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Keyword: trumpbirther

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  • Trump criticized for bait and switch on ‘birther’ statement

    09/17/2016 9:23:09 AM PDT · by COBOL2Java · 52 replies
    WTOP News (Washington DC) ^ | September 17, 2016 2:55 am | DAVID BAUDER
    NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump’s renouncement of birtherism came with some media gamesmanship that compelled television news networks to air 20 minutes of endorsements by retired military men before the candidate briefly got to the point. “We all got Rick-rolled,” said CNN’s Jake Tapper, a reference to the Internet prank of replacing an expected link with a video of singer Rick Astley’s 1987 hit, “Never Gonna Give You Up.” The bad blood continued after the Friday morning event when the Trump campaign barred text reporters and a television producer from joining him on a tour of the new Trump...
  • Trump Campaign Statement About Hillary Clinton’s Need To Raise “Birtherism” Again

    09/16/2016 10:38:26 AM PDT · by bobsunshine · 17 replies
    The Conservative Treehouse ^ | September 16, 2016 | Sundance
    In an effort to try and piece together a coalition of support, Hillary Clinton and her acolytes in the media have decided to reintroduce the Obama “birtherism” narrative. The Trump Campaign puts forth the following statement about Clinton’s efforts:
  • Wow! Hillary Clinton Throws TEMPER TANTRUM After Trump’s Brilliant Birther Presser

    09/16/2016 11:05:18 AM PDT · by Bubba Gump Shrimp · 215 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | Sep 16th, 2016 12:16 pm | Jim Hoft
    Hillary Clinton Absolutely LOST IT! “What Trump just did was a disgrace.” What Trump just did is a disgrace. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 16, 2016 More… The birther lie is what turned Trump from an ordinary reality TV star into a political figure. That origin story can't be unwritten. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 16, 2016 Trump has spent years peddling a racist conspiracy aimed at undermining the first African American president. He can't just take it back. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 16, 2016 Expressing zero regret for years of pushing a racist conspiracy theory, Trump again appointed...
  • Hillary Falls Into Trump’s Birther Trap

    09/17/2016 6:24:28 AM PDT · by Helicondelta · 56 replies ^ | September 17, 2016 | Thomas Lifson
    <p>I am now going to the brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a major statement.</p> <p>Reporters assumed the statement would be about Obama’s birthplace, and, sensing an opportunity to halt Hilary’s decline in the polls, hurried to the Trump International en masse, with camera crews in tow. The cable news networks cleared time to broadcast the anticipated Trump humiliation live.</p>
  • Washington Post confirms hillary clinton started the birther movement --- Breitbart 9/26/15

    09/16/2016 9:10:44 AM PDT · by Taiku · 42 replies
    Breitbart research into Hillary starting birther movement
  • Inside the Six Weeks Donald Trump Was a Nonstop ‘Birther’

    07/02/2016 9:17:50 PM PDT · by Seizethecarp · 90 replies
    The New York Times ^ | July 2, 2016 | ASHLEY PARKER and STEVE EDER
    In the birther movement, Mr. Trump recognized an opportunity to connect with the electorate over an issue many considered taboo: the discomfort, in some quarters of American society, with the election of the nation’s first black president. He harnessed it for political gain, beginning his connection with the largely white Republican base that, in his 2016 campaign, helped clinch his party’s nomination. The more Mr. Trump questioned the legitimacy of Mr. Obama’s presidency, the better he performed in the early polls of the 2012 Republican field, springing from fifth place to a virtual tie for first. That frenzied period culminated...
  • Ted Cruz Affair Rumors Circle After Enquirer Claims DC Madam’s Black Book Scandal Is Real

    04/04/2016 5:57:41 PM PDT · by drewh · 78 replies
    The International Business Times ^ | ON 04/04/16 AT 5:28 PM | BY MARIA VULTAGGIO
    No matter how many times Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz refutes claims he cheated on his wife, Heidi, the National Enquirer seems determined to prove the White House candidate is a philanderer. The Texas senator, however, has vehemently denied the allegations, saying that is was “garbage” fabricated by Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign. When Deborah Palfrey, a Washington, D.C., madam, mysteriously died, she supposedly left behind a “black book” that implicates Cruz, according to National Enquirer. There are 15,000 clients named in the book, and Cruz is apparently one of them, according to the publication. The madam’s clients would pay...
  • Flashback: Trump brings birther charge against Cruz

    08/21/2015 4:19:13 AM PDT · by Kevin C · 97 replies
    The Hill ^ | March 23, 2015 | Ben Kamisar
    Real estate tycoon Donald Trump cast doubt Monday on whether Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) can run for president, because Cruz was born in Canada. "It’s a hurdle; somebody could certainly look at it very seriously," Trump said during a phone interview Monday on My Fox New York. "He was born in Canada. If you know and when we all studied our history lessons, you are supposed to be born in this country, so I just don't know how the courts will rule on this."
  • Wolf Blitzer Interview Meltdown with Donald Trump Over Obama's Forged Birth Certificate

    05/29/2012 3:41:53 PM PDT · by Seizethecarp · 86 replies
    CNN via ^ | May 29, 2012 | Blizer/Trump
    Wolf Blitzer interview meltdown with Donald Trump Over Obama's Forged Birth Certificate - VIDEO HERE - Hat tip SA.