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To: John O
Telling someone their religion is evil is not a very American thing to do. Allowing them the freedom to believe anything they want is the American thing to do.

Those who flew planes into the WTC were not doing what Islam commands when it says, many times, to limit warfare as much as possible to the combatants and to show mercy; although they were doing what it commands when it says to fight jihad and such.

Christians fighting bloody wars or accepting terrorist acts also justify their acts by quoting the Bible, despite the overall thrust of their acts being “acting against God's commands” - as you see it.

Thus it is, as with any other religion; adherents justify their actions within the religious context they accept - even if their acts are also condemned by their religion in the passages they don't care to quote.

This teacher is not there in class to instruct in Christian virtue, but to educate and be an example of American civic virtue.

30 posted on 05/04/2011 7:31:46 AM PDT by allmendream (Tea Party did not send the GOP to D.C. to negotiate the terms of our surrender to socialism.)
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To: allmendream
Telling someone their religion is evil is not a very American thing to do.

So we're supposed to LIE? I don't think so. Honesty is an American (and a Christian) virtue. If their religion is evil, such as islam is, then it is expected that we would tell them so.

Allowing them the freedom to believe anything they want is the American thing to do.

But allowing them to act on those beliefs is right out. This is why satanists (moslems by another name) are not allowed to perform human sacrifices. The difference is that satanists at least respect the laws enough to not commit their crimes openly. Moslems just go ahead and kill people

Those who flew planes into the WTC were not doing what Islam commands when it says, many times, to limit warfare as much as possible to the combatants and to show mercy; although they were doing what it commands when it says to fight jihad and such.

The koran is to be read with the understanding that the suras written last override the ones written first. The moslems like to hold up all the "peace", "love", "do good" suras while ignoring the fact that the latter suras are all "Fight against the enemy until he is killed, subdued or enslaved" and "Oh son of allah, there is a jew hiding behind me, come and kill him". A moslem doing what a Christian would consider evil is most likely doing what the koran (and the hadith) tells him to do.

Christians fighting bloody wars or accepting terrorist acts also justify their acts by quoting the Bible, despite the overall thrust of their acts being “acting against God's commands” - as you see it.

You'll need to expand on the wars issue. Which wars under which circumstances. And which wars other than the crusades (which were not in accordance with the bible) have been done in God's name by Christians?

As to terrorist acts, I'm not aware of any acts of terrorism commited by Christians, as committing an act of terrorism would be denying Christ. Can't be a Christ follower (Christian) and a Christ denier at the same time.

This teacher is not there in class to instruct in Christian virtue, but to educate and be an example of American civic virtue.

And islam is a politico-religious system that is 100% at odds with our founding virtues. The teacher had the right motivations but went about it all wrong. What he should have done was hold obama (I mean osama) up as a perfect moslem and show why islam is incompatible with America. (Something that the moslems have been saying for years anyway)

40 posted on 05/04/2011 12:04:10 PM PDT by John O (God Save America (Please))
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