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The core at the Middle East ‘conflict’ is about anti-Jewish bigotry (great historic info)
Just sayin' ^ | Jul 2024

Posted on 07/27/2024 10:19:21 PM PDT by Words Matter

The core at the Middle East ‘conflict’ is about anti-Jewish bigotry

* The intolerance started mainly since Sheikh Suleiman al-Taji al-Faruqi wrote a hateful poem in 'Falastin' newspaper on November 8, 1913 mixing Quranic ideas with old anti Semitic stereotypes (leading to the 1914 closure of the newspaper by the Turks for inciting race-hatred). Then by Haj Amin al-Husseini in the 1920s. The Mufti also chose to “believe” in ancient blood libel.

* The brunt of the victims in brutality, with genocidal cries "adbakh al yahud", 1920, 1921 and especially in Hebron 1929 massacre, were non-Zionist pious-Jews - the murders were brutal accomoained with rapes.

* Arab opposition only targeted at Jewish immigration, not at Arab immigration which began to flourish with Zionists cultivating the land. (Nor is there evidence to refute the fact that most Arab Palestinians are grandchildren of Arab immigration).

* The mufti had awakened the deserted holy place in Jerusalem and had islamicized the conflict.

* 1933, Jamal Al Husseini ordered books 'Mein Kampf' and the old forgery 'Protocols.'

* March 1933, within weeks of Hitler’s coming to power, the Mufti already approached German’s council and offered alliance against democracies. This Arab Islamic leader asked the Nazis to boycott Jews in Germany.

* May 1933, 'Falastin' newspaper glorified Hitler as “noble” and justified his persecution of the Jews.

* September 1933, Eissa Bendak, editor of the radical bi-weekly Sawt Al Shaab has left for Paris to receive instructions from a group of Germans and Arabs on “conducting Nazi propaganda” in Palestine.

* Ibrahim a-Shanti’s 1934 founded the newspaper ‘Ad Difa’a’ was very pro Hitler, even publishing portions of Mein Kampf.

* 1934, 'Falastin' silly answer to the charges of being pro Nazis, that they were anti Zionist even before Hitler came.

* May 1935, when delegates returned from an Arab youth conference in Haifa, their train to Afula bore a swastika chalked on one of the coaches with an Arabic inscription beneath it reading “Germany above All.”

* June 1935, Arabs in Haifa form Nazi club, called ‘Red Moon,’ well funded by the Nazis. “Groups of brown-clad Arab youths are now organized.”

* 1936, Grand Mufti with Jamal al-Husseini established the Futuwwa modeled on Hitler Youth.

* 1936, The Mufti asks fascist Italy to help in poisoning the water of Tel Aviv.

* 1936/7, Fattah Imam sent to Betlin to ask for help.

* 1936-1937, Hitler’s book Mein Kampf – a best sellers among radical Arabs in Palestine.

* 1936-9, Arab "revolt" massacres Brits, Jews and mostly moderate Arabs some 5-7 thousands. Nazis shipped arms to them. It also brought about the Brits to rule the (May 1939) White Paper to limit Jewish immigration.

* Jan 1937, Istiqlal’s Auni Abd al-Hadi told Nazi magazine: “Arabs Like Nazis.”

* 1937, ahead of the Bludan conference, the Grand Mufti, (after Nashashibi left the Arab Higher Committee) sent a warning (officially by the Arab Higher Committee) to other Arab countries (including Lebanon) in the Middle East not to accept any Jews. Apart from Ahmad Shukeiri giving over his nessage at the Bludan conference, the Mufti sent also a hate-filled booklet (published on August 18 by Mohamed Ali Eltaher) and it was distributed there. It was used in his 1943 recruitment of SS Bosnian Muslims. This marked the second phase, after false accusation about the Al Aqsa — on Temple Mount — by which the Mufti used Islamic themes or its historic events, and now via his interpretation, for hate, to galvanize the masses.

* 1937, Walter Doehle, German consul in Jerusalem: ‘Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer…’

* August 1938, a “Palestine” ball was held at the Arab club in Berlin, some of the leaders of the Nazi party also participated.

