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  • 92nd anniversary of the Great Boston Molasses Flood

    01/19/2011 6:29:25 PM PST · by SunkenCiv · 39 replies
    Dateline Zero ^ | Sunday, January 16, 2011 | Daniel La Ponsie
    Yesterday was the 92nd anniversary of one of the strangest tragedies ever to take place on American soil. It's the stuff of Weekly World News or The Onion. Yet it was a very real, deadly, (and delicious) disaster. To this day on hot summer days in an old Boston neighborhood, residents swear that they can smell a vague odor of molasses. It's a sweet-smelling reminder of a day when some 150 people were injured; 21 people and several horses were killed by a sudden flood of molasses... Purity Distilling Company was doing big business. A large quantity of stored molasses...