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  • Another Mistake in The New York Times

    02/05/2011 9:49:18 AM PST · by JohnRLott · 65 replies
    Fox News ^ | February 5, 2011 | John R. Lott Jr.
    Since the tragedy in Tucson, the New York Times has started an all-out campaign for gun control, with a relentless number of pieces -- news, editorials, and op-eds. In its advocacy, even the news stories are heavily biased by selectively quoting only academics who support pro-gun control positions. These seemingly unbiased sources are then contrasted with opposing views from clearly biased people on the other side, such as an NRA spokesman or a right-wing politician. The implied conclusion: scientific evidence favors gun control, but self-interest stands in the way. Take two recent news stories by Michael Luo (here and here)....
  • NYT Frets Over 'Racially Divisive' Anti-Obama Ad in NC

    04/24/2008 11:39:45 AM PDT · by LJayne · 25 replies · 45+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | 4/24/08 | Clay Waters
    New York Times reporter Michael Luo wrung his hands Thursday about a potentially racially divisive ad from the North Carolina Republican party that linked two Democrats running for governor to Sen. Barack Obama and his hate-mongering former pastor Jeremiah Wright. Despite objections from Senator John McCain, the North Carolina Republican Party is planning to roll out a television advertisement on Monday attacking two Democrats who are running for governor by linking them to Senator Barack Obama and playing a clip of his former pastor excoriating the United States. The release of the commercial, which Republican officials in North Carolina said...