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The QAnon Phenomenon ^ | February 1, 2022 | C. Mitchell Shaw

Posted on 02/02/2022 7:50:59 AM PST by Red Badger

Many Americans were misled by QAnon predictions, believing them to be credible at the time they were posted. The experience shows the wisdom of evaluating claims with a discerning eye.


In the just over three years between October 28, 2017 and December 8, 2020, one or more bloggers claiming to have access to secret intelligence from inside the Trump White House published nearly 5,000 cryptic posts known as “drops” under the moniker “QAnon,” or simply “Q.”

At the time, many viewed the posts as credible, yet the passage of time showed beyond a reasonable doubt that they were not. After all, according to Q, patriots in high places, not the Deep State, were in control and those patriots would protect Trump from the Deep State. Events that have transpired since then have shown otherwise.

Putting it bluntly, Q followers were beguiled. Yet lessons can be learned and — to avoid being beguiled again — it is worthwhile taking a look at the Q phenomenon.

Fanciful and Fantastic

The Q drops ran the full range from the incredible to the ridiculous. Averaging nearly four cryptic drops per day for over three years, Q bombarded followers with one fanciful theory after another. Some of the drops claimed to be predictions, while others were claims of things alleged to be already in action. Q was consistent in only two regards: The drops were all audaciously outrageous, and they were all false. But the sheer volume of the Q drops was dizzying. Followers had so much to follow that it would have been nearly (if not completely) impossible to keep up with what was being said and how a more recent drop contradicted the claims of a previous drop.

And the contradictions were legion.

They were also part of a larger picture of failed predictions — referred to as “prophecies” by some followers. And many of the failed “prophecies” were conveniently “fixed” by merely resetting dates after the previously promised dates had come and gone without anything resembling the fulfillment of the “prophecies.” But then the new dates also came and went with the “prophecies” failing to come to pass.

And it’s not as though Q began by making predictions that came to pass before going full bore with nonsensical falsehoods. Q’s mendacity began with the very first drop.

Drop #1 — published on October 28, 2017 at 4:44 p.m. — was not entirely a prediction of something that was to take place in the future. It also contained elements that it claimed were present and past. That drop read, “HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] extradition already in motion and effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run.” This, of course, implied that Hillary Clinton was soon to be arrested. The drop continued, claiming that Clinton’s passport was “approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @12:01am.” The drop then stated, “Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s [Marines] will conduct the operation while NG [National Guard] activated.”

Since the claims of the post were so outrageous, Q offered this assurance at the conclusion of the post: “Proof check: Locate a NG [National Guard] member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.”

If those who read that drop in October 2017 had taken that challenge, Q would have been seen for the fraud he was. The whole phenomenon would likely have fizzled out, and there would not have been subsequent failed predictions — or even if there were, it wouldn’t have mattered, since no one would have cared to pay attention. That simple bit of due diligence would have shown that there was no military operation, no activation of the National Guard, no mass riots, no arrest of Hillary Clinton, and no accomplices fleeing the country. In fact, nothing predicted or claimed in the drop turned out to be true. Most notably, instead of Hillary Clinton being arrested on October 28, 2017 — beginning the end of the Deep State/Democratic National Committee conspiracy — it turned out that two of President Trump’s former aides, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, were charged on that date and turned themselves in. A third former Trump aide (George Papadopoulos) was reported that day to have already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

Hopelessly Addicted to “Hopium”

For the next 1,137 days, Q continued to push the bounds of credulity, making one brazenly false claim after another. But — and this is important — all of the claims were laced with a healthy dose of hope. Granted, it was false hope, but people desperate for hope will often seize false hope and cling to it for dear life, and this was the case with Q’s nearly 5,000 drops. For the faithful followers, it was the hope that mattered, even if not one single prediction ever came to pass. And each new drop — promising the coming “storm” — was one more dose of false hope to keep the followers addicted a little while longer.

