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To: VRWCmember

Another analogy. Go to a known gun rights advocate and/or a Catholic and say I bet you are grieving when McVeigh was executed.

It is a stupid thing to say on any level. Unless the girl expressed support for Osama, it targetted her because she was a Muslim.

A similar thing happened in my daughter’s speech class. Her classmate, the son of our Pastor, was talking about his faith (which is good) but then concluded by saying it was not like Islam where Muslims are going around killing other people. One of the other class members, a girl which is a friend of my daughter, is a Muslim. Fortunately the teacher called the boy on the carpet for the statement.

It was not that long ago that IRA Catholics were blowing up British targets and Irish and British Protestants were responding in kind. KKK claimed ties to Christianity and used their Christianity to justify their actions. The Puritans executed Quakers and suspected witches.

I don’t suscribe to the meme that diversity makes us stronger. What I do think is that we, Americans of all backgrounds and types, can make our country a better nation. One of the ways we do that is by being tolerant and sensitive to others belief systems. It is actually the Christian thing to do.

26 posted on 05/04/2011 7:06:51 AM PDT by exhaustguy
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To: exhaustguy
A similar thing happened in my daughter’s speech class. Her classmate, the son of our Pastor, was talking about his faith (which is good) but then concluded by saying it was not like Islam where Muslims are going around killing other people. One of the other class members, a girl which is a friend of my daughter, is a Muslim. Fortunately the teacher called the boy on the carpet for the statement.

Why was he called on for making a true statement? Moslems ARE going around and killing innocent people. If the little moslem girl was offended by the truth then maybe she should flee the cult she's in.

It was not that long ago that IRA Catholics were blowing up British targets and Irish and British Protestants were responding in kind. KKK claimed ties to Christianity and used their Christianity to justify their actions. The Puritans executed Quakers and suspected witches.

Excellent examples. ALL of which are contrary to the bible. The people performing these actions were not Christians as they were acting against God's commands. As opposed to the moslems who flew the planes into the WTC (or any other moslem who is killing a non-believer) who were doing EXACTLY what islam commands

I don’t suscribe to the meme that diversity makes us stronger. What I do think is that we, Americans of all backgrounds and types, can make our country a better nation. One of the ways we do that is by being tolerant and sensitive to others belief systems. It is actually the Christian thing to do.

Acceptance and approval of evil is not a Christian virtue.

29 posted on 05/04/2011 7:21:09 AM PDT by John O (God Save America (Please))
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