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[TX] CCISD teacher accused of insensitivity (Muslim girl reports alleged bin Laden remark)
Houston Chronicle ^ | May 4, 2011 | CINDY GEORGE

Posted on 05/04/2011 4:30:28 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife

A Clear Creek ISD teacher has been placed on administrative leave after being accused of making insensitive comments to a Muslim student about the death of Osama bin Laden.

The Clear Brook High School teacher is accused of profiling a student in his ninth-grade algebra class Monday by telling the girl, "I bet that you're grieving."

...Aziz Siddiqi, president of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston, said he believes the remark was an isolated incident, but is encouraged by reports that other students helped comfort the girl and reported the incident.

"Her supporters were her classmates. To them, she's a friend," Siddiqi said. "I would not pay too much attention. It's just one individual. A lot of people suffer because of the actions of one individual. This little girl suffered."

Siddiqi added that he is consulted often by teachers with questions about Islam and others seeking to learn more about the religion.

"The teacher is going to suffer," Siddiqi added. "I think every society has some people who are a little off. He may be one of those."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

KEYWORDS: arth; assclownteacher; binladen; crybabies; crymeariver; education; islam; soverysad; waaambulance
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To: Eepsy

Did anybody even read the article here? “I bet that you’re grieving.”?? Unless the girl was wearing a black armband and “Osama We Miss You” t-shirt, it was a pretty damfool thing to say....

Just from reading the excerpt, I was thinking the same thing. Just because a guy has freedom of speech doesn't mean he should say the stupidest things that pop into his mind.

21 posted on 05/04/2011 6:39:35 AM PDT by VRWCmember
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

Unless the child was offended at the thought that the teacher was implying that she was grieved at the death of bin laden, she doesn’t belong in the school or even in the country, if she is grieving the loss.

I have no sympathy for anyone, whether they are 6 years old or 60, who doesn’t consider the death of this mass murderer of Americans a cause for celebration. They can go back to their s*** hole middle east countries and grieve for him.

Furthermore, I couldn’t care less if the child was offended and her precious little feelings were hurt, maybe she will learn that she has no place in our country.

22 posted on 05/04/2011 6:54:13 AM PDT by Graybeard58 (Trump - Romney, without the Mormon baggage.)
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To: VRWCmember

My son’s history teacher was discussing the death yesterday. The teacher said that the burial at sea is a Muslim burial. One Muslim boy in the class said “no, it’s not but it doesn’t matter”. The teacher asked why and he said that Usama was going to hell anyways and didn’t deserve a proper Muslim burial since he wasn’t a good Muslim. The boy’s point was the information about proper vs improper Muslim burials was wrong but he felt it didn’t matter one way or the other. IMHO teachers should present the information as factual and that is that.

23 posted on 05/04/2011 6:55:56 AM PDT by momtothree
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
"...Aziz Siddiqi, president of the Islamic Society of Greater encouraged by reports that other students helped comfort the girl and reported the incident."

I'll bet he's encouraged. One or two more generations of indoctrination and the progeny of those infidel students will be bowing to the offspring of the muslim.

24 posted on 05/04/2011 7:01:44 AM PDT by Joe 6-pack (Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

“I think every society has some people who are a little off. He may be one of those.”

Let’s hear Saddiqi tell us how “off” Saddamm and Osama were. Sheesh, this would be funny if it weren’t so sick.

25 posted on 05/04/2011 7:06:44 AM PDT by kalee (The offences we give, we write in the dust; Those we take, we engrave in marble. J Huett 1658)
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To: VRWCmember

Another analogy. Go to a known gun rights advocate and/or a Catholic and say I bet you are grieving when McVeigh was executed.

It is a stupid thing to say on any level. Unless the girl expressed support for Osama, it targetted her because she was a Muslim.

A similar thing happened in my daughter’s speech class. Her classmate, the son of our Pastor, was talking about his faith (which is good) but then concluded by saying it was not like Islam where Muslims are going around killing other people. One of the other class members, a girl which is a friend of my daughter, is a Muslim. Fortunately the teacher called the boy on the carpet for the statement.

It was not that long ago that IRA Catholics were blowing up British targets and Irish and British Protestants were responding in kind. KKK claimed ties to Christianity and used their Christianity to justify their actions. The Puritans executed Quakers and suspected witches.

I don’t suscribe to the meme that diversity makes us stronger. What I do think is that we, Americans of all backgrounds and types, can make our country a better nation. One of the ways we do that is by being tolerant and sensitive to others belief systems. It is actually the Christian thing to do.