* September, 1938, around 100 representatives from Arab Palestine at Nazi conference in Nuremberg.

* September, 1938, Arabs in Palestine cheer Hitler's speech see in him their hero.

* October 7-11, 1938: the World Interparliamentary Conference for Arab and Muslim Countries in Cairo, organized by the Muslim Brotherhood, “in defense of Palestine.” Arabic translations of Mein Kampf and the forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion – distributed.

* Oct 26, 1938, in Mohamed Ali Eltaher’s published “Al-Shabab” [The Youth] paper. it stated “Allah is the guardian of the people of Palestine who have neither Hitler nor a nation for them.”

* May 1939, Istiqlal’s Auni ‘abd al-Hadi, meets Nazi officials in Berlin.

* Hitler’s “Voice of the Arabs” radio, started with Yunis Bahri, and was especially reinforced by the Mufti after 1941. His hate broadcasts from Berlin, in which he also called on all Arabs to “kill the Jews wherever they are – this is pleasing to Allah”.

* June 1939, Saudi's Khalid al-Hud meets Hitler in Berchtesgaden, talk of cooperation, the Arab explains to Hitler that hatred of Jews is from their prophet.

* A survey by Mr. Sari Sakanini in Palestine in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Arabs supported the Nazis.

* 1940-1941, we (Arabs in Palestine) cheered for Hitler and prayed for Axis victory, Ahmad Shukeiri would later recall.

* 1941, together with other Arabs, (including from Palestine: Akram Zuaiter and Darwish al-Miqdadi), instigate to the Farhud massacre that happened in June 1941 in Iraq, where some say even a thousand Jews died. There was gang rape and children were thrown into the water in front of their parents.

* Per the Mufti's record, at his meeting with Mussolini on Oct 27, 1941, he demanded the "abolishment" of the Jewish National Home in Palestine and that the Jews in the Arab countries "should receive the same treatment as they do in the Axis countries."

* November 28, 1941, the notorious meeting: "the Jews are yours" replies the Fuherer to the Mufti.

* The married immoral Mufti spent the war years 1941-1945 in Berlin, surrounded by German women and received a lot of money.

* 1939-1944, the Nazi periodical in Arabic, “Barid al Sharq” (The Orient Post, by Kamal al Din al Galal) which included contributors, Shakib Arslan, the Mufti and Younes Bahri.

* 1942 – The mufti plans to build crematoria, like Auschwitz, for the Jews of the Middle East, in the Dotan Valley.

* Summer 1942, most Arabs in Palestine react wuth 'joy" to news about Jews' fate in Europe.

* 1943, the mufti with Rashid Ali al-Gaylani, accompanied by Nazi officials, visits the Trebbin concentration camp. In addition to eyewitnesses, another visit to the third Auschwitz – “Monowitz”.

* 1943 between the spring and October 29: for six months the mufti urged the Nazis to bomb cities with Jewish settlements, especially Tel Aviv. In addition, he suggested carrying out the attack on November 2 – the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.

* Worth mentioning, not only the mufti worked with the Nazis. There were some 200 Arabs with him, mainly from Palestine.

* 1945, ahead of Nurenmberg trials, 'Falastin' newspaper defends Nazism as any other political form.

* 1946, after the Nuremberg executions, Arabic newspapers in the land: 'Al-Wahda,' 'Al-Difaa' and 'Falastin' carry admiration for dead Nazi war criminals.

* After the war, 1946, the Mufti is hailed as a hero by Arabs in Palestine, although the Mufti “was not allowed to enter Palestine, the Arab League now installed him as the new leader of the Palestinian Arabs with an annual budget of £10,000.” He is backed by a consensus in Arab Palestine 1946-1948. He won the jubilation of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The notorious anti-Semite Nazi Johann von Leers (Omar Amin) was accepted in Egypt by the Mufti and he became the political adviser of the Department of Information under Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser. He also helped Nazi Ernst-Wilhelm Springer escape to Egypt.

* The mufti’s student, Ahmad Shukeiri (who helped the mufti’s gang kill his brother Dr. Anwar Shukeri on June 8, 1939) and his accomplice Jamal al-Husseini, both justified the Holocaust in 1946.

