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Keyword: nationbuilding

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  • How to lose friends and alienate people: Richard Holbrooke was a past master

    05/12/2019 11:14:42 AM PDT · by billorites · 14 replies
    Spectator ^ | May 11, 2019 | Jonathan Powell
    You may ask yourself, is it worth one of the best American non-fiction writers producing a book of just under 600 pages on an arrogant and abrasive egotist whose highest sustained rank in the State Department was that of a lowly assistant secretary? The answer is unabashedly yes. This is a remarkable work about a remarkable, if deeply flawed, statesman whose career was intimately intertwined with the 50 years of American decline from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Nearly all biographies have long, boring stretches you want to skip. This one has none. The access to Richard Holbrooke’s papers and to the...
  • Nation Building’s Last Stand In Gaza

    05/28/2024 10:25:34 AM PDT · by Rev M. Bresciani · 21 replies
    New American Prophet ^ | May 28, 2024 | Daniel Greenfield
    Rafah isn’t just the last stand for Hamas, but for an entire foreign policy establishment. The desperate effort to keep Israeli soldiers from going into the last Gaza stronghold of the Islamic terrorist organization is about more than the sum of the geopolitical parts. After nation building failed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and everywhere else it’s been tried, the radioactive ‘Palestinian’ nation building experiment from over 30 years ago is its last hope.
  • Nation Building’s Last Stand in Gaza

    05/27/2024 4:10:54 AM PDT · by Chad C. Mulligan · 32 replies
    Sultan Knish ^ | 27 May 2024 | Daniel Greenfield
    Rafah isn’t just the last stand for Hamas, but for an entire foreign policy establishment. The desperate effort to keep Israeli soldiers from going into the last Gaza stronghold of the Islamic terrorist organization is about more than the sum of the geopolitical parts. After nation building failed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and everywhere else it’s been tried, the radioactive ‘Palestinian’ nation building experiment from over 30 years ago is its last hope. Long before George W. Bush tackled nation building after 9/11, his father began the era of turning Muslim terrorist groups into countries with the project to give...
  • Raid Russia’s ‘huge pot of gold’? Europe grapples over confiscating frozen assets to pay for rebuilding Ukraine

    10/25/2022 2:17:16 PM PDT · by dennisw · 78 replies
    MSN ^ | 10-25 | Christiaan Hetzner
    Can Brussels raid the tens of billions of euros in Russian assets frozen by the European Union to pay for Ukraine’s recovery? This thorny legal question is currently under examination by the EU Commission as the cash-strapped bloc looks for potentially €18 billion ($18 billion) next year to keep Ukraine afloat as it fends off Moscow’s invasion. Ursula von der Leyen, the EU Commission's president, told reporters on Tuesday in Berlin that she had set up a task force to both map what assets exist as well as the preconditions that must be met to seize them. “The will is...
  • No to Neoconservatism

    05/24/2022 7:19:25 PM PDT · by PK1991 · 19 replies
    Compact Magazine ^ | 5/24/2022 | Josh Hawley
    "Not so long ago, Republicans said they had sworn off nation-building. Following the failure of the neoconservative project in Iraq and Afghanistan, GOP leaders seemed to have learned their lesson. But apparently not. Now nation-building is back with force, with a massive aid package to Ukraine that makes that country a US client state. Up next: a debate over expanding NATO. Many Republicans in Congress have already lined up to support both, almost reflexively. Why?"
  • No, Biden Can’t Blame Trump For The Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster

    08/16/2021 6:59:50 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 33 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 08/16/2021 | Margot Cleveland
    While the Biden administration has already attempted to shift blame to Donald Trump for the scenes coming out of Afghanistan, Biden owns both the decision to leave and the catastrophic withdrawal he oversaw as commander-in-chief.“When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. forces,” Biden said in a statement released Saturday.“Therefore, when I became President, I faced a choice — follow...
  • The ‘Root Causes’ Of The Migrant Crisis Are Biden’s Border Policies