26 posted on 05/04/2011 7:06:51 AM PDT by exhaustguy
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To: dpa5923
You posted what I was going to say.

My grandfather served in WWII, in the Pacific because of the German surname.

I doubt my father would have appreciated being told “Adolf Hitler was killed, I bet you are grieving!”.

This teacher is a loon and too stupid to be put in charge of instructing children.

27 posted on 05/04/2011 7:12:53 AM PDT by allmendream (Tea Party did not send the GOP to D.C. to negotiate the terms of our surrender to socialism.)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

Was this teacher ever with the TSA?

Apparently he/she has adopted the “anyone can be a terrorist” approach.

Asked and answered my own question. Of course, the Muslim girl should not have been considered sympathetic to the Muslim cause if influenced by TSA.

My bad.

28 posted on 05/04/2011 7:17:53 AM PDT by School of Rational Thought (Get the BO out of the Executive Mansion.)
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To: exhaustguy
A similar thing happened in my daughter’s speech class. Her classmate, the son of our Pastor, was talking about his faith (which is good) but then concluded by saying it was not like Islam where Muslims are going around killing other people. One of the other class members, a girl which is a friend of my daughter, is a Muslim. Fortunately the teacher called the boy on the carpet for the statement.

Why was he called on for making a true statement? Moslems ARE going around and killing innocent people. If the little moslem girl was offended by the truth then maybe she should flee the cult she's in.

It was not that long ago that IRA Catholics were blowing up British targets and Irish and British Protestants were responding in kind. KKK claimed ties to Christianity and used their Christianity to justify their actions. The Puritans executed Quakers and suspected witches.

Excellent examples. ALL of which are contrary to the bible. The people performing these actions were not Christians as they were acting against God's commands. As opposed to the moslems who flew the planes into the WTC (or any other moslem who is killing a non-believer) who were doing EXACTLY what islam commands

I don’t suscribe to the meme that diversity makes us stronger. What I do think is that we, Americans of all backgrounds and types, can make our country a better nation. One of the ways we do that is by being tolerant and sensitive to others belief systems. It is actually the Christian thing to do.

Acceptance and approval of evil is not a Christian virtue.

29 posted on 05/04/2011 7:21:09 AM PDT by John O (God Save America (Please))
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To: John O
Telling someone their religion is evil is not a very American thing to do. Allowing them the freedom to believe anything they want is the American thing to do.

Those who flew planes into the WTC were not doing what Islam commands when it says, many times, to limit warfare as much as possible to the combatants and to show mercy; although they were doing what it commands when it says to fight jihad and such.

Christians fighting bloody wars or accepting terrorist acts also justify their acts by quoting the Bible, despite the overall thrust of their acts being “acting against God's commands” - as you see it.

Thus it is, as with any other religion; adherents justify their actions within the religious context they accept - even if their acts are also condemned by their religion in the passages they don't care to quote.

This teacher is not there in class to instruct in Christian virtue, but to educate and be an example of American civic virtue.

30 posted on 05/04/2011 7:31:46 AM PDT by allmendream (Tea Party did not send the GOP to D.C. to negotiate the terms of our surrender to socialism.)
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To: Clintonfatigued

Apparently, from reading the comments section of the Houston Chronicle, this guy has a problem. Last year, he walked up to a bunch of black basketball players and called them the “N” word and he also walked up to an Hispanic kid and asked him to do his lawn.

He’s a jerk and the school probably can’t get rid of him — tenure, you know.

How many “administrative leaves of absence” does this clown need?

31 posted on 05/04/2011 7:51:08 AM PDT by goldi (')
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To: Cincinatus' Wife; 2Jedismom; 6amgelsmama; AAABEST; aberaussie; Aggie Mama; agrace; AliVeritas; ...


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Oh, boo hoo, Someone didn't like a comment about bin Laden.

32 posted on 05/04/2011 8:23:09 AM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: metmom


33 posted on 05/04/2011 8:33:51 AM PDT by Dr. Scarpetta
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To: struggle

Whatever propaganda suffices.

They make it sound like she was a second grader.

And yet, the school systems would fight for the right to take this *little girl* to PP for an abortion without her parents permission.

34 posted on 05/04/2011 8:41:24 AM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: Eepsy

Eespy’s comment to Post #13 [Ohhhh, you mean the girl is lying when she says the Teacher told her “I bet that you’re grieving,” while in algebra class. I totally missed that in the article. My bad.]