* 1947-2002, Issa Nakhleh would work for the Mufti in the Arab Higher Committee, then agitating in Argentina (- including praising Nazi Germany in his publication he edited for the Arab League), then coming back to the US and spread venomous propaganda (starting off at his P.A.D with such messages from his boss as justifying the Nazis, then) for decades (1960s, 1970s, 1980s) working with neo-Nazis.

* In Egypt, one of Mufti's linked Nazis also found refuge there, trains his relative Yassir Arafat.

* 1947/8, on behalf of the Arab Higher Committee, Jamal Husseini rejects the Jewish State because it will interrupt the Arab race homogeneity.

* 1947, Arabs recruit ex Nazis to fight the Jews. All in all. Some research showed, around 1,000 of them.

* 1948/9, Arab leadership including the Mufti, told the Arabs of Palestine to leave the land till “victory.”

* May 15, 1948, five Arab armies invade and attack the newly reestablished Hebrew State - cemebratibg its independence only a day earlier. They are defeated and the Arab world never forget the humiliation.

* Genocidal Arab declarions that instilled genuine fear in a traumatized nation already. Including: (Nazi invoked) "final solution" message in leaflet by AHC on 29 November 1947 (reacting to UNGA Partition resolution); Muslim Brotherhood on Aug 1, 1948: "If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea," and June 1, 1967 PLO's Ahmad Shukeiri that "none of them will survive."

* Mid-1950s: the Egyptian backed Palestinian 'Fedayeen' terrorists operate incursions and carry out attacks in Israel. Eichmann assisted in the group.

* Nov 1956, at seizure of Egyptian soldiers, (Egyptian printed) 'Mein kampf' books in Arabic found, which Nasser distributed them for inspiration.

* The Arab League worked with Neo Nazis in South America in the 1960s. And the Palestinian terrorists were linked with Neo Nazis in the 1960s such as with Nazi financier François Genoud [Genaud]. Asides from the Robert Courdroy example. Groups were linked with Nazis or/and neo-Nazis in the 1970s-1980s, among names: Otto Ernst Remer, L’Oeuvre Francaise, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, Udo Albrecht, Willi Pohl / Voss (pseudonym E. W. Pless) – Max Abramowski, Jean Roberts Debbaudt, Jean Thiriart, von Kyna, Walther Kexel – Odfried Hepp, Manfred Röder, Volker-Heidel, etc.

* A campaign of hijacking and massacres begin a long bloody era. Black September is expelled from Jordan in 1971 after killing many. Arafat and other factions begin to operate from Lebanon

* 1979+ Islamic Revolution in Iran. At first it sees the US as the "big Satan" over the years it becomes obsessed with Israel seeking to wired off. Later it would Arm, back use proxies in Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria, Iraq and in Yemen - Houthis. The non-neihgbour Islamic Fascist Republic interests prove again it's not about "land."

* 1976+, since Arab-Muslim Palestinian massacre of Christian in Damour, Lebanon, frictions only grew

* 1980s, various terror attacks including separating Jews from non-Jews on hijacked planes. Arafat begins the massive use of human shields practice in Lebanon. After a long series of attacks, IDF forced to enter. The large swastika at Arafat's office and the Mein Kampfs found at PLO were not coincidence either.

* Intifadas, 1987-1993+, 2000-2005, increased massacres on Jews, swastikas drawing, inflammatory sermons in mosques, including about apes and pigs, calls to murder, etc. Hate education indoctrinating kids in textbooks. The Dec-2000 Ramallah lynch of 2 Israelis who lost their way (described by UK journalist as "they were like animals") throwing of half-alive body to the extasy cheers, the bloody hand at the window, the moaning of crowd at picking up organs the involvement of Arab police - the thousands at scene in broad daylight at public square: etched in Israelis' memory'. Pallywood keep "improving."

* 2005, Israel gives away Gaza strip. The results are Hamas rise.