    06/10/2021 6:21:37 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 15 replies
    The Federalist ^ | June 10, 20, 2021 | John Daniel Davidson
    In the aftermath of Vice President Kamala Harris’s embarrassing trip to Guatemala and Mexico, we need to be clear about what triggered the crisis at the border.Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t need to visit Guatemala and Mexico this week to discover the “root causes” of illegal immigration, or, as she put it, “understand that there’s a reason people are arriving at our border, and ask what is that reason and then identify the problem so we can fix it.” The reason migrants are arriving at our southwest border in near-record numbers — the “root cause,” if you will — is...
  • Don’t Repeat The Last Two Decades Of Foreign Policy Idiocies With Iran

    01/03/2020 7:43:00 AM PST · by Kaslin · 48 replies
    The Federalist ^ | January 3, 2020 | Sumantra Maitra
    The best way to neutralize Iran is to have them overstretch. An older, forgotten grand strategy where adversaries bleed each other is in the Western interest. Here’s all one needs to know about what is happening in Iraq: As France 24 reported, “Iraqi security forces made no effort to stop the protesters as they marched to the heavily-fortified Green Zone after a funeral held for those killed in the US air strikes, letting them pass through a security checkpoint leading to the area.” Consider that for a moment, and let the anger surge through your veins.These are the same people...
  • Democrats attack Trump 24/7. Ideas for moving the country forward?

    08/31/2018 4:04:28 AM PDT · by MeneMeneTekelUpharsin · 9 replies
    Street Talk | 31 August 2018 | Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin
    I stopped at a gas station yesterday. An older lady was pumping gas and we got into a conversation about what is going on in this country. On Trump, she remarked sadly that he is under relentless, constant attack. I mentioned something about consequences to all of that and the nation would fall if the other side got their way and we parted ways. After thinking about that talk, it occurred to me that Democrats (including McCain) could not come up with meaningful ideas to move this nation foward. All they talk about doing is letting more immigrants in (for...
  • This pic convinced Trump to keep US troops in Afghanistan

    08/22/2017 10:55:08 AM PDT · by bryan999 · 110 replies
    National ​security adviser HR McMaster used a 1972 photo of Afghan women wearing miniskirts to help convince President Trump to stay the course in Afghanistan, according to a report on Tuesday. ​McMaster showed the president a black-and-white photograph of three women walking down a Kabul street in miniskirts to ​convince him that Western culture had once thrived in Afghanistan and could again, the Washington Post reported. The photo was among the arguments the president’s staff used to make the case that he should not pull troops from Afghanistan – the site of America’s longest war, the newspaper said. In a...
  • Cable News Networks (FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc) Think Syria Attack May Be Underway

    04/06/2017 6:12:03 PM PDT · by Strac6 · 179 replies
    FOX cut away from O'Reily and went live with Shep at :48 after the hour. Dropped all commercials. Other nets are going with all talking heads, but not following the show formats promoted earlier tonight. It's now still 4:10 AM in Syria, plenty of time for cruise missiles to impact if they had been fired from US ships in Med. Nothing confirmed, but "the natives are restless"
  • CENTCOM chief: 'Vital US interests at stake' in Yemen

    03/31/2017 1:09:00 PM PDT · by Lorianne · 28 replies
    source content cannot be posted due to copyright issues | 29 March 2017
    see link in post below
  • New War In Africa? Al-Shabab In Somalia Must Be Dealt With, US General Says

    The U.S. military has requested that the White House grant it more freedom in its approach to fighting a terror group that has been wreaking havoc in North Africa in recent years, reported. Aggressions by the al-Shabab militant group in Somalia could erupt into an all-out war, but the head of U.S. Africa Command was looking for ways to avoid turning the country into a "free-fire zone," he said Friday. Specifically, Marine Gen. Thomas Waldhauser was looking for "a little bit more flexibility" to "process targets in a more rapid fashion," he told reporters at the Pentagon. That "flexibility"...
  • The Never-Ending War in Afghanistan

    03/13/2017 1:14:55 PM PDT · by Theoria · 33 replies
    The New York Times ^ | 13 March 2017 | Andrew J. Bacevich
    Remember Afghanistan? The longest war in American history? Ever? When it comes to wars, we Americans have a selective memory. The Afghan war, dating from October 2001, has earned the distinction of having been forgotten while still underway. President Trump’s Inaugural Address included no mention of Afghanistan. Nor did his remarks last month at a joint session of Congress. For the new commander in chief, the war there qualifies at best as an afterthought — assuming, that is, he has thought about it all. A similar attitude prevails on Capitol Hill. Congressional oversight has become pro forma. Last week Gen....
  • A Memo to the Next President on Winning in Afghanistan

