Posted on 07/01/2024 12:08:31 PM PDT by ransomnote
Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see.
3038 Mar 12, 2019 2:55:14 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4fe510 No. 5643022>Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).
>Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).
>Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).
>Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
>Decide for yourself (be free)
Those who attack you.
Those who mock you.
Those who cull you.
Those who control you.
Those who label you.
Do they represent you?
Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?
Mental Enslavement.
The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
In the battle between those who strip us our constitutional rights, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger by diligently seeking the truth, independence and freedom of thought.
Where We Go 1, We Go All
Interesting.... 10 days darkness. He rarely doesn’t appear in public one way or anther.
A few headlines and snips, mostly from Just The News.
Check’s Not In Mail: Postal Service re-organization failed to stem billions in losses
America’s mail service now has accumulated $98 billion in losses since 2007
Biden employs 152 more White House staffers than Trump in final year, annual budget $60.8M: watchdog
Report also found Biden White House payroll reaches historic highs not seen since President Richard Nixon in 1971
President Joe Biden employs 152 more White House staffers than former President Trump did in his last year in office and his total White House staff right now, 565 employees, will cost taxpayers in fiscal 2024 nearly $61 million, according to a new analysis and report by
In addition,
[Stay cool, FRens!]
The massive that is occurring in multiple states is expected to continue with 130 million people under heat advisories.
Temperatures are expected to be 15-30 degrees higher than average in the affected areas.
The Pacific Northwest and the mid-Atlantic region are expected to be hit hard. The National Weather Service said the temperature will not be below 100 degrees Fahrenheit in places like western Nevada and northeastern California. Harris is floated as a Biden replacement, but her past may weigh down her candidacy
Harris’ rise through the San Francisco political machine came with allegations of naked favoritism and sexual scandal that followed her through her several state-level roles.
resident Joe Biden’s debate performance raised so many concerns about his cognitive state and advanced age that more and more Democrats are mulling replacing him as their 2024 presidential nominee. But, the president’s most likely replacement—Kamala Harris—has a political past that may give voters pause.
“Kamala Harris has a long history of using the machinery of the legal system to benefit friends and punish her adversaries,” Peter Schweizer, President of the Government Accountability Institute and author of several books focused on government corruption, told Just the News on Wednesday. the science? Duke dumped doc who exposed lack of evidence ‘racism is a public health crisis’
ER doctor Kendall Conger objected to Duke Health “acting politically under the guise of medical science” and shared administrator’s email admitting no clinical evidence backs its pledge against “racism, bias, and hate.”
[I had a hard time figuring this one out..I guess FBLiars don’t want decent FBI’ers to know the truth.]
Vindication: FBI Agent’s Security Clearance Reinstated After It Was Revoked for Sharing Revolver News January 6 Report With Colleagues
RNC adopts Trump’s 2024 platform with focus on border, economy while updating abortion stance [Reversing RoevWade]
“Only President Trump can restore our economy, restore our Southern Border, and restore America’s standing in the world,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump said in a statement.
“Only President Trump can restore our economy, restore our Southern Border, and restore America’s standing in the world,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump said in a statement.
Judicial Watch sues DC for police body cam footage of Jan 6
|“The American people deserve the full picture from the incident at the Capitol on January 6, 2021,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “What are they hiding? The DC Metropolitan Police Department should be transparent and release these secret January 6 videos.”
Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch announced Monday that it is suing Washington, D.C., for rejecting a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) footage of the January 6 riot.
The conservative group said it originally filed the footage request in August of 2021, asking for all audio and visual footage captured by MPD officers who responded to the protest on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. But MPD denied the request, claiming it was part of an “ongoing investigation and criminal proceeding.”
Thanks, I’m trying. A
I don’t know what the SAVE Act is..
The Dems Predictably Oppose the SAVE Act
The Dems do not care about the will of the American People. So they ship in millions of low-IQ immigrants and give them handouts, to coerce them to vote blue.
