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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: Fedora

At least it wasn't KLINGON.
"Tak ba, Tak Beha!"

30,461 posted on 10/20/2004 8:50:31 PM PDT by Darksheare (Ganags of epopel shall stune your beeber with "UNNNGH!")
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To: NicknamedBob


30,462 posted on 10/20/2004 8:51:21 PM PDT by Darksheare (Ganags of epopel shall stune your beeber with "UNNNGH!")
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To: Darksheare

I'd better go to bed now before I REALLY start getting weird and typo-ing myself to death!

30,463 posted on 10/20/2004 8:52:48 PM PDT by Darksheare (Ganags of epopel shall stune your beeber with "UNNNGH!")
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To: Fedora

A while back my family and I went to see a movie, and in the lobby there was an old arcade game -- Galactica! With the 8-bit graphics and everything. It was so awesome. I could have played that game forever.

That's what's so wonderful about arcade games. Anyone can play them, anytime. There aren't storylines, mini-tasks, character developments... just gameplay. Businessmen and teenagers alike could play them, and then walk away. You can't do that with today's games (not that they aren't good in their own respect).

30,464 posted on 10/20/2004 8:53:33 PM PDT by 4mycountry
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To: Darksheare

We have an old computer. If I even tried to play today's PC games, the system would probably crash (and die and burn).

30,465 posted on 10/20/2004 8:55:08 PM PDT by 4mycountry
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To: Darksheare

Goooooooo chu! [Christopher Lloyd, "Star Trek III"]

30,466 posted on 10/20/2004 8:55:12 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: Darksheare

Good night! When you wake up you'll still be trapped in the thread, bwahahahah! :)

30,467 posted on 10/20/2004 9:02:19 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: 4mycountry

Galactica--LOL! I remember my friend in 6th grade was good at that. I always got killed on the first screen :) My favorite arcade game is probably Ms. Pac-Man. I also love the old Atari home games.

30,468 posted on 10/20/2004 9:03:24 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: Fedora

My father loved Asteroids. And there's always Pong. (Now THERE's a retro classic!)

You know, they have a little vid-game system out called 'TV games' by Jaks Pacific. There are several editions of this $20 system that have old arcade games on 'em. One of them has a bunch of the old Atari games on it -- and another one has Ms. Pac Man! You can find it in toy aisles at Wal Mart.

30,469 posted on 10/20/2004 9:10:48 PM PDT by 4mycountry
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To: 4mycountry

Several platforms...PC, mac ( mine) X-Box, PS2...

Conversation was all over the place.

30,470 posted on 10/20/2004 9:14:03 PM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: Darksheare

Darksheare wrote:

I'll grab this leg, you grab the other, we'll drag him over to that corner there, wrap him up good, and try not to walk on opposite sides of that pole back there in the process.
Perhaos Lord Vicodin will release his new charge long enough for some basic necessity later, but that isn't likely knowing Lord Vicodin.

::::grabs leg, drags body::::::

30,471 posted on 10/20/2004 9:15:48 PM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: 4mycountry

Doesn't matter what I say. this thread is trash.

30,472 posted on 10/20/2004 9:15:50 PM PDT by LogicWings
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To: Fedora

My husband is devoted to Batman

I like Spiderman, but always had a real soft-spot for Superman.

30,473 posted on 10/20/2004 9:17:14 PM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: 4mycountry
Asteroids was fun :) Pong was one of the earliest games we had, along with Moon Lander and this target practice game where you could use a plastic gun to shoot a blip on the TV.

I haven't seen that Jaks Pacific system. Usually I use this to play retro games:

30,474 posted on 10/20/2004 9:19:22 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: tiamat

How did you get your soft spot for Superman? Batman was the first hero I liked because of the old live-action TV show and the "Superfriends" cartoon. The latter is how I learned about Superman as well, so Superman was my second big superhero. Then when I was about 4 or 5 I first saw Spider-Man a little later when they added him to "Electric Company", and he became my favorite after that.

And before all that, the first cartoon I ever watched was "Speed Racer". I also remember seeing "Wally Gator" and "Lippy the Lion and Hardy Har-Har" early on.

30,475 posted on 10/20/2004 9:22:42 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: tiamat

The graphics on the PS2 and Xbox are really impressive. G4TEchTV had a special on the XBox today. Told about the history of it. Four guys got together and brainstormed it up. I'm gonna do that someday! All I need is Bill Gates behind me! LOL

Nintendo's Gamecube is cheaper and more family-oriented in the games, but Nintendo is getting left in the dust by its competitors. It's making more games for the hand-held systems than for the console.

30,476 posted on 10/20/2004 9:23:18 PM PDT by 4mycountry
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To: Fedora

Watched Superman with my dad and as a little kid spending WAYYYYYY to much time in a hospital, on crutches, in braces or in a cast.

( screwed up hips and back, and botched surgery)

So i read a lot, watched too much TV, and got into ANYTHING that would take me out of where I was....

Got into Star Trek TOS that way, too.

30,477 posted on 10/20/2004 9:27:19 PM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: 4mycountry

I'll have to try to get the G4TEchTV special about the XBox.

We have a PS2, and my husband and daughter fight over it....

30,478 posted on 10/20/2004 9:29:07 PM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: 4mycountry; Fedora; All

I'm off to bed.

for real this time!

Sleep well, lads!

30,479 posted on 10/20/2004 9:30:41 PM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: tiamat

Which Superman did you watch? When I was little they used to show reruns of the live-action show.

I first caught "Star Trek" in cartoon/comic form in the early 70s, when I had a "Star Trek" board game and toy phasers :) I didn't watch the live-action show until I was older and saw it in syndication. In between "Star Wars" came along.

"Planet of the Apes" was another thing I liked back then.

30,480 posted on 10/20/2004 9:33:22 PM PDT by Fedora
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