP to a conservative party)
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