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The Hobbit Hole IV – The Road Goes Ever On…

Posted on 08/04/2003 9:43:18 AM PDT by HairOfTheDog

Welcome to The Hobbit Hole!

The Road Goes Ever On…

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

TOPICS: The Hobbit Hole
KEYWORDS: abitmuch; adventuroushobbitses; backgametes; backgammonanyone; catholiclist; chinchillaarmy; corinspamhands; corinstillhonest; corinstormfunkle; cuterthanabugsear; dcbryan1forfrodo04; destructorpingspam; devilgurl; donothawmthepwecious; dontencouragedwarves; duckdodgers; dwarfhasnicelegs; dwarfruleelfdrool; electricsneaker; electricspam; electricwombat; elfneedsprunejuice; elmergowwum; elrondwashere; elusivecheese; elvesrule; flatfrodorocks; frodoflatrocks; gimmiekeyword; gooberalert; happytttdvdday; hellooooruthy; hobbitcam; hobbitholewedding; hobbitsarepeopletoo; hobbitsinwuv; honestbearsnaig; honestelfsnaig; hugadwarftoday; iamshoutingman; iloveagoodhat; ilovedestructor; ilovehairofthedog; ithastakenrosie; itsallaboutpippin; jarjarforgoverner; jenbaspammer; keywordgrafitti; kilroywashere; kiltliftinfun; laundrypeace; lfblusterydayspam; longestnookierunever; lookatallthekeywords; louisianamanisasong; luvmeluvmychickens; meantrolls; michaeldobbs; naughtybreakfastpics; needmorekeywords; newcarsmell; ohfercryinoutloud; orcsplatstew; permanentsmoochmoot; piecrustmustpay; possumsnaig; preciousspam; profspamgineer; reesesfrenzy; rosiebagelsnaig; rosienanospammer; ruthneedsherhhd; ruthytoons; shoutingmanformayor; sloppyhobbitkisses; smartandcharming; smoochmoot; sneaksykeywordspam; spamengineer; spamforprecious; spamfunkleprecious; spampeople; spamsight; spamworld; spearandmagichelmet; spongebobeggplants; spongebobsnowpants; swishswishswish; texasmanymoots; thefirstkeyword; theinnersanctum; thorlosocksrock; toastyelffeet; toomanykeywords; toomuchspam; tossawombat; ttthooky; verylongkeywordspam; weloveruthy; whoisentmoot; whoskeywordisthis; wneighborlyspam; wombatsonthebrain
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To: Ramius
Have you ever considered tying this woman down and giving her shock therapy?
40,241 posted on 11/10/2003 7:20:00 PM PST by JenB (60 Days Til EntMoot; Nanowrimo Word Count 20,131)
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To: Rose in RoseBear
I dunno... she asked fer it... I'm givin' it to her...

men used to wear 'em on their hats... in a bygone age...
40,242 posted on 11/10/2003 7:20:25 PM PST by g'nad
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To: Prof Engineer
btw, loved yer pictorial of the rocket races the other day... must be cool tuh be an engineer and a dad... my kids want to play with axes and power tools...
40,243 posted on 11/10/2003 7:23:22 PM PST by g'nad
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To: g'nad
Thanks man. I don't mind the idea of axes and power tools. His eye-hand coordination needs to improve first. Hand tools are ok for now. He loves that part. Anything where we wear hard hats is guaranteed to be fun for him.
40,244 posted on 11/10/2003 7:27:46 PM PST by Prof Engineer (This is NOT the government the Founders intended.)
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To: Prof Engineer
hard hats?... we ain't got no stinkin' hard hats... pro'ly should tho'...

may 'splain alot of what goes on 'round these parts...
40,245 posted on 11/10/2003 7:30:06 PM PST by g'nad
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To: Bear_in_RoseBear
I still remember the first time I saw "Raiders" in the theater (I was 17)... I nearly laughed my head off all through the "escape with the idol" sequence at the start. I couldn't believe someone had made a live-action version of the Coyote vs. Roadrunner cartoons!

I liked all those booby-trapped devices, made with wood and vines, that waited for a thousand, or many thousand, years, then not only functioned perfectly, but reset themselves for the next use.

I finally figured out why I never cared for "Temple", beyond the grossness. There were no horses in it! I liked Indy's gray Arab in "Raiders" more than the black Barb in "Crusade", although both were great, and had great stunt riders. If you look closely in "Crusade" where Indy tries to reholster his Webly while galloping away from the tank, he (actually, the stunt rider) can't quite find the holster, and winds up faking it.

40,246 posted on 11/10/2003 7:31:40 PM PST by 300winmag (Photon Micro-lights: the next best thing to the Phial of Galadriel)
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To: All
g'nite all...

God bless the Corps, and the Republic that she serves...
40,247 posted on 11/10/2003 7:39:07 PM PST by g'nad
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To: g'nad
Good night, sir!

I'm going to bed too... yawn...
40,248 posted on 11/10/2003 7:39:36 PM PST by JenB (60 Days Til EntMoot; Nanowrimo Word Count 20,131)
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To: g'nad
yuh sure you wanna see 'em?...

How long have we been friends?

