Free Republic 1st Qtr 2025 Fundraising Target: $81,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $7,623
Woo hoo!! And our first 9% is in!! Thank you all very much!! Happy New Year, everyone!!

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  • Conservatives As Revolutionaries: How To Fight When You’re An Alien In Your Own Land

    10/29/2021 8:37:19 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 32 replies
    The Federalist ^ | October 29, 2021 | Christopher Bedford
    Today, the left is better at revolutionary ideas, in part because they’re willing to be revolutionary in their thinking and in their governing.The story of the past 100-plus years is the story of the rout of American conservatism — and the near complete and total takeover of the country and its Commanding Heights by a cadre of highly intelligent, determined, and ruthless individuals. How did the century begin? The left started from a humble base: a few people here and there, but certainly not dominating the levers of society. They were scattered about entertainment and Congress, and only truly formidable...