Q fed into people’s confirmation bias, posting of terrible goings-on within the DNC, including high-ranking Democrats (such as Hillary Clinton) living off of adrenochrome, an adrenaline-based substance allegedly harvested from the adrenal glands of kidnapped and tortured children. It did not matter that whatever “proof” was offered of these stories fell apart under the slightest scrutiny; the very unbelievability of the claim was seen as all the proof that was needed. After all, don’t we already know that Democrats are inhumanly evil? Of course they sacrifice children. Can you prove they don’t?

But beyond offering false hope to Americans who found themselves concerned over seeing their country dragged, kicking and screaming, into an Orwellian New World Order, Q offered them the promise of salvation without effort. Time and again, Q drops told followers to do nothing — stay out of the way — as “patriots” on the “inside” handle everything. This was never stated more clearly than in Drop #4, dated October 29, 2017 at 12:11 p.m. That post promised, “POTUS [the president of the United States] is 100% insulated — any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false,” and “POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons.” Drop # 4 ended by saying, “Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.”

As even a cursory glance at the facts will tell any honest observer, President Trump was not “100% insulated” and he most certainly was “a target” of the Deep State. After all, he was twice impeached, he was hounded by false allegations of collusion with Russia his entire presidency, and he eventually was taken out of office in an election that was highly suspect.

Looking for Hope in All the Wrong Places

If that is winning, this writer would hate to see what losing looks like. But that is exactly what happens when concerned Americans are persuaded to outsource their patriotic duty. The admonition to “sit back and enjoy the show” since “patriots are in control” serves only to lull concerned Americans into a do-nothing state of apathy where they wait for a hero to save them and their country.

The only correct path to restoring and preserving the Republic is for each and every concerned American to stop looking for a hero to save us and be the heroes who save us. If the reader wants to find a hero, he should look not to Q or any other online persona, but in his own mirror. This magazine’s parent organization, The John Birch Society (JBS), has been educating, organizing, and putting to work concerned patriots since 1958. The motto of the JBS sums up our mission: Less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world.

When the JBS exposes a problem, it also proposes a realistic, moral, and legal solution that members and others can work to employ. In other words, the JBS recognizes that if we are going to save our freedoms, we must bring that about through our own hard work (while, of course, also recognizing the need for God’s help) — we cannot “sit back and enjoy the show,” expecting somebody else to save our freedoms for us. Hard work — by each and every patriotic American — is the only thing that will save us. There are no shortcuts.

But with Q, the expected happened: The self-appointed hero and self-anointed savior not only failed to deliver, but then summarily slithered back into the ether of the Internet from whence he came. It is still not known who Q was. What is known is that the last post from Q was on December 8, 2020 — just over a month before President Trump left the White House and turned the keys over to Joe Biden. Once his falsehood was undeniable to all but the most ardent (and stubborn) of his followers, Q simply logged off and went away.

Prior to December 8, 2020, the longest time Q went without posting was about three months in 2019, when 8chan (the platform Q used for posting) went offline. Now, more than a year after going silent, it is safe to say that Q is gone for good. And while there are still some die-hard believers left out there who continue to cling to the hope that Q will return, others have realized the truth about Q. As Forbes reported hours after Biden was inaugurated, one QAnon follower posted, “It’s over and nothing makes sense ... absolutely nothing.” Another wrote, “He [apparently referring to Q] sold us out.”

The dream is over and the “storm” — when President Trump would bring down the Deep State, and well-known figures from the Democratic Party and Hollywood would be arrested for their crimes — never came to pass. In fact, far from a “storm,” the sun rose brightly over the DNC, as Democrats now control not only the White House, but also both houses of Congress.

