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  • Clinton Accuser Juanita Broaddrick Thanks Lady Gaga for ‘Overwhelming’ Oscar Performance

    03/02/2016 3:11:18 PM PST · by Clintonfatigued · 9 replies
    Briebart News ^ | March 1, 2016 | Daniel Nussbaum
    Thank you to Lady Gaga for her performance and tribute to victims of sexual abuse. It was overwhelming!
  • Clinton Rape Accuser Thanks Lady Gaga For ‘Overwhelming’ Performance

    02/29/2016 6:16:27 PM PST · by GrandJediMasterYoda · 8 replies ^ | 2/29/16 | Kaitlan Collins
    Clinton Rape Accuser Thanks Lady Gaga For ‘Overwhelming’ Performance A woman who accused Bill Clinton of rape thanked Lady Gaga for her “overwhelming” Oscars performance Sunday night. Juanita Broaddrick is the Arkansas woman who says Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, and on Twitter Monday, Broaddrick thanked Gaga for her performance that was dedicated to victims of sexual assault. (RELATED: Here’s What Kevin Hart Told The Black Actors Who Weren’t Nominated For An Oscar) “Thank you to Lady Gaga for her performance and tribute to victims of sexual abuse,” Broaddrick tweeted. “It was overwhelming.” Read more:

    02/29/2016 5:24:42 AM PST · by george76 · 102 replies
    FrontPage Magazine ^ | February 28, 2016 | Daniel Greenfield
    One of the few interesting items in the New York Times' whitewash of Hillary and Obama's illegal Libyan war is the confirmation of weapons shipments. ... The story blames the problem on Qatar aiding Jihadists and Obama's unwillingness to defy the terror oil state. But the claim that we had to arm terrorists to fight Qatar's arming of terrorists doesn't hold up too well. Furthermore we already know that US forces were told to turn a blind eye to Qatar's weapons shipments. We could have blocked them instead. ... Qatar was backing the Muslim Brotherhood. Just like Hillary and Obama.
  • VIDEO: Papers shake in Bill Clinton's hand as he accuses Sanders supporters of 'sexism'

    02/08/2016 8:21:05 AM PST · by Kaslin · 57 replies
    The American Mirror ^ | February 8, 2016 | Olaf Ekberg
    An increasingly geriatric Bill Clinton is upping his attacks on the 74-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders, and is attempting to link anonymous internet "trolls" to Hillary's rival. Holding apparent print outs of internet comments, Clinton escalated his attacks on his wife's opponent in Milford, New Hampshire Sunday night. Bill Clinton Takes Aim at Bernie Sanders "For her, this is not about grand revolution. This is about whether can improve peoples lives," Clinton said with a frail voice. "Vicious trolling," he dubbed apparent comments made towards female Clinton supporters, "that are literally too profane often - not to mention sexist - to...
  • MSNBC Host Tees Off on Feminists Who Support Hillary Clinton but Not Monica Lewinsky

    02/08/2016 8:43:12 AM PST · by McGruff · 43 replies
    The Blaze ^ | February 8, 2015 | Mike Opelka
    Recent controversial statements from feminist icon Gloria Steinem and former Secretary of State Madeline Albright sparked MSNBC's Joe Scarborough to unleash a rant against feminists who did not stand up for people like Monica Lewinsky. The "Morning Joe" panel was discussing a recent statement Steinem made on Bill Maher's HBO show (and her subsequent apology posted on Facebook) about young women who follow Bernie Sanders and Albright's warning of a "special place in hell" for women who do not help other women. Scarborough began his rant with the question, "Where were these women in 1998 when a young 22-yr-old intern...
  • Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Admires Trump

    02/04/2016 2:36:35 PM PST · by detective · 46 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | 02/04/2016
    Kathleen Willey, a former White House aide who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, told The Daily Caller Wednesday of the tactics she believes Hillary used to order the suppression of her deposition and how she admires Donald Trump. Despite Hillary's claims that she is a running a campaign of “love and kindness,” Willey told us during the months leading up to her deposition, "all I felt was fear and terror."
  • Hillary Clinton: I Was Never Friends With Donald Trump

