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Keyword: iraqtroops

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  • Editorial: Soldiers owed our gratitude

    05/28/2018 7:56:03 AM PDT · by calvincaspian · 5 replies
    The Boston Herald ^ | 05-28-18 | Herald Staff
    “Happy Memorial Day.” It doesn’t seem right to say it like that, does it. Today is one of the few holidays that doesn’t fit neatly into a friendly salutation. And it shouldn’t. This day doesn’t belong to us. Memorial Day is a day to acknowledge a debt owed to men and women better than us. It is a debt that can never be repaid. On this day, though, we must address those men and women in our thoughts and prayers and convey our appreciation. There are memorials to them everywhere, and while statues and flags are wonderful testimonials, their proper...
  • U.S., Iraqi Troops Kill, Detain Terrorists, Nab Weapons

    10/15/2006 2:57:44 PM PDT · by SandRat · 9 replies · 342+ views
    WASHINGTON, Oct. 15, 2006 – Iraqi security forces and Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers worked together to kill three terrorists and detain 14 suspected terrorists over two days this week. U.S. soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, seized a large weapons and munitions cache while conducting a combat patrol west of Baghdad Oct. 11. The soldiers seized 5,000 13.5 mm armor-piercing rounds, 130 82 mm mortar rounds, four 120 mm mortar rounds, 30 60 mm mortar rounds, five rockets, 28 RPG rounds, five 40 mm high-explosive rounds, 13 grenades, five RPG launchers, five rifles and various...
  • Defense Department Special Briefing (A MUST READ)

    10/07/2005 8:57:07 PM PDT · by Marine_Uncle · 20 replies · 1,275+ views
    MR. WHITMAN: Welcome this afternoon, and as I indicated to you earlier today, we kind of have a rare opportunity here to have a man that I think all of you know, Lieutenant General David Petraeus, who has spent the better half of the last two and a half years in Iraq, and most recently for the last 12 months as the Multi-National Security Transition Command in Iraq, the commander of that, which, of course, is responsible for training and equipping the Iraqi security forces there. He is on his way to his new assignment at the Combined Arms Center...
  • Bagram G.I.: Troops Waited While Hillary Chowed Down

    12/02/2003 1:50:07 AM PST · by Patriot1998 · 1 replies · 132+ views
    New York Sen. Hillary Clinton forced U.S. troops stationed at Bagram air base in Afghanistan to wait for their Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday, while she and her entourage arrived late, then cut in line and were served first. A soldier who witnessed the scene tells NewsMax: "Thanksgiving Dinner started at 3 p.m. that day, so the line was forming around 2:30 p.m. She didn't show up until around 3:30 p.m. "Once she got there," our source maintains, "Clinton and her entourage bumped everyone in line, forcing them to wait almost an extra hour." The brass at Bagram apparently had a...