The Great Disappointment

The chagrin and frustration experienced by faithful followers of Q causes this writer to reflect on a period of religious history in this country known as The Great Disappointment. In the 1800s, Baptist preacher William Miller predicted the Second Coming of Christ would happen on October 22, 1844. Those who followed Miller — called “Millerites” — had all but quit this world. Many had neglected their businesses and farms, running up debts in the process. But none of that would matter because the Lord would return and take them to Heaven. When October 22 came and the Lord did not, they waited with great anticipation — it would happen any minute now. But it never did. One of the Millerites, Henry Emmons, later wrote of the disappointment. What he wrote could — with very few alterations — have been written by any of them. He wrote:

I waited all Tuesday [October 22] and dear Jesus did not come; — I waited all the forenoon of Wednesday, and was well in body as I ever was, but after 12 o’clock I began to feel faint, and before dark I needed someone to help me up to my chamber, as my natural strength was leaving me very fast, and I lay prostrate for 2 days without any pain — sick with disappointment.

While most Millerites did their best to pick up what was left of their lives and get on with the business of living by leaving Miller and his predictions alone for the rest of their lives, others started their own spin-off religious movements, claiming that Miller was essentially right, but that the event was spiritual, rather than material.

Likewise, many Q followers are still hanging on for dear life to the false hope that Q administered to them in small, regular doses.

Questioning QAnon

The New American and the JBS had been calling out Q’s deceptions well before December 2020. In videos and articles, as well as in the field work of the JBS, we exposed Q as a psy-op, deliberate disinformation, and a tangent. A full six months before Q closed up shop,The New American published an article entitled “Questioning QAnon.” In that article, this writer asked, “If the Deep State wanted to discredit and neutralize American patriots, could it have invented anything that would have been better designed for that purpose than Q?” That article ended with this observation:

One thing is obvious: Q is not — as claimed — someone with access to classified information involving the battle between the Trump administration and its opponents in the liberal establishment and who is working to save America by sharing the truth.

It was an unpopular position to take at the time, but the facts being what they were — and with liberty at stake — Q needed to be exposed as a fraud. It has taken others more than a year to catch up to The New American and the JBS, but now media are reporting that even former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who was once reported to be an ardent supporter of QAnon — and who was recorded at a pro-Q conference in Dallas in May 2021 saying a Myanmar-like coup “should happen here” — has recently said that he thinks Q’s drops were “total nonsense” and likely “a disinformation campaign that the CIA created.”

Those remarks were made in a phone call with attorney Lin Wood, who made the recorded call available to media in November 2021. In the recording, Flynn can be heard on the call with Wood saying, “I think it’s a disinformation campaign. I think it’s a disinformation campaign that the CIA created. That’s what I believe. Now, I don’t know that for a fact, but that’s what I think it is.”

Whether Flynn really believes that or not is not the point. Whether Flynn ever believed in Q or not is not the point. It is possible that corporate media — doing the bidding of their corporate and Deep State masters — exaggerated Flynn’s statements to make it appear that Flynn was an ardent Q supporter. It is also possible that Flynn is just another public figure turning his sails into the prevailing political winds. In that case, he would merely serve as a very public example of someone who hitched his wagon to the shooting star of the Q phenomenon and is now scrambling to unhitch it after it came crashing down to Earth.

Either way, this new report of Flynn calling Q a “disinformation campaign that the CIA created” still illustrates that the JBS and The New American were way ahead of the curve on calling Q nonsense and a possible Deep State disinformation campaign.

Q was never going to save us. We have to do it ourselves — but that requires trustworthy leadership.

The John Birch Society helps concerned patriots work together in concert to preserve and restore the Republic. If you are already a member of the JBS, now is the time to redouble your efforts. The fields are white for the harvest. What is needed are laborers in the field. If you are not already a member of the JBS, you should consider joining us in our proud companionship and our epic undertaking.

Q is gone, thank God, but something else — some other outrageously fanciful tangent — will likely come along. If patriotic Americans are already hard at work, practicing effective activism when whatever-next comes along, it won’t have any place to gain purchase. We’ll all be too busy actually saving the Republic to care.


C. Mitchell Shaw, a freelance writer, is a strong advocate of both the free market and privacy. He addresses a wide range of issues related to the U.S. Constitution and liberty.