    02/03/2016 1:01:49 PM PST · by drewh · 44 replies
    CNN ^ | 2:49 PM ET, Wed February 3, 2016 | By Gregory Krieg
    Hillary Clinton wants to makes something very clear about her and Donald Trump: "We were not friends." "We knew each other, obviously, in New York," she told People magazine in an interview released on Wednesday. "I knew a lot of people." With daughter Chelsea by her side, the former secretary of state dismissed Trump's recent comments about her husband's infidelity. Trump has said that former President Bill Clinton is "one of the great abusers" of women. Clinton shrugged off Trump's comments as "politics," though not "the brand I approve of."
  • ‘Pro-Rape’ Blogger Organizes Meeting for Men Across U.S., Including Oklahoma City

    02/03/2016 11:19:12 AM PST · by nickcarraway · 59 replies
    KFOR ^ | FEBRUARY 3, 2016 | K. QUERRY
    Police departments and leaders across the globe are taking a stand against a controversial group. Return of Kings is known as a group for “masculine men” and complains about the rise of feminism and the loss of ‘traditional sex roles.’ The group’s leader, Daryush Valizadeh, has written articles stating that rape should be legal on private property. Others in the group claim that women should not be allowed to vote, among other beliefs. The group announced recently that it would be holding 165 meetings in 43 countries as part of its ‘international meetup day’ on Feb. 6 at 8 p.m....
  • Fox News: Contacts in the FBI and DOJ are 'Super Pissed Off' at the White House

    01/30/2016 9:36:54 AM PST · by Signalman · 54 replies
    PJ Media ^ | 1/30/2016 | Debra Heine
    According to Fox News' chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge, her contacts in the FBI and DOJ are "super pissed off" at what White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said about Hillary Clinton's email problems Friday. "That's not something I'm worried about," he told reporters at the daily briefing. Earnest threw cold water on predictions that Hillary Clinton will face a Justice Department indictment for mishandling classified information on her private and unsecure email server while secretary of State.. "That will be a decision that will be made by the Department of Justice," he said. "Some officials have said she is...
  • Is Bloomberg out to ruin Hillary Clinton’s party?

    01/24/2016 6:08:51 AM PST · by RoosterRedux · 31 replies ^ | Ellen Clegg
    With polls showing a surge by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in early-voting states, billionaire Michael Bloomberg is weighing a presidential bid as an independent, third-party candidate, the New York Times reported Saturday. Bloomberg, the popular former mayor of New York City, has sent up trial balloons before. But this time he seems concerned enough about the rise of candidates on the fringes of both parties - and Hillary Clinton's weakness in Iowa and New Hampshire - to assemble advisers and set down plans. In fact, Bloomberg is reportedly even studying up on past third-party runs by H. Ross Perot...
  • Donald Trump noticeably absent from GOP candidates standing for life on anniversary of Roe

    01/24/2016 2:09:17 AM PST · by Sun · 133 replies
    Live Action News ^ | Jan. 22, 2016 | Kristi Burton Brown
    On the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, many GOP presidential contenders were not silent. While Democrats Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton continue to defend the horrors of abortion, Republicans Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina, and Ben Carson took to social media. Recognizing the tragedy of over 58 million lives lost, these candidates explained why they stand for life. Donald Trump, however, has been silent on abortion, the March for Life, and Roe v. Wade all day. He is the only GOP front runner to avoid making a statement. Issues concerning Trump’s pro-abortion past continue...
  • Whoopi Threatens To Leave U.S. Over Trump: "You Can't Blame Immigrants For Country's Problems"

    01/20/2016 12:53:36 PM PST · by Biggirl · 158 replies ^ | January 20, 2016 | Pam Key
    Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump needs to “stop blaming” others for the problems in America and threatened to “move” out of the country.
  • How Sexual Predator Bill Clinton Raped Juanita Broaddrick [Video]

    01/16/2016 4:40:49 PM PST · by conservative98 · 14 replies
    YouTube ^ | Jan 8, 2016 | Women VS Hillary
    How Sexual Predator Bill Clinton Raped Juanita Broaddrick
  • NBC Scrapped Story About Bill Clinton Rape Accuser Because She Didn’t Have 'Anything New' To Say

