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Keyword: islamconspiracy

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  • Sharia USA: Delaware Radio Host Fired for Islamic Comments

    03/08/2015 12:47:25 PM PDT · by Reverend Saltine · 15 replies ^ | March 8, 2015 | Pamela Geller Sharia USA: Delaware Radio Host Fired for Islamic Comments The norming of sharia. What this radio host said is not unreasonable, and even less grounds for firing, but that is where we are in the US. Perhaps he could have packaged it better, but is that where we are? Yes. Every thought has to be pre-screened and edited for consumption? It’s like we are living in an Islamic country. Shredding the first amendment. Muslim armies across the world are waging holy war in the cause of Islam. The human toll is unfathomable, the body count daily. American Muslims are...
  • Islam and Appeasement

    02/04/2015 3:59:42 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 8 replies ^ | February 3, 2015 | G. Murphy Donovan
    Europe and America are impaled on the horns of a strategic dilemma. On the one hand, the world is besieged by jihadi religious terror, barbarity, and serial wars with jihadists. Concurrently, most of the civilized world defends the very religious cultures, Sunni and Shia Islam especially, where the problems originate. To be clear at the outset; with Islam today, there seems to be less and less daylight between secular and religious imperatives. Theology, for the most part, is the a priori premise for Muslim politics and evangelism, Islamism if you will. Culture proceeds from or is conditioned by religious writ...

    02/04/2015 3:42:54 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 9 replies ^ | February 3, 2015 | Ben Shapiro
    2014 was 'barbaric,' deadly year for journalists On May 19, 2011, President Barack Obama spoke at the State Department about the so-called Arab Spring. He celebrated the “extraordinary change taking place in the Middle East and North Africa.” He also said that the United States had sided with the changes taking place across the region: “There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances self-determination and opportunity…after decades of accepting the world as it is in the region, we have a chance to pursue the world as it should be.” He talked of the...
  • Seattle: Masked Muslims Demand Teacher Who Showed Cartoons Be Fired

    02/03/2015 2:27:42 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 55 replies
    Jihad Watch ^ | February 2, 2015 | Robert Spencer, Anti-Jihad Warrior
    Seattle: Muslims demand teacher be fired for showing Muhammad cartoons SeattleReWaprotestAnd they may get it, as well. Is this America? The surrender to Sharia norms and collapse of a general understanding of the value of the freedom of speech is happening so rapidly, it’s extraordinary. “Somali protestors demand teacher resign over Mohammed cartoons,” by Alex Stonehill and Alex Garland, Seattle Globalist, February 1, 2015 (thanks to Refugee Resettlement Watch): Controversy over cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed hit home in Seattle recently, culminating in a protest outside of southend refugee service provider on Friday. A group of Somali Americans gathered outside...
  • Islamic Indoctrination/Intimidation In U.S. Public Schools: US TARGETS Dissenters! What’s Going On?

    02/03/2015 2:03:02 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 7 replies
    Adina Kutnicki, a ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE Blog ^ | February 3, 2015 | Adina Kutnicki, Israeli-American
    MUCH has been written about the infiltration and penetration of Islam into U.S. (western) public schools. More than a cesspool. Indubitably dangerous. islam-in-schools-2 BUT as is said, “it takes two to tango”, and the dance partners hail from radical reds to Islamist greens. The proofs are manifest and irrefutable. SO to examine how the situation evolved from “under the radar” indoctrination, to ALL OUT threats against students/parents (others as well) who refuse to bow down, it is imperative to internalize who is in league with whom. ON one side of this treacherous anti-American terrain lies the hierarchy of the Muslim...
  • Obama Is Openly Colluding With The Enemy

    02/02/2015 11:09:19 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 33 replies
    American Thinker ^ | February 2, 2015 | James Lewis
    We are in the middle of a hot war in the Middle East, with constant terror attacks all over the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia. The enemy is called violent Islam, or radical Islam, or fascist Islam, or reactionary Islam, or merely "orthodox Islam." We constantly waste time quibbling about the name. But we know the enemy by now. (And yes, there are plenty of Muslims who want peace, but who are too scared to speak out, with some brave exceptions I mention below. As long as the West colludes with violent Islam, peaceful Muslims will be...
  • More Delusional Apologetics for Islam

    02/02/2015 8:41:04 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 11 replies
    Front Page Magazine ^ | February 2, 2015 | Bruce Thornton
    It’s pretty embarrassing when the on-line comments about an article are more logical and knowledgeable than the article. Such is the case with a Wall Street Journal op-ed last week that argued Muslim violence does not reflect traditional Islamic doctrine, but is merely a case of arrested historical development. The whole argument is a tissue of logical fallacies and historical ignorance. The author, a professor of history at Harvard, starts by explaining that Christianity was once violent and intolerant, but changed over time, and thus can provide an example for “modernizing Islam.” But most of his catalogue of Christian violence...
  • Obama Violates Israeli Sovereignty...Arms/Trains...Jihadis...Why?

