Since Oct 13, 2001
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Augie;appalachian_dweller; OldPossum; DuncanWaring; VirginiaMom; CodeToad; goosie; kalee; Gandalf_The_Gray; Lion Den Dan; THUNDER ROAD; Bloody Sam Roberts; sayuncledave; Alistair Stratford IV; Lurker; DarthVader; bgill; Siouxz; meowmeow; vanilla swirl; Bitsy; lulu16; MrB; Rusty0604; Gritty; GregB; OB1kNOb; wku man; MagnoliaMS; Donkey Odious; JDoutrider; justkillingtime; RaiderRose; PennsylvaniaMom; Knitting A Conundrum; exhaustedmomma; JDW11235; little jeremiah; eXe; PA Engineer; Vendome; Lusis; Professional Engineer; Lazamataz; Indy Pendance; robomatik; Yehuda; PatriotGirl827; Veggie Todd; macinnis; Shimmer1; lulu16; Repeat Offender; birddog; backwoods-engineer; JouleZ; Ellendra; ezoeni; WhirlwindAttack; TEOTWAWKI; Hugin; Harry Pothead; JoSixChip; missingwv; Momaw Nadon; Huldah1776; Stonewalls; Duchess47; 300winmag; gundog; ronnyquest; ChowChowFace;4everontheRight; Whitebread; Sergio; sneakers; Touch Not the Cat; The Duke; libertarian27; STONEWALLS; NewHampshireDuo;huldah1776; kimmie7; rejoicing;Shadowstrike ; WVNight; Larry - Moe and Curly; strongbow; not-alone; ezoeni; LibertyRocks;Patriot Son; AZ .44 MAG; NWHawk; rdb3; Wpin; superloser; EdReform; zek157; Ancesthntr; Baum Threat; AK_47_7.62x39; MarchonDC09122009; SVTCobra03; NeoCaveman; goodwithagun; Daisyjane69 ; Uncle Ike; NoAmnesty; metmom; sfimom; caww; beefree; Kimberly GG; matt1234; Whenifhow; JPG; stainlessbanner; matt1234; ronnyquest; null and void; DCBryan1; Jenbean; NTHockey; Caipirabob; Doomonyou; Redcitizen; Tea Party Reveler; stickandrudder; caver; Paisan; LiveFreeOrDie2001; ChocChipCookie; dsc; CottonBall; betsyross60; spitter; Obadiah;ibheath;tbw2; MamaDearest; Bockscar; Phx_RC; Borax Queen; PLMerite; hope_dies_last; driftdiver; Brads Gramma; EnglishCon; Godzilla; mowowie; Ladysmith; thesearethetimes; justsaynomore; PzLdr; Jane Long; Steel Wolf; JustSurrounded; bushwon; TheCause; DollyCali; conservativegeek; MilicaBee; Iron Munro; Library Lady; blam; Outlaw Woman; Immerito; APatientMan; IYAS9YAS; MHGinTN; hiasm; dervish; BigpapaBo; To Hell With Poverty; Humidston; Marmolade; Col Freeper; Ghost of Philip Marlowe; HOYA97; glock rocks; Altariel; bobby.223; djf; tall_tex; outofsalt; Pipe Dog; ConjunctionJunction; call meVeronica; mojo114; floridavoter2; Chipper; Electric Graffiti; rsflynn; agrace; lainde; simplesimon; LadyBuck; grumpygresh; Donnafrflorida; ODC-GIRL; Free Vulcan; Cailleach;raybbr; Melian; reed13k; FishinTX; matchgirl; theirjustdue; Texas Mulerider; The FIGHTIN Illini; passionfruit; FreedomPoster; georgiagirl_pam; MagnoliaB; SoConPubbie; EternalHope; NoKoolAidforMe; bigbob; tpmintx; prisoner6; Grazie; JRandomFreeper; BreezyDog; Iron Munro; BudgieRamone; tentmaker; LibSnubber; Marcella; CPT Clay; Tarantulas; firebrand; Nea Wood;iceskater; maine yankee; DBrow; klb99; DelaWhere; NakedRampage;Sawdring; Harmless Teddy Bear; The Bat Lady; SwampFoxOfVa; perchprism; wyokostur; july4thfreedomfoundation; ScottinSacto;filospinato; daisy mae for the