    01/15/2016 4:22:44 AM PST · by Zakeet · 33 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | January 15, 2016 | Chuck Ross
    NBC News journalists - including veteran reporter Andrea Mitchell - conducted interviews last week with Juanita Broaddrick, the Arkansas woman who says Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, but decided not to go forward with a story, claiming that there was not "anything new" to report. "When Juanita Broaddrick went public last week, NBC News sent an associate producer to Arkansas to see if there was anything new in her story. We established there was not, and decided not to pursue it any further," an NBC spokesperson told Buzzfeed News. Broaddrick, a 73-year-old retired nursing home administrator, spoke out on...
  • Hillary Clinton Says Trump's Attacks Against Bill Clinton's Past 'Won’t Work'

    01/11/2016 2:02:43 AM PST · by nikos1121 · 45 replies
    abc news ^ | 1/10/2016 | Liz Kreutz
    Hillary Clinton warned Sunday that Donald Trump's latest attacks about the controversies of her husband's past are a "dead end" that "won’t work." "They can say whatever they want, more power to them. I think it's a dead end, but let 'em go," when asked whether it is fair game for candidates to go after Bill Clinton's infidelities. "They can do it again if they want to. That can be their choice as to how to run in this campaign. Didn't work before. It won't work again," she added. "I'm going to talk about the differences between us because I...
  • First Lady Launches Counterattack (1998 repeat)

    01/10/2016 7:14:27 PM PST · by Utilizer · 18 replies
    WaPo ^ | Wednesday, January 28, 1998; Page A01 | David Maraniss
    First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday launched a vigorous counterattack on behalf of her husband's beleaguered presidency, declaring that the president is the victim of a "politically motivated" prosecutor allied with a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Using a nationally televised interview as her forum, she assumed a familiar and crucial role as Bill Clinton's first defender. She said she knew him better than anyone in the world, still loved him, and fully believed his denial of allegations that he had entered into a sexual relationship with a White House intern and had urged the young woman to lie about it. The...
  • Leo, Hillary and Their Bears (Maureen Dowd savages Hillary)

    01/10/2016 11:45:29 AM PST · by springwater13 · 27 replies
    So he's wielding his knife on her most sensitive pressure point: her hypocrisy in running as a feminist icon when she was part of political operations that smeared women who told the truth about Bill's transgressions. Hillary told friends that Monica was a "troubled young person" getting ministered to by Bill and a "narcissistic loony toon." Hillary's henchman Sidney Blumenthal spread around the story that Monica was a stalker and Charlie Rangel publicly slandered the intern as a fantasist who wasn't playing with "a full deck." Trump may be a politically incorrect Frank Sinatra ring-a-ding type with cascading marriages to...
  • EXCLUSIVE Kathleen Willey Thanks Donald Trump

    01/10/2016 9:54:04 AM PST · by GrandJediMasterYoda · 19 replies ^ | 1/10/15 | Breibart
    EXCLUSIVE–Kathleen Willey Thanks Donald Trump for Highlighting Bill Clinton’s History with Women, Urges More Victims to Come Forward Kathleen Willey, one of the women who famously accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, and has said she suffered acts of intimidation to silence her, used a radio interview on Sunday to broadcast a message to other possible female victims of Bill Clinton. Stated Willey: I would just like to encourage any woman who has suffered at the hands of Bill Clinton to please try to find the courage and bravery to come forth. Because it’s okay now. Nobody can hurt you...
  • Hillary Clinton Should Stop Excusing Juanita Broaddrick's Sexual Assault

    01/10/2016 8:53:56 AM PST · by jimbo123 · 13 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 1/8/16 | Holly Scheer
    Juanita Broaddrick recently opened up on Twitter over her sexual assault by Bill Clinton and Hillary's dismissal of her suffering. If Hillary Clinton wants to champion women's rights, she should stop excusing the sexual predation of her husband, former president Bill Clinton. For someone so interested in combating the so-called War on Women, she has failed to address one of the most real issues women face-that of sexual violence. Anyone old enough to remember Clinton's presidency is aware of the scandal and eventual impeachment over his behavior and prevarications on what truth actually is during the Lewinsky affair. In the...
  • MSNBC Spikes Video Of Bill Clinton Being Asked About Juanita Broaddrick

    01/10/2016 8:43:54 AM PST · by jimbo123 · 26 replies
    Fox News ^ | 1/8/16 | Tim Graham
    Conservative journalists simply won't play by the liberal media's bizarre rules about being vague on Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct - especially when asking him a question. On Thursday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Daily Caller's Kerry Picket (an MRC alum) asked the former president directly several times how he felt about "Juanita Broaddrick's reemergence."