* Returning to a historic homeland has nothing to do with “racism” and the 2001-Durban Hitlerist propaganda especially by Arab Lawyers Union and others, showed the bitter irony of racists masked as “anti-Racist,” a phenomenon only grew.

* 2000s: A rewriting of history wave, include reframing being upset over (some who chose the controversial among Zionists) Ha'avara program saving over 60,000 Jews. It evolves, and Rania Khalek --then at Electronic Intifada-- citing a neo nazi site, is clasdic).

* 1990s-2025: Anti-Israel student organizations mostly Islamic (including MAS) work on campus. Arab immigrants waves add to this. The anti-Jewish expressions and acts are very obvious (including by Islamist SJP's founder), with the time, they learn how to phrame their activities as "just anti zionists," but often the bubble is exploded (including: blood libels, negative generalization of Jews, Hitler praising, etc.). With time, this propaganda machine learned how to cater and recruit radical leftists through rewriting history and falsifying facts terming it in such aways to cater to liberals' ideology despite the blatant contradiction?- even having a propagandis at a feminist march for instance). One of the tactics to camouflage its bigotry is to recruit some who are perceived or are or pose as Jews. Qatar and Iran money and activities help in organizing swastika-palestine protests that began with supporting the Oct 7 massacres right the day after. Photos of Qatar's Hamas mouthpiece Al Jazeera and photos picked by the 'dead baby strategy' Gaza regime of children being killed, enrage many. Long-time anti-Israel Lebanese Nawaf Salam by now ar ICJ and Islamic Karim Khan at ICC add fuel. Neo Nazis joined in, naturally.

* The jihad-idolization, glorifying-massmurder, hate-education, the poison by official [emphasis on 'official'] media in "moderate" PA, is constantly documented (Palwatch PMW, MEMRI).

* Post 911 CAIR aggressive campaign and intimidating tactics - group was always Hamas linked and in support of. Then the duo Ilhan Omar / Rashida Tlaib has been drawing some in the Democratic party in the US.

* 2007+: the growing organized Wikipedians by Arab Israelophobes backed by radical leftists, exponentially. More and more groups work in cahoots. The first steps are to decide which source is a reliable one - RS.

* Even "moderate" Palestinian Authority declared (2010/1/2) an envisioned Palestine State where no Jews allowed to reside - ethnic cleansing; demonizing Jews, often copying Nazi propaganda is constant at official media; encouraging Arabs' racist murder of Jews by payments to families is ever increased; death penalty for Arabs selling land to Jews is still there. All the while, Pallyweid terminology-buzzwords is being copied as a default to vilify only Israel.

* One can not detach bigotry from Ahmad Shukairy’s invention of the “apartheid” false-analogy in 1961 (a little bit over a year after he had promoted a neo-Nazi group and quoting the Sep.16.1962 New York Times article which in fact states the Nazi nature of the group – he’s also infamous for the “none of them will survive” genocidal “prediction” ahead of the Six-Day war), or of Omar Shakir’s anti-Israel activities since 2010 and abusing the HRW group in 2021 for this propaganda in falsifying or misrepresenting facts (including on genuine fear of Arab terror, misrepresenting Israeli multi-Color as well as multi-ethnic society, as if they were all white) and via changing the ‘Apartheid’ definition to fit his propaganda. How much does the Arab world know (or want to) or BDS “activists” and such want the world to know about wide preferential treatment for Arabs over Jews, including in courts’ decisions, academia, employment and more?

* Praising Hitler, denying the Holocaust and creating (hateful, racially motivated) fake comparisons to clashes and security measures, are all happening at once.

* "Palestinians": A 'unique' sickness of a culture that exhilarate out in the open (such as handing out sweets in public) for each racist Arab slaughter of Jews. The same culture that danced on 911. And of course on Oct 7, 2023 too.

* If anti-Israel bigoted propaganda had any truth in it, then why do the Israelis keep going into trouble, risking its soldiers lives, and even inventing measures only to minimize Arab casualties when going after terrorists? Hadn't Israel be that extra careful about Arabs' lives, why did it take so many months to operate in Gaza? The exposed messages by Hamas' leader about casualties as a winning strategy is not a new revelation, it was expressed by others years earlier.

