Posted on 04/21/2009 9:35:46 AM PDT by lewisglad
Morrissey kicked off his set at the Coachella Festival with the classic Smiths tune 'This Charming Man' -- just one in a string of hit songs by his former band that he played.
Performing in front of a backdrop with a black-and-white photograph of the naked torso of a sailor smoking a cigar with the word 'Refusal' written across his chest, the singer humbly asked, "Does it sound OK?" after performing 'Girlfriend In A Coma'. The audience cheered back loudly in response.
Midway through the set, Morrissey said, "I can smell burning flesh and I hope to God it's human," as the smell of barbequed meat from nearby food stands wafted through the air. A few minutes later, the famous vegetarian walked off the stage in the middle of 'Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others'.
He returned shortly afterward, saying, "The smell of burning animals is making me sick. I just couldn't bear it."
Morrissey continued on, performing his latest single 'I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris' as well as older solo material and more classic Smiths tunes including 'Ask Me' and set-closer 'How Soon Is Now', which culminated with a loud gong finale.
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It looks like he’s been putting away lots of meat.
how can he get that fat on veggie meals??
He met irrevelance a long time ago.
He also met the veggie buffet bar about the same time.
Gee, he looks real good doesn’t he. (ROFL).
I love the arm decor whatever it is.
And he’s managed to stay so slim too.
My ex wife loved him. Me, I always thought he sounded lame and whiney.
Who the h*ll is this guy anyway?
Who is this corpulent libtard,anyway?
There is something genetically wrong with a person who is sickened by yummy barbecue smells.
I'm better off than he is, I think. Sure, I'm fat and out-of-shape, but I get to enjoy things like steak, bacon, sausage, Taylor Pork Roll, bbq ribs, giant hamburgers and scrapple.
works for me...
“String of hits...”? This guy and his “band” rank below Fan Man and “Morganna the kissing bandit” on the old household-name list.
Absolutely never heard of him.
Former lead singer for The Smiths, an English 80’s “progressive rock” band. The band broke up and he went solo.
Sheesh for a very brief moment I thought it was Ed Morrissey. WHEW!
Sounds like something Hitler probably said while touring some of his “camps.”
I thought the Smiths were an alt-rock band. Either way, who cares what Morrissey’s opinion is on anything?
Possibly, as Hitler was a vegitarian, as well.
(Didn’t want to be cruel to animals. The elevation of animals over humans seems to be a pagan/socialists thing.)
Well, he eats meat alright...but it ain't the animal kind, if you know what I mean.
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