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Future Letter From a Socialist to President Trump
| February 12, 2016
| by Gavin McInnes
Posted on 02/12/2016 12:03:03 PM PST by Nacho Bidnith
It's 2019 and the fact that you and Vice President Cruz have decided to run for a second term deeply disturbs those of us who still care about this country. Like many true patriots, my wife and I voted for Sanders in 2016 and considered moving to France when you and that creepy Canadian won. We stayed and we regret it.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Politics
KEYWORDS: 2016election; commentary; election2016; insanepost; newyork; politics; satire; trump
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In just under four years, you have irrevocably changed this country for the worse. You said you would be hard on immigration and you lied. You let more people in from Western Europe, Canada, and Australia than any other president. While opening the floodgates to the Aryan barbarians, you shut the doors on those who really needed to be here-most notably, Mexicans and refugees. This lead to the death of thousands of Syrians in their home country, not to mention the slaughter of possibly millions of people all over Africa and the Middle East.
Read the rest at link below.
To: Nacho Bidnith
LOL. This is pure science fiction.
To: Nacho Bidnith
“...considered moving to France when you and that creepy Canadian won. We stayed and we regret it.”
Nothing keeping from moving now. Get crackin’, Skippy. They’ll love taxing you 100%. Don’t let the door hit ya where the dog shoulda bit ya.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:06:27 PM PST
(And yet...we continue to tolerate this crap...)
To: Nacho Bidnith
That does it! I’m voting for Ted Cruz!
posted on
02/12/2016 12:07:31 PM PST
(The Republic of The United States of America: 7/4/1776 to 6/26/2015 R.I.P.)
To: WKUHilltopper
Hell, I’m going to France if Sanders wins.
To: Nacho Bidnith
posted on
02/12/2016 12:11:19 PM PST
("Don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative." -Obama, 09-24-11)
To: Nacho Bidnith; BillyBoy; Impy
It's 2019 and the fact that you DT and Vice President Cruz ...” That pretty much says to stop reading..
Like Trump would pick someone who he calls a “real nasty Canadian” multiple times, claiming that Cruz is an ineligible foreigner and a liar.
This could make sense to only the clueless.
Trump Floats Scott Brown as VP Pick 1/16/2016
posted on
02/12/2016 12:16:40 PM PST
(Trumpster : 'I don't care what he says, or what he said before. He is the only one I trust"')
To: nickcarraway
There’s science in that tract? More like fantasy.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:17:58 PM PST
(They came for me and mine ... now it is your turn ...)
To: Nacho Bidnith
Nice satire. Had me going with the title at first.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:18:17 PM PST
(If liberals are not screaming you are doing it wrong!)
To: yefragetuwrabrumuy
This graphic is great. I hope it gets widespread use during 2016
To: yefragetuwrabrumuy
Congratulations!! You just won the internet!
posted on
02/12/2016 12:22:22 PM PST
Nacho Bidnith
(America is a country founded by geniuses and run by idiots. Trump 2016)
To: yefragetuwrabrumuy
Just having a ‘discussion’ with an old friend and Sanders supporter - you see when you point out that something is socialist they cannot see it that way. I can’t get more out of the friend yet so I don’t know what the actually see when they start talking about white guilt, how white people murdered everyone everywhere, and all that stuff.
So BS cannot see he has been hoisted with his own philosophy, it has to be something else.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:22:57 PM PST
(They came for me and mine ... now it is your turn ...)
To: nickcarraway
Q. How can you tell it came from a Socialist?
A. Because it arrived postage due.
To: Nacho Bidnith
The desperation grows stronger daily now.
It’s both funny and sad.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:29:40 PM PST
(Proud Infidel)
To: Nacho Bidnith
Now that’s funny...I don’t care who you are.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:33:49 PM PST
(The Silent Majority Stands With TRUMP!)
To: Wyrd bið ful aræd
What would the differences be? Sanders wins, and the US and France are peas in a pod, so to speak.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:34:15 PM PST
(Tired of liberals, even a few in my own family.)
To: Nacho Bidnith
From Taki’s keyboard to God’s ears!
This is fun stuff to read!
To: yefragetuwrabrumuy
posted on
02/12/2016 12:36:45 PM PST
To: Nacho Bidnith
Comment at link:
To us it's satire, but this letter could be placed verbatim into the pages of the NY Times editorial section as serious content.
posted on
02/12/2016 12:38:06 PM PST
(Note to GOPe lurkers: I and thousands like me will NEVER vote for Jeb Bush)
To: Nacho Bidnith
Why did you consider moving to France, why not Nigeria, or Saudi Arabia, or Vietnam, you racist.
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