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Unsolved problems in the Big Bang model

The are few unsolved issues in the standard Big Bang model. These are as follows:

1. Horizon problem: There are portions of the universe that are visible to us but invisible to each other. Horizon problem points out that different region of the universe have not yet contacted each other due to the great distances between them, but nevertheless they have the same temperatures and other physical properties. We know that CMBR is found to be homogeneous everywhere. How it became possible? The observed isotropy of the CMB is the problem in this regard. Because we believe that information cannot travel faster than light. The resolution of this apparent inconsistency is offered by inflationary theory in which a homogeneous and isotropic scalar energy field dominates the universe at some very early period. According to Heisenberg, during the inflationary phase, there was a  ‘Quantum thermal fluctuations’ which would be magnified to cosmic scale. These fluctuations serves as the seeds of all current structure in the universe. Inflation predicts that the primordial fluctuations are nearly scale invariant and Gaussian, which has been accurately confirmed by the measurement of the CMBR.

The instant before inflation began, universe was only about 10^{-24}cm in diameter. All matter and energy were in close and uniform contact within the briefest instant, the universe expanded exponentially by a factor of about 10^{50} , stretching once intimately connected matter and energy to the farthest reaches of the universe. The information contained in the per-inflationary universe didn’t have to travel the speed of light, it traveled at the speed of inflation.

2. Flatness problem: According to Einstein field equations of general relativity, the structure of space-time is affected by the presence of matter and energy on small scales, space appears flat – as does the surface of the Earth if one looks at a small area. On large scale, space is bent by the gravitational effect of matter. The amount of bending (or curvature) of the universe depends on the density or matter/energy present. According to cosmology (Friedman – Lemaitre – Robotson – Waker metric), the universe may have positive, negative or zero spatial curvature depending on its total energy density (k).

Curvature is negative if k<0 (hyperbolic)
Curvature is positive if k>0 (spherical)
Curvature is flat if k=0 (flat)

Total energy density is a fine tuned parameter between the density of matter and energy in the universe. The values of total energy density departs rapidly from the critical value over cosmic time.

Now, the question is, during Big Bang nucleo-synthesis, what was the values of this parameter? Positive or negative or zero? How it was so fine tuned? We know that the reality that our universe is approximately flat. Thus, the value must be extremely close to ‘One’ (in 1 / 64 th) i.e. \Omega_o initially must have almost exactly the number given below which is extremely close to one. 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

There is no known reason for the density of the universe to be so close to the critical density, this appears to be an unacceptably strange coincidence in the view of most astronomers.

Many attempts have been made to explain the flatness problem. Modern theory includes the idea of inflation which predicts the observed flatness of the universe. A brief period of extremely rapid expansion maintained the situation of flatness. Because, before the expansion (i.e. inflation) all matter and energy were intimately connected. At that time, the density is very close to (fine tuned) the critical density of the universe.

3. Magnetic monopole problem: Monopole is a hypothetical particle in physics that is a magnet with only one pole and it will have a net magnetic charge. In the year 1931, Dirac proposed quantum theory of magnetic charge. In his theory, he showed that the existence of monopole was consistent with Maxwell equations only if electric charges are quantized, which is experimentally observed. Since then, several systematic monopole searches have been performed. Now, we know that the monopole detection problem is an open problem in experimental physics.

The grand unification theory (GUT) and superstring theory (both theories successfully combine strong and electro-weak force) predicts the existence of magnetic monopole. According to GUT, the topological defects in space is termed as magnetic monopole. These defects were produced efficiently in the hot early universe, resulting in a density much higher than observed. No monopole is observed till date. It is believed that the inflation removed all topological defects from the observable universe. Thus, inflation drives the geometry to flatness, inflation maintains isotropy and inflation removes all point defects.

4. Baryon asymmetry: As we discussed in the Big Bang theory that an unknown process called Baryogenesis created the asymmetry. For baryogenesis to occur, Sakharov conditions must be satisfied. These require that Baryon number is not conserved, that c and cp- symmetry are violated and that the universe depart from thermodynamic equilibrium. All these conditions occur in the standard model, but the effect is not strong enough to explain the present baryon asymmetry. Baryon asymmetry lead the dominance of matter over antimatter.

5. Dark matter: Numerous observations (anisotropies in the CMB, galaxy cluster velocity dispersions, large scale structure distributions, gravitational lensing studies and x-ray measurement of galaxy clusters) have indicated  the existence of dark matter. The rotation curve of galaxies hint that the dark matter particle exists in the halo of the galaxies. So, the dark matter is the reality. However, dark matter particles have not been observed in laboratories. Many candidates for dark matter have been proposed and several projects are underway. The standard big bang model have not explained the existence of dark matter particles.