40,249 posted on 11/10/2003 7:39:56 PM PST by 2Jedismom (Thorlo Sock company is American and supports US Troops!!)
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To: g'nad
The other day, Spiderboy was helpin me change to oil in my car. He wanted to wear hard hats for that even. 'Cuz we were doing guy stuff. Had to tell him, they'd just fall off anyway. He really liked getting down under the car and gettin his hands dirty.
40,250 posted on 11/10/2003 7:43:48 PM PST by Prof Engineer (This is NOT the government the Founders intended.)
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To: 2Jedismom
where thehelluvayuhbeen?... *did I say that out loud?*.... ;0)

yuh got the house "de-cluttered?"...

here yuh go...

see yu in the mornin'... g'nite 2J...

40,251 posted on 11/10/2003 7:46:12 PM PST by g'nad
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To: Prof Engineer
yeah... I really like werkin' with theboy too... he loves doin' "guy stuff" now...

g'nite PE...
40,252 posted on 11/10/2003 7:47:53 PM PST by g'nad
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To: g'nad
Cool, venison for dinner, and breakfast, and second breakfast, and chili and the list is endless.
40,253 posted on 11/10/2003 7:50:41 PM PST by Prof Engineer (This is NOT the government the Founders intended.)
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To: JenB
Hey Jen! David says he saw you at the test; noticed you were looking over his way. When I told him who you were he understood. Said to say a retroactive "HI"! I wish my computer hadn't been down Friday or I would have told him to keep a look out for you!
40,254 posted on 11/10/2003 7:53:19 PM PST by SuziQ
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To: All
G'night all. been a long day
40,255 posted on 11/10/2003 8:01:44 PM PST by Prof Engineer (This is NOT the government the Founders intended.)
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To: Scott from the Left Coast
Raiders is tame, less you've got a thing about snakes.

I hate snakes!

40,256 posted on 11/10/2003 8:01:52 PM PST by SuziQ
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To: SuziQ; Overtaxed; osagebowman; 300winmag; HairOfTheDog; Ramius; Wneighbor; g'nad; All
Okay, here's the letter I wrote in response to the mailing from Bill Clinton:

Dear Mr. Clinton,

Thanks so much for writing. It’s always good to know what you are up to.

I’ve enclosed a little article from The Washington Times that you might enjoy. It pretty much proves that your letter about how President Bush has destroyed the economy is just B.S. No, that’s not Barbra Streisand, but the terms are often interchangeable.

I have no clue how I got on your mailing list. In fact, it’s a little embarrassing to have your name show up in my mail box. But if you must write again, every time you do, I’ll fire off a little something else to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. George Allen says “thanks.”

Rest assured that between now and the 2004 elections, I’ll be doing everything I can to help the GOP retain and increase the majority in the Senate and the House.


"Corin Stormhands"

P.S. I thought it only fair that I include a little something for postage. Please send a receipt. [a check in the amount of $0.37]

Whaddya think? I haven't mailed it yet. I toned it down quite a bit.
40,257 posted on 11/10/2003 8:47:29 PM PST by Corin Stormhands (Just not a good week to be a DemocRAT! see
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To: g'nad
Love the pictures!

No, the house isn't even close. We managed to clear out a great deal of excess junk from the boys room...stacks and stacks of books. The silly cheap stories went to thrift. The good but too young for Joshua stories went in a plastic bag in the attic, for grandkids someday, I hope! The rest got sorted and now fill a bookcase...still tons of books.

Threw out a bunch of broken toys. Gave away a bunch to thrift, too. Put some special ones up in the attic. Matthew has outgrown his Huevo (humpty dumpty) doll that he's slept with since he was a tiny baby. Babe, Joshua's bean bag pig, that he had with him in his newborn hospital portrait (Matthew gave it to him for a "birthday" present) also got put away in the attic.

We worked like dogs all day and only got one room done...almost.

Tomorrow is going to be the same. But living in this tiny (900 sqft) house requires occassional radical organizing!

I gotta go to bed. Good night all!
40,258 posted on 11/10/2003 9:00:53 PM PST by 2Jedismom (Thorlo Sock company is American and supports US Troops!!)
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To: Corin Stormhands
I like it...for what that's worth!
40,259 posted on 11/10/2003 9:03:13 PM PST by 2Jedismom (Thorlo Sock company is American and supports US Troops!!)
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To: Corin Stormhands
Whaddya think? I haven't mailed it yet. I toned it down quite a bit.

Turn off 90% of your brain cells, and rewrite it, pretending you're a DIM. Actually, don't write ANY letter. The mail just goes to some agency that enters your donation in a database, and deposits the check. Just send them the 37 cent check, plus whatever form they want returned with your name on it.

Last time I looked, it costs 45 cents for each business reply envelope returned. So they're out 8 cents before they even process your check. That mailing and banking process, from start to finish, probably costs them about $2, and they get 37 cents back. But you go into their database as a "live one". That should keep them sending you more stuff. As long as they have a post-paid return envelope, keep "donating".

Seriesly, nobody will read your opus, and if they did, they might figure out that they should drop you from their database. I think you'll get more satisfaction knowing that your 37 cent "investment" causes them $1.63 in losses.

40,260 posted on 11/10/2003 9:03:56 PM PST by 300winmag (Photon Micro-lights: the next best thing to the Phial of Galadriel)
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