TOPICS: Computers/Internet; Conspiracy; Dimensional Doorway; History; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: 4q2; dailyqthread; givemeqorgivemedeath; howdareyouabandonmeq; ilovethisplanwoohoo; oqqult; q; qanon; qanonsense; qtard; qtards; qvirus; thistimeforsure; trustsessions; trusttheplan; trusttrumpsplan; wishharderitllhappen; yeahyeahwhataplan
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 Yet another "QAnon" thread posted in the forum. Quell surprise!

The QAnon Phenomenon

I keep seeing similar content posted over and over again. I think that thread will have many fans as I am well acquainted with the negative opinions of those who say the Q threads are destroying Free Republic.

They post on most of my forum threads, whether the content be Covid, 'vaccines' or Canadian truckers, numerous insults in the keywords working to tie whatever it is back to Q in hopes of discrediting medical research, first person accounts, senator's Capitol hearing etc. It's not uncommon for some to post comments insisting that, whatever the content is, it must be dismissed out of hand because it is posted by me, and I post Q threads. 

For those who can't decide whether or not to attack everything I post, because I also post the Q threads, or whether to wonder why the MSM and some on FR invest so much in continuing the attack(s), I'll post a few ideas about the impact Q has had to counter 'the narrative', and end with a glimpse toward the future (hint: WINNING!).

The term 'QAnon' was inserted into mainstream use early on - it's not a term Q used. I initially used "QAnon" in Q thread titles and content until I realized it's a MSM/CIA creation used to manage their psyop.

If the MSM were stuck only quoting Q's content, they would not be able to claim that the Q movement is 'dangerous'. So the CIA controlled MSM combined 'Q' with the term 'Anon' to include ANY anonymous posters (e.g., moonlighting FBI informants, MSM creatures) and operatives that they fabricate or control. The 'horned Qanon' man at the Jan 6 capitol protest is the spawn of the insertion of false information into the Q movement to create a freakish "QAnon" psyop which our enemies freely control and distort.


For those still not paying attention - throughout Trump's administration, the Deep State wanted, and still wants, civil war because it's their bread and butter. The country was thoroughly divided, and civil war would allow our enemies to pit us against each other, so we could not join forces to fight them.

President Trump's impact has 'educated' the public with first hand experience what the Deep State has in mind for us (slavery). No amount of proof and documentation could ever overcome the 24/7 indoctrination that the MSM has been utilizing to divide and control the public since Project Mockbird (CIA controlled MSM) began many decades ago. Our country was to be handed to Hillary Clinton on a platter, and divided as we were, we would have been destroyed.

As a result of experiencing unfiltered tyranny first-hand from both sides of the aisle and throughout our government and institutions, many have fled the captured left to join the side of freedom. This is key to the plan to save America, and with it, freedom around the world.

I sigh in disgust everytime I see the lame assertion that "none of Q's predictions ever came true" because that's just a worthless talking point. Read the meme at the top - this is information warfare. How could any reasoning adult believe that Q's function was to be a 'Magic 8 Ball' that you shake to find out what is going to happen next. I mean, come on people, the Deep State can read, too. 

You don't win an information war by telling your enemies everything you're doing and what is going to happen next. Why did I even have to explain this?

Note the meme at the top also describes Q as a training program. Here is and excerpt of what Q said about that:

"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding 'mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. 

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. 

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. 

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. 

The choice is yours, and yours alone. 

Trust and put faith in yourself. 

You are not alone and you are not in the minority. 

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day. 

WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3038)


Q repeatedly advocated GET LOUD, BE HEARD, VOTE, RISE and take our freedom back. 

TRUMP won and it's not over, even many among Q's critics gave up few years ago and spend their time urging us to join them in just giving up our most precious everything we value - God, freedom, country et.

Efforts of those following the Q movement directly contributed (donations, campaign support, canvassing, prayer) to President Trump's landslide win. Assertions that we harmed the 2020 vote, or any other vote, are patently absurd.

Our threads, which some on FR hate so much, had call-in campaigns (Reps, Senators, Governors, party efforts); letter writing campaigns; we  posts to help each other learn Social Media, screen capture, gif, HTML coding and Meme software to support Trump's objectives by relaying his successes  and exposing the Deep State actors and their lies.