    12/11/2016 11:18:56 PM PST · by jcon40 · 25 replies
    War on the Rocks ^ | Dec 9, 2016 | Joseph Collins
    Mr. President-Elect: Neither you nor Secretary Clinton said much in the campaign about the war in Afghanistan. I don’t blame you. It’s a complex issue, and there was no electoral payoff in it. In the last four years, America’s policy in practice has been to “not lose” in Afghanistan with the least amount of expenditures possible. Washington’s uncertain trumpet has encouraged the Taliban to fight harder and for Pakistan to help them. In the ensuing chaos, both al Qaeda and the self-proclaimed Islamic State have stronger positions in Afghanistan than they did just a few years ago. This is, in...
  • The Afghan War Quagmire

    09/18/2016 9:19:14 PM PDT · by Theoria · 15 replies
    The New York Times ^ | 17 September 2016 | The New York Times
    Eight years ago, President Obama pledged to wind down the war in Iraq and redouble efforts to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. “As president, I will make the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban the top priority that it should be,” he said during a campaign speech. “This is a war that we have to win.” Lasting peace, Mr. Obama said, would depend on not only defeating the Taliban but helping “Afghans grow their economy from the bottom up.” He added, “We cannot lose Afghanistan to a future of narco-terrorism.” Now, at the twilight of his presidency, these goals...
  • Islam, 'Mindslaughter,' and the Catastrophic 'Lewis Doctrine'

    08/31/2016 7:34:44 PM PDT · by MtnClimber · 3 replies
    PJ Media ^ | 22 Aug, 2016 | ANDREW G. BOSTOM
    The following is the text of a speech delivered August 21, 2016 at the American Freedom Alliance conference in Los Angeles entitled: “Islam and Western Civilization: Can They Co-Exist?” Col. Douglas MacGregor is a respected military strategist who was a heroic tank commander during the 1991 Iraq war. As the Gen McChrystal scandal broke in 2010, Col MacGregor, who attended West Point with McChrystal, and was angered by the US military’s disastrous Iraq and Afghanistan “nation building” efforts, commented accurately: The idea that we are going to spend a trillion dollars to reshape the culture of the Islamic world is...
  • Trump to lay out plan for combating radical Islamic terrorism

    08/15/2016 4:02:12 AM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 27 replies
    CNN ^ | August 15, 2016 | Jeremy Diamond
    (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday will lay out his strategy for defeating radical Islamic terrorism, painting the fight as an ideological struggle on par with that of the Cold War. In Ohio, the Republican presidential nominee will lay out proposals to combat ISIS and prevent terrorist attacks in the US, including banning individuals from countries with heavy terrorist footprints where the US government cannot adequately vet visa applicants and increasing cooperation with willing Middle Eastern allies, a senior Trump campaign official said. Trump is also set to make clear in his prepared remarks that the US will abandon any ambitions for...
  • Woodrow Wilson Center: ‘Giant Number of Refugees’ Are Result of Climate Change

    06/25/2016 8:48:02 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 42 replies
    Cybercast News Service ^ | June 24, 2016 | 5:05 PM EDT | Penny Starr
    During an event at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on Thursday to discuss how women are disproportionately affected by climate change in developing countries, Jane Harman, president and CEO of the center, said that many of the refugees around the globe today are being displaced by climate change. Harman said it is in the interest of the United States to “build resilience” in these countries to prevent migration and even terrorism. “It seems to me that the U.S. has a direct interest in building government capacity, which will build resilience in the countries you’re talking about,” Harman said....
  • Cruz: No More Nation Building [VIDEO]

    10/18/2015 8:47:25 AM PDT · by Isara · 35 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | 10/18/2015 | Steve Guest
    Ted Cruz says that in Afghanistan, “I don’t believe we should be engaged in nation building.”Cruz, appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, blasted Barack Obama’s Afghanistan decision, insisting, “It’s a recognition that what the President has been saying for years, that Al Qaeda is decimated was never true. That it was political spin.” “The reality is we live in an incredibly dangerous world and sadly the failures of the Obama/Clinton foreign policy have made the dangers greater,” Cruz claimed.Todd later asked Cruz, “If you become President though, you’re gonna keep this policy in place of keeping those troops there...