6. Dark matter: Measurement of red shift magnitude relation for supernova indicate that the expansion of the universe has been accelerating since the universe was about half its present age. To explain this acceleration, general relativity requires ‘negative pressure’, called Dark (or Vacuum) energy. Negative pressure is a property of vacuum energy, but the exact nature of dark matter remains one of the great mystries of the Big Bang. Possible candidates include ‘Cosmological constant’ and ‘quintessence’ (hypothetical form of dark energy postulated as an explanation of observations of accelerating universe and is a scalar field). Results from the WMAP (2008) indicate that the universe today is 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter and 4.6% regular matter and less than 1% neutrinos.

1 posted on 04/24/2018 10:57:04 AM PDT by ETL
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Unsolved problems in the Big Bang model

2 posted on 04/24/2018 10:57:59 AM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Nukes. See my FR home page)
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To: SunkenCiv

BB Ping!

3 posted on 04/24/2018 11:00:46 AM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Nukes. See my FR home page)
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5 posted on 04/24/2018 11:14:46 AM PDT by Slicksadick (We accept the love we think we deserve.)
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I must not be much a physicist. I find these 5 “reasons” to be pretty darn weak.

The universe used to be the size of a peach and a trillion degrees? How do we know this?

It’s dark.
It used to be different.
It’s expanding.
It’s cooling.
It’s three-fourths hydrogen.
Therefore, the universe used to be the size of a peach and a trillion degrees. QED.

6 posted on 04/24/2018 11:17:05 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy
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But their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

8 posted on 04/24/2018 11:18:34 AM PDT by kjam22
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Genesis 1:1


9 posted on 04/24/2018 11:18:39 AM PDT by QualityMan (The Adults are back in town)
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Because God said: “Let there be Light!”

11 posted on 04/24/2018 11:28:10 AM PDT by Paradox (Don't call them mainstream, there is nothing mainstream about the MSM.)
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12 posted on 04/24/2018 11:31:53 AM PDT by Skooz (Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us Gabba Gabba we accept you we accept you one of us)
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I would think that at a trillion degrees everything would be sterilized pretty good. It would be difficult for one celled creatures to just *poof* magically appear after that took place.

18 posted on 04/24/2018 11:44:18 AM PDT by BipolarBob (All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities.)
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“At 13.8 billion years ago, our entire observable universe was the size of a peach and had a temperature of over a trillion degrees.”

There were peaches 13.8 billions years ago? Who knew?

And this is observable.

“Magnetic monopole problem: Monopole is a hypothetical particle in physics that is a magnet with only one pole and it will have a net magnetic charge. In the year 1931, Dirac proposed quantum theory of magnetic charge. In his theory, he showed that the existence of monopole was consistent with Maxwell equations only if electric charges are quantized, which is experimentally observed. Since then, several systematic monopole searches have been performed. Now, we know that the monopole detection problem is an open problem in experimental physics.”

It’s a problem when people can’t see the forest for the trees. Imagine an arrangement of bi-polar magnets in a spherical formation in which a pole is directed toward the center and the other pole is directed outward from the center. And these magnets are so tightly placed together so as to disallow magnetic flux to flow backwards between them. (This is not physically possible, but as a thought experiment it is useful.) You would have a “monopole permanent magnet”. How would it behave?

Simple question: based on the observable phenomenon of Fleming’s right-hand and left-hand rules, what are the implications for motion, field, and current of such a magnetic monopole?

You will find the ordinary behavior of a photon electromagnetically is similar to what we expect from a so-called magnetic monopole. Technically the theoretical magnetic monopole is a magnetic photon. But photons already have magnetic properties. But a magnetic monopole is defined as different from the behavior of “normal” photons which pair with leptons.

I think a photon IS a magnetic monopole which scientists simply want to make stand still and be examined in a moment of time. But photons don’t cooperate that way.

Again. Forest. Trees.

Dirac’s quantization proof supports that photons already are magnetic monopoles. The real question is why magnetic monopoles do not follow the left- and right-hand rules due to pairing with leptons.

19 posted on 04/24/2018 11:47:30 AM PDT by unlearner (A war is coming.)
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Too much politically “settled science” based on unsubstantiated and unquestioned assumptions blocks alternative explanations.

Observations contradict galaxy size and surface brightness predictions that are based on the expanding universe hypothesis
Eric J Lerner

“An overall comparison of cosmological models requires examining all available data-sets, but for this data-set there is a clear contradiction of predictions based on an expanding universe hypothesis.”

