Posted on 01/20/2021 9:04:34 PM PST by weston
You;re very welcome!
Thank You!! Jane Long
All on Trump Train Are Still Praying
For a Miracle!!!
Thank you, I would never have guessed.
I used to tell people the IRS has my picture hanging on their wall, they use as a dartboard.
Thank you! :)
I know and we need one!
Herman Cain‘s book “The Right Problems: what the president, Congress and every candidate should be working on” should be required reading for anyone going to Washington who is actually interested in doing good things for the American people.
I was just reading through that thread too, and the original story it linked to.
They think they shut her up, I guess. Oddly, this gets her EVEN MORE EXPOSURE!
Why the white girl hair? Is this racism or cultural appropriation? Or does she(?) have a hall pass?
I didn’t do much today, I’ll pick myself up tomorrow and not let the damage being dome so quickly to the country and the good people in it ruin my day. This communistic takeover has happened so quickly, beginning with censorship and cancellations of anyone good. With a few strokes of the pen, so much of the good that President Trump did was undone.
I hope there are lawsuits to try and homer them.
I’ll have to look for that one! Thanks
I think we all needed last night.
Thanks! I downloaded that.
Fake election, fake everything...
“The return of the United States to #WHO & #ParisAgreement, the prospect of early talks on the future of the #JCPoA - on
Joe Biden’s first day in office, all this points to a new kind of cooperation.” Foreign Minister
The comments are especially interesting
Thank you!!
Good point by Matt Gaetz
january 20, 2021 the marshall report
D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.
Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assetts are in the process of being seized. Most did not see this coming for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation. But, it is indeed but now, no more are the states subject to it. Please read on to understand the nature of the battle we are in.
In 1871 a sedious act was performed by the Government. A coup was made to rewrite the constitution and put WE THE PEOPLE in all capitals, under a new corporate contract transferring the United States of America into the new Corporation of the United States of America which transferred the power of We The People and the constitution over to the new corporation. When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as property of the Corporation which was centered in Washington D.C.. This action made Washington D.C. a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Citizens rights were taken from them in this process. No one realized this.
When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. At that time, they transferred all the property in D.C. Columbia over to the Corporate entity of D.C. a foreign corporation.
NIKK..part of the aticle.
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