What don’t you understand about Aziz Siddiqi and Al Sharpton? I’m talking about those who promote and profit off this “diversity” and division.

35 posted on 05/04/2011 8:55:45 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: metmom

I feel like I’ve been dropped into Bizarro world on this thread. I clicked on it expecting to find a story about a teacher getting guff for just bringing the Bin Laden story up. That’s the story people seem to be reacting to, but it’s not what’s written there.

I don’t care who tries to make hay out of the story after the fact- singling out a HS freshman as a terrorist sympathizer is an objectively jerky thing to do and the offending teacher needs a kick in the pants.

36 posted on 05/04/2011 8:56:16 AM PDT by Eepsy
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

What don’t you get about the fact that the Tawana Brawley incident was made up out of cottage cheese? By drawing that parallel you are saying that this girl is doing likewise and Aziz Siddiqi is her Al Sharpton, rather than an opportunistic jerkwad the Houston Chronicle knew they could get a provocative quote out of.

You know, on the off chance it would make conservatives say something reactionary and foolish in response....

37 posted on 05/04/2011 9:04:00 AM PDT by Eepsy
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To: John O

Haven’t read much of the OT have you. You know the parts where the Israelites are told to kill everyone including the women and children.

NT Christianity was founded on a position of secular weakness, and that is its strength. I obviously believe it is the one true faith, otherwise I would not be going to church, praying, and reading my Bible.

Even still you have passages in the NT that can be viewed as advocating violence against unbelievers, but you really have to distort it to get to this point. You do have individuals that try to use OT commands and examples as methods of setting up government today. They gloss over the many different capital crimes that would have to be enforced by establishing a complete OT government. Jesus commands, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished.” Matt 5:17-18

The Koran is akin to the OT. The NT is different, but Christ’s own linkage of the texts allows for much interpretation. I have my own intepretation which might be viewed as heresy in my church.

I would urge Muslims to read their Koran and decide for themselves if this is the faith they want to follow. I guess the same could be said for Jews and Christians. The OT is a blood soaked book - most of the blood shed by God in response to the disobedience of his creation but some of it done by his followers in his name and per his instruction.

38 posted on 05/04/2011 11:32:57 AM PDT by exhaustguy
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39 posted on 05/04/2011 11:42:45 AM PDT by TheOldLady (Almost as evil as the Freeper Criminal Mastermind)
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To: allmendream
Telling someone their religion is evil is not a very American thing to do.

So we're supposed to LIE? I don't think so. Honesty is an American (and a Christian) virtue. If their religion is evil, such as islam is, then it is expected that we would tell them so.

Allowing them the freedom to believe anything they want is the American thing to do.

But allowing them to act on those beliefs is right out. This is why satanists (moslems by another name) are not allowed to perform human sacrifices. The difference is that satanists at least respect the laws enough to not commit their crimes openly. Moslems just go ahead and kill people

Those who flew planes into the WTC were not doing what Islam commands when it says, many times, to limit warfare as much as possible to the combatants and to show mercy; although they were doing what it commands when it says to fight jihad and such.

The koran is to be read with the understanding that the suras written last override the ones written first. The moslems like to hold up all the "peace", "love", "do good" suras while ignoring the fact that the latter suras are all "Fight against the enemy until he is killed, subdued or enslaved" and "Oh son of allah, there is a jew hiding behind me, come and kill him". A moslem doing what a Christian would consider evil is most likely doing what the koran (and the hadith) tells him to do.

Christians fighting bloody wars or accepting terrorist acts also justify their acts by quoting the Bible, despite the overall thrust of their acts being “acting against God's commands” - as you see it.

You'll need to expand on the wars issue. Which wars under which circumstances. And which wars other than the crusades (which were not in accordance with the bible) have been done in God's name by Christians?

As to terrorist acts, I'm not aware of any acts of terrorism commited by Christians, as committing an act of terrorism would be denying Christ. Can't be a Christ follower (Christian) and a Christ denier at the same time.

This teacher is not there in class to instruct in Christian virtue, but to educate and be an example of American civic virtue.

And islam is a politico-religious system that is 100% at odds with our founding virtues. The teacher had the right motivations but went about it all wrong. What he should have done was hold obama (I mean osama) up as a perfect moslem and show why islam is incompatible with America. (Something that the moslems have been saying for years anyway)

40 posted on 05/04/2011 12:04:10 PM PDT by John O (God Save America (Please))
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