21 posted on 04/24/2018 11:53:39 AM PDT by Zuse (I am disrupted! I am offended! I am insulted! I am outraged!)
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To: All
Sorry for the duplicate material below...

Cosmic Inflation: How It Gave the Universe the Ultimate Kickstart

Cosmic Inflation: How It Gave the Universe the Ultimate Kickstart (Infographic)

Inflation is the mysterious force that blew up the scale of the infant universe from sub-microscopic to gargantuan in a fraction of a second.
Credit: By Karl Tate, Infographics Artist

In 1980, to explain the conditions observed in the universe, astrophysicist Alan Guth proposed cosmic inflation. The term inflation refers to the explosively rapid expansion of space-time that occurred a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. In another tiny fraction of a second, inflation slowed to a more leisurely expansion that continues to this day and is accelerating.

Major Discovery: 'Smoking Gun' for Universe's Incredible Big Bang Expansion Found

The earliest radiation astronomers can detect is called the Cosmic Microwave Background, or CMB. This is radiation that was released about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. 

27 posted on 04/24/2018 12:18:35 PM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Nukes. See my FR home page)
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And all of this was suggested by a Jewish rabbi, Nachmanides, about 900 years ago based on his study of the Bible.

28 posted on 04/24/2018 12:26:10 PM PDT by Hootowl
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I support the Mobius-strip-shaped universe theory...

31 posted on 04/24/2018 12:32:59 PM PDT by WayneS (An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winston Churchill)
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To: All

Inflation (cosmology)

Around 1930, Edwin Hubble discovered that light from remote galaxies was redshifted; the more remote, the more shifted. This was quickly interpreted as meaning galaxies were receding from earth.

If earth is not in some special, privileged, central position in the universe, then it would mean all galaxies are moving apart, and the further away, the faster they are moving away. It is now understood that the universe is expanding, carrying the galaxies with it, and causing this observation.

Many other observations agree, and also lead to the same conclusion. However, for many years it was not clear why or how the universe might be expanding, or what it might signify.

Based on a huge amount of experimental observation and theoretical work, it is now believed that the reason for the observation is that space itself is expanding, and that it expanded very rapidly within the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang.

This kind of expansion is known as a “metric” expansion. In the terminology of mathematics and physics, a “metric” is a measure of distance that satisfies a specific list of properties, and the term implies that the sense of distance within the universe is itself changing, although at this time it is far too small an effect to see on less than an intergalactic scale.

The modern explanation for the metric expansion of space was proposed by physicist Alan Guth in 1979, while investigating the problem of why no magnetic monopoles are seen today. He found that if the universe contained a field in a positive-energy false vacuum state, then according to general relativity it would generate an exponential expansion of space.

It was very quickly realized that such an expansion would resolve many other long-standing problems. These problems arise from the observation that to look like it does today, the Universe would have to have started from very finely tuned, or “special” initial conditions at the Big Bang. Inflation theory largely resolves these problems as well, thus making a universe like ours much more likely in the context of Big Bang theory.

No physical field has yet been discovered that is responsible for this inflation. However such a field would be scalar and the first scalar field proven to exist was only discovered in 2012 - 2013 and is still being researched. So it is not seen as problematic that a field responsible for cosmic inflation and the metric expansion of space has not yet been discovered.

The proposed field and its quanta (the subatomic particles related to it) have been named the inflaton. If this field did not exist, scientists would have to propose a different explanation for all the observations that strongly suggest a metric expansion of space has occurred, and is still occurring (much more slowly) today.

34 posted on 04/24/2018 12:44:57 PM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Nukes. See my FR home page)
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Both theories take faith.

But scientist don't believe in “faith.”

38 posted on 04/24/2018 1:29:22 PM PDT by RedMonqey (" Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didnÂ’t.")
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39 posted on 04/24/2018 1:33:14 PM PDT by DungeonMaster (...the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light...)
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If it’s expanding, what’s it expanding into? Absolute nothingness? The whole idea is horseshit.

42 posted on 04/24/2018 2:09:12 PM PDT by youngidiot (God will bless you for doing what you ought to be doing any damned way. He's amazing.)
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I saw a Unicorn ! Just can’t prove it except by story telling....

45 posted on 04/24/2018 3:09:46 PM PDT by Manly Warrior (US ARMY (Ret), "No Free Lunches for the Dogs of War")
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That was flat out fascinating, as difficult as it was for me to try to understand it.

47 posted on 04/24/2018 6:19:52 PM PDT by Freedom_Is_Not_Free (What profits a man if he gains the world yet loses his soul?)
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