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Keyword: lousycongress

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  • Rand Paul Just Short of Forcing Vote on Audit the Fed Bill

    07/27/2016 2:57:01 PM PDT · by HomerBohn · 11 replies
    The New American ^ | 7/27/2016 | Joe Wolverton, II
    Soon, the Federal Reserve could be forced for the first time to open its books and expose its machinations to Congress. Senator Rand Paul (shown, R-Ky.) reports that he is “about seven votes short” of the 60 votes he believes would be procedurally sufficient to get a vote in the Senate. In an interview with Kitco News just moments after he left the stage at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas, Paul explained that while the House of Representatives has passed numerous measures aimed at auditing the Federal Reserve, it is “taking forever in the Senate.” He promises that he will...
  • New Senate Bill “Ramrods U.S. Citizens and Hands Over Their Lands”

    07/20/2016 12:24:16 PM PDT · by HomerBohn · 12 replies
    Right Edition ^ | 7/20/2016 | Jeremiah Johnson
    As it would appear, the Red Hot Chili Peppers gained a new member in their band by the name of Senator Steve Daines (R), Montana. Daines cannot resist giving away what is not his to give away, the norm these days rather than the exception for elected officials. The other “norm” is to keep submitting legislation until they sneak, pass, force, or redact it into law. Daines is a kind of quiet, unassuming man who is conservative at first appearance and first words. He was opposed to the CKST (Consolidated Kootenai & Salish Tribes) Water Compact that has been ratified...
  • The politician and the fascist state

    08/25/2015 3:08:02 AM PDT · by HomerBohn · 9 replies
    Personal Liberty ^ | 8/24/2015 | Bob Livingston
    I have written to you in the past that we must know the mind of government or pay a huge price and perhaps pay with our lives. Ask the people of World War II Germany. They didn’t think that the National Socialists would be too bad. Then they thought that things would get better. Then they lost everything, and many lost their lives. The U.S. today is a fascist state no different from Nazi Germany. The only thing missing is the swastika and the jackboots. American fascism is far advanced from the German National Socialists. The State has had many...
  • Get Ready For House Immigration Gangsters

    04/26/2013 5:51:26 AM PDT · by IbJensen · 10 replies
    Red State ^ | 4/25/2013 | aniel Horowitz
    It looks like we might have to get more conservative-Americans to do the job that the GOP-controlled House won’t do. In what has become a familiar routine, instead of fighting against the heaping pile of immigration deform emanating from the Democrat Senate, House Republicans are looking to tweak it with some honey and sugar in order to inveigle conservatives into eating this excrement sandwich. Whereas Republicans in the Senate outsourced their principles on the issue to Chuck Schumer, some House Republicans are looking to Luis Gutierrez, an even more extreme leftist, for guidance. For months, the House gang of 8,...
  • 25 Signs That The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete

    02/19/2012 5:36:22 AM PST · by IbJensen · 113 replies · 3+ views
    Right Side News ^ | 2/19/2012 | Staff
    The United States of America is becoming more like Nazi Germany every single day. In fact, the Nazification of America is almost complete. The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you. Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany adopted socialism, dramatically increased government spending and raised taxes to astronomical levels. Under Adolf Hitler, abortion became legal in Germany, the...
  • Let’s Throw This Rascal Out

    07/23/2010 4:34:42 AM PDT · by IbJensen · 4 replies · 1+ views
    Personal Liberty Digest ^ | 7/23/2010 | Chip Wood
    If there were any liberal Democrats in the crowd that filled Bally’s Convention Center two weeks ago, they kept a very low profile. Because from the opening bell, the 2,000-plus people attending this year’s FreedomFest crowd made it clear what they wanted: less government, less spending, lower taxes, fewer bureaucrats and no deficits. And they also want every incumbent running for office defeated this year… with the possible exception of Ron Paul. In short, this group wants change. And they were ready to applaud like mad for anyone who promised it. Even the mildest of anti-Obama jokes had them laughing...

    02/18/2006 5:31:00 AM PST · by FerdieMurphy · 104 replies · 2,752+ views
    Sierra Times ^ | 2/18/2006 | Jim Kouri, CPP
    On Thursday, a federal judge decided that Americans' safety and security takes a back-seat to a left-wing groups' right to view and promulgate top secret National Security Agency documents relating to the terrorism surveillance program. In this case, one of the left-wing groups has direct ties to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), who was forced to step down from his perch on the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1987 over allegations he leaked classified information to news reporters. Just one lawyer wearing black robes has usurped the authority of the Commander-in-Chief to wage war as he believes it should be waged. As...