usa; filospinato; ozarkgirl; patton; califamily4W; piroque; RSmithOpt; knarf; hotshu; kacres;arbee4bush; atomic_dog; Jaxter; wita; carriage_hill; Blueflag; creeping death; KC_Lion; DukeBillie; Quix;Seamus Mc Gillicuddy; meeps; Kay Ludlow; Kolb; running_dog_lackey; AlaskaErik; haywoodwebb; Born Freep; FrogMom; Drill Thrawl; Oshkalaboomboom; Starstruck; weps4ret; guitarplayer1953; aragorn; Sir Napsalot; KoRn; cherry; Sarajevo; Molon Labbie; AZamericonnie; barmag25; FourPeas; Ryle; Blue Highway; Dust in the Wind; ottbmare; Envisioning; RobinOfKingston; ExcursionGuy84; ncpatriot; TEXOKIE; jdub; x_plus_one; MrIndi; rw4site; Mich Patriot; Copenhagen Smile; NELSON111; ItsOurTimeNow; GBA; MasonGal; painter; wafflehouse; Rides_A_Red_Horse; 45semi; Spirit of Liberty; albie; GGpaX4DumpedTea;ATOMIC_PUNK; Titan Magroyne; Arrowhead1952; EyeGuy; SoDak; Squidpup; immadashell; Focault’s Pendulum; quesney; RavenATB; RSmithOpt; daisy mae for the usa; SwampFoxOfVa; DYngbld; Kudsman; Free_in_Alabama; Drumbo; Tolerance Sucks Rocks; WakeUpAndVote; Lawdoc; easternsky; tsowellfan; Pollster1; Lowell1775; paintriot; gruffwolf; mlizzy; Docbarleypop; The Working Man; waterhill; Jed Eckert; ColdOne; MtnClimber; ConservativeOrBust; TheThirdRuffian; RikaStrom; Nevadan; samiam1972; yorkiemom; TangoLimaSierra; Made In The USA; rw4site; TADSLOS; zeaal; ryan71; LucyT; hope_dies_last; Feline_AIDS; Man from Oz; npatter; Colonel_Flagg; make no mistake; pops88; Betis70; MissMagnolia; ConservativeInPA; bt_dooftlook; notaliberal; greeneyes; ncpatriot; prairiebreeze; Reddy; VRWCer; Vortac; Diana in Wisconsin; MayflowerMadam; Rammer; mom3boys; gaijin; RedStateRocker; 5thGenTexan; HeartlandOfAmerica; deadmenvote; JustaCowgirl; Flycatcher; Huddled Masses; QualityMan; Bizzy Bugz; vox_freedom; stilloftyhenight; Lee’sGhost; Valpal1; Squeako; bayareablues; Hoosier Catholic Momma; steerpike100; wgmalabama; 101stAirborneVet; Oorang; NYTexan; gattaca; manic4organic; reformed_dem; M Kehoe; Gefn; freedumb2003; Rushmore Rocks; CSM; dware; The_Sword_of_Groo; amom; Chickensoup; Jane Long; plsjr ; xvq2er; JAKraig; Donkey Odious; archy; OB1kNOb; mom3boys; Dacula; Roos_Girl; TxGrandMom; ELS; cherry; liege; Stonewall Jackson; dayglored; verga; Silentgypsy; laplata; matginzac; OneVike; SeaDragon; Nepeta; k4gypsyrose; Texas resident; Rannug; nanetteclaret; Puppage; TMSuchman; Eagles6; Faith65; TheCause; Gator113; SisterK; Patriotic1; 3D-JOY; Hetty_Fauxvert; JoeProBono; trillabodilla; jag.drafting; luv2ndamend; locountry1dr; SeminoleCounty; Pete from Shawnee Mission; uncitizen; Taxman; Bookwoman; hummingbird; Jack Hydrazine; taxcontrol; PeteePie;Georgiabelle; Old Sarge; Abigail Adams; MichaelCorleone; Boardwalk; Grammy; Patriot Babe; VaRepublican; anonsquared; 4Liberty; Jamestown1630; bkopto; Hardens Hollow; FatherFig1o155;WIBamian; DirtyPigpen; azishot; reformedcrat; mumblypeg; freeagle; PROCON; SkyPilot; TomasUSMC; pollyshy; bajabaja; bjorn14; yuleeyahoo;Heart-Rest;gnarledmaw;Diapason;GnuThere;Moira Davidson; Guenevere;IncPen;texas_mrs;celerity;trisham;Sasparilla; bootless