They didn’t like the way we voted, so they brought in new voters.
This is why the Dems oppose the wall, border security, voter ID, etc., because their power relies on illegal immigration keeping them in office.
They never believed walls were racist. They never actually cared about “kids in cages”. They never cared about immigrants. It’s always been about election fraud.
They sold out the American People in order to take and retain power. They turned our cities into sh*tholes for their own gain. They ruined the American Dream to line their own pockets off of the fruit of our labor.
And then called you a Nazi for recognizing it.
“Traitorous” is an understatement.
Feb 17, 2019 2:02:12 PM EST
Feb 17, 2019 1:29:07 PM EST
It's very simple - w/o the illegal vote D's lose.
Previous illegal imm high pop v D win by county provided.
[Example 2] Why do D's push for ILLEGALS to obtain a driver's license?
Does having a DL make it easier to vote? What states provide DL's to ILLEGALS?
What checks are in place within each of the 'DL granted
states' to prevent 2x-3x-4x-5x voting?
Compare v. 2016 Presidential election results.
What do you notice?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Memes are important.
An article I wrote posted in 2020 after the theft, with a lot of info added on the thread.
States with Automatic Voter Registration and Sanctuary Cities
NCSP National Conference of State Legislatures ^ | 4/14/2020 | NCSP
Posted on 11/10/2020, 4:52:37 PM by little jeremiah
The purpose of this thread is to list the states with automatic voter registration, mostly by getting driver’s licenses, but also through other means such as applying for social service. And combine that with sanctuary states, counties and cities. Counting ballots and making sure all voters are registered doesn’t help solve the problem of illegals voting.
Thank you. I think Flynn would be a great VP and next president; we’ll just have to wait and see what happens...
As you have said many times - TBD....
I love Ben Carson for something but imho he doesn’t have enough fire to be POTUS. There’s a Sanskrit word for martial spirited men - either battlefield, or other strong leadership positions: Kshatriya. I don’t see him in that role. Literally means “one who protects others from harm”.
I may be confused but I thought the July 4th story involved a BBC reporter❓ Naturally the NYT wouldn't be upset if Donald Trump tripped on a bar of soap while inspecting a high rise steel frame structure... but 🤷
Truth is a BBC reporter is more likely to get away with such treachery...
Just getting back to you - fever was transitory; even when very sick I rarely run a fever. Evidence of low immune system actually. I”m crawling out of it...
gisd O
Links to articles at the site.
Larry Schweikart
TODAY’S NEWS, July 8, 2024
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow
1) And there it is. Rutabaga told them all to eff off. He’s staying.
2) We have to begin asking, “What did the Hoax News Media know and when did they know it?” This is an astounding story in New York Magazine in which Rutabaga can’t even speak to a small gathering of donors with a teleprompter. Rutabaga’s team conducted 7 events in 48 hours after the horrendous debate to provide “Proof of life.” It gets worse. Normally I don’t read extended parts of articles but this is from someone sympathetic to Rutabaga:
“His thin skin, long a figurative problem and now a literal one, was pulled tightly over cheeks that seemed to vary month to month in volume. Under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam. He looked, well, inflated. His eyes were half-shut or open very wide. They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink at regular intervals. The White House often did not engage when questioned about the president’s stare, which sometimes raised alarm on social media when documented in official videos produced by the White House.”
At a political speech in Wisconsin, Rutabaga was an hour late then mumbled stuff no one could understand. It was a pathetic crowd and he made seven blunders in a single speech on a teleprompter, one of which he claimed he would beat President Trump “again” in 2020. It’s so bad that the Senior Skank, “Dr.” Jilly has moved to consolidate power i side the White House. And she is “lashing out” at people who want Rutabaga out of the race. Shades of the circle of evil that surrounded Hitler.
3) But wait! The Snuffulupagus ABC interview was supposed to save Rutabaga. Nope. “We’re doomed” said one DemoKKKrat after the speech. “A f . .king disaster” said another. “Gooooood.”