* It's no sercet, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) grip on the United Nations, its votes and nomination to positions including to court. Since the 1980s, various progagandists took hold of 'human rights' groups and others established new ones under bombastic titles. Every drama language attention seeking terms by politically motivated radical Haaretz (a favorite among Neo Nazis to cute from) and the likes are copied as if they were "facts." But the fact that there are no real openly working human rights groups on the Arab side don't seem to be an issue, sadly.

* Arab apartheid on minorities, Islamic apartheid om the 'other,' are non-issues in any discussions.

* Every society has its discrimination phenomenon. The fact that Haredim are the most discriminated against in Israel, proves, that there, (any discrimination against any group) is mainly cultural.

* If the Arab leadership or anti-Israel “activists” were worried for Arab lives more than defaming Israel – then, when was the last time it condemned the use of civilians as human shields, school, places of worship, or shooting from densely populated areas?

* The 113 UNRWA teachers between 2015-2022 engaging in pro terror and many in anti-Semitism, including pro Hitler propaganda.

* The TikTok (since April 2021) attacks by many Arabs and getting thousands of feedback from other Arabs are attacks against pious Jews in Jerusalem who (most) are not Zionist and even refuse to serve in the IDF. The same is the, (past and present), anti-Semitic cartoons in Arab media often of clearly visible such pious Jews. Worst is, the terror massacres specifically targeting such communities in various cities. Also the sick routine of cheering, celebrating publicly when Jews are murdered. Which again, shows the underlying ‘racism’ motivation behind it all, in principle.

* Why is there no talk about Hamas and its like envisioned Caliphate Islamic State?

* Oct 7, 2023: What is a nation experienced real genocide to think that in a matter of a few hours, thousands of ordinary Arab Palestinians under the Hamas (who runs its "health ministry" which MSM takes its fatalities stats from, as well as reporting first its version before being debunked via evidences days later, after damage on world stage already done, al-Ahli 17 Oct 2023 is classic, this repeats over and over again) have managed to massacre so many, including via suffocating as families hid in shelters, beheading, burning people alive, mass rape, targeting of genitalia, all under Allah Akhbar cries and sick cheers? Worst are the fears, as most Arab Palestinians support Oct 7 attack (surveyed).

* The Oct 7 attack came shortly after increased olive branches to Gaza.

* The reactions by Arabs in westen countries to attack Jews, synagogues are also testament to the wider roots.

* It wasn't one or two Mein Kampf book found at Arab terrorists in Gaza some with added notes. There were several, documented. Swastikas wide spread, including in tunnels. Which other entity on earth had a shameless Hitler store being so popular because of its ideology? (Destroyed by IDF Dec/2023).

* Ask yourself, had all the Israelis been ethnicaly Arab or most of them Muslim, would there then even be a conflict? = ‘Arab racism!’ / radical ‘Islamist bigotry!’


TOPICS: History; Politics
KEYWORDS: 1913; 1921; 1930s; 1940s; 1950s; 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s; 2010s; 2020s; ahmadshukeiri; alhusseini; altajialfaruqi; antihashem; antijewishbigotry; antisemitism; arabimigration; arabs; arafat; bible; cair; falastin; fascism; fatah; fedayeen; hamas; hatembazian; houthis; islamofascism; israel; israeltimeline; issanakhleh; istiqlal; jamalhusseini; jewhaters; jews; jihad; judaismhaters; jvp; middleeast; mufti; muslims; nazis; neonazis; neveragainisnow; palestine; palestinetimeline; plo; r; redmoon; sjp; socalledpalestinians; stopantisemites; swastikapalestine; timelines; youthis; zion; zionism; zionists

1 posted on 07/27/2024 10:19:21 PM PDT by Words Matter
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To: Words Matter

Thanks. Bumped for later reading.

2 posted on 07/27/2024 10:41:05 PM PDT by Freeleesy
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To: Words Matter
It is more than just a Muslim/Arab/Ottoman hatred of Jews. It is a hatred of Christians, Orthodox Christians, and people of “other faiths.” There is even Muslim Shia vs Sunni hatred, look at the Iran/Iraq war or the Iran/Saudi hatred.
3 posted on 07/27/2024 10:44:40 PM PDT by Robert357
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To: Robert357

That too.