We volunteered to observe ballot counting, canvased neighborhoods, donated to Trump campaign and local elections, participated and advocated for local republican campaign events. We coordinated transportation to rallies; attended rallies and gave after-rally reports,. We arranged to protest in-person locally, advertised rallies on thread, posted speech/platform links so we could all watch. 

We posted words of support for each other when times were toughest; researched and shared content; encouraged all to get loud and be heard; set a daily time to pray for our country etc., among other activities. 

We researched content I haven't seen discussed elsewhere (e.g., a report of Arlen Spector's meeting with Ted Koppel et. al. when the CIA was formally inserting agents into positions of journalism, missionaries etc.) Dry stuff but I and others read it, along with countless policy documents on the FBI vault, some of which showed that Obama's administration changed personnel rules to allow staff in the CIA to work simultaneously for other agencies (the CIA could spy domestically under a FBI banner).

We read many dry policy documents looking for clues and were criticized roundly for "wasting time" on such content. 

There are times that we know content ahead of time based on Q drops, but that's not the primary purpose of Q. There's a limit to what can be said in sight of our enemies, and sometimes disinformation can provide strategic advantages. We citizens, were not the only audience Q addressed, so that some content will by design, only make sense to the intended recipient.

Apparently many of our critics, along with those like minded MSM outlets, continue to believe the countless hours they spent/trashing trashing Q thread participants and Q content were the best use of their time and they had no other patriotic duty to offer. During a time that President Trump was fighting to unite the country, many of our critics directed as much forum energy as possible into complaining about and criticizing fellow patriots.

I've often been told (shrieked at) that Q thread efforts were a waste and that "everybody already knew <insert facts or data here>," but checking our critics' FR profiles always revealed they never discussed, posted,  or linked the cited content - apparently they had all this information and never shared it with anyone else and then when we on the Q thread posted it, rather than support us by contributing their own expertise, wailed we were wasting time and that we should stop.

One fellow lectured us about how we were wasting time and cited a book which held all the answers. He held forth about how Q thread posts were a waste of time when the real answer was neglected, just waiting to be put into use if only people would read that book. I read the summary closing of thebook and the "big reveal" was that the author believed there's nothing we can do, we just have to let the whole system (financial/political/military/education) collapse and pick up the pieces from the refuse later. That FReeper had cited that book over and over, on many threads, and yet the book actually said "Give Up!" and let the nation collapse.

There are things one can do to support the cause of freedom that do not entail civil war. For example, Q advocated speaking up for journalists being silenced when the networks started 'disappearing' programming (Solomon, Hannity). Q thread participants and lurkers called, contacted, complained to networks asking why they were taken off their shows. That's just one minor example - I didn't see anyone else on FR doing that.

We stanchly resist demoralization because we know it's our patriotic duty to support morale - our enemies would love it if we all adopted the "DOOM!" attitude too often posted on the forum. There are hard working patriots on the forum, red-pilling the public for years without every reading about Q. I wish there were more of them, and that they were not so outnumbered by the full-time doomists.

I read and posted many DOJ documents to the point I realized that the billions (with a 'b') of fraud and arrests/prosecutions were carrying out President Trump's plans with spectacular success while "back home" on the forum our critics were screaming "DOOM!" and "Nothing's happening!" If the MSM won't report on it, our critics don't know it's happening; yet, they still want those of us on the Q thread to stop telling people about it. 

Is there anything more passive and pointless than insisting there's no hope and that others stop trying?

Some insisted we should to get out the vote INSTEAD of sharing information to inform the public, as if we are incapable of doing BOTH. 

Had our critics organized and actively supported real efforts to help the Trump campaign or show support for the presidency, we would have participated in their efforts, in addition to our own real efforts. I never saw our critics do much of anything; they were far too passive and had given up, and angrily demanded that we give up with them.