4) Truly this is a phenomena we have never seen in American politics, the Hoax News Media going after a DemoKKKrat. I don’t mean minor complaints. I mean “TAKE HIM OUT” level attacks. Here is the New York Slimes with its latest attempt. Yet this Slimes story notes that at a Pennsylvania rally with Gruesome, DemoKKKrats have doubled down on their support for the Demented Pervert. This is when he said Pennsylvania sent him to the senate! (He’s from Delaware) The Slimes upped the ante and has now attacked his strategy of going after Trump. Meanwhile a Wisconsin fundraiser had to b e canceled as many large donors pulled out after the debate.
5) A Parkinson’s specialist has visited the White House nine times since 2023. However, it looks like Rutabaga’s doctor is up to his stethoscope in dirty money with the Bidens.
6) It’s so bad the Huff Po suggested he use AI to lie to voters about his appearance. Except more leaks from the White House included instructions for a speech that includes . . . wait for it . . . the words “walk to podium.”
7) Meanwhile Cygnal has the national race the same as CBS, Atlas, and two others, namely 5-6 point lead for President Trump depending on what other candidates are in the race. Little Natey Silver says Rutabaga has a 28% chance of winning and says that’s probably “too optimistic.”
8) At any rate, the campaign re-launch with ABC and Snuffulupagus did not go well. In another pre-interview flub he said he was the first president in Delaware to get elected statewide . . . or something. And he did a radio interview where he still bungled scripted questions sent to the host. Meanwhile, you can’t beat this headline: “The Petty Feud Between the New York Slimes and the White House.”
Remember that July 27 DNC “virtual convention” which is a hard and fast deadline to keep a presidential line in Ohio open? Guess what? Not only did the ballots already to out to the delegates but they are already being returned. And Rutabaga says only an “act of God” can keep him out of the race. (GOD: “Lemme think about that.”)
9) Good news for President Trump in Colorado, where Bobby Kennedy will be on the ticket as a Libertarian.
10) The interesting story of Charles Hatfield, “rainmaker,” who was promised $1,000 for every inch of rain he brought. What he “delivered” was a deluge that cost San Diego $3.5 million in flood damages. The city refused to pay ol’ Charlie.
11) Cankles, out of the limelight for quite a while, plans to publish yet another “memoir.” Yeah, cut outside of DemoKKKrat funders who propped up sales, the last one did so well.
12) I updated this twice and am still behind. Now the peaceful and bucolic Benghazi-ty-the-Lake (Chicago) reports 109 shot and 19 killed over the weekend.
13) This is refreshing: Trump reportedly to tap John Ratcliffe for AG to head prosecutions of the CIA and election interference.
14) New York’s Lux Hotels took $1 billion to house illegal criminal aliens.
15) My favorite lib, Noah Smith, shows in this piece why I pay him so much. (joke) He does a tour-de-force on the decline of American manufacturing and particularly manufacturing productivity. I think most of his points are valid. One thing to consider however is that simply adding more machines gives you only one level of productivity increase. It arrives, signed, sealed, and delivered. But what occurred in the late 1800s-—when our productivity was off the charts-—was that employees got involved in making the products and processes better. Think of Julian Kennedy at Carnegie Steel. He had 150 patents during his lifetime, and half of them were incorporated into Carnegie processes.
16) This town in Utah is entirely self sufficient. Before joining the community you have to agree to a set of requirements including a transition plan to dig your own deep well, have your own garden, and use solar.
17) This bartender thinks standard etiquette, cell phones, and all around spoogery has ruined the “bar experience.” Mos def.
18) Boeing and the Departmnent of INJustice have reached a plea deal on the 737 Max crashes.
19) Never fails. The gubment puts new regulations on business to “protect” consumers, businesses simply pass the costs back to the consumers. JPMorgan Chase now considering new fees.
