As a parking-challenged pickup-driving cretin exited his vehicle at one supermarket parking lot, I called out to him, “You’re going to like parking once you get the hang of it.”
The two-word response I got was what you’d expect.
I’m sorry I wasn’t looking when I back up and damaged your car. The people watching think I’m leaving my name and insurance information, but I’m not.
The worst, absolute worst, parking I ever dealt with was when I lived in Texas. Texas sized women in texas sized vehicles treated parking lots like bumper cars.
back in my immature youthful days we left notes with surfboard wax.
Parallel parking Pink Panther style!
Keying always works for me with those jerks!
Translation: "This is a lawn."
Okay, I’ll admit I’ve had one note left on my car; an extended length Expedition that I parked in the compact parking area of a grocery store. I think I had a good excuse though; I was about 35 weeks pregnant and HAD to get to a restroom. Of course the person that left me the note had no idea. But whoever it was made sure to let me know how much smarter they were than I. :)
I’ve had two notes left on my car that had no business being on my car. One was from a busybody telling me that I was parked in a No Parking zone in a church parking lot, which I was not. I’ve been attending that church for 30 + years and it is not a no parking zone.
Another time, I was parked in my apt. parking lot with a note asking me not to take up two parking spaces, but I was clearly in between the lines where I was supposed to be. I can only surmise that it was left on someone else’s car and they thought I left the note and wanted to give it back to me.
I’m sure that someone else amongst FR Nation got this
particular funny e-mail from a friend. It is a photo of
the back of a car that was parked in a shopping center lot
straddling a white line and taking up two spaces. A
perturbed person used a piece of chalk to draw lines in
the pavement on each side of the offending vehicle. Behind
the car “A$$HOLE PARKING” was inscribed on the pavement.
Gotta love those school teachers! I now keep a piece of
chalk in my vehicle for such occasions.
Culture clash in the Miami Airport Employee’s lot: Hitched a ride in work with my old (then age 60) Air Force buddy. Just as we were about to pull into a parking space, a twenty-something Mr. Macho in his “ramp rat” uniform rips around the corner on two wheels, cuts us off and slides into the our parking space a la the Kathy Bates scene in “Steel Magnolias”. He jumps out of his pimpmobile, and takes a run for the shuttle bus. As he passes us, he says “Sorry, guys, I’m late for work”. My buddy, who I’ve seen put the fear of G-d in men half his age, smiles and says “No problem, hermano”, and proceeds to find another space.
8 hours later, Mr. Macho comes back to find TWO valve stem guts and two valve caps carefully placed under his windshield wiper. Oh, yeah, and two flat tires.
Some b!tch tried to argue the the blue striped area wasn’t part of the handicap parking area.