Posted on 11/07/2024 11:11:56 AM PST by C19fan
An author of an infamous revisionist historic work that paints the United States as racist has blamed 'anti-blackness' for Donald Trump's electoral success with Latinos.
Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of The 1619 Project, made the remarks Wednesday in response to Trump's win.
The president-elect emphatically beat Kamala Harris after being backed by 46 percent of all Latino voters - the most by any Republican in modern history.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Never trust hyphenated names.
Does this mean they support deporting illegal immigrants?
This is not wrong. Mexicans aren’t terribly fond of blacks. And they aren’t sheepish about it, at least in Mexico.
Ah ... let the intersectionality purges begin. And pass the popcorn.
The politics of division and hatred worked well on Tuesday. I approve of her continuing this messaging.
Black vs brown.
Can’t we all just get along?
Wll then they should get rid of Ocasio Cortez. Her ancestor was a colonialist.
You are right but the American left tried to gaslight us that Latin America is a multiracial paradise.
Go away, Nikole Hannah-Jones! Your day is done!
Do tell. We're all ears.
Aww. They finally figured that out. What amazing geniuses.
Anyone raised in Los Angeles would know this.
Babylon Bee keeps missing the best stories.
One pet peeve of mine is the abuse of language. Originally, the word "Hispanic" meant descendant of Spaniards. By the way, the Spaniards brought way more black slaves to the Americas than the Anglos did. Yet you never hear a peep from the Dims about blaming today's Hispanics over slavery.
Is the Howard University School of Communications head speaking for Howard alumni Harris? Sure seems that way.
In the meantime, congratulations, hispanics, y’all just been promoted to the racist white people team. No more Black Lives Matter parades for you!
no no no, cause she’s female, Machismo, you know...
Massive Hispanic immigration is pushing them completely to the bottom in terms of jobs and social position.
Telling all the Hispanics they are RACISTS is going to make everything better.
This Zerohedge discussion of the topic is hilarious—Dems begin the circular firing squad:
Maybe the Democrats will get so mean and nasty that CA turns Republican again....
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