    02/02/2015 8:13:55 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 4 replies
    Adina Kutnicki, a ZIONIST & Conservative American Blog ^ | February 2, 2015 | Adina Kutnicki, Israeli American
    Obama Inc. Violates Israeli Sovereignty/Agreements: Arms/Trains PA/Hamas Jihadis For US Consulate In Jerusalem! Why? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki (Let us call Barack HUSSEIN Obama by his appropriate name: “Allah’s Muslim Terrorist”!) TO assert that America’s fate is intertwined with Israel’s is hardly an overstatement, nor is it hyperbole. Both are the twin pillars for western civilization. Therefore, it stands to reason that arming and training PA/Hamas aligned “guards” to serve the US Consulate General in Jerusalem is tantamount to stabbing Israel in the back. Literally. Not only that, doing so VIOLATES signed agreements from 2011, as indicated below! SO let...

    02/01/2015 10:23:40 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 80 replies
    Washington Times ^ | February 2, 2015 | Dave Boyer
    Criticized for avoiding the phrase “Islamic extremism,” President Obama said he doesn’t want to alienate the majority of peace-loving Muslims as the U.S. fights to defeat terrorist networks around the world. “I think that for us to be successful in fighting this scourge, it’s very important for us to align ourselves with the 99.9 percent of Muslims who are looking for the same thing we’re looking for: order, peace, prosperity,” Mr. Obama said on CNN. “And so I don’t quibble with labels.” The president also said he doesn’t want to “overinflate” the importance of terrorist groups by sending U.S. troops...
  • Georgetown U organized, paid for State Dept/Muslim Brotherhood meetup

    02/01/2015 7:17:35 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 4 replies ^ | January 31, 2015 | Robert Spencer
    It isn’t clear whether or not the Saud-funded Islamic apologist John Esposito was directly involved in this, but it is consistent with positions he has taken. He has called Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who advocates jihad suicide bombings and has prayed that Allah would destroy kill all the Jews, a champion of a “reformist interpretation of Islam and its relationship to democracy, pluralism and human rights.” Esposito has called the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) a “phenomenal organization.” Esposito has spoken at Hamas-linked CAIR fundraisers in order, he explained, to “show solidarity not only with...
  • Muslim student: “Hamas & Sharia law have taken over UC"

    02/01/2015 7:09:05 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 26 replies ^ | January 31, 2015 | Robert Spencer
    Azka Fayyaz was probably being ironic, but what she said was closer to the truth than she would probably be willing to admit. Islamic Jew-hatred has taken over UC Davis, with the willing collusion of the administration. But in this, UC Davis is not different from most campuses in the U.S. today: the Brownshirts rule. “Student Leader: ‘Hamas & Shariah Law Have Taken Over UC Davis,'” by Daniel Mael, Truth Revolt, January 30, 2015: A resolution calling for the University of California at Davis to divest from “corporations that aid in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and illegal settlements in...
  • Obama Cooperates With Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder, Ramadan Exhorts COLONIZING U.S./Canada

    02/01/2015 12:46:23 AM PST · by Reverend Saltine · 23 replies
    Adina Kutnicki, AZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE Blog ^ | February 1, 2015 | Adina Kutnicki
    Obama Cooperates With Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder, Ramadan Exhorts COLONIZING U.S./Canada FBO Islam! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki by Adina Kutnicki AS always, one can count on the (w)academic community - intellectual "acanemics" - to propagate the most outrageous falsehoods, all in order to push through their ideological objectives. In fact, historical truth is as valued as soiled toilet paper. INHERENTLY, anti-American/anti-western profs lend "intellectual" cover to Islamic supremacists/jihadists. Dangerous reprobates. BUT when you factor in enumerable Islamists educated in the west, the landscape becomes even more ominous. Deadly. IN this regard, they selectively bare their Islamic fangs before certain...