4 posted on 07/27/2024 10:46:25 PM PDT by Freeleesy
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To: Robert357

Hatred of the other. But Israel has a double “otherness” in that region. Neither Arab nor Muslim - is its majority.

5 posted on 07/27/2024 10:47:42 PM PDT by Freeleesy
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To: All

Just checked the link. Typos fixed

6 posted on 07/27/2024 10:54:58 PM PDT by Words Matter
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To: Words Matter ; Freeleesy

Also bumping for later reading; PLUS bumping Freeleesy’s “About” page as it looks great and is actually, I think, related. Thanks to both of you.

7 posted on 07/27/2024 11:03:30 PM PDT by Weirdad (Orthodox Americanism: It's what's good for the world! (Not communifascism!))
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To: Robert357
It is more than just a Muslim/Arab/Ottoman hatred of Jews. It is a hatred of Christians, Orthodox Christians, and people of “other faiths.”

The timeline in this article only dates back to 1913. If he went back further, it would show that after Islam eliminates the infidels, then they start killing each other.

Ironically, it was Ottoman open borders of its late empire, like the United States today, that would later create the state of Israel. Before the Russian pogroms got rolling in the 1880s, hardly any Jews lived in the Middle East.

8 posted on 07/27/2024 11:30:19 PM PDT by Right_Wing_Madman
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To: Words Matter


9 posted on 07/27/2024 11:50:19 PM PDT by TheWriterTX (🇺🇸✝️🙏🇮🇱)
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To: Weirdad


10 posted on 07/27/2024 11:50:41 PM PDT by Words Matter
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To: Words Matter

The koran tells mislims to murder Jews.

It is that simple.

11 posted on 07/28/2024 1:53:50 AM PDT by Uncle Miltie (And yet we have the morally inverted allahu akhbar chorus at FR on the pro-barbarism side!)
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To: Words Matter

Trumps Team needs to Wrap Jew Hate around the Rich Indian Canuck neck Now .
She encouraged the Attack .

Where is Trump attacking on this huge issue
Call her a typical Leftist Foreign Jew Hater .

12 posted on 07/28/2024 4:40:27 AM PDT by ncalburt ( Gop DC Globalists are the evil )
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; BraveMan; cardinal4; ...

13 posted on 07/28/2024 5:09:36 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: Robert357

True that!


Shall we say 622 AD?

Mohammed spent the last ten years of his waging war against those who would not join him.

14 posted on 07/28/2024 6:15:40 AM PDT by Taxman ((SAVE AMERICA! VOTE REPUBLICAN IN 2024! SAVE AMERICA!))
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To: ncalburt

And it will be effective .

15 posted on 07/28/2024 7:50:16 AM PDT by Words Matter
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To: Words Matter


16 posted on 07/28/2024 8:03:58 AM PDT by sauropod ("This is a time when people reveal themselves for who they are." James O'Keefe Ne supra crepidam)
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To: Words Matter

The core of the Mud East conflict is Islam. Mad Moe hated Jews because they would not swallow his BS Religion. Those poor souls unlucky enough to be bred or fooled into his evil Religion are the haters behind the conflict.

17 posted on 07/28/2024 8:09:25 AM PDT by Nateman (Democrats did not strive for fraud friendly voting merely to continue honest elections.)
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To: Nateman

Imagine a middle east without all Husseini...

18 posted on 07/28/2024 8:38:22 AM PDT by Words Matter
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To: Words Matter


19 posted on 07/28/2024 3:23:39 PM PDT by umbagi (Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it. [Twain])
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To: All
Beattie, K. D. (1962). The German Side of the War in the Middle East 1939-1942. (n.p.): Stanford University, p. 38.
IV. Palestine

German anti-Semitism was a natural ally to the Arabs of Palestine. Few of these Arabs stopped to think that their..

20 posted on 07/29/2024 2:16:36 AM PDT by Words Matter
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