20) It only took the new Brit PM Kier Starmer a day to scrap the Ugandan illegal immigrant removal program. This is what you voted for England.
21) As for France, the cheat of all cheats ensued when over 200 of Macaroni’s party resigned and swung their seats to the socialists so as to deprive Marie Le Pen’s party of power. Evil, evil, evil. This is how they got Napoleon. At any rate, Jews are now being warned to leave as as the anti-semitic hard-left comes to power.
22) Switzerland becomes the first country in the world to ban mamographies, saying they often produce false readings of cancer when it doesn’t exist.
23) Mt. Etna’s volcano erupted throwing more carbon into the air than is contained in all the “carbon offsets” in existence. Oops.
24) This says Russia’s first arrests under the new homosexual/transoid law makes a “new era of repression,” or perhaps a new era of restoration.
25) Feel good story of the day as an Iranian frigate capsized in harbor.
26) Anti-tourist marches took over Barcelona, just a month after similar anti-troutist proests in the Canary Islands and Mallorca.
27) Researchers have developed a new glass that is both sticky and transparent at the same time..
28) Fascinating story of Adrian Grenier, the star of the great series “Entourage,” who left Hollywood to become a farmer in Texas.
29) I have tried to stay away from Megxit and the Ginger Duke (Meghan and Harry), but this is too good. He is apparently becoming bored with her, can’t see his friends (cuz they hate her) and wants to go home to dreary England.
30) Speaking of England, happy 84th birthday to Sir Ringo Starr. I saw him and his All Star Band last year and they were very good! One can argue about speed or technique but in my book the “best rock drummer” list starts with Ringo.
31) The showrunner for the “Acolyte,” the latest “Star Wars” fiasco/failure, admits that wokeness and “gender identity” will be the future of this franchise (which is to say, a short future.).
32) After two successful tours in Vegas, “Jersey Boys” has been abruptly canceled due to slow ticket sales.
33) A Canadian doctor won a major vax case against the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. A long way to go, but a win nevertheless.
34) Here is the latest academic paper showing harms from the vaxxes.
You probably know better than most of us how to strengthen ones immune system.
For my part, a bottle of Tylenol can sit in my cabinet for a few years untouched; but when I get a low grade fever I head straight for the bottle! Ask any 2 year old; they'll tell ya'! :^D
A cop pulled me over. When he came up to the window he said, "Papers?" I replied, "Scissors, I win." He just shook his head a walked off.
SweetiePalm says my singing has much to atonal for.
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
Probably true but much obvious fraud was plain to see in 2020 - but naturally the GOPers were inept in demanding a challenge. A surprisingly large number of precincts had more ballots than registered voters; is that hard to figure❓ Of course 20,000 ballots showing up after election day could be challenged. Ballots that were obviously not part of the original printing.
We discovered that drop boxes can be video monitored; the courts successfully suppressed such evidence. Repeatedly local courts refused to examine evidence. The GOP did not fight it.
Dominion used the FBI plus $billion lawsuits to cut off investigations.
Perhaps there are clever ways yet to be discovered, but a political party willing to demand fair elections at ALL COSTS would be a nice start.
We went through all that in Florida in 2000: Geo Bush vs the Gorons. FR camped in Tallahassee and maintained street demonstrations (to match the 'Rat street demonstrations) --- AND by gum we prevailed❗
❤ your #1265❗
Uhhhhh... Promiscuous irresponsible sex among folk who ought to know better❓ 🤦
As someone who has been on an Advantage plan for some years, I submit some hanky panky folderol along the way. First, the Advantage plans have exploded with NEW entitlements such as dental care, OTC allotments, Medicare B billing refunds, grocery subsidies. That explosion has resulted in another explosion of competition as to who can offer the most, resulting in a few dozen Advantage plans multiplying into hundreds of such plans.
I suspect some of these upstarts can't always pay their medical bills and thus start to fudge here and there. I also presume the prime suspect in this wild party is the USGvt❗
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