There can be no such thing. If you split the world into bianary and non-bianary you’re right back to where you started: a bianary world.
Non-binary means one is mentally ill and wants to remove one’s naughty parts. That’s all.
I purposefully do not keep track, keep up to date with all the current insanity, so as to better protect my own sanity. Many years ago, when paperwork, forms, etc started having more than two genders, I started adding ‘please’ to the choices for sex on the forms. Most people laughed. Those that did not laugh, well, I gave them a wide berth at all times.
Welcome to the woke USA in 2023. What, you thought that two plus two still equaled four?
I think it’s the purple M&Ms.
I don’t really keep up with this stuff either.
Actually what you have stated is incorrect.
It's stands for it is.
Its is a modifier before a noun; of or relating to it or itself especially as possessor, agent, or object of an action.
Such as: The S&O Railroad runs on its own track system. No other railroad uses their railroad track system.
**I record all the TV I watch.**
You mean record when you’re busy so you can watch later? (hmm, ok)
Or that you save everything you have watched? (get help please)
I would personally ignore it, if they weren't adamant that I refer to them by some BS pronouns they have chosen for themselves.
"I don't play that game." Forcing me to affirmatively participate in someone else's delusion will not cure their mental illness.
Actually' I want to get a tshirt that says My pronouns are MAGA & ULTRAMAGA."
There is sexual dimorphism among mammals. A fact of nature. Reproduction is sexual, or binary. There is no way around this fact.
So all mammals are binary, There are no exceptions. Those who don’t do sex the normal way are still binary. No one is non-binary. Apparently they mean “homosexual” when they say “non-binary.”
It’s that “male and female He created them” thing that they hate so much.
Hope this helped. Don't be a stranger.
You just need to say you're nonbinary. And maybe dress a bit fey on occasion if you're a man. Maybe dress a bit butch on occasion if you're a woman.
I suppose if I were young and applying to the Ivy League, or for a Wall Street job, I might claim nonbinary status. It would be a low-cost way of improving my chances of getting in.
There was actually an episode of Star Trek: Next Generation that had contact with ‘non-binary’ race back in the 90’s. The episode revolved around one’s attraction to Riker, which caused the others much aggravation. I guess Hollywood has actually prepared us for this nonsense for a while.
In 1961 Newton Minnow said that “tv is a vast wasteland.” Proof: Joel Stien wrote in 2008, “I don’t care if Americans think Jews are running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”
What do you call they/them/him/her?
I ask their name. It’s easier to remember.
Why does physician “assign” a sex (not gender). I refuse to use that grammar designation for sex. Dr John Money, pedophile plastic surgeon performed first sex “change” surgery on baby who’d lost his penis during circumcision. Boy raised as girl and sexually abused by Money, along with his twin brother. When parents told him he’d been born a boy, he started living as a boy, although he and his twin committed suicide later. Point being, pedo Dr Money started using gender instead of sex in his writing. I ain’t using a pedo’s Newspeak.
Anyways, physician “assigns” sex based on child’s genitals. Ergo, he assigns a supposition of child’s genetics. This is wrong 1 out of 10 million times? Yikes! Sarah Huckabee Sanders is right. People are normal or crazy.