When I posted alerts with phone numbers of house/senate/governors our critics flooded my forum threads with bitter complaints that it's all useless and won't do any good, waste of time, peppered with posts saying I'm crazy and should not be allowed to post on the forum.

I posted to support protest attendance and was told to go back to the Q thread and stay there by Q critics on the forum. For example, when I posted threads on the forum advocating attendance at the 2A rally in Virginia, phone campaigns etc. I was ridiculed and taunted - our critics were unable to set aside their personal dislike, even to support our effort to increase protest attendance.

When I posted from the DOJ website - more anti Q thread screams and ridicule of the Trump administration, during a time when President Trump was already under attack. I posted DOJ content about a pedophile ring being arrested and "ruined" the day for many of our critics; they arrived insisting that we're doomed and nothing will ever change and it was all Q's fault.

What I saw were Q critics spending their energy attacking the Q thread, deepening divisions at the same time President Trump was fighting to unite the country. For some reason, they were intent on repeatedly posting that nothing will help, there's no hope and it's all Q's fault etc. 

Q didn't create division and passivity. Our critics often did and to this day, portray the Q thread and those who post on it as damaging. They are still at it - dividing patriots when we need to pull together.

I often see false accusations that the Q thread has destroyed the FReepathon - even if it wraps up well ahead of the deadline. Oh I saw an assertion that page thread counts are down because there are Q threads on FR - no data provided, but I wonder if those who post that kind of thing have realized yet that Big Tech lies about page views, tweets, followers etc. to suppress information. 

The skills we developed reading, researching and analyzing Q thread content help us support the cause of freedom.

We have Q thread critics blindly posting whatever the MSM serves up and using MSM 'fact checkers' to defend the talking point propaganda. For months I've seen FReepers posting fake Covid data in WorldOmeter threads - apparently they never looked into the organization to find out who puts that data out, and who provides their source data. Worldometer data is fake - it's cobbled together from sources like the CDC, and then repurposed by FReepers as if it is objective, authoritative data.

Worldometer is the underpowered, cobbled together peer of SNOPES in data reliability

They then gather to pontificate and opine on the latest, daily fake Plandemic data served up by Worldometer. Many of those same people hound me on the Covid and 'vaccine' threads I post, claiming I am a 'Qtard' and that I'm wasting time. Oh, the irony. I do wish they had invested time in Q's effort to train people to break free of group think, investigate sources, and think for themselves.

Fans of FAKE NEWS didn't even check Wikipedia before posting Worldometer fake data as if it suppliles urgent war time dispatches.

After I posted about Worldometer's credibility issue (image below)- Wikipedia hastily rewrote their Worldometer entry, but my point is those attacking how I or others reading Q content spend our time have invested daily thread time and attention with one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on the brakes - going nowhere fast and accusing others of 'wasting time' while the Covid Totalitarians run us over.


How about alternatives to CNN, Fauci, Newsweek, Snopes, the CDC and Worldometer? What did Q say about Covid? Here's an example:


In that post Q noted that the NYT article was a cover story released to counter the embarrasing exposure of the PCR test. Paw-paw plants test positive for Covid, so the NYT put out an absurd story of the slapstick level failure of the CDC's testing labs. It would be nice if more people at least investigated that Q post and realized, based on their own research and logic, that the PCR tests were fake back in July, 2020. What's the point of inisting this kind of information is a 'waste of time'?

This is a related article I posted about the CDC buffoon show cited in the Q drop.

C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say

How about more Covid info from Q, not the fake news puppet "QAnon"? I think a large part of the post below would be confusing for those not following Q content, and it's not unusual to find excepts that can't be directly interpreted, or are not understood until later. For example, "Russia is our enemy. China is our friend" is a reference to the propaganda the MSM is pushing, not a statement of fact. Perhaps if you'd like to have a look, skip down to the part where the sentences start with'C19,' the abbreviation for Covid-19.

Wouldn't it have save a lot of debate and energy if patriots could have researched the above and united against our true enemies back in Jul 31, 2020 when that content was posted? How much destruction of lives, the economy, public health, mental health etc. might have been spared? But note, there's no convincing the public with 24/7 CIA/MSM psyops in play. Sadly, many fell for the propaganda portraying Q as a 'waste of time' or a CCP effort, and had to see the actions of our enemies, experience their actions first hand, to finally undestand the true choice being presented to us.

Q's repeated admonition to 'Enjoy the show' was an attempt to help us realize just how much of the daily information, and the characters involved, are 100% fake. Rather than being drawn in and exhibiting ANGST or blind trust in players (*cough* CDC *cough*), we were to remember that we are looking at puppets in office, puppets in media, puppet agencies, puppet diseases and puppet 'vaccines'. Note the end of the Q drop immediately above ends by reminding us our voice, vote and unity are important, and that we are witnessing a Revolution. We're all having a hard time enduring this battle, but those who don't know it's a puppet show are having an even harder time.

For those who do follow Q content, many see progress in The Plan. There's really, there's no point in explaining what we're watching to those who insist there is no Plan, that the Q movement was fake, and that we're just wasting time and 'ruining' Free Republic and Freepathons. Been there, done that. It doesn't matter what we show or prove - minds have been made up and trolls are bored, waiting to spring into disruptive action.

We on the Q thread are not of one single mindset; we think for ourselves, hold a variety of opinions, at times disagree strenously, and some do despair at times because the process of waiting for enough of the public to wake up, so that we cannot be destroyed via Deep State orchestrated Civil War, is bitter and grueling. We're there to support each other because giving into despair is when you lose; as long as you still hope and resist, you're winning.

Transcript of Riccardo Bosi's warning ["No consent. No consent. No consent"]

If anyone reading this is interested, we pray for our country every day starting at 3:15 pm EST. If we pray for at least a minute, we're all praying together at 3:16, as a reminder of John 3:16.

Prayer is the tip of the spear we've been given to fight this battle between Good and Evil. It's darkest before the dawn; it had to be in order for people to unite. Have faith. Help each other. Never concede to evil. 


Click to skip to the top of this long post explaining why the article, The QAnon Phenomenon is trash.

121 posted on 02/02/2022 12:37:05 PM PST by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: wattsgnu

I direct you to posts 106, 107, and 108; and rest my case.

122 posted on 02/02/2022 12:38:11 PM PST by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: bagster

It’s a common occurrence in the early Grand Masters’ novels.

Heinlein did it and I think Clarke did as well. At the end of their ‘careers’ in sci-fi they combined all or a good portion of their early characters in a single story, like a ‘farewell’ to the characters they created.......................

123 posted on 02/02/2022 12:38:28 PM PST by Red Badger (Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.....................)
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To: Kevmo
Inauguration Day, they had a ~Q thread going that just plain provoked and trolled those of us who had been holding our tongues or ignoring them.

That thread was informally titled, 'Slapping Stupid'.

But I got a timeout from FR for opposing their nonsense.

Define 'opposing their nonsense'.

p.s. I hope I got to piss you off good, but I really don't remember your insignificance.

124 posted on 02/02/2022 12:40:01 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster

Trust Sessions!

125 posted on 02/02/2022 12:42:27 PM PST by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: ransomnote
We on the Q thread are not of one single mindset

The "mindset"...

Secret tunnels full of sex dungeons, sex pits out back of a concrete plant in Arizona, Secret pedo jewelry worn by folks you don't like, massive expansion at GITMO, prison barges, military tribunals, thousands of "sealed indictments", JFK Jr. alive, Barron Trump a time traveller, "Rods From God", bad guys shooting missiles at Air Force One, Medical tents in Central Park used to conceal the removal of mole children from the sewers and taken to safety on hospital ships, Biden is a body double, Biden isn't in the White House, Trump will be back in charge soon, Hillary is wearing an ankle monitor, Biden has been arrested, the inauguration was fake, the white house is a sound stage, somebody turns out the white house lights too early, Biden's ear lobes are wrong, his eyes are the wrong color, he's flying around in the wrong plane, Pizzagate is real and the Podesta brothers ate up little Maddy McCann, Adrenochrome Harvesting is real, Michelle Obama is a dude, McCain was assassinated, Barbara Bush is the daughter of Alister Crowley, Tom Hanks is a pedophile because of a facial expression he made at an award show, the snow in Texas was made of viruses, wouldn't melt and turned black when burned.

126 posted on 02/02/2022 12:42:47 PM PST by humblegunner (Ain't drownin', Just wavin'...)
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To: Kevmo
***What makes me ill is how the Qtards accuse others of being NeverTrumpers just because we disagree with their Qoqamamie nonsense.

I'll try to remember that the next time I feel like making you ill.

Buncha cheerbullyeaders.

How long do you expect your butt will be hurt?


127 posted on 02/02/2022 12:42:49 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: humblegunner

Excellent compendium.

128 posted on 02/02/2022 12:45:13 PM PST by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: bagster

I know you’re a little busy right now, but is this a bad time to axe you to support my petition I’m thinking about starting here.

A petition to allow me back on the Q Thread.

I had a very strange Chemtrial incident here at Chase Acres yesterday and even took pictures to prove it.

No joke! I’m not kidding!

129 posted on 02/02/2022 12:47:02 PM PST by David Chase
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To: Kevmo
***Because you Qtards can’t defend yourselves even on your own threads....Qtards are basically wusses.

130 posted on 02/02/2022 12:47:21 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster
Yes, everyone who doesn't believe all that indisputably untrue crap Q spewed is a "sheep".

That's actually kind of remarkable to me. You guys treated Q's crap like he was Moses bringing down the tablets from Mount Sinai, and yet you refer to all of us who refused to follow that particular shepherd as being the "sheep".

You should really look in the mirror, and ask yourself exactly which people were the ones following Q's unverified ramblings so unquestioningly like so many...sheep.

And "millions"? How would you even know? Is there some kind of sign-in sheet at the tin-foil hat table?

131 posted on 02/02/2022 12:51:55 PM PST by Bruce Campbells Chin ( .)
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To: bagster; Kevmo
I hope I got to piss you off good, but I really don't remember your insignificance.



Here, Kevmo. That's gotta sting..

132 posted on 02/02/2022 12:55:17 PM PST by USMC79to83
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To: USMC79to83; bagster


High five.

133 posted on 02/02/2022 1:00:06 PM PST by Allegra
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To: humblegunner
Most folks just ain't that stupid.

Don't sell yourself short, Bumpkin. Your people are vast in number. That's why the sheep need a shepherd (like me).

134 posted on 02/02/2022 1:02:40 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Mr. K
Bag, I'll save you some time: "TROLL!!!!!!!.. ROTFLMAO you are so stupid you don't believe in Q You troll Go back to Duhmieland LOL *fart*"

And like a good dog, you always obey.



135 posted on 02/02/2022 1:05:50 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster; humblegunner

thimblehumper - the gift that keeps on giving all year long.

136 posted on 02/02/2022 1:06:14 PM PST by nesnah (Infringe - act so as to limit or undermine [something]; encroach on)
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To: bagster
That's why the sheep need a shepherd (like me).

Sorry, Rev'run Jim.. I ain't thirsty right now.

137 posted on 02/02/2022 1:07:58 PM PST by humblegunner (Ain't drownin', Just wavin'...)
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To: bagster
I’m not kidding Dude. I think I got something here.

138 posted on 02/02/2022 1:13:38 PM PST by David Chase
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To: David Chase

Finally, I’m convinced.

139 posted on 02/02/2022 1:19:12 PM PST by gloryblaze
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To: David Chase
I know you’re a little busy right now, but is this a bad time to axe you to support my petition I’m thinking about starting here. A petition to allow me back on the Q Thread.

Only if we can keep you in a box like the gimp and bring you out when we catch a troll so you have to watch us torture it.

140 posted on 02/02/2022 1:30:15 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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