Any truth to the rumor that after someone said Mercury was going to be removed from the list of planets another person said “Another one bites the dust”? /sarc
My FAVORITE guitarist from about 12 to 15.
Still think he plays great but too bad I had to read about his enviro-wackiness.
But the music’s still great.
And Freddy was a fruit and paid the price but recorded some of their very good songs while he was quite ill.
Don’t know if he made peace with God but it must have been tough recording while so sick.
He looks a bit like Issac Newton
Only song I like from Queen is “I want to break free.”
I also like The December People’s version of I heard the bells on Christmas Day, it’s done in the style of Queen. It’s a fantastic version.
Looks like effing Sir Issac Newton he does eh....
A. Brian was upset at an American airport recently.
He still uses his passport photo from the 1970’s.
Same Elizabethan Nobleman hairstyle, but of course he looks different. The Agent looked at the photo, then looked up at Brian. “This picture has black hair, it doesn’t look anything like you. May replied; It happens to us all. It will even happen to you if you’re lucky.”
B. One of the first songs on their White Queen album is
called “Father to Son”. Well written and performed.
I thought about it years back when my father passed.
Pluto performed so well for NASA spacecraft cameras that they want to restore it to planet status for future missions. If it’s technically a planet, it will require more federal funding to further the exploration of it.
The discoverer of Pluto was my next door neighbor back in the 70’s.
You live your entire life thinking you’re a planet then some naybob comes along and says you’re not. That’s just wrong, people need to mind their own business......
I see he’s rocking the “Sir Isaac Newton” look there...
If Pluto thinks its a planet, then damnit, ITS A PLANET!!!!
Sorry. I'm just hate the world. Going to decompress in my flower garden...then maybe have a cup of tea and listen to some Queen.
Simple rule: If it’s large enough so covalently bonded matter (rock) in its interior would be crushed into a round shape.
(This is a simpler version of one of three criteria currently used, which is hydrostatic equilibrium (HE). HE is useful for ice and gas planets, but not rock planets because geographic features on the surface of rock planets aren’t technically in a state of HE.)
If Pluto hasn’t “cleared its orbit,” the same can be said for Neptune.
Why the bizarrely complex standard? Because after decades of insisting there were no other planets around the Sun, astronomers discovered two more. So before announcing their discovery, they changed the definition of planet.
This rule is simpler, but not much neater than the the current rule: Ceres, an asteroid almost as large as all other asteroids combined, would fit the definition of a planet. And ice planets would be judged to be planets based on comparison to rock planets, not on any intrinsic property of the planet. On the other hand, this standard requires no guesswork about whether an object is in HE, none of the ambiguity about Neptune and Pluto, and the current theory rests its definition so heavily on the entire star system that there’s so little sense of intrinsic properties of the planet it’s not certain if the definition will mean anything in tiny or enormous systems.
May is on the pro-planet side of the argument.
Good for him. That is the right side in my book.
If it wasn’t for idiot astronomer Neil Tyson, it would still be a planet. Tyson is NOT a planetary scientist FYI.
I might be wrong about this but he is not ape sh*t crazy on climate change to my knowledge either.
He advocates for things like banning fox hunting, not impoverishing non-Chinese/Muslim countries like the ‘RATS.
May scored 10 “O-levels” and three “A-levels” in the (formerly great) British equivalent of high school.
That means he was really, really smart, even as a kid.