Keyword: wisp
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 26, 2004 Contact: Janel Landon, Media Advisor 312.263.4922/ or 312.961.4776 WOMEN IN SUPPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND SECURITY MOMS ANNOUNCE MEDIA CAMPAIGN -Women Hold Undecided Votes in Key Battleground States- New York – Security Moms 4Bush (SM4B) and Women in Support of the President (WISP), internet-driven organizations operating in 43 states, are no myth. Founded earlier this year by New York and Maryland moms, the groups are spreading the word that there is only one clear choice for president. According to recent polls, the President is closing a gender gap that has traditionally favored...
W.I.S.P. - Women in Support of the President, Security Moms, and Vets For Bush hosted 26 rallies across the U.S. The Theme...NEVER FORGET - PROTECTING OUR HOMELAND Below are photos from the rally in Lawyers' Mall, Annapolis, Maryland!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Doro Bush Koch Addresses Enthusiastic Women in Support of the President Annapolis, Maryland- The Sheraton Barcelo' played host as 150 people crowded into the banquet room to hear President George W. Bush's sister, Doro say why her brother must lead this country for the next four years. Mrs. Bush Koch, a Maryland resident has been campaigning tirelessly across the country for Mr. Bush. She sits on the Board of several charitable organizations and is the founder and steering committee member of "W" Stands for Women. Doro was interrupted by applause time after time as she spoke of...
Never Forget – Protecting Our Homeland Rally The grassroots groups that include Security Moms 4 Bush, W.I.S.P. (Women In Support of the President), Democrats 4 Bush and Vets4Bush, announce their plans for a rally in Cedar Grove, New Jersey on October 16, 2004. This rally “Never Forget – Protecting Our Homeland” will take place at the VFW Post 6255, Cedar Grove for people to show their support for President George W. Bush. The theme of the rally is focused around the number one election year issue ~ Our National Security and the War on Terrorism. We welcome all...
In recent weeks, the media have accepted, largely without question, the notion of "security moms" as the constituency in the 2004 presidential election that the candidates must win over in order to prevail in November. The syllogism the media are complicit in advancing to the benefit of Bush-Cheney '04 goes as follows: Bush outpolls Kerry on terrorism as a campaign issue; this year's "It" constituency -- "security moms" -- cares most about terrorism; therefore, Bush will likely win the support of this crucial constitutency. But there's strong evidence that the notion of the pivotal "security mom" is a myth --...
Are you a mother, grandmother, aunt, sister? Did 9-11 impact you as a woman? Are you concerned about the future of our country's Security? Are you upset about the media's negative spin with our War On Terror? Are you tired of the politicization of our War on Terror? Are you someone that knows we need to win this War on Terror now? If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, then you are a “SECURITY MOM” Please read this site, its links and share it with others. Get out and vote this November! Register others to vote! Talk...
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND - GRASS ROOTS WOMEN'S GROUP W.I.S.P. (WOMEN IN SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT BUSH) KICK-OFF BREAKFAST A HUGE SUCCESS! Anne Arundel County, Maryland - What was originally planned as a meeting for 25 to 30 people, mushroomed into a standing room only event this morning at an Annapolis area restaurant. 120 women and several men, attended the first organizational meeting launching W.I.S.P., Women in Support of President Bush. Group founders Gaye Galvin, Tammy Doring and Shirli LoSchiavo spoke to an enthusiastic crowd about their inspiration for creating W.I.S.P. "We found through casual conversation that we were on the...
A group of Annapolis-area women formed an organization in December -- Mothers Opposing Bush -- to work for the president's defeat and have opened chapters in the state and across the country. Another group of mothers will hold a breakfast meeting Thursday to launch W.I.S.P. -- Women in Support of President Bush. "I was inspired by Mothers Opposing Bush," said Gaye Galvin, one of the W.I.S.P. organizers. She admires the MOB moms for working for something they believe in, but got tired of seeing MOB bumper stickers and buttons and wanted to do something about it. "I just wish they...