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  • Six SEALs sue AP, reporter

    12/28/2004 10:03:56 PM PST · by kattracks · 26 replies · 2,897+ views
    Washington Times ^ | 12/29/04 | Jennifer Harper
    Six Navy SEALs filed a lawsuit against the Associated Press and one of its reporters yesterday, saying the news organization revealed their identities, compromised their security and invaded their privacy by publishing personal photographs in a Dec. 4 story.     The complaint says AP reporter Seth Hettena used about 40 images from the personal photo-storage Web site of a Navy SEAL wife. [snip] The images were picked up by the Arab press, including Al Jazeera, and have made their way onto a billboard outside U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where detainees from the war on terror are being kept. The...
  • Free Republic "Bump List" Register

    09/30/2001 4:46:44 AM PDT · by John Robinson · 191 replies · 12,118+ views
    I have created a public register of "bump lists" here on Free Republic. I define a bump list as a name listed in the "To" field used to index articles. Free Republic Bump List Register
  • Secretary Rumsfeld White House Radio Days Interviews

    01/23/2004 11:22:22 PM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 202+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 1/24/04 | Rumsfeld, media
    January 21, 2004 (Interview with Marc Bernier, WNDB, Daytona Beach, Fla.) Q: Welcome to the Mark Bernier Show, sir. Rumsfeld: Thank you, I'm delighted to be here. Q: I have to say one of my prized possessions is a letter from you in [1996], we spoke on the radio and you were stumping for Bob Dole in the private sector working for the Banking institute of Chicago, I think it was. Were you in the private sector with (Inaudible.)? Rumsfeld: William Blair. Thank you, it's nice to see you. Q: You've done a great job. And I've got to tell...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld briefs on Senate Intelligence and Operations

    01/22/2004 7:18:39 PM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 178+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 1/22/04 | Rumsfeld
    Secretary Rumsfeld briefs on Senate Intelligence and Operations Chairman Warner: The Secretary and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who will join us momentarily, had a very good briefing with the (inaudible) United States Senate. With that, Mr. Secretary if you'd like to take a few questions or make a few comments. Rumsfeld: Well, it's January and Happy New Year everybody! We're back. We're back at it hard and just had an excellent meeting. I'd be happy to respond to questions. Q: Mr. Secretary, it was reported in the Guardian Newspaper that Jack Straw has been pressing the U.S. government...
  • Defense Department Operational Briefing

    01/13/2004 7:01:53 PM PST · by Hipixs · 4 replies · 128+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 1/13/04 | RUMSFELD, PACE, media
    (Participating was Gen. Peter Pace, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.) SEC. RUMSFELD: Good afternoon. Since the United States came under attack on September 11th, coalition forces have removed two terrorist regimes, hunted down Saddam Hussein and roughly two-thirds of known senior al Qaeda operatives, broken up terrorist cells on several continents, and undoubtedly prevented other terrorist attacks. These are important achievements which demonstrate the talent and courage of our forces, the breadth of our efforts. One result has been an increased so-called operational tempo of the force. The tempo has increased significantly. We hope and believe that the...
  • DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers

    01/06/2004 4:41:37 PM PST · by Hipixs · 2 replies · 108+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 1/6/04 | Rumsfeld, Myers, media
    (Participating were Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Photos taken during the briefing are available at,, and Rumsfeld: Good afternoon, and happy New Year to everyone. I hope everyone had a good holiday and is all rested up for the year ahead. The last year was a busy one for all of us, certainly those of us in the department, as well as all of you covering it. And I suspect that the coming year will be a equally busy one....
  • Defense Department Operational Update Briefing

    12/23/2003 3:19:32 PM PST · by Hipixs · 2 replies · 122+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/23/03 | RUMSFELD, MYERS, media
    (Participating; Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) Gen. Myers (?): We've been walking for -- (inaudible.) Sec. Rumsfeld: We're here! (Laughter.) (Laughs.) What a jaunt! Q: This doesn't mean less briefings though, right? Sec. Rumsfeld: No! Whatever. (Laughter.) Q: Get one of those electric cars. Sec. Rumsfeld: (Laughs.) Well, good afternoon. This is -- I like to know what's behind me -- this is the first briefing we've had here in this new studio. It looks about the same. Some of the faces are the same, I see. The holidays are upon us, and that certainly is...
  • Defense Department Operational Update Briefing

    12/16/2003 7:14:07 PM PST · by Hipixs · 3 replies · 112+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/16/03 | RUMSFELD, PACE, media
    Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:27 p.m. EST Defense Department Operational Update Briefing (Participating was Gen. Pace, Joint Chief of Staffs Vice Chairman.) SEC. RUMSFELD: They tell me this could be the last press briefing in this studio. Is that possible? Q It is. SEC. RUMSFELD: You mean until it's painted, or permanently? STAFF: Probably for about three or four years, anyway. SEC. RUMSFELD: (Laughs.) Oh, then it's not the last -- (Cross-talk.) SEC. RUMSFELD: No problem. Strike everything after "good afternoon." Yeah. These have been important days for the Iraqi people. Seven months ago, statues of Saddam Hussein were pulled...
  • Exclusive: Rumsfeld On Saddam

    12/15/2003 6:52:56 AM PST · by Hipixs · 11 replies · 207+ views Minutes ^ | 12/15/03 | Rumsfeld, Stahl
    Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld talks to 60 Minutes in his first interview since Saddam's capture.  (CBS) President Bush got the first word that U.S. Forces believed they had Saddam in custody from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Secretary Rumsfeld talks to Lesley Stahl about what the capture of Saddam Hussein means for the future of American presence in Iraq and what it also means for the Iraqi people. Lesley Stahl: Mr. Secretary, thank you very much for joining us this evening. I guess the big question today is, does the capture of Saddam Hussein now mean, Mission Accomplished? Secretary Rumsfeld:Well, certainly...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks to the National Conference of State Legislatures

    12/12/2003 1:29:28 PM PST · by Hipixs · 6 replies · 147+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/12/03 | Rumsfeld
    Friday, December 12, 2003 10:03 a.m. EST Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks to the National Conference of State Legislatures Rumsfeld: Thank you. Thank you so much, Speaker Stevens (sp). Ladies and gentlemen, I -- San Francisco would have been kind of nice, now -- (Laughter.) -- now that I think about it. It is a pleasure to be with you. I appreciate the support that the people here and throughout the country provide to our armed forces. I know that many of you have supported resolutions in the legislatures supporting the troops. Still others encourage local communities to provide support and assistance...
  • Defense Department Operational Update Briefing

    12/09/2003 5:04:50 PM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 137+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/9/03 | RUMSFELD, MYERS, Media
    SEC. RUMSFELD: Good afternoon. First, let me express the chairman and my condolences to the families of those civilian casualties last weekend in Afghanistan. Our forces take great care to avoid civilian casualties, and needless to say, they and we deeply regret it. I returned Sunday from NATO meetings in Brussels and meetings in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iraq. Azerbaijan and Georgia are important partners in the global war on terror. Each have indicated a desire to strengthen their ties to NATO and to further link their countries to the West. In Georgia, the transition leaders are working to...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability in Baghdad

    12/06/2003 8:57:34 PM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 105+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/6/03 | Rumsfeld
    Secretary Rumsfeld: You've had a chance to see the situation up north and how the Iraqi security forces are being integrated into the security activities in this country. Down here you've had a chance to see some of the actual training of the ICDC -- the civil defense elements. We are working hard on it and investing in it. We have wonderful people training them, and they are increasingly taking over responsibility for security in this country. We've gone from, I guess, zero, in probaby around June first to here in early December something in excess of 140,000 Iraqis...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability in Afghanistan

    12/05/2003 7:35:52 AM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 142+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/5/03 | Rumsfeld, media
    Thursday, December 4, 2003 Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability in Afghanistan (Press availability at the U.K. Provincial Reconstruction Team Headquarters, Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan.) Q: This resurgence of Taliban activity in the south -- are you afraid that the Taliban are trying to make a comeback? Rumsfeld: Am I afraid that the Taliban are trying to make a comeback? No, it is no great surprise that those who have been defeated and removed would like to come back. That's always been the case and they will not have that opportunity. To the extent that they assemble in anything more than ones and twos...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout with Traveling Press

    12/02/2003 12:54:21 PM PST · by Hipixs · 2 replies · 147+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/2/03 | Rumsfeld, media
    SECRETARY RUMSFELD: We are almost completed. I've got bilaterals left. We've had a very successful meeting, set of meetings. We've made progress on the NATO-Afghanistan relationship. It's pretty clear to me that either the requirements for the NATO-ISAF role have been filled or they are close to being filled. There may be one or two minor pieces left. There have been discussions about expanding NATO's role in Afghanistan and we expect that there will be some both NATO and probably non-NATO Provincial Reconstruction Teams that will end up being established over a period of time. The Chemical and Biological...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Press Conference from Brussels, Belgium

    12/02/2003 9:36:38 AM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 122+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/2/03 | Rumsfeld, Pace, media
    Monday, December 1, 2003 Secretary Rumsfeld Press Conference from Brussels, Belgium (Also participating was Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.) Rumsfeld: Good afternoon. I'm Don Rumsfeld and this is General Pete Pace who is the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States. In the 12 months since the Prague Summit NATO has experienced probably more positive change than in perhaps any ten-year period in its history. Seven new members have been invited to join the Alliance. NATO made the decision to stand up a NATO Response Force, an important decision...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability

    12/01/2003 11:59:36 AM PST · by Hipixs · 3 replies · 144+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 12/1/03 | Rumsfeld, media
    Sunday, November 30, 2003 4:15 p.m. EST Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability Rumsfeld: Welcome to Brussels. We had an excellent meeting in Colorado Springs, and indeed we've had a lot of progress since the Prague Summit. We've got seven new members to NATO. We've got the NATO Response Force that's now been partially stood up -- I guess it's accurate to say. We have a Chemical and Biological Battalion that now exists. We've established the Alliance's Transformation Command. We have streamlined the command structure from whatever it was -- 19 or 20 -- now down to 11. That's an impressive accomplishment....
  • Secretary Rumsfeld on Special Defense Department Operational Update

    11/25/2003 3:48:09 PM PST · by Hipixs · 2 replies · 109+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 11/25/03 | Rumsfeld, Myers, media
    (Participating was Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.) SEC. RUMSFELD: Good afternoon. This Thanksgiving we have a great deal to be thankful for; thankful for the brave Americans who serve our country in the global war on terror -- and we pray especially for the families of those who have given their lives; those families can know that millions of Americans will have them in their thoughts and prayers; and thankful for the forces from all of our coalition partners, many of whom have been injured or killed, including the brave Iraqis who have died in the...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Town Hall Meeting

    11/21/2003 5:29:03 PM PST · by Hipixs · 3 replies · 135+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 11/21/03 | Rumsfeld, Myers
    (Participating was Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. Photos can be viewed at.) , , , , ,, , SEC. RUMSFELD: A full house. General Myers, men and women of the Department of Defense, I thank you for being here and for all you do for our country. Next Thursday, Americans all over the world will gather to celebrate with family and friends and give thanks for the blessings of freedom and of life. Thanksgiving is a very special American holiday, first in 1621, I'm told, although I wasn't...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability with Minister Hill

    11/19/2003 5:48:30 PM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 86+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 11/19/03 | Rumsfeld, Hill, media
    Wednesday, November 19, 2003 2:56 p.m. EST Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability with Minister Hill (Also participating Australian Minister of Defense Robert Hill) Sec. Rumsfeld: Well, good afternoon. Q: Good afternoon. Sec. Rumsfeld: The minister of Defense of Australia and I have been visiting, not for the first time by a long sight, but we've had another good visit. He's here in the United States; was in Iraq very recently. As you all know, Australia has been a very close, cooperative partner with the United States in the global war on terror since the outset, and has been enormously helpful in...
  • Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks at the American Chamber of Commerce Joint Breakfast Meeting

    11/18/2003 9:29:06 AM PST · by Hipixs · 1 replies · 132+ views
    Dept of Defense ^ | 11/18/03 | Rumsfeld
    CHAIRMAN PARK YONG-SUNG (KCCI) - Welcoming Remarks (inaudible) SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Thank you very much, Chairman Park and Mr. Jones. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure to be with you. I suspect that the best way to use this time would be for me to make some very brief remarks and then have a discussion or respond to questions. I would be happy to do that. First, let me just make a few comments. I think I first came to Korea in 1974 with President Ford when he visited here. I have been back over the years, from time to...