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Keyword: theories

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  • Scientists Unveil New Results in Hunt to Pinpoint the Seat of Consciousness

    07/02/2023 11:03:57 AM PDT · by Twotone · 8 replies ^ | June 27, 2023 | Shelly Fan
    Trying to understand consciousness calls to mind images of pensive philosophers in a thinking pose. Soft rock and freestyle rap with lyrics based on theories of consciousness aren’t exactly on the bingo card. Yet the tunes galvanized an eager crowd at the 26th Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC 26) meeting in New York, as attendees awaited the results of the scientific face-off of the century: a head-to-head trial that pitted the two top theories of consciousness against each other. It found that consciousness may emerge from a grid-like interconnection of neurons at the back of the head....
  • Ex-UFO Pentagon program chief outlines 'compelling' UFO theories and 'unique' vehicle characteristics

    03/23/2021 4:47:12 PM PDT · by bitt · 40 replies ^ | 3/23/2021 | By Nikolas Lanum
    UFOs break the U.S.'s current understanding of the laws of physics, says Elizondo The former UFO program chief at the Pentagon, Luis Elizondo, detailed the three leading theories on where UFOs originated from and the five defining characteristics of UFOs that break the U.S.’s current understanding of the laws of physics. During an appearance on "Fox & Friends," Elizondo, the former Director of ATTIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) said that the United States government applied the same methodology used in terrorism intel operations in regards to UFO’s and found that they are not only "real," but the information surrounding...
  • An Open Invitation to Tyranny

    08/13/2019 9:44:04 AM PDT · by LibWhacker · 6 replies ^ | 8/7/19 | Paul Craig Roberts
    An Open Invitation to Tyranny August 7, 2019 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article An Open Invitation to Tyranny Paul Craig Roberts The FBI has published a document that concludes that “conspiracy theories” can motivate believers to commit crimes. Considering the growing acceptance of pre-emptive arrest, that is, arresting someone before they can commit a crime that they are suspected of planning to commit, challenging official explanations, such as those offered for the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King or the official explanation for 9/11, can...
  • Why did POTUS Trump publicly call on AG Sessions to ‘end’ Mueller probe? We have some theories

    08/01/2018 11:28:05 AM PDT · by SleeperCatcher · 66 replies
    The National Sentinel ^ | 8/1/18 | USA Features
    Call to Action: On Wednesday POTUS Donald Trump did something that seemingly came out of nowhere: He took to Twitter to publicly call for his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to end the “witch hunt” investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. In a series of tweets, Trump lambasted his AG — nothing new there — while outlining his ‘case’ for ending the probe. So why did the president chose today to make these allegations and to publicly call on Jeff Sessions to shut down the Mueller probe — when POTUS himself can do it?
  • Drug firms shipped 20.8M pain pills to WV town with 2,900 people

    01/30/2018 7:28:06 AM PST · by markomalley · 87 replies
    Charleston Gazette-Mail ^ | 1/29/18 | Eric Eyre
    Over the past decade, out-of-state drug companies shipped 20.8 million prescription painkillers to two pharmacies four blocks apart in a Southern West Virginia town with 2,900 people, according to a congressional committee investigating the opioid crisis.The House Energy and Commerce Committee cited the massive shipments of hydrocodone and oxycodone — two powerful painkillers — to the town of Williamson, in Mingo County, amid the panel’s inquiry into the role of drug distributors in the opioid epidemic.“These numbers are outrageous, and we will get to the bottom of how this destruction was able to be unleashed across West Virginia,” said committee...
  • The Hill- MSNBC analyst to Dem rep: Has Nunes been compromised by the Russians?

    01/30/2018 9:25:42 AM PST · by tcrlaf · 73 replies
    The Hill ^ | 1-30-2017 | Joe Concha
    NBC News and MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann on Tuesday asked Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) if he thought House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) had "been compromised by the Russians." The question comes following a Monday vote in the House Intelligence Committee to make a controversial Republican-crafted memo public. The memo purports to show bias within the FBI and the Department of Justice. "Congressman, I’m going to ask you a question I asked Sen. [Chris] Murphy (D-Conn.) a little earlier. It’s an impolitic question and one that would have seemed absurd in almost any other circumstance," said Heilemann,...
  • Hawaii missile scare, your theories?

    01/15/2018 4:09:32 PM PST · by MNDude · 104 replies
    Rush repeated today what we everyone has been saying, what we are being told does not add up. To add to the strangeness, we just learned that the Clinton's were in Hawaii to meet with their senators. Coincidence? What is your theory?
  • A Fight for the Soul of Science (physicists, philosophers debate boundaries of science)

    12/17/2015 10:01:58 PM PST · by LibWhacker · 28 replies
    Quanta Magazine ^ | 12/16/15 | Natalie Wolchover
    A Fight for the Soul of Science String theory, the multiverse and other ideas of modern physics are potentially untestable. At a historic meeting in Munich, scientists and philosophers asked: should we trust them anyway? Laetitia Vancon for Quanta MagazinePhysicists George Ellis (center) and Joe Silk (right) at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich on Dec. 7. By: Natalie WolchoverDecember 16, 2015 Comments (17) Share this: facebooktwitterredditmail PDF Print Physicists typically think they “need philosophers and historians of science like birds need ornithologists,” the Nobel laureate David Gross told a roomful of philosophers, historians and physicists last week in Munich, Germany,...
  • Jay Carney Swats Away ‘Conspiracy Theories’ About Faked 2012 Employment Data

    11/19/2013 11:46:33 AM PST · by Nachum · 38 replies
    Mediaite ^ | 11/19/13 | Noah Rothman
    A bombshell report published in the New York Post alleges that census data relating to new jobs created during the month of September, 2012, was “faked.” The fabricated data, the report indicates, resulted in the sharp reduction in the nation’s unemployment rate in October, 2012, from 8.1 to 7.8 percent. On Tuesday, White House Press Sec. Jay Carney said that there was nothing to this report. “That story is obviously misleading,” Carney told ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl. “I think a lot of people shed a lot of credibility engaging in conspiracy theories last fall about, you know, rigged jobs...
  • Impact Theory of Moon's Origin Fails

    10/30/2013 4:56:18 PM PDT · by lasereye · 43 replies
    Institute for Creation Research ^ | October 28, 2013 | Brian Thomas, M.S.
    Secular scientists used to regard the planetary collision theory as a triumph in explaining several of the moon's specific arrangements. But newfound facts severely debilitate this lunar impact origins theory. According to this new theory, an early Earth collided at a glancing angle with a planet that was one or two times the mass of Mars. Some of the debris launched into orbit around Earth and somehow collected to form the moon. This could explain the moon's peculiar orbit and some of its other properties.1 But, as Bob Jones University astronomy professor Ron Samec noted, recent studies refute even this...
  • Michael Savage: Was Breitbart Assassinated?

    03/01/2012 10:30:19 PM PST · by ReformationFan · 263 replies · 2,108+ views
    Noting that the cause of Andrew Breitbart’s unexpected death yesterday was being examined by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office, talk-radio host Michael Savage raised the question of whether the conservative media powerhouse – who recently announced he had videos that could politically damage President Obama – was murdered. On his top-rated show today, Savage played an audio clip of Breitbart telling an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington last month that he had obtained videos that shed light on Obama’s ties to radicals in the early 1980s who helped propel him to the presidency. “Maybe my...
  • Cass Sunstein recommends government infiltration of conspiracy groups

    04/19/2011 7:45:47 AM PDT · by CanaGuy · 71 replies
    Social Science Research Network ^ | 15 Jan 2008 | Cass Sunstein
    A paper by Cass Sunstein says it all. From p.14 "Conspiracy Theories" by CASS R. SUNSTEIN
  • Preschools Are Using a Marxist's Theories to Manufacture Collectivists

    03/26/2011 11:24:22 PM PDT · by Nachum · 17 replies · 1+ views
    American Thinker ^ | 3/27/11 | Chuck Rogér
    The room buzzes with little voices. Little children engage in "mature, dramatic play." An adult helps the children "regulate" and "monitor each other's compliance" with "rules and assigned roles."[1] Each child knows his or her place. Each child does the group's bidding, nothing else. Orwell's 1984? No, a scene played out in thousands of classrooms across America. The drumbeat of collectivism begins in preschool. And a long-dead Soviet psychologist helped define that drumbeat. Months ago, an email from a teacher spurred me to investigate the theories of Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934). My research revealed starry-eyed academics enamored of collectivism.
  • The Creator

    02/08/2010 7:53:00 PM PST · by Ken4TA · 15 replies · 350+ views
    When a Russian Cosmonaut returned from a space flight he said that he hadn’t seen God out there. An American Astronaut, one who was a Christian, was once asked if he had met God while in space. He answered with full confidence, “I would have, if I had taken off my space suit.” These are not just two contradictory answers to the same question. They are two totally different understandings of the word God and what is meant by it. The Russian Cosmonaut, an atheist, could not believe God existed unless he saw him with his own eyes. Whereas the...
  • History's greatest conspiracy theories

    11/20/2008 5:17:08 PM PST · by bruinbirdman · 40 replies · 3,508+ views
    The Telegraph ^ | 11/20/2008
    1. September 11, 2001 - Thanks to the power of the web and live broadcasts on television, the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 - when terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington - have surpassed those of Roswell and JFK in traction. Despite claims by al-Qaeda that it planned, organised and orchestrated the attacks, several official and unofficial investigations into the collapse of the Twin Towers which concluded that structural failure was responsible and footage of the events themselves, the conspiracy theories continue to grow in strength. At the milder...
  • Cold set to snap city record ( Inconvenient Truth : No Global Warming here )

    11/28/2006 10:18:12 PM PST · by george76 · 123 replies · 2,587+ views
    CALGARY SUN ^ | 2006-11-28 | TARINA WHITE
    Environment Canada says such low temperatures unusual for this time of year. The arctic deep freeze trapping Calgary is on track to break a 110-year-old weather record today, but the bitter cold is expected to ease in the coming days. With a forecast low of -31C today, Calgary could break the -27C record set on this day in 1896. But factoring in the wind chill, it will feel even colder to people who have to brave the elements, said Environment Canada meteorologist Ross Macdonald. It's even been too frosty to ski, with Canada Olympic Park shutting the hill yesterday in...
  • Molecular Clockwork And Related Theories

    02/25/2006 2:40:40 PM PST · by blam · 18 replies · 804+ views
    Molecular clockwork and related theories Testing the basis for “Mitochondrial Eve.”Molecular clocks, a complex topic central to current debates on human evolution, first came into prominence in paleoanthropology in the 1960’s. One well-known study by Vincent Sarich and Alan Wilson of the University of California (1967) measured the immunological reactions in primates and other animals to a control sample of the blood protein serum albumin. The differences, assumed due to a constant rate of evolution through mutations, were then plotted on a linear scale showing time elapsed since each species diverged from a common ancestor. On the same principle, DNA,...
  • Majority of Americans Reject Secular Evolution (Gallup Poll, Sep. 2005)

    10/23/2005 12:06:32 AM PDT · by GretchenM · 395 replies · 5,179+ views
    BP News (Baptist Press) ^ | October 19, 2005 | Michael Foust
    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A majority of adults support the biblical account of creation according to a new CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll -- the latest in a series of polls reflecting Americans' tendency to reject secular evolution. In the poll, 53 percent of adults say "God created human beings in their present form exactly the way the Bible describes it." Another 31 percent believe humans "evolved over millions of years from other forms of life and God guided" the process. Twelve percent say humans "have evolved over millions of years from other forms of life, but God has no part." The poll of...
  • Aid is Not the Answer to Poverty

    08/03/2005 11:04:35 AM PDT · by Stirner · 13 replies · 761+ views
    The Australian ^ | 8/3/05 | Greg Sheridan
    WE'RE rich because they're poor. No proposition is more central to the left-wing view of the world than the idea that the rich West survives in its comfort because it exploits the poor in the Third World. A variation on this lies at the heart even of much Islamist terrorist ideology. The utterly ridiculous Peter Singer even wrote a book purporting to work out how many dollars the rich world should pay to the poor to make it rich too.
  • Inherit the Windbags: Pushing Ideology into Classrooms-(IntelDesign disturbs Planned Parenthood!)

    06/30/2005 10:35:00 PM PDT · by CHARLITE · 23 replies · 711+ views
    PLANNED PARENTHOOD.ORG ^ | JUNE 30, 2005 | Eric Plosky
    When it comes to the classroom, religious extremists have an ambitious agenda: to replace science with ideology at every opportunity. As if denying even that their own ideas can evolve, they've recently taken up their dusty arms against an old, familiar issue — the teaching of evolution in public schools. New Name, Same Agenda The supposed rival to the theory of evolution — creationism — now goes by the new name of "intelligent design." Just as with other phrases (like the Bush administration favorite, "culture of life"), the name change is merely the latest